Why did they decide to make Wolverine into a creepy weeaboo?
Rogan-san being all about honor and shit and running around with ninjas was just weird
Why did they decide to make Wolverine into a creepy weeaboo?
Rogan-san being all about honor and shit and running around with ninjas was just weird
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Also no wonder everyone hates mutants if they look like this ayy lmao-looking bitch
>Why did they decide to make Wolverine into a creepy weeaboo?
what the absolute fuck
The dialogue is an edit.
He's still wearing a kimono
the character is old and has more history than the movies he's appeared in. of course someone who uses the word creepy has a room temperature iq.
This has been a part of Wolverine's character since at least 1982 you dope
Thats not Logan. But Logan DID have a huge boner for Japan regardless
Is the movie supposed to be in untranslated Japanese? I didn't buy it on DVD.
Is that why he hates Xorn, for being Chinese?
Two words. Frank Miller.
That Russian who played the villain has a fantastic body however
Thats Matsu'o Tsurayaba, who for whatever reason had Logan's hairdo
>wiki him
>he's yet another of Psylocke's many, many lovers
God that slag gets around
The last good Xmen film.
All the X-people are whores.
Except my pure waifu
This was way better than Logan
the best part of the movie was after the end credits
Hi old Yukio!
>adamantium is indestructible
>except against the mighty japanese katana which cuts through it like butter
>I love Eugene
What did Logan mean by this?
>Except my pure waifu
>she already slept with Logan
the entire giant silver samurai suit and katana was adamantium. he states he was collecting it in the movie iirc
Why did they replace her with Fan Bingbing? Is it because she looked deformed?
It's better than Logan in every way
How the fuck did Xavier get his face back? He transferred his brain to some coma victim
Fan Bingbing played Blink
This girl is the new Yukio
nigger are you retarded
Logan is a fucking masterpiece compared to The Wolverine.
u gae
A masterpiece is Watchmen you pleb. Logan trailer promised the audience an epic end to wolverine, we didn't get that shit. Swearing doesn't equal a better film
>Fan Bingbing played Blink
I said "compared to". Dumbass zoomer
Nigga what the fuck kinda name is "Fan Bingbing"
fuck off capeshit zoomer jews
How did you know I'm a zoomer I didn't even tell you that
the sexy kind
Mothe love me long time long time
That jap pussy was too good
I bet she was tight a chicken's sphincter
lmao keep telling yourself that roastie
>tfw you're 90% sure that Logan's half-Japanese son, Akihiro aka Daken, is going to be on the Dark Avengers movie
screencap this
ah, the rare case of the sixhead, combined with the steel cutting chin
Wolverine has always been a weeb, try reading a comic sometime.
In the comics wolverine is a weeb and is all in with fucking asian chicks.
He is also immortal and he doesnt know how old he really is and what his origins truly are
>Canadian with yellow fever
My surprise, imagine it
Jubilee's a chink too right?
He’s not immortal, he’s been dead for years until recently. He just ages slower then normal people and is in his hundreds.
I think the only white chick he was attracted to was jean grey and the love triangle between cyclops, wolverine and jean grey was part of various story lines.
I havent read this shit in years
at least she was a good character.
it was his twin
I wonder if xavier ever freezes people then goes rouching touching them up. I know i would.
He was the English equivalent of a fratboy in First Class until he met Moira. I imagine that he and Mystique got up to all manner of degenerate shit when they were younger
Relationships: Forge, Thor, Black Panther
Casual Fucks: Gambit, Wolverine
Pure compared to most female Marvel characters.
Everyone slept with Logan. His real power if generating fuck-pheromones, the healing is secondary
>I imagine that he and Mystique got up to all manner of degenerate shit when they were younger
Nope. She wanted it but he saw her as a sister, that's why she jumped on Magneto's dick.
Once he'd got bored of her and was too busy getting his PhD.
Horny 15 year old telepath Charles would no doubt have experimented with all kinds of freaky shit.
he's a manlet in the comics right ? no wonder he likes Japan.
Am I missing something? How did magneto stop logan?
I have not seen the movie, but those don't look like his metal claws.
His adamantium claws got sliced of by a superheated adamantium sword. His bone claws regenerated afterwards. The rest of his skeleton was still coated in metal for Magneto to control.
I'm pretty sure trying to drink children is a crime in New York State
He got the metal ones back in DoFP tho
I wish that there were no other mutants in this movie. Just Wolverine, I always thought Wolverine's side movies would be better if he was the only "special" being.
Some of his comics work better like that, just him in regular clothes killing the fuck out of criminal organisations like people-traffickers and shit. But people watching capeshit now want super-fights. Even The Punisher can't get away with him just killing the fuck out of lots of people, has to have some named enemy to match him like The Russian.
>He is also immortal and he doesnt know how old he really is and what his origins truly are