Other urls found in this thread:
Been a long day of working on things so I'm tired but I'm probably going to watch Refn's new series while making art this evening if I don't pass out.
Misfits and other 90's pop music, as a matter of fact I'm probably going to make a Misfits ALL CAPS music post later
cashews, sardines, meatloaf
ice cold budweiser
pretty good, matched with this cute chick on bumble and I have two job interviews next week
Why thank you! And checking those trips!
nothing (yet)
maybe later
back to manchild
Live PD
The Doors
autism since the mods are asleep
had steak for dinner
box wine
I'm glad last night was the last night I had to stay up until 3 AM doing flammulated owl surveys out in the national forest.
>gtx 480
that sounds great, what national forest, and how much money do you make doing it? I feel that owls are special creatures, many cultures have venerated them. What are your thoughts?
diablo II LoD - ladder reset
seinfeld then probably a movie
joy division - disorder
pre-surgical directions
pork gyoza
peach bubbly
probably in the shower later
grateful, happy, content
I hope things go well for you user, I really dig the food your eating and drinking +1
do you like african americans?
just vaping, shitposting and working on my novel
>diablo II LoD - ladder reset
I started playing d2 ladder again 6 months ago for the first time in like 10 years. I ran a lite sorc and had gg gear a couple months ago then stopped palying. Reading this makes me want to make a new ladder char, I want to do something boring like a smite pally.
What are you running this time? What are your favorite chars?
skurm in a bit, imo it's going through a renaissance, good mods and the cringe sensation is nearly over
@ghostpolitics, like a dweeb
pringles lol
steel reserve 211, a man's drink
no thanks
peaks and valleys mah dude, peaks and valleys
Reminder that this trash NEVER had anything to do with Yea Forumss culture
fortnite with the gf later
workaholics perhaps
stargazer - rainbow
the eye of the world by robert jordan
had a frozen pizza
perhaps not tonight
exhausted. things have been busier than i like lately.
It's this autist again. Go ahead and blame Yea Forums even thought I'm not from there. Go ahead and do it, I know you want to.
i did the same thing. started playing about 3 months ago. I ran a lite sorc with 640mf and thats it.
I'll probably make a new ladder char soon, Im thinking about an assassin, ive never played as one so probably a trapsin. my favorite will always be a gg lite sorc with my merc running with infinity. I have 800 fg on jsp so ill proabably try and twink whatever new char i make.
>having fun in diablo ii
m8 i'm sorry but the statfaggotry that is the essence of this game, and so many new games, makes me think that online gaming was a fucking mistake.
Mingus Ah Um
Anime Axillas
Pretty good day so far.
do you think this is Yea Forums you fucking queer? back to your fucking hole.
The Boise NF. I only make $16/hr but I get a 50% pay increase for working between 2200-0500 which makes it much more worth it.
My actual job is in timber, this owl species being present will restrict the timing of timber sales so I'm helping out to see if they're there or not. It's pretty exciting to hoot and get responses, I actually love birds and owls especially but the bird folks usually make even less money than I do.
What's annoying about these little guys is that they're technically a least concern species, but because they're on the state watchlist their presence will royally fuck up our harvest operations. Fortunately all the responses I've been getting aren't in our timber sales. It's a pretty special experience to sit out in the mountains at night and talk to different owls and such, I have to hide my feelings around my coworkers so they don't call me a fag but man it's a good time. At least until around 0100 when I just want to go to bed.
saturday afternoon in australia
nothing at the moment, might fire up some tf2 tonight though and have a comfy session
a lot of modest mouses first 3 albums lately
Yea Forums posts
savoury mince with toast and doritos so far
water, i only have alcohol every few weeks
giving it a rest for a few weeks
sads about no gf
shit taste in all of those, except the water
oh shit. i know i've seen this happen more and more often. Yea Forums posting on Yea Forums and Yea Forums posting on Yea Forums. not really a surprise.
nothing atm
my wife play witcher 3
Jacob Rees Mogg show on LBC
lord of the rings
Thai green curry
John Smiths
Don't fap, Catholic.
happy, grateful, fulfilled.
i only play fortnite because she likes to
workaholics is based fuck you
(dio) rainbow is based fuck you
can't disagree on eye of the world
frozen pizzas are based when youre broke like i am fuck you
Played NuDoom through the day
American Dad
Like shit, I've been getting ear aches through the day and it feels like I'm getting an ear infection again.
yeah, it's really easy to spot these weasels, I'm just making sure they know their place
>frozen pizzas are based when you're broke
this can be rejected outright. you can do better, user. for yourself, and for culinary justice. dio is based. playing fortnite and having a gf is too debatable, i will not throw my hat in that ring.
i know i can do better than frozen pizza but times are tough and i wanted a cheap quick meal..
>the statfaggotry that is the essence of this game, and so many new games, makes me think that online gaming was a fucking mistake
I literally can't dispute that. Online gaming was so much more fun when people just tried shit that was FUN instead of autistically calculating the mathematically superior build for every scenario. I suppose it's a natural consequence of any game with set parameters but it still sucks the fun out of it.
I will always love lite sorcs but I have a soft spot for bone spear necros. They aren't very powerful in hell but god damn do i find it fun sending spears down hallways and dungeons.
>a lot of modest mouses first 3 albums lately
so you're one of the lads replying to my all caps modest mouse lyrics spam threads.
god damn I love Yea Forums
cancerous redditor laughed out of Yea Forums
>It's a pretty special experience to sit out in the mountains at night and talk to different owls and such, I have to hide my feelings around my coworkers so they don't call me a fag but man it's a good time.
Your based levels are off the chart buddy
That was a random but interesting anecdote about owls, thanks