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Other urls found in this thread:

post tommy bros

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What happened to the astronauts who set her free?

They become monsters.


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>bullies your thread

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>Already $250 in on Heroes of the Grid
>This is announced after as a separate purchase

I wish I didn't have to buy it, but I do.

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Based Mac getting /fit/ again.

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everytime a based user posts this picture it makes me a little happy, she's so cute

he cute

He's handsome. If you want a "cute" ranger, it's Ziggy.

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Best boy reporting in!

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He used to be, until Tyler. I feel bad that my getting to met him involved embarrassing him at Legacy Wars.

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Do you think Rita was shocked when she looked through her telescope expecting to see a few dozen stone age cities with some square rock or wooden houses and instead she sees we've conquered the planet and now have munitions capable of taking out her precious putties from halfway around the globe? I feel like Rita saw she missed her boat and that there was no way in hell she and a few mentally ill monsters were going to take over Earth so she was just having fun sending monsters to go fight the power rangers.

Tyler was pretty good, and his romance with Shelby was one of the better PR romances.

Kendall / Miss Morgan top waifu.

Dino Charge all in all a pretty great season. Best of Neo-Saban. Not that such a title is difficult to win.

Jason was the best one and you know it, so please don’t say anything else about it

You have a lot of excellent opinions.

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I never understood why the US government didn’t just nuke the moon. I don’t know if a nuke can make it to the moon but they probably can. Or we could at least make them.
Come to think of it, do you think that Mr. Show sketch about blowing up the moon was about stopping Rita? Maybe Whitey Corngood was really looking out for our best interest.

Fuck off, she's about the same age as the average person here.

user... it's a term of endearment

Attached: LaurenShiba.jpg (960x540, 44K)

Are you wondering why a show with Japanese origins was reluctant to use nukes as an option?

No, it's a shitty fucking meme and I'm tired of shitty fucking frogs. Fuck off with those kind of posts.

We know from the Space-Shuttle's status as a component in the Astro Megazord that glow-in-the-dark space negro Zordon has been controlling NASA, er-, NASADA for a long time. If you take Boom Comics into account, he lost kids on the moon. He likely suspected the Zeo Chrystal was up there.

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I want it, but I can't justify it on top of the 400 I've already spent on it.

>finally gets more character than "wants to fuck her brother"
>gets retconned away cause lol timeline
Shattered Grid was a mistake

Damn that’s some deep shit right there dude


Uh, the top kickstarter backer is $240. Care to explain how you got to $400 without Bulk and Skull?

You've got a problem with Frogs?

Rocky fan detected

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Ausfag + shipping

Oh, you were posting in Monopoly money. Sorry about the emus.

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Yes. Jason David Frank is the best one and we know it.

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Just a little more, Austin!

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Jason/Lauren was a treasure.

That’s not what I meant and you know it


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Well we had a few hours without Tommy/Jason shitposting.

Attached: Tommy vs Evil Tommy.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

I hope he recovers his fat ass from his teen years. I wonder how many homos pounded it to help him get extra shekels since they were paid shit by Saban.

Personally, if I had been an ubber rich sicko into actors of children's shows I'd go for some Billy Burgers instead.

Were they fucking in "Turbo"?

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If a rando like Mac can do it, how much more the Red Ranger?

ASJ would've rather fucked Trini.


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It's kind of surreal that most of the long, sordid, odd history of PR can be ultimately traced to "Miserly Jew."

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She certainly made my monster grow.

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Lauren Shiba looks like Emily in Zeo. Is that why Jason hooked up with her?

Why is he changing his color so much ?

>I wonder how many homos pounded it to help him get extra shekels

Hi, Tommy.

He's the Kamen Rider RX of PR now.

If he gets any more Ranger forms, he'd soon become the Kamen Rider Decade of PR.

True. For the timeline to work, Skull has to have discretely knocked up Kimberly sometime during a visit back in their senior year ("Zeo" 1996) for Spike to be a freshman in high school by 2011 ("Samurai).

>Evil Tommy is canon beacuse of Lord Drakkon
>we instead geta wet fart squash match for Tommy

Thanks, I hate it.

Was it just me or did Emily seem like she was a 28 year old or something?

>he'd soon become the Kamen Rider Decade of PR.
That implies that he's actually good and people want him in the show.

It helps that the actor playing Skull is highly intelligent and probably as rich, if not more so, than his equivalent in PR.

He's a college professor who teaches acting, which is fantastic.

Honestly don't know what Bulk is doing other than Twitch shit.

Attached: Bulk Ranger.webm (1280x666, 2.93M)

>gay pride parade
Ooof, doesn't help the gay porn rumor mill.

He's not come out as gay but has been pretty open about saying he doesn't really give a shit about sexual definitions.

Are you kidding me? He's been carrying the show even up till this point from Mega Force to Dimensions in Danger.

If he's been carrying the show, how come he hasn't been in any of the top five seasons? So please go to bed Jason.

That's Mac from Always Sunny. Don't let the beard and resemblance confuse you.

Drakkon is literally evil Kamen Rider Decade (or the Decade in the crossover Gokaiger versus Kamen Rider Decade).

smells like

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Mentor Justin for next car-themed team could be kino if they roast him for his old hair and antics.

A burned out former child prodigy could be an interesting mentor angle. Sort of the antithesis of Dino Thunder Tommy. Light version of a Venture Brothers type character arc?

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Please update this image with Dino Charge.

He hasn't been in 5 seasons you mong.

>exaggerated Semitic features
>salesman persona
>hypnotizes the goyim children
>name even rhymes with j00z

How did 20th century FOX get away with it?

Best part of Dimensions in Danger.

Right, he's been in more than five.

>MMPR S1, S2, and S3
>Wild Force (cameo)
>Dino Thunder
>Super Mega Force (cameo)
>Ninja Steel (cameo)

Why top 5 seasons when no other ranger has been in more season than him?

Let's settle this once and for all.
Was Kelsey a dyke?
Or just a regular slutty fitness THOT?

She was a fresh 18 at the filming of "Lightspeed Rescue" and is Sally Field's niece.

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user, this is a power rangers thread at 2 in the morning. Maybe we want to talk about something other than the old ASJ / JDF back and forth.

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I wish Sally Field circa Gidget or Flying Nun were a Power Ranger.

Alright, let's talk about why Jungle Fury has the best theme song of all time.

Holy shit. He's been in that many seasons? Literally carried the show.

He's doing it for a role!

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So when is Bison going to be in the show?

Attached: Bison vs Power Ranger.webm (640x268, 2.89M)

Disney era songs were too emo/lite-punk or whatever for my liking. My favorite theme songs are Time Force, Zeo, Lost Galaxy and Dino Charge.

RJ, Dom, and Jared/DaiShi were based.

Theo bagging the blonde Yellow three feet taller than him should inspire manlets everywhere.

thats not time force

I got some strong dyke vibes like she wanted pink real bad

>Ryu from Street Fighter becomes a side character to Tommy Oliver, just like Jason and Rocky


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Threadly reminder that Time Force Yellow became a stripper.

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In some comedy-version of Shattered Grid, like a reality show type competition, I can't help but feel the Lightspeed Rescue rangers would be the totally insane Chads/Stacey's drinking, fucking and fighting everyone under the table. They even actually have an actual Chad, who fucked a mermaid.

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That's... that's just stupid. How did this get millions of views again?

She literally cheated on Tommy with some random guy she hooked up with, and broke up with him in a letter.

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That random guy's name? Skullovich.

Ryu practicing his lines: TOMMY, HELP!

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Yeah but he got best girl Kat instead so it all worked out.

>Real World: Mariner Bay
Fund it

Very true, upgrade on all counts

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>not taking travel tips from the Red Ranger

Tommy even ended up marrying her.


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MILF Kat is best Kat

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Too much Power Ranger and too less Street Fighter. Also, Tommy didn't even struggle at all in that fight scene.

It's like I'm watching a Steven Seagal flick.

I get tired of Tommywank, but the "Soul of the Dragon" (aka Old Man Tommy) graphic novel was okay. And yeah it did confirm him marrying and putting kids in Kat.

Played-straight canon timeline of PR is kind of depressing too. 2030 earth is a shithole full of space migrants and the SPD are glow-in-the-darks.

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Fuck off. Carter aged like a fine cheese.

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>17 posters
Have sex

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So if I understand the episodes before the "Zeo" premiere, not only is Tanya transported from (yes, actually) Africa to Angel Grove, but also speed-aged from 10-12 to 18-ish?

I wish Boxxy were a stripper.

Yep. They even had children, and grandchildren.

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I wish you would die.

We all will eventually. You just have to be patient.

He is shit

Yes but they forgot about it.

I'm thinking he's back.

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>Yea Forums likes Tommy

I thought that Yea Forums had good taste?

I like them both.

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ok wtf is going on here? First of all the old morphers are all supposed to be depowered because Green was running on Rita energy which is why he went to White but White and Zeo shouldn't be working because they were powered by Zordon who be dead.

So wtf

Ninjor made new coins?

who? why? Power Rangers isn't like Sentai there aren't multiple teams running around it's always just the one, except for Space I think there were two teams at that time the Jungle Rangers or whatever.

Power Rangers has stopped being different from Sentai since Space and Zordon's death.

The only things I hate about Tommy is that he's full of himself and he steals the spotlight from the other rangers.

Otherwise, he's fine. He's like the Sasuke of PR.

get that ugly fucking reddit art out of here

>She was Turbo Pink and not Zeo Ranger 1
That triggered me a bit.

The crazy part is this is actually the worst theme in all of power rangers

well that's when I stopped so I guess I wouldn't know that

>no kimberly spam

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For someone so fat he sure is a playboy. Even former Chads get pussy.

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any version of Power Rangers not sung by Ron Wasserman is trash

sorry bro let me help

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