ITT: Miscellaneous Movie Merchandise

The weirder the better.

previous thread:

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You know. For kids.

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Also featuring odd comic book tie ins.

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>Cartridge razors
Please tell me none of you actually use these

Bruce Campbell stopped signing copies of Army Of Darkness comics and most other AoD merch because the company that owns the rights screwed him and Rami over. Evil Dead branded stuff at least gives them something.

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Warners really blue it with these collectible cases.

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What is even the point of these? They look horrible to display compared to a statue or art print. They also hold the discs horribly.

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Even as a action figure collector, I have to scratch my head over so much of the bullshit companies try to pull.

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I like how they made a figure of the burnt engineer being raped by a tentacle monster in Prometheus... and made it a Toys R Us exclusive.

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They really make figures of everything these days.

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What was Nolan thinking with that scene where Bane gets robot arms with giant guns on his shoulders?

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>Cursed images of Yea Forums

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This comic tie in makes some sense. Plus it's written by Smith, part of his illustrious comic book career.

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Funko Pop!s are their own dumpster fire of merchandise. So many comic stores and other stores around just have walls of that trash.

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Sadly a local comic shop really invested into that Pop! trash and even was the one who started the whole store variant bullshit.

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Now tons of stores like Hot Topic have exclusives of this garbage.

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they are so fucking ugly


It was basically either that or go out of business, the comics industry has been in free fall over the last decade. The only reason Marvel Comics is even still in operation at all is that Disney thinks it would look bad on the movies is Marvel was suddenly in the news for being shut down.

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Tabletop gaming is a whole other can of worms. Having a movie to tie into is another reason to charge crazy prices for bits of plastic you have to paint yourself.

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The most successful movie tie-in item ever.

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Highly illogical.

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why did X-Men never have a Ghostbusters crossover?

Smaug burger was fucking based

I still have my old Gandalf goblet somewhere.

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MESBG is the best game GW has put out.

So no one told you life was gonna be this way

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We don't get those ridiculous fast food tie-in March things in the UK, closest we get is happy meal toys with movie licenses.
Unironically jealous I will never be able to eat a capeshit themed menu that comes with a free plastic mug in the shape of the hulk's face at dennys

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Reposting this one because I still have mine.

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The bananas I buy used to have Captain Marvel stickers.

that's a big toy

And the sòy guzzling motherfuckers who actually buy these keep them in the fucking boxes as if they're going to have any resale value somewhere down the track.
It's a crime against God and nature.

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Never knew how it would turn blue if the cereal was red and yellow. Maybe the insides were blue? I don't remember

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>And the sòy guzzling motherfuckers who actually buy these keep them in the fucking boxes as if they're going to have any resale value somewhere down the track.
I fucking feel sick. They do have a point, some of those fucking ugly toys sell for a lot of money after a while.

You fool. They'll be worth thousands of dollars some day.

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I like how they covered up the penis shaped tip with the Toys R Us sticker.

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A friend who works at a game store said that's actually a great game and someone there who loves Highlander said they did a good job with the story too.

fuck DAT i want to play that game

so, that might sound strange, but toys r us sold a bunch of classic movie monster models. i bought the mole man from THE MOLE PEOPLE 1956. was a really quality model. kind of miss toys r us for some of the weird shit you could find.

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I agree with you that the majority of people just collect them and many of them are mass produced and won't have any worth, but I have already sold a few of the ones I bought for over a 300% profit.

What do you use? I want to know because the crtridge razors I've been using suck ass

thank you for confessing you're part of the problem. go look for a dick sucking somewhere else.

I saw a shop just outside of Yosemite which exclusively sold these pieces of shit. I couldn't believe my eyes

It doesn't even have anything to do with the razor. There's no logo or anything. It's just a regular Gilette razor with JL on the box?

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The silver lining is that maybe kids that buy this crap will move on to collecting actual decent figures and comics and shit.

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Bullethole accessories not included

This sort of shit can happen with anything, it's like tulip mania.

Counterpoint: people don't keep them in the box because they think they're going to be valuable someday. They keep them in the box because half of them look exactly the fucking same and having the name right there is the only way to identify which individual piece of shit is which.

This is kind of funny, I would have bought it if I shaved.

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Anyone not investing in Funko Pop!s is a fool. It's almost like printing future money.

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I want to give these to alan moore for he to sign them

that's a pretty good agent dale cooper

Literally the beanie baby debacle all over again, except instead of soccer moms, it's numales

I still why they did that. It would be infinitely better if it was just spidey head

>just want to buy a dvd
>only one available for sale is a "collectible"
>the collectible element is pure trash
>it pushes the price up by more than half


One would hope. I just don't get it. They're ugly in the box, ugly out of the box, you can't really play with them or pose them. The best you can do is group themed ones together or make a shitty roblox themed diorama.

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You say that as if they didn't shit some of those out. Almost tempted to get the Laura one to show they are willing to turn anything into their soulless dead eyed vinyl figures. A figured or a girl raped and murdered seems about fitting for what they've done to the collectibles market.

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>wrapped in plastic... then boxed up

I bought a ltd. edition Pickle Rick one before christmas. I’m gonna sell it for some cash in a few years.

That's too many patties.

Was this before or after they started rust proofing the bottom?
I know all the old Phantom Menace sodas rotted out at the bottom and leaked

Where's the Yoda apples?

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first one could just be Castiel

that person easily spent at least $4000 on those.

Yes my friend had the five patty during the promotion and said it was disgusting. Can't imagine how you would even eat the ten patty, it would never stay stable.

I've seen Army of Darkness hundreds of times. I have never once seen any of the Evil Dead movies or tv shows.

I kind of like my LOTR Pez set. Making the hobbits and dwarves shorter was a nice touch.

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between his legs I assume

No way. Castiel looks tots different.

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where are his eyebrows

Oh, so it doesn't CGI your facial hair away?

Fuck you. That game is great

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Oh yeah i remember having these flintstones glasses from mcdonalds when i was a kid.

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This is amusingly ironic.

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Any NZfags remember this "limited edition" energy drink that looked like someone had jizzed in it?

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From the thumbnail I thought it was going to be a Harry Potter wand.

find two completely different character's pops that look exactly the same. until then, your point is fucking trash

they revived this game, right?


Army of one (2017)

>Nicolas Cage Wants His Face Removed from These Japanese Snacks

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I remember the Yoda grapes

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That looks more like some bootleg shit than official merch.

Use your brain, Jurassic World isn't exactly an old movie.

Why is this a thing? Does he at least come with a gun so you can recreate the scene of him putting it to his own head.

Those Flintstones glasses were a quality item though. We had a few of those when I was a kid, things lasted 20+ years.

Naw. Togashi is somehow a bigger hack than Rowling.

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Holy shit

Captain America says


Not him but after much experimentation I’ve settled on cheap-ass Bic Comfort 3 razors. Use once or twice and trash it. I get a smoother shave with those than anything else and I’ve tried ‘em all.

His Chasing Dogma comic miniseries was wonderful, and bridged Jay and Silent Bob's story gap from Chasing Amy to Dogma quite nicely. I believe it's still part of the official continuity of the Askewaverse, even though they aped the Suzanne stuff again for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

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I assure you it's official. That's fucking Kenner, bro. They were a toy giant back in the day thanks to then snagging the Star Wars rights.

That's tacky but looks kinda fun. There's far worse.

Gordon is a really good marketer. He's probably made 5 million off of his shitty "sliders."

He really is just the Guy Fieri of Britain

Is that before or after I fap to traps?

look how they massacred my boy

>He really is just the Guy Fieri of Britain

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At his burger restaurant he calls hotdogs "dawgs" and they're cooked in "hellfire sauce"

Bought the last JL pack of 6 blades for only £5 (normal price 20) but my gf used 4 of them in only 2/3 weeks (pussy legs) before I realized.

only good thing the Hobbit movies spawned

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based and checked

>ogre green creamy filling

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Dude at my work leaves these soi toys around the locker room and staff room. The dude’s also massively in debt too.

A masterpiece of chinkmanship

Is this from the alternate universe where Sean Connery played Gandalf?

You really think those are real you stupid mark?