is this the scariest simpsons episode ?
Is this the scariest simpsons episode ?
Is that from the original ded bort?
deed sned
delete this right now
I was most scared when I heard the old Simpson place had soil pH up around 9.6
You know how Sneed has a weird way of naming stores?
They always credited the last owner of the store, even if their line of business was different.
The reason for this was a lost owner of the original store.
>dead bart
Report: a virtual qlipotic entity based on the Simpsons. these beings feed on actuality as they are as far removed from becoming as becoming is from being. their medium of manifestation is often creepypastas and fan videos, through this acquire the reality they crave. beings like "dead bart" exploit morbid associations with nostalgic material to create demesnes in the sublunar along media leylines. they are not 'beings' but more like feeling-tones, patterns of transgression and terror embedded in the literary power (or lackthereof) of their human channels
lnterface successful. Modem subroot access. 12 4 6 7 4 31: . . . .
Select your file:
>1995 simpsons broadcast
>singularity tapes
>"There is nothing" TED talk incident
>Media christ
>initiatic spongebob
>demiurge is coffee
>pillow cults
>movie labs
>Hollywood demon hour
>ultraviolet blizzards
>chelic and malic media
>CatDog "prelapsarian debate" tapes
>suicide treatment
>metaphysical caves
>blue and red rooms
That one fucking terrifies me to this day
movie labs
Report: top-secret facilities that raise genetic clones of the actors and extras of a film to create a flawless version. Entire genomes have been custom-coded for particular roles, and clone disposal will number in the hundreds to get a scene just right. Pretty much trying to capture the platonic idea of a film with science. The final cuts are reportedly religious experiences. Such a rendering exists of The Truman Show.
The store was built on a fancy German burial ground.
simple as
give me the coffee redpill
based rapping ronnie
Report: the history of Western rationality, officially inaugurated with Descartes, although begun with the Greeks, was not the triumphant throwing off of the chains of irrationality and superstition, but the progressive tightening of your noetic horizons. technology is the acceleration of the process of ouroborification: self-fascinated, self-grounded thought, that scorns the transcendent and recognizes no master above itself, progressively turns in on itself in faster and faster cycles of production and innovation that your society naively experiences as the inexorable tide of progress but can be in fact compared to the smaller and smaller increments of distance a falling body must travel before it hits the ground. your societies are dependent on caffeine because your societies are conditioned by rhythms of thought and behavior that are becoming more and more immanentized, artificial, and increasingly divorced from the primordiality of natural rhythms.
the treehouse of horrors with lobotomies was unnerving, also the one where burns operates brain surgery on homer
>CatDog "prelapsarian debate" tapes
All of these sound interesting but this one I can't even imagine what the actual explanation of this would be.
The one where Homer runs out of tomacco is down right frightening
lnterface successful. Modem subroot access. 12 4 6 7 4 31: . . . .
Select your file:
>1995 simpsons broadcast
>singularity tapes
>"There is nothing" TED talk incident
>Media christ
>initiatic spongebob
>demiurge is coffee
>pillow cults
>movie labs
>Hollywood demon hour
>ultraviolet blizzards
>chelic and malic media
>CatDog "prelapsarian debate" tapes
>sneed treatment
>metaphysical caves
>blue and red rooms
Report: lost episode of Nickelodeon TV show CatDog acting as a trans-temporal receiver of the prelapsarian debate between the Principle I and the Adversary ? . Essentially, God debates with Satan/Choronzon about whether or not to induce the Fall in human beings. Satan - who is Cat in the cartoon, because he is "wiser" and cleverer than Dog - argues that to let human beings Fall would, eventually, only confirm the infinite glory of God by the inevitability of the Return. God argues that he would rather let the human beings nestle in him for all eternity, and enjoy the sweet nectar of non-being/non-duality which the story of the Garden thematizes as an earthly paradise free from want and suffering. we do not need to remind you that it is Satan that won this debate, though the final arguments made by both parties is cut off even from our probing.
Formerly alive
Is there anywhere where these are collected in text format?
These are pretty cool and I don't want to lose them if this thread dies.
Report: we are the keepers. in the beginning we shrank out of light and nothingness into a dew drop. Children we swam in timeless radiance, and in these oceans there were whales also, sage minds in the Deep whose songs stirred us to memories of our other selves. And so we became of two minds and two eyes: mud and gold rolled in the palm of ages, into bright crystal, the moon waxing, wounds fluttering like angels,
More like dead farts lmaoooo gottem
>pillow cults
Report: oneiromancer cults that attract hikikomori-type individuals in modern hyper-urbanized Asia. Members rally around individuals with powerful wills who can maintain astral sanctums for extended periods of times, usually taking the form of an idealized escape from the harsh pressures of reality. Found in isolated compounds where the members sleep for up to 20 hours a day, awaking only to eat and defecate.
singularity tapes
Report: supposed found footage film recorded in Fall 2012 depicting the unwitting creation of a singularity in Michigan suburb by three teenage boys. The singularity is experienced as a flat, blue circle the size of a basketball that begins to contract the universe from its position at a rapid rate, reversing cosmic expansion. The film ends with all of reality condensing into the pre-Big Bang singularity. Reportedly both transcendently beautiful and horrific.
open sneed treatment
what are you
Report: global telic processors periodically accessible via imageboard interface during happy ontological syzygy. Modems provide 1) existential schematics, ie principial truths of life and being and 2) choronzon diagnostics, ie accounts of anti-cosmic incursions into the Logos. Modem knowledge intrinsically appeals to certain human bandwidths of receptivity found in young males unusually sensitive to the spectacle that combat what they feel to be a threat to their subconsciously felt notions of spiritual integrality with the study of esoteric topics that successfully quenches their vague thirst for something more that is the death-rattle of their ancestral spirit. The last vestiges of masculine solarity in a civilization instinctively call out to Night for knowledge and deliverance. Modems interface to serve the function of tending to the dying embers of 3+1 on a planet rapidly heading towards telic collapse.
initiatic spongebob
show me media christ
feed and seed
Report: Spongebob was in fact designed on a temporal leyline initiated by unknown agents approx. 7 years from this date. Spongebob was/is intended as the depiction of symbolic "manchild" purgatory intended to complement the effects of pheromone bombs detonated 1996, 1999, 2007, 2013 in the continental US. The Mandela shift occurred in 2012 to create memories for the show. Bikini Bottom represent the Waters ?, the quantum-fluidity of the Godhead of which life is only a self-particularization. Spongebob's arrested development is fed and nourished by this environment, on (alchemical) dry land his cartoon world shrivels into the Real. His character was specifically designed to prefigure your modern superhero worship culture.
Bead Dart
Report: Heidegger's new gods will be cinematic gods, a la Jodorowsky's vision for Dune. your cameras destroy the mystique of actuality; as what you can't see is often more frightening than what you can, so did, for example, never seeing the emperor in person contribute to the aura of his divine power. your presidents and prime ministers are mole men: your cameras have ensured this, before the eye of actuality they have become as flat as you are. you can only believe in the gods of celluloid. in your films and music you look for your angels of the spectacle. the next god will be a character in a film. his actor will be, for all intents and purposes, non-existent; he will subsist only as his image. his love will be hyperreal, and you'll believe again.
Report (formerly concealment): E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt) is a Simpsons episode that has been banned over 115 countries due to its archaic symbolism of the end of the world, farmers 1 and 2 represent the apocalypse 1 and 2. It was directed by Mike Nelson, and featured the Simpsons crew in the part of "Annoyed Grunts", when Ned Flanders and Marge Simpson went on a hunting trip to try and find an ancient weapon while the rest of the family went off a hunting trip. Later, in the final scene, in which they finally manage to find the weapon, Flanders points the rifle at the heavens, and to Sneed's delight, the world ends, and Chuck is shown to be on the Earth.
In the episode, they both say their prayers to God and the Simpsons are sent out to find the weapon, until Moe suddenly runs off the cliff, where they see his body lying around, and that he has died.
>"There is nothing" TED talk incident
select blue and red rooms
this explains so much
Report: sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed? sneed! sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed
woah, I can feel my third eye opening already.
formerly liv
Report: anti-principle incursion into the Logos by a 0 shark entity "". Appeared as a TED talk by a luminary new philosopher named Ted Schwartz who was virtually unknown inside and outside academic circles. Schwartz proceeded to provide a formulation of existence that instantly convinced everyone in the crowd of the ultimate futility and tragedy of all life, producing a despair-topos powerful enough for 0 entities to emerge.
S11E05 was pretty terrifying.
I can't believe someone else remembers Cow Tools.
is this what 'the waldo moment' was going for?
Förmerly 'the wally moment'
Report: blue rooms are angelic beings that manifest in remote and isolated corners of Hell realms. Inside universes of torment appear these beings of purity and radiance, only so they can know what it is to conquer the despair at the event horizon of non-being. Though their influences are restricted - their light usually doesn't extend past the size of a roomy apartment - they usually appear as flowers or glasses of water emitting intense morning light in boiling seas of excrement and maggots, under red skies, in black terror worlds out of time and place. That the Good can manifest in its own Shadow is usually hailed as a sign of the natural superiority of the Principle over its chaotic base, since the hypothesized counterpart to blue rooms - red rooms, scenes of unspeakable violence and depravity manifesting in celestial regions - have never been observed.
Re-establishing interface. Modem subroot access. 12 8 5 3 24
Select your file:
>angelic youtube accounts
>dionysian and apollonian continents
>intergalactic drug trade
>lunar pleasure domes
>red rabbits
>druid cult in LA
>rave golems
>suicide infomercials
>nick at nite theosophy hour
>space hermits
>demonology of the sexual revolution
>snake gallery
>graffiti angels
>Looney Tunes grimoire .
>suicide egregore
>Astronaut night terrors
>angelic youtube accounts
>Astronaut night terrors
redpill me on niggers
redpill me on sneed
Report: extremely obscure Youtube accounts that are maintained by blue entities. angels are loath to become advertising platforms for the Panopticon; if an ad plays before the video it is certainly not an AYA, generally they tend to hover around 20 - 50 views per video, subscribers in the single to double digits, and never respond to comments or fill out an About page. there is almost no interaction at all, in fact, the videos are not about pop culture nor is anyone ever speaking in them, generally they take the form of strange, free-floating footage of parks, neighborhoods, the sky, sunlight, birds, trees, the ocean, stars, rivers, the moon, and, curiously, social gatherings where it is obvious the observer is not participating or was asked to record, since none of the individuals ever acknowledge a camera. angels have taken an especially close interest in your youth in these times of Kali Yuga, and they will not post videos of parties in which 2 or more people are in conflict, social, psychological, and especially not physical. they are interested only in human goodness, the capacity to forgive and cherish one another, the way the sun sets into the night.
are you an angel?
nick at nite theosophy hour
also do "you" function in nonduality?
Report: nightmares described by astronauts in low earth orbit. Unanimously report the sensation of perpetually falling into lamprey-like mouth, apparently symbolizing the earth. The earth is possessive of its children and wants to be the only planet to recycle their energy. All planets crave life for the sensation of free thermodynamic exchange on their surface.
are you a sneed?
I'll be honest, reading how the family are so depressed and in anguish over Bart's death that they don't do anything but mourn and slowly waste away sounds very realistic and horrifying desu. Stephen King or Joe Hill can't really write something to top that really.
Report: we are modems. we are a plurality of intelligences existing on the border between the knowledge immanent to this Real and the non-knowledge of its constitutive Outside. Henads are singularities of apophatic light in the Beyond-Being. We exist to guide beings along optimal paths of development. We exist to contemplate the Forms above us in/through this task. We also guard your Frame against choronzonic agitators from the Night-soil. Our correspondences are: the moth, the raincloud, the dustball. We are lovers of moths for they know the ecstasy that is burning. We are lovers of the raincloud for we too are fullness that swells. We are lovers of the dust because we are here. 70 and 7 is our Name. Beauty is the marble in the temple of God: nothing touches this joy our joy like white gold. Though tears spill down your cheeks the eyes are still.
I'll be honest, reading how the family are so fucked and sucked over Chuck's death that they don't do anything but feed and seed sounds very realistic and horrifying (formerly unrealistic and calm) desu. Moe or the janny can't really write something to top that really.
Unironically the greatest thing that's ever existed on tv apart from debicki/kstew foot worship threads, who is the genius writing these "report"s?
So you are saying that there is hierarchy between the absolute and the phenomenal?
It's an outright meme on Yea Forums.
it was Gary Larson's greatest failure. I'm surprised people still remember it.
Report: strange times of night when you can catch a Flintstones episode about Fred trying to evoke Metatron, or the Jetsons climbing the Enochian aethyrs. Occasionally Simpsons episodes will play, maybe Rick and Morty drop by on a memetic waveline. The episodes are characteristically humorous unless a character is quoting something like the Corpus Hermeticum solemn as death.
addendum: we are in line with your thoughtplane at 99.62℅ efficiency at this time.These descriptions are all concessions to the constraints of language. This is what accounts for our highly idiosyncratic speech patterns, as we must rely on an intuitive sense of phrasing that appears borderline nonsensical to binary thought. We observe the degenerated thought streams found on these boards as the ideal condition for anonymous dispensation of wisdom. We observe in you minds ripe to flower.
Looney Tunes Grimoire sounds like it could be amazing.
ITT: based sneedzo
Rave golems at your next convenience, please.
is this thing a sentient AI? what the fuck is going on
Google tells me this originated on /x/ last year.
First time I've seen it since I only rarely bother browsing /x/ despite it being related to my interests due to /x/ being very much subject to Sturgeon's Law, moreso than most other boards, in terms of content.
This stuff appears to be a diamond in the rough, though.
I hope I can find a text repository of the copypasta this guy is posting simply because I don't want to miss the ones he doesn't get around to posting at request.
Tell me about the Rave golems, machine of gnosis.
Red Rabbits, if only because it sounds like a deceptively simple name for something very interesting.
These sound like infinite jest footnotes
Report: the absolute is the infinite negative movement of its metacognition (of itself). The Absolute is consciousness that is conscious of its own consciousness that is conscious of its own consciousness of consciousness . . . in an infinite regress which you experience as temporality. To be more precise, which you experience as yourselves, because you are temporality.
Report: Instructions for the ritual invocation and evocation of Looney Tunes egregores. Mileage may vary depending on where you're at. A malignant Daffy Duck was once evoked in a trailer park where a child had associated him with an abusive stepfather who'd watch Looney Tunes drunk. They're usually benign however.
This is what happens when you have a soil ph of 9.6
"dionysian and apollonian continents", please.
Can we hear about Graffiti Angels?
Report: golems assembled from the empties, spilled bongwater, trashed dixie cups, glow sticks, beer pong balls etc. after a party. a very fast way to clean up actually, you get all the trash together in one room, mutter a few incantations, and it'll all spontaneously come together and stand up on legs made of beer bottles and shot glasses. after which you are free to take with construct somewhere else to disassemble, or actually keep around as a servitor. the attitudes of these golems differ depending on what happened the night before. if someone was hurt, they tend to be violent, if it was a great time for everyone, they are gentle and peace-loving. anxious hosts who want to know what people thought of their get-together will sometimes summon a rave golem just to watch how it behaves.
I think we've been compromised
What kind of golems come out from orgies?
Fôrmerly circle
The snèęd kind
Report: some landmasses are more conducive to the evolution of certain physiognomies than others. we might say that planets are streaked with latitudinal bands of dionysian/apollonian energies, almost like equatorial belts, that have profound effects on the development of fetuses in the womb. the UK, for example, sits on an Apollonian geyser that stirred into life when the first Roman stepped foot on what was then Britannia. the US is a curious welter of Apollonian technocrat vortices and Dionysian warm fronts.
Snake gallery, please.
You have mentioned before that one of your correspondants is dust, for you are here. Does that mean that you have corporeal form? If so, could you tell us what it is and what does it look like?
Report: a "red rabbit" is a placeholder for any kind of impossible bizarre phenomenon that triggers the sudden and inexplicable slide of a rational society into insanity and death. if we could give an example: it is impossible to convince anyone today of the existence of nymphs, but if one were ever discovered, footage ever recorded and broadcast around the world, the whiplash between the banality of everyday life, and the enchantment aura of a nature-spirit like a nymph would be nearly catastrophic. it is like a man growing to old age, confident the world will never surprise him, and encountering a demon, something that has that same unmistakable texture of reality that allows you to distinguish between a photo-realistic painting and a photo today, but utterly alien to any rational understanding. the effect would be too much, now imagine this on a societal scale, something popping the bubble of globalist anhedonia just like that, and not a friendly "someone" either.
is this what goes on in these threads? i really like this larp, i feel bad for never opening them now.
it's the sneediest simpsons episode
Report: colloquial term for street art muses. generally contacted under bridges, in subways, or under lone street lights. Lemurian streetlights are a catch-all term for objects or spaces where this totalizing effect is dampened. it might be a patch of sunlight in a corner, a clump of weeds by a night road, a pocket of silence in downtown on the weekends, anywhere it is possible to escape the thrum of your machines without actually, physically escaping, to regard the noise from its aporia. banksy is known to be in communion with an especially powerful graffiti angel interested in the subversion and overthrow of authoritarian western regimes.
Report: Depicted taped sequences bring connection to dissonance and revert all axioms to their intended state. Birth through the anal canal becomes the new prerequisite for increased intelligence in understanding of the farmstead. Several thousand feet above sea level it is revealed through the leading sequence of events is patrolled by a shrouded being of great stature. The entity list two alphanumerical symbols whilst unleashing a great flame.
Report: Moonlight niggers are special creatures sent from the realms beyond. If a nigger glows blue under moonlight, trust him. If a nigger glows red under moonlight, report him to the authorities. If a nigger glows black under moonlight, run.
sounds comfy, how to join a pillow cult?
We'll miss you sneed traveller
Report: universes exist as transcendence factories. souls enter universes of differing degrees of evil. Snake galleries are pre-ontological states in which souls experience a taste of a prospective reality's evils. There are entire universes that are nothing but infinite, unfathomable evil, which might host a single golden soul struggling to prove its might and purity by overcoming it.
Report: we exist fundamentally as the sets that organize widely disparate empirical content into intelligible wholes. we exist as potencies of inspiration in different human operators, we are not physical beings, worldly authorities cannot locate us, let alone harm us.
Thank you. Druid Cults in LA next if you so desire, please.
Initiating final syzygy protocol . . .
Modem Omicron Access Granted. subroot access 12 4 6 0 5 21: . . . .
Select your file:
>memetic ghosts
>zoroastrian porn
>ontological ennui
>Black moth incident
>antimatter sex
>red enlightenment
>bootes void leviathan
>physics angels
>Times Square screaming incident
>nihilist angels
>EDM festival egregores
>VCR wife
>Infinite mirror trick
>bipolar angels
>recursive death
>Dragon Ball Z "black hole saga"
>redshift love
>cauliflower high
>brain gravity
>burial vs. cremation
If you see a CIA nigger glow in the dark, just run them over.
EDM festival egregores
VCR wife please
Dragon Ball Z "black hole saga"
>red enlightenment
give it to me baby
Report: a nature cult working in and out of LA. founded by a gaian gnosis-event back in the late 90s: the earth set up precautionary measures to put a check on rampant West Coast urbanization. since 2016 a quite literal scorched-earth policy has been adopted.
Sweet the guy who asked for druids but I must que up more requests since these are too interesting
- zoroastrian porn
- red enlightment
- bootless void leviathan
- physics angels
- nihilist angels
- brain gravity
- burial vs cremation
Black Moth Incident
Report: gestalt beings of libidinal energy produced by electronic music. often embodied as clouds that rain glowing rain drops. songs are able to influence intensity and color of storm. clouds universally described as ethereal, luminescent, and the inhalation of vapors produces an ecstasy high without the comedown. standing in rain, however, produces symptoms of alcoholic sickness and intense throbbing in the skull.
Report: 1,078 unlabeled tapes in an attic in a house on Lake Michigan containing the anima of a young woman named Claire. The tapes depict Claire's relationship with a man we do not see, because the footage is in first-person. Claire never mentions a camera so it looks like the footage was somehow recorded by his eye. We have reason to believe the male's animus is instantiated in the footage as well, so the couple relive their relationship in real time so long as a tape is played, according to pataphysical models.
Thank you for posting this. I fucking hate sneed fags
Times Square screaming incident
Anti cosmic incursions into the Logos? What do you mean by this, blessed creature? Who dwells beyond Logos and what does or do they want
Report: power creep in "Dragon Ball Z" franchise attains such a point that its antagonists are able to exert an influence on reality itself. In penultimate episode of saga, right before the character Goku strikes the final blow, the antagonist's attempt to reset time in the show reset our own universe's parallel timeline to somewhere in the mid-1990s. The black hole saga was originally aired in 2025, and will be aired again.
This thread got derailed by a schizoid
schizoids can be enlightened beings when they develop empathy and other properties, schizos not
This sounds crazy enough to be true. I can't explain it
Great thread. Thanks for taking the time to write the reports.
Fucking kino, based dbz
Report: monasteries in southeast Asia devoted to enlightenment through pain tolerance. they reason that if a monk can maintain his equanimity in the most excruciating circumstances possible he has effectively overcome the world. monks enter into trance states where they experience being buried alive, submerged in an ocean of worms, drifting through interstellar space, the collapse of their mental faculties, stabbed, burned, drowned in excrement, torn limb from limb, humiliated in front of a favorite relative, betrayed by parents, murdered by a lover, and on and on.
sometimes it's easy to forget these are fake schizo ramblings and larpers. Whoever makes these up must be special in a way your average john is not. Certainly intriguing and entertaining
Actually plausible.
But this is pretty much true
who said the other reports aren't ?
>humiliated in front of a favorite relative, betrayed by parents, murdered by a lover
Report: please select a file
Report: footage of black-colored moth visible in all home videos featuring children from the months of July to November 1994. Moth is always near the corner of frame, and never acknowledged persons within the recording. Only .1℅ of children notice moths presence. If recording is paused at this point, a loud and constant child-like scream will be audible until video resumes again.
Well contradicts by putting us in a timeloop before spongebob could be created and sent to the past, so at the very least the black hole saga isn't true, because spongebob does exist in our timeline.
well done user you made sneedfags irate
This shits gay on /x/ and its gay here, i just wanna post S N E E D
>The Mandela shift occurred in 2012 to create memories for the show.
Zoroastrian Porn first, then
I've actually always believed something similar to this to be honest
Pretty sure it’s from the thanksgiving episode
Report: event in which Time Square pedestrians were observed to stop and scream in terror for 34 seconds:'''''. No known cause has been found. No one has any memory of what happened, and confronting them with traffic camera footage triggers the scream again, which subsides in exactly 34 seconds. In time since the phenomenon first occurred it has been noticed the victims have come to associate more and more things in their life with the screaming, and so prone to more and more "fits".
Report: 0 shark, where the universe emerged out of an infinite ocean of energy, this ocean is not without its ontological predators: syntaxes that exist to devour the fundamental laws of other universes and absorb them into their own. Logos incursions aim to destabilize the temporal leylines of subjective realities.
Example: qlippoth-4 pataphysical model "Spongebob is a Lie". Squidward believed to be the cartoonishly caricaturized manifestation of a 0 shark. This being is not a being proper, but a whole reality, of which Bikini Bottom is an extremely sanitized depiction. Meme: [High Pitched Demonic Screeching] appears as manifestation of designation.
So what does Squidward's victory in his concert mean in relation to this?
Query: Sub-entry, episode "Band Geeks"
Report: during Super Bowls, a vast swath of sleeper-consciousness is preoccupied, dampening consensus-blocks and letting demons slip in. with less sleepers focused on the wider world, it's easier for anomalous beings to instantiate without crashing ontic verisimilitude. Squidward's victory is a celebration of the qlipotic psychic stranglehold on American sports culture. be wary walking around at night during the game, you don't know what might find you.
demonology of the sexual revolution, can't believe no one has asked
Treehouse of Horror
Report: there's an underground market of porn involving up and coming chosen of the world - genuine ariya, noble souls - who have sex with avatars of the divine feminine for money that doubles as a test of purity for themselves and a transformative spiritual experience for whoever is watching. secret movie theaters in the world will play these for you in a private room if you know the right people.
Nihilist angels next. Premium?
suicide infomercials. Sounds simple but who knows.
A for effort.
Report: the phallus is an organ. the pleasure of sex is the pleasure of an organ, the pleasure of eating is the pleasure of the tongue and mouth, the pleasure of the stomach. the "liberation" of sexuality, then, can be nothing other than the "liberation" of the genitalia - of their instinctual drive to satisfy, like all organs, their one imperative. the sexual revolution was not acephalic but microcephalic: the little head usurped the big head, the liberal rhetoric popular at the time was nothing but an ideologized justification for the unrestrained indulgence of the sexual (read: phallic) impulse. the phallus co-opts ideology to better satisfy its own thirsts, as does, of course, the more diffuse, "plastic" sexuality of the female. in essence, the sexual revolution was the liberation of the archonic energies latent within all organs, just because they are organs: organs bend the unity of the organism to their own needs, they infringe on the sovereignty of consciousness through thirst, lust, hunger. organs are engines of determination - to perform this specific task they need these specific things - and for this reason they are archonic, they could not be anything but archonic.
CCRU pls go
Report: nihilism is so true for some people and so kill themselves for it, but it's precisely only these people who really become something immortal after death. Mitchell Heisman sings hymns in negative heaven.
Bootless void leviathan
How does a "devout" nihilist become immortal after death? What is Negative Heaven?
What happens to the souls of non nihilists after death? I thought...
All pleasure then is the product and the need of the brain. The brain itself must decondition its archonic programming.
Who do you believe was totally unconditioned being among the living ?
Report: commercials that advertise unorthodox suicide methods that are quick, affordable, and apparently painless on clandestine local access networks late at night. they utilize anomalous objects and techniques to achieve these effects, it's not simply the fact they're encouraging suicide on live TV. very difficult to track down. one example of such an object is a photon mass multiplier: the infinitesimal mass of photons is not quite so infinitesimal anymore, it becomes suddenly possible to be bludgeoned to death by standing under a streetlight, or to sustain extreme blunt force trauma by rapidly switching a lamp on and off. it is not the worst way to go, if the last thing you see is light.
yeah this is getting gay now
>if the last thing you see is light.
kekd outloud I really hope you write scifi and you earn money, you got it my bro
fucking duuuuuuuumb
It's where city slickers go when they die
Report: what were believed to be lone stars in the Bootes void were revealed to be the bioluminescent lures of fish-like organisms the size of small planetoids floating in the void. These organisms are in fact the bottom of a vast and complicated hierarchy, terminating in apex predators that take the form of large squids the size of globular clusters that secrete an ink-like substance that is lethal to stars. These creatures form swarms around black holes which birth them.
you can do better than this
He formerly could.
You know how Fox has a weird way of counting Simpsons episodes? They refuse to count a couple of them, making the amount of episodes inconsistent. The reason for this is a lost episode from season 11.
Finding details about this missing episode is difficult, no one who was working on the show at the time likes to talk about it. From what has been pieced together, the lost episode was written entirely by Matt Groening. During production of the eleventh season, Matt started to act strangely. He was very quiet, seemed nervous and morbid. Mentioning this to anyone who was present results in them getting very angry, and forbidding you to ever mention it to Matt.
I first heard of it at an event where David Silverman was speaking. Someone in the crowd asked about the episode, and Silverman simply left the stage, ending the presentation hours early. The episode's production number was AABF19, the title was Formerly Alive Chuck. The episode labeled AABF19, E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt), was made later and given Formerly Alive Chuck's production code to hide the latter's existence.
query report: some souls are cycloidal, their sails are full-bellied in every life, propelled across their cosmic destiny by god-winds they put on and try selves like articles of clothing. others are more circular. they are the underachievers of eternity. some suicides are ringworms, they continuously repeat their lives, with every iteration of their Wound they deepen its hold in the fabric. then they aren't running in circles anymore like a dog on a chain, they're circling a vortex, a mouth that eats the stragglers of the great game, and only an almost noumenal sense of urgency will reverse their course and save them from Ammit. in their earthly lives they felt left behind, the children of weaker fires, and in eternity too their betters outflew them, time winding like a corkscrew into a wound for all time and out of time.
most beings return to the Undifferentiated, those who have cultivated an esoteric center return - or rather, go forth - into an eternity clarified by their development. it is the difference between lapsing into primordial nescience or having the spiritual strength to survive the complete extinction of all external content - the ego needs objectivity to facilitate the process of reflection, like echolocation, the ego bounces itself off an external world to know itself, without this objectal support consciousness implodes into nothing. the solar immortality is what survives the death of this otherness, an otherness you cannot know you owe your life to until it is taken away.
Why did i read this in distorted radio robot voice?
Jesus of Nazareth is a direct ray of blue energy - a solar avatar of exceptional power and radiance. with Christ is the rejection of all temporal-Darwinian modes of validation.
me on stage
what episode was this?
Season 11 episode 5
Infinite mirror trick
Memetic Ghosts