So who was more evil?

So who was more evil?

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Dany. At least Cersei didn't kill all those innocent people

Fuck off

He ain't fuckin wrong

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Cersei. Daenerys just randomly went insane when some bells started dinging. She wasn’t evil.


Ser Sea ahaha! by a mile you disingenuous cunt

Dany. Cersei was born into a situation where she had to do terrible things to survive. Also

danny is plain ignorant...

Yeah she managed that awhile back, with cooler looking fire

There is something inherently more evil about someone who lures you in with promises of justice, equality and change then scorches entire cities from the back of a dragon. Cersei never claimed to be anything other than exactly what she was.

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Cersei looks attractive as fuck with her hair like that.

Someone post THAT Cersei cosplay.

Danerys. She was a mad tyrant obsessed with fire like her father.

>So who was more evil?
Depends on the episode.

Jon Snow. All he had to do to save the city was whip his dick out.

Dany killing all the civilians was probably the worst thing either of them did.
Cersei was more consistently evil. Also a much better character.

The iron throne. Yes, the chair itself.

>All he had to do to save the city was whip his dick out.

It's a good thing Drogon knew what metaphors are.

In superficial terms, obviously Dany because she killed far more people. But the narrative universe of GoT S8 is too baseless and nonsensical for this to be a meaningful question.


Dany obviously but they are essentially two sides of the same character

She's like Ramsey, and Danny like Joffrey (at the last second)

Dany doing what she did was just character assassination.

In ADWD Dany takes advice to keep some of the slaver nobles as hostages but she just can't bring herself to kill any of them (and even Ned Stark) despite the fact that the Harpy insurgency calls for reprisals.

The idea that she would would BBQ children en masse suddenly is retarded.

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I mean children of the slaver nobles.

>people who have previously done good things cant go on to do bad things
imagine being too retarded to understand Game of Thrones

>characters can do any random shit without narrative foundation