Reminder that this actually fucking happened

>reminder that this actually fucking happened

Attached: Schindler's List Balcony Scene.webm (720x404, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread: nazis/ userbase.png/ userbase.png/ nazi/image/bRkIYXPzFTG12oNVxvrBFQ/ is reddit/image/xS9yqvgAX6eBSE_4hpTy-Q/ /

It's technically historical fiction though. Maybe there were some psychos but every army in history has those

There is literally nothing wrong with defensive genocide


I wonder how many of North Korea's horror stories about western armies are true. The Iraqis have some fucked up ones to tell thats for sure.

Wow, so powerful...

Attached: 0_PagSEOkZH0s_m-JM.jpg (356x500, 78K)

That's pretty kino to be honest.

wtf I hate nazis now

Attached: 1535737367628.webm (720x404, 451K)

probably a good amount of Palestinians who have relatives who got herded into the UN hospital that they then bombed with phosphorus

The holocaust did nothing wrong

Attached: 1548119173980.jpg (640x490, 50K)

no one i know/related to me died why would this effect me negatively at all? i dont have fake empathy


Its a shame they didnt get to finish the job.

Plz give cute monocolor brown gf

Guys can you cool it with the antisemetic remarks I'm staying with my grandma I don't want her to see threads like these over my shoulder

>reminder that this actually fucking happened

Attached: jewbeingvaporized.gif (380x215, 2.59M)

Attached: autism new.png (1248x3928, 891K)

Made to watch this at school as a kid, I didn't know who the Jews were or why they got killed and I didn't really care.
Now I'm older and wiser I realised they deserved it.


Attached: autisminfinite.png (1252x4698, 1.13M)

Attached: autism14.png (1036x4370, 992K)

Based actuallyhappened user keeping up the good fight
inb4 gaydolf poster

Fighting what? His social life?

Attached: autism13.png (1036x2119, 458K)

These are all me

Do you think he recieves monetary compensation?





Pretty based if you ask me


Holy shit

Attached: download.jpg (229x220, 11K)


Attached: 1557980120110.png (1600x922, 287K)

It'd be pretty clever if it was, making /pol/ posters seem like schizophrenics with no lives

What did he mean by this

Fighting for lols

Do you actually think you achieve anything by replying to your own posts?

Cringe and yikespilled

That's all it is. If the thread turns into an argument porn will be spammed on the board when they start losing.
I don't know why they bother desu, surely there has to be better ways to make Jews look more appealing?

It honestly probably did happen. I know you guys like to deny the holocaust, but at the very least people in camps were murdered on occasion. Look at My Lai. Soldiers under immense stress do terrible terrible things.


Attached: download.jpg (238x212, 12K)


What is the name of this mental illness???

In fact, this idea is at the very heart of the Jewish religion:
>But in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, but you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, as the Lord your God has commanded (Deuteronomy 20:16-17)


Why are the post replying to the archive images not increasing the poster counter?


you underestimate what kind of malformed lifeless abominations unironically post pol shit

Attached: pol in real world2.jpg (792x960, 85K)


Attached: 1556344197720.jpg (696x783, 112K)

What drives someone to waste their life like this

There are many people like this on Yea Forums you fucking newfriend

What do his parents think?

Why didn't they just send the Jews elsewhere instead of killing them?
Why exactly did it escalate? One moment they're thrown in ghettos, then concentration camps, then gassing. Germans are autistic.

someone is a busy little beaver I see

No, I've just seen these threads constantly and anyone with a brain can identify your patterns after enough time. Maybe do something different?

>these are the creatures that call others shills

I was wondering the same thing


Attached: 235ha.jpg (773x700, 144K)

Cry more tranny

Every day OP makes this thread then that one autist posts the archive screenshots and then bumps the thread for hours replying to himself because he doesnt know what sage or the poster count is


>hundreds of high iq kino discussion threads died for this nazicuck spam.

naziboos should hang

Imagine being this butthurt over a fucking movie

Do you think OP always imagined his life would just be spamming Jew shit on a cartoon board all day?

It's a jewish tradition to branch out and infest countries all over
May as well just kill them

>he changed his filename and filesize
someone couldn't handle the banter

We're hitting levels of autism not even thought possible

Attached: 1557943570391.png (199x258, 117K)

oh no no....

Attached: download.jpg (200x179, 7K)

Does he get paid at least?

Worst than the bane or seinfeld jupiter guy

is hitler the pinnacle of the gaycop trope?

They're probably the same person desu.

i can't believe such a thing could happen in america............... ashamed to be a trump voter...................

>the virgin spammer vs. the chad archivist


He's almost as dedicated as that guy that spams the tranny nazi pics. In fact it's probably the same user

Attached: slavs.gif (189x189, 1.94M)


Ryan Gosling? Is that you?

Why do you spend your whole existence spamming on a tv board?

t. snipespammer

Does he really think he's showing the ZOG by doing this 24/7?


Why doesn’t he just have sex?


Attached: 1556423622397.jpg (398x421, 27K) nazis/
why did it add paulie to the bottom of the image?

Attached: download.jpg (270x186, 7K)

Nazi tranny memes are funny you pleb

>whole existence
Well that's where you're wrong

funny meme, I'm gonna save it =D

reminder that this actually happened

Attached: desierto.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

Before this thread I thought pol were based redpilled chads but now I see they’re subhuman NEETs with no life


Attached: 35asgash.jpg (667x794, 134K)

It is the same user.



Ashkenazi Jews have a much higher chance of developing schizophrenia than any other race.

>385 results

Attached: bobby.jpg (558x564, 47K)


think about that OP inbetween the cope/damage control/lying

>96 replies
>36 posters
Why is this Jew samefagging so hard?

this. gaydolf and tranny nazis will never not be funny


ohh no no no no no.....

They're the same person.


Attached: 1556161645410.png (894x773, 48K)

that's nice. Why do you spam this shit all day?

its obviously OP falseflagging the countershill user

>tfw more than one jewish exgf and found out the girl at work I like is a jew


Why aren't you posting the meme? It's funny

Attached: based.jpg (404x713, 89K)

Why can't you handle the banter?

Everyone on this site has genuine autism

it's the /pol/tard doing damage control

what do historical facts have to do with banter?

>108 replies
>39 posters

Attached: 5c2.jpg (499x474, 68K)

How does that make any sense

Still hasn’t said what he meant by this

Keep counting OP you gottem on the ropes!

i dont understand the point this meme is trying to make, that the nazis actually didnt hate fags?

Thanks for all the (((you)))'s

Attached: 66b.jpg (960x960, 180K)

Nah that’s Jewish lies. Most were LGBTQ. Look it up

Hey all, OP here.

I've been coming on /pol/ since about 2014 and probably spend upwards of 5 hours a day posting here. I'm a proud believer of National Socialism, a regular contributor to /sg/, and I've laughed and cried with all you guys.

However dealing with the JQ in particular has basically ruined my life. I see jews everywhere I go now, and I always notice them behind everything that is wrong in my life. I dream about jews fucking shit up and probably spend about 75% of my day thinking about them. Today I saw a utility car that had an ad "got dents" and thought it say "goy dents". I followed the car in anger for about 15 minutes before I realized what it actually said. This kind of shit just happens all the time to me. I basically got kicked out of my college for calling my professor a kike when he tried to talk about the holohoax and have become a social pariah as a result. I have absolutely no friends besides you guys, and women all jokingly call me "fat hitler" around my old social circles. What's worse my mom works for a kike, and I demanded she quit her job than have us live off of jew money. She kicked me out of the house and now I'm forced to live with my grandma. I have no job as I refuse to be a zogcog so am 100% dependent on her now. I have no health insurance and refuse to go to walk-ins because the doctors are always kikes.

My grandma wants me to go to a therapist to work past my jew "obsession" but I won't because that shit is a kike racket. On April 20th we got into a huge fight because I wanted a party to celebrate Hitler's birthday and she thought it was a waste of money. She mad me take down my pictures of Hitler, Bashar al-Assad, and Saddam. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to live with her. My mom says she should let me be homeless...

Sometimes I wish I never got so redpilled..How do you guys with the redpill not ruining your life like this?.

I mean are you mentally okay?

Attached: Autismo.png (980x3312, 438K)

Lol i'm not believing something the cia said about adolf in 1942

Get a new hobby this isn’t healthy

Literally just copied and saved it from the link you provided. Cope better



Attached: 2tasdga.jpg (220x229, 9K)

Particularly when the CIA wouldn't even exist for 6 more years.

reminder that /pol/ is full of literal boomers. OP probably had dementia and just keeps forgetting he posted this thread.

Attached: pol userbase.png (944x4013, 409K)

Yikes, the meme itself isn't even that well made.
Discord trannies... not even once.
>inb4 nazis r the real trannies

This gave me a chuckle at least

OSS was the CIA's predecessor and made this discovery. Lots of people say NKVD when it didn't exist at that specific time. Same deal. userbase.png/ userbase.png/
You should like them then since you post on /pol/ and Yea Forumseddit

why are you so triggered by historical facts? Sorry if professional historians don't have as much time as you do to make funny meme cartoons

All evidence points to nazi's being trannys tho

>reminder that /pol/ is full of literal boomers
>literally that same reddit thread posted again and again
Are you sure you aren't the one with dementia?

>surely no one would lie on the internet


Attached: awetw2.png (1352x1057, 741K)


>/pol/ gets all the MILFs
>Yea Forums couldn't even keep Abatap

>talks about facts
>can't tell the difference between crossdressing and a tranny
I mean it's like you're not trying but might I suggest you stop and get a real hobby? You might worry your parents for spending all that time replying to yourself over and over, they care, we care, seek help.

the Yea Forums posts are me, at least most of them. never posted on Yea Forums though. somebody just saved and used the same filename (it is accurate, after all)

I had no idea Hitler was day before this thread

Thanks based anons

At least he found a purpose in his miserable life

Why can't you handle the banter?


Attached: 1559119376829.png (1474x4453, 1.39M)

>’s not the same!

>justifying your tranny degeneracy by changing the definition
get gassed faggot

Why are you Yea Forumsedditors so ashamed of where you're from?

you have to take into account the context why this meme became a thing

crossdressing germans were spammed as a response to naziboos spamming discussions with "t.discord tranny" as their argument.

I think its hilarious that nazi spammers have yet to recover and continue to seethe to this day


Attached: 235ahha.png (630x510, 81K)

Based user spreading the truth

hmm k

Literally the best they can do with nazi tranny memes is to say "it's out of context" or "they were joking!"

p funny

The same people who purport themselves to be pro gay also shame Hitler for it. Same with Trump/Putin.

what is dee and dennis doing there?

Seethe what? The fact that Jews were so weak and pathetic that they lost to some crossdressing germans? I mean imagine the last thing you saw before you were executed was a dress-wearing fairy. If anything it proves Jews were really pathetic creatures.

Bruh moment

What an epic maymay!!!!

>it's only degenerate when the nazis do it
Surely you hate the lgbt community

please don't bully the tourist nazi/image/bRkIYXPzFTG12oNVxvrBFQ/

Holy crap Louis, it's an incel!

Attached: 941.jpg (743x696, 72K)

Don't laugh, it was FUCKED UP...

Attached: 1559085547206.jpg (1278x1012, 364K)

Why are gays always such angry little men


Attached: 93286F1C-76A0-49E5-915C-AD4CE8A8BC7A.jpg (1340x8892, 2.1M)

Any actual primary evidence that supports it or is it the same as the "proof" for the holocaust?

If you reply with anything other than primary evidence, you're full of shit and everything you say is invalidated. Good luck

>getting this buttblasted by tranny nazi memes
calm down snowflake

i also really like the paulie version. it reminds me of my favorite soprano scene


wtf is this?


Attached: gay nazi.jpg (2048x1421, 712K)

>it’s a conspiracy!
Cope tranny

whats wrong? can't handle the banter anymore? very funny how you have to change the image each post now to hide :^)

absolutely seething. this is what i was talking about lol

/pol/ trannies discussing how to get more aid for palestine

No one is buttblasted, we just worry about you, your family loves you user, seek help.

Wtf are you on about OP. You got bullies rent free in your brain

Attached: pol is reddit.jpg (3000x4200, 3.31M)

>Federal Reserve thread deleted after 20 replies
>This stays up

lol why is this thread still alive

>93 times
Did you really think you'd go unnoticed
I've come to expect you now. I bet you help the jews for free.


Attached: autismbook.png (1195x3718, 731K)

>4 threads
>1 reddit post
>proves anything
Schizo autismo

Attached: 1560391561418.jpg (714x662, 37K) is reddit/image/xS9yqvgAX6eBSE_4hpTy-Q/
Hello reditor!

Why were so many nazis gay bros?

why do you trannys get so mad over a few jokes?

Attached: 22356.png (574x696, 212K) /

I like how you archive everything that triggers you now after being btfo by it so hard every single day.

Jannies allow anything as long as it’s not tv

dont hate me for going there and bluepilling them :(

What are you trying to prove other than that you're mentally ill?

Could transexualism be a way to moderate the fascist heart of the homosexual? To tame the Spartan and enslave him?

Wrong. The man they based this character off of was not only real, but more extreme then the movie portrayed him as. He was such an extremist that the nazi party disbanded him. When you are so hard core that nazis tell you to tone it down a notch then you know your off the deep end.

Why can't you handle the banter anymore?


Good lord

its funny that no normal human takes that book seriously except him. I mean hes the only person whos trying to make it relevant

jesus christ the autism level of this thread is off the chart.