Why does everyone speak so fucking quietly? I can't hear anything anyone is saying.
Why does everyone speak so fucking quietly? I can't hear anything anyone is saying
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Gosling school of acting. i drive
2nd episode almost made me drop it. jesus christ i don't want to spend 90 minutes in mexico.
It made me for the first time to put in 2x speed
i finished the first episode
it was actually quite enjoyable, absolutely style over substance, but visually appealing
but i saw that there are 9 more episodes almost 90min long, is the pacing increasing eventually?
i could watch it in 1,5x speed but in no way i will sit through 10 hours more of this bullshit
anyone finished it already?
>tfw you recognize scenes from his other work in this
Starting episode 7 soon and anons don't really watch shows at ×2 speed right?
We have some really big brains on this website
I wish there were subtitles
this actor is the biggest jew faggot ever. They really can't do better than this for a lead?
Which episode has Kojima?
Episode 4.
Is this worth watching or not and why
If you like Refn try it, if you don't then don't try it.
> all ten eps are out
i know what im doing this weekend
I enjoy his visuals in neon demon even though the script and "moral" of the story seemed like they were made by a drooling retard
>i liked:
neon demon
>i disliked:
only god forgives
will i like totdy?
How about you give first episode a crack, champ?
how about you assess my refn taste and tell me.
No. Stay away from it
>is the pacing increasing eventually
Yes, sometimes more and sometimes less. The second episode, however, is the slowest of the series and near unwatchable.
If you liked Neon Demon and Drive you will definitely like TOTDY
sounds like you are aesthetics max so you should dig it
ill pass thanks
I'm on the second episode. So far I find it fascinating. It's a beautiful and brutal depiction of the American Wasteland. The Mexico stuff is cool as well and has kind of a Wild West feel to it. Slow, sure, bit far from unwatchable. Still, can't wait for it to get back to LA. Those mysterious, nightmarish urban environments, man.
It does. Episode 5 intro will make you puke
what did he meant by this?
>They really can't do better than this for a lead?
i can guarantee you refn wanted him 100%.
>disliked Bronson
Shit taste
in episode 4 he cuts some guy's finger. There's not much to the scene.
what do you mean? there are subtitles for this.
Got a webm?
I'll have to do it. But that scene is actually in the trailer.
>old guy still breathing in all scenes
wtf is this shit.
refn really has fucked up mommy issues.
can somebody explain this to me? the subtitles and miles teller say "the korean guy" but they speak japanese and that's clearly yakuza? what the fuck did they meant by this?
Which VR app?
a big part of the yakuza are descendants of Koreans
americans are dumb
Is that a thing? Really? Always assumed the Yakuza were extremely xenophobic.
>While ethnic Koreans make up only 0.5% of the Japanese population, they are a prominent part of Yakuza, perhaps because they suffer severe discrimination in Japanese society alongside the burakumin.[52][53] In the early 1990s, 18 of 90 top bosses of Inagawa-kai were ethnic Koreans. The Japanese National Police Agency suggested Koreans composed 10% of the Yakuza proper and 70% of burakumin in the Yamaguchi-gumi.[52] Some of the representatives of the designated Bōryokudan are also Koreans.[54] The Korean significance had been an untouchable taboo in Japan and one of the reasons that the Japanese version of Kaplan and Dubro's Yakuza (1986) had not been published until 1991 with the deletion of Korean-related descriptions of the Yamaguchi-gumi.[55] Japanese-born people of Korean ancestry are considered resident aliens because of their nationality and are often shunned in legitimate trades, and are therefore embraced by the Yakuza precisely because they fit the group's "outsider" image.[56][19] Notable Yakuza members of Korean ancestry include Hisayuki Machii, the founder of the Tosei-kai, Tokutaro Takayama, the president of the 4th-generation Aizukotetsu-kai, Jiro Kiyota, the president of the 5th-generation Inagawa-kai, Hirofumi Hashimoto, the head of the Kyokushinrengo-kai, and the bosses of the 6th / 7th Sakaume-gumi.
>In California, the Yakuza have made alliances with local Korean gangs as well as Chinese triads, The alliances with Vietnamese gangs were used as muscle, as they had potential to become extremely violent as needed. (Yakuza saw the potential following the constant Vietnamese cafe shoot outs, and home invasion burglaries throughout the 1980s and early 1990s).
Well, I learned something today.
my point is the subtitles say that the guys "speak in korean" when it's clearly japanese. I'm really confused by this.
look how they massacred my gurl
>aesthetics max
>disliked ogf
pick one
>I wanted to tell you something.
>What did you want to tell me?
Based Refn does it again!
Why couldn't we save him?
GIVE ME AN F Yea Forums
halfway through episode two and it's fucking great, I don't know what anyone's talking about
rust chole vibes
People who can't appreciate atmosphere and world building.
>hating Bronson
Is it good?
watch until 32 minutes of the pilot. i like it. its is slow, ill get who wont enjoy, but its almost zen having so much space to breathe, not being a thriller non stop ' until now.
but yes, more fast pacing and could be 1 hour each episode, but fuck it, more la, eletronic music, cool direction of art and photography and unrealistic badass dialogues.
I didn't know what she was doing. I thought for a second she was a tranny when I heard the word dilation.
is the last episode supposed to be only 30 minutes long? fucking refn.
it's fuckign refn. what do you expect? i only watch it for the underage girls, neon, and synth soundtrack.
objectively, it's shit.
is the main character trying to do his best Gosling?
he spits instead of using the toothpick
he literally just spit when I saw this reply lol
whats his problem?
wouldn't be surprised if the real baldwin family is just as fucked up.
It's practically made for cinegrids.
the main character is more of a meme then Driveguy
Just finished the first episode, is all of the main characters dialogue autistic? Its annoying because it reminds me of myself tbqh, seems like Refn has mastered this
> someone asks something
> 5 seconds of staring into the distance
> vague answer
> 5 seconds of staring into the distance
> someone asks something concrete
> 5 seconds of staring into the distance
> somewhat less vague answer
Repeat for every conversation.
This and moody lighting is the only thing i remember about the first episode.
>flip phone
>pay phone
>2019 cars
When is this shit suppose to be taking place?
only nigger had flip phone, the rest had normal smartphones. it's supposed to be in present day obviously.
I think pay phones is just a thing refn added for some reason.
*Que jojo ED*
flip phone is disposable phone for crook cop
Just saw episode 4 and i'm liking it so far and Miles Teller can be more autistic than Ryan Gosling, how far Refn will go
>meet your gf's dad
>this happens
How do you react?
will opening this image spoil anything?
Not only is it a flip phone. It's a flip phone where you can swipe at the screen. Making it a touch screen. Which makes the buttons redundant
drug dealers usually have dozens of prepaid flips. theyre called burners
I am four episodes in and I am unsure if this show has an overarching plot or is just various people going about their various lives.
>"It's open season on Jews and Arabs"
>"$1000 per head"
holy based, Refn our guy.
>if i explain everything to you we'd be here forever
>i've got time
>i don't
Got a laugh out of me.
If anything it will just create more questions.
Refn is a jew tho
That guy in episode 5 Doctor Venture's voice actor?
i'm surprised this hasn't ended up with a general and constantly capping threads
it's better than chernobyl imo and i'd have thought it was peak Yea Forums bait
is it literally too kino for everyone?
>holy based, Refn our guy.
did you missed ref is NOT a jew. refn is famous for bringing up stuff in interviews that's not true. he recently said his wife is a daughter of fritz lang. he's fucking crazy.
it says so in the credits. pretty fucking weird. go team venture i guess.
I feel that you can only enjoy this if you're a normie coming from Black Mirror or whatever bullshit normies tend to watch.
it's too fucking slow and all the episodes were released simultaneously.
Yea Forums can only stand refn if it's 2 hours like neon demon.
according to refn you don't have to watch the show chronologically. you watch any episode in any order.
Guess he has to work somehow during those 5 year hiatuses.
the writing is easily the worst thing about the neon demon.
literally the entire series in one screencap
the whole subplot was fucked up. refn still has unresolved issues with his mom, apparently tried to kill his step-mother once but the gun didn't work
care to make one for every episode?
More like a sleazy scumbag version of the driver? Still autistic and quiet but more edgy.
>normies watching and enjoying Refn
that's a good ass joke nigga. catch this (You) real quick
Wouldn't mind doing it but so far I'm only two episodes in. It's not exactly a show that lends itself to binge watching.
show is reddit filter m8
>It's not exactly a show that lends itself to binge watching.
I'm binge watching it.
so it's clear now that Refn is a hack
Is there gonna be a second season? Why the FUCK did Martin die?
He pulled a Hitchcock on us. Back in 1960 brutally killing off the protagonist of a film partway through the movie shocked audiences. Not Refn brought that to a ~13 hour series.
Not gonna lie, I started seething when he died. Can't believe Refn made Miles Tiller so likeable in this show
Was the whole part where the dad showed Martin the movie with the two cops pulling over a girl and said it was a masterpiece supposed to be some kind of meta-satire on the show itself?
I thought Neon Demon was his weakest work and don't get Bronso in the bottom.
I feel like liking Valhalla prepares you perfectly for the pace that TOTDY moves with.
>final episode
>expect some sort of confrontation between Viggo and the spic cartel
>Yaritza kills all those people at the bar
>oh boy this is gonna get good
>episode abruptly ends
>look at episode length and it says 30 minutes
What the fuck did Refn mean by this? Does he have a second season in mind, or is this the actual ending?
I feel like Jésus is the Gosling of the season, Miles Teller's character is quiet, but he seems to be a bit less autistic. Jésus on the other hand says what feels like 3 words in the entirety of episode two.
I think this is the Heaven's Gate of the tv/streaming era. It's going to flop horribly and it obviously wasn't cheap, and the result will be the end of director freedom and more studio control.
basically Koreans are the niggers of japan
someone says something
takes 20 seconds before the other responds
in some scenes I thought I stopped it
Redditors stop watching. NWR is not for your kind.
I think it's pretty sad how Refn just straight up ripped Lynch
I'm a fan of most of his work but come on, this is just embarrasing
mumble mumble heheh
best girl
What did he rip?
This character image would be a great tattoo unironically and I detest tatts
he's probably referring to near the end, with the beings from a higher dimension
It's like the chopped and screwed Refnized sizzurp version of Mann's Manhunter, Heat and Thief. It's like watching summery TV with a sun burn in a cool cavernous screening room, and you're dazing in and out for 9 hours.
It's Twin Peaks: The Return by Rockstar Games
>keeps shooting dead girl
retard mexicans win in the end, it hurts
>It's Twin Peaks: The Return by Rockstar Games
Great way to put it
Nah it really sticks with you
>It slow
Nah Refn is resetting our attention spans, adjusting them for pure kino
Sharon Stone'd
I kept injecting a cocktail of Ritalin and Adderall. it didn't work
Great job user. Moar. Be the tiger.
Pleb can't hang
did someone count the gays in this show?
So far all I've seen are you and your dad.
no gays (from what I remember) besides the porno episode
>It's Twin Peaks: The Return by Rockstar Games
I'll use this if you don't mind
Episode 1-4 are really good, 5-8 okay 8-9 shit 10 dogshit
I want Cristina Rodlo to sit on my face though.
what a cringey title
It's not Opposite Day user
It sure would make for a pretty neat video game.
If you're a faggy "journalist" you may absolutely not use it. I've set up a Google Alert for that phrase. If it appears on Vice or BuzzFeed, I'll track you down, or smear your name online for a decade. Try me. This isn't a grab bag to further your pointless "career."'
I've watched two episode and it's very different from what I was expecting. I was expecting a TV series directed by Refn and instead I got 2 Refn's movies.
Very different experience. I'm liking it but I won't binge watch it. I'll stick to one episode a day for now.
N-nothing of the sort user, I swear!
This. Are you guys retarded? The flip phone was disposable phone for his whore