Movies that take place here

Movies that take place here.

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Blade Runner 2049

falling down

lots of porn

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every single movie

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when will it be cool to wear leather on leather in LA?

around 11pm in certain bars and clubs

God damn imagine buying real estate in those areas and prices would double in 20 years

if anyone is looking to buy a mansion in socal check the listings

based Godfather up near Lake Tahoe also Jack Frost the kids movie one

The fact that you try to encapsulate the awe of California into an hour and a half motion picture only proves that you are an outsider. To me, dear friend, every minute of life here in the Golden State is a cinematic moment, only there are no end credits. Maybe one day you'll pinch enough pennies and make the move, but until then, wake the fuck up and smell the posies. I must be going now; as a man of great importance, I am needed elsewhere. Adieu.

Does this movie take place in an east side mid-western capital now? Because it sure as hell aint happening in California. And Ice Cube confronting the villain without a gun? Is it prehistoric fucking times? No wonder Eazy called Cube "after school special" in Straight Outta Compton.

Back to the Future
Finding Dory
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Iron Man

>prices would double in 20 years
That's a low rate of return, user.

And the niggers all go to Nevada and Texas. Imagine being one of the poor cucks buying estate in a formerly "ok" neighborhood there. You'd be a pink wojack at least 4-5 years ago knowing what has come and is growing.

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The two most definitive films ever created that viscerally capture LA and the californian culture as a whole. Truly the most frightening and esoteric kinographic achievements of the medium.

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>what is falling down


this but unironically

Mullholand Drive maybe. Inland Empire looks like shit and could take place anywhere if it weren't for the show business plot points.

>"commiefornia" is 95% rural
>just like the rest of the country
This image kills the flyover drumpftard.

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And still It is the pozzed mutt hive cities that decide the law.

>the more populated areas have more voting power in a democracy
Wow, if only that were true.