
Life's most cherished emotions edition

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>1. Deep Space Nine
>2. The Next Generation
>3. Enterprise
>4. The Original Series
>5. Discovery
>6. Voyager
>7. The Animated Series

>1. Janeway
>2. Jellico
>3. Kirk
>4. Picard
>5. Lorca
>6. Archer
>7. Pike
>8. Sisko

>1. Data
>2. Spock
>3. Odo
>4. Quark
>5. Worf
>6. Bashir
>7. Kira
>8. EMH
>9. Phlox
>10. Bones

>1. Garak
>2. Kurn
>3. Lore
>4. Zek
>5. Rom
>6. Mudd (TOS)
>7. Gowron
>8. Gul Dukat
>9. Q
>10. Mudd (DSC)

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Has there ever been nudity in Trek?

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That's nature, buddy.

If you have any kids (unlikely since you need artificial companionship with animals) I'll choose them as my eating humans. Don't get too mad though I love a lot of humans and want them to be protected but I am hungry and I could use some humans to torture and eat if I'm in the mood

You are inhuman.

Pets aren't animals because they have a name.
Fetuses aren't humans because they aren't outside of a womb.
Race doesn't matter because evolution magically stopped once we became human.
You don't have to do anything you don't want to unless that involves my dog.
Women are strong because vaginas are strong also men can be women.
This is our clown world.

Also one of the jannies is a tranny who can't stand dog banter. I bet no dog freak was marked for temporary block for spamming their dog love on a /trek/ thread. You're a pathetic, insignificant, tiny human being, tranny. Go lick your dog's mouth some more.

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Average dog-lover intelligence on display here

What are some Star Trek dogs?

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L'Rell showed her tits while riding Ash.

Seven of Nine is a dog.

That's cannibalism.

She's a scorpion. Just like all Borgs.

So you're a vegetarian?

But user, despite almost all animals existing within a food chain, we as sentient being must remove ourselves from it for some reason

Bev let her hair grow out for this scene.

Butler was a good boy

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No. I'm just actually morally consistent and I don't give a fuck about any animal.

If you are vegan and you wanna suck your dog off this hard I don't have a problem with you because you at least are treating all animals the same.

It's weird fags in the middle that wanna have it both ways i.e. "dogs are precious and I cry errytime a dog stubs his wittle toes" while also not giving a fuck about torture or genocide of a lot of other animals. It's just gross and weird and involves several mental gymnastics

FUCK gates Mcfadden!!

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>No. I'm just actually morally consistent and I don't give a fuck about any animal.

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You sound a like a middle schooler

Sick counter argument from very mature individuals

based moral relativism fag

utterly embarrassing post from nearly any context

>sharing a board with this mental midget

People only really care about things they can see and touch

Wouldn't dog-lovers be the moral relativists?

Oof. More good counter arguments? Guess I'll have to give up since I now know how enlightened dogfuckers are

What the fuck are you all even doing here? Is this some sort of revenge because we're not discussing your favorite tripfaggots?

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What about Jesus

Garak being gay would actually make sense.

>why aren't you engaging my ridiculously flawed premise and instead ridiculing me? don't you want to debate me? please debate me please PLEASE

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Seems like another dodge. Oh well

marina sirtis is a child abusing pig

Best ds9 episode?


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Nog's Leg

>tfw according to Star Trek Online, Sisko never came back making him another black man who abandoned his unborn child.

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I've been going to 1701 for years and every single time I open the tab there's always THAT guy making cringe comments over and over. It's like he's an alien entity that has power over the mods and they're afraid of him or something. Last time I was there he was literally making shitting sounds and adding bizarre commentary from the episode being shown. Don't get me started on the in-jokes these people have, calling keiko cakehole and changing the cast's names and whatever. I honestly couldn't give a shit about any of it up until I had to endure what was the end of every couple of episodes where they shoehorn some heavily edited video their local tranny "musician" made with absolutely TERRIBLE music, it's like breakbeat but made by someone with no skill or training, 4minutes+ of this shit the fucking cringe man, and they have multiple videos of this shit going on. At least in the past you could just go through the list they had on display and watch whatever ep you wanted while the group watched VOYAGER but they even hid that the absolute fucks. Don't even bother to want to watch some trek on the weekend there because it's movie weekend, or MOOBIES like these dweebs like to call it. Last time I saw them actually stream a trek movie was the first time these fucks shoehorned this shit as an excuse to watch movies aka fucking forever ago. And you can't even try to connect with these people because you're basically held hostage to sit and listen to them drone on about unfunny stupid shit 90% of the time, their daily boring routine lives or their shitty jobs for hours and hours. Absolutely horrible congregation of cringe.

Who is this semen demon?

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Wrong. Sisko was killed by the evil reptile man (white man). He was taken from his family by force. Sisko died to save his family.

Why do people lie about Q?

>go to the beach
>people bring dogs there
they should be killed

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