Look at the comments
This is one career defining project here

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>think I've finally found a decent job to support my family
>"lol you got punk'd! XD"

I would bounce this kid's head off the fucking pavement so hard, I don't care who the fuck he's supposed to be.

That's pretty fucking funny actually. Especially if they have some big scary guys protecting the kid so the cucks are completely powerless. Seeing grown men cry is kino.

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this disgusting mutt should be executed

hahaha wagies are so pathetic. Imagine needing a job? lol


>literally who: the screenshot
tiresome. leave outrage culture on fucking twitter

Does he do a sick fortnite dab on the wagies?


fuck poor people and fuck unemployed leeches

Based mutt dabbin on the caggiewagies

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>the elite liberal Hollywood class genuinely thought this would make a good show
Colour me surprised

Wah why did I get pranked I'm entitled to a job cry cry.

Zoomers deserve to be pranked every day their life is a prank.

I hate jew entertainment

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>"every guy out there looking for work is some noodle-armed weakling just like me and my friends"

You've clearly never lived in desperation before, no surpsied since you're likely some jobless tranny on welfare getting everything handed to you.

Oh come on, you're telling me that it isn't even a little funny. Imagine them getting the "applicant" to open up about how desperately they need the job before this fucking douchebag kid comes in and laughs at them for being poor and powerless. Some of them would try to attack the kid only to get tackled by 300 pound black guys. Hilarious.

>only pranks white males (incels)

I hope some down-on-his-luck boomer punches a hole in his malformed goblin face.

what a wicked sense of humor you have

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Why are wagies so angry all the time?

It's scientifically unfunny, i checked.

As long as they're all white males I don't see the problem.

I wonder how the nigger bodyguards would feel about that considering their people are the ones that need jobs the most.

i hate this mongoloid so much i'll never use a verizon product again because of him

the fuck kind of name is that

Is that the most goblino person to ever exist?

I'm sure there's a twist where he actually gets them a job after the prank. There's no fucking way they don't do that.

The fact that people are getting so mad about it means that I am right and it is funny. It's just a prank bro, don't make such a big deal out of it.

My question is why the fuck so many are happy?

This is fake right?
People looking for work? That's some fucked up shit.

I cant figure out his race

God damn crybabies you faggots are worse than tumblr cunts about getting triggered about the stupidest shit.

check out this retard over here after you check my digits

Honestly, if they seriously hit you, it'll be a massive payday on your part.

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I hope he buttfucks young girls with the promise of them getting an acting job and then nopes them for laughs.

>Muh centrism, above all

Where in my posts did I seem mad to you? I'm just saying the bodyguards would probably have a moral dilemma over it.

So you hate the unemployed, and you hate people who try to find jobs?
You're just a shitty little cunt, then?

Noodle armed or not, very few people can take on two people at once. I highly doubt some out of work wageslave is going to take on two hollywood bodyguards being paid a shit ton of money. Now, they may shoot them, but I doubt most people are going to bring a gun to a job interview.

-the NEETs in here

If you’re a conservative, not rich, and voted Dump, you’re a fool. Seriously. He’s not for you. He doesn’t care about you. In fact he doesn’t give a rat’s rear about you. All he cares about is how much you’ll cheer for him at his creepy wannabe-Nuremberg rallies. That’s it.

Dump will take every chance he can get to screw you out of whatever chance you have of anything approaching a good life, with monster tax cuts to the rich financed by cuts to “entitlements”. Or just, you know, plain ole running up the debt sky-high. Then the grifting taxpayers out of tens of billions of $s with stuff like “The Wall” and wacky policies like willy-nilly tariffs, and posturing as if he wants to go to war with Iran. ...If we’re not in a recession at this time next year it’ll be a miracle.

Also, conservatism is not for you either. Unless you have a couple million in the bank you won’t benefit from conservative policies. (Actual fact, btw.) Anyhow, Dump is a (alleged) New York billionaire who has a fifth avenue penthouse apartment entirely covered in gold leaf and pink marble with the tackiest furniture imaginable, fit for any dictator, he flies in a private jet where everything not made of wood or leather is gilded, he owns luxury golf resorts where membership costs $40k, and all the people he ever associates with are also millionaires or billionaires.

What about him strikes you as having anything in common with you?

Oh, plus, he’s managed to lose hundreds of millions of other peoples’ money, bankrupt a university (which was a fraud), an airline, a football league and a casino. The latter twice over. lol

>messing with people down on their luck

kid is going to get shot

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He thinks a bodyguard is going to give a shit as long as he gets paid.
Also a great prank.

Haven't impractical jokers done this exact thing?

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There is no race. There is no nationality. No identity. (((Their))) ultimate goal is to turn everyone into soulless mutts who have no sense of identity. They would be a lower class of workers with nothing to fight for.

Doubtful, if you've ever spoken to a bodyguard or anyone working in security they're pretty morally bankrupt individuals.

You mad

>be unemployed
>try to find work
>get punked
>still my fault

>shitting on people trying to improve their lives

>Dump is a (alleged) New York billionaire who has a fifth avenue penthouse apartment entirely covered in gold leaf and pink marble with the tackiest furniture imaginable, fit for any dictator, he flies in a private jet where everything not made of wood or leather is gilded, he owns luxury golf resorts where membership costs $40k, and all the people he ever associates with are also millionaires or billionaires.
>Oh, plus, he’s managed to lose hundreds of millions of other peoples’ money, bankrupt a university (which was a fraud), an airline, a football league and a casino. The latter twice over.

fucking based. thats my prez right there

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Forgot to add my meme arrow
>He thinks a bodyguard is going to give a shit as long as he gets paid.

I remember when Sci-Fi did this with Scare Tactics; the setup always involved a job, but it was like a classified ad for a one-time gig moving boxes for a couple hours or babysitting for a night.
The Impractical Jokers do this all the time when they get some receptionist to watch their bullshit or bring people in for a survey.
I always just assumed they gave people $50.00 or whatever the going rate is for shit work.
And really, showing up for an interview and getting rejected by some (((manager))) who planned on hiring his cousin’s roommate all along is probably the realest i’ve seen a reality show get.

I wonder what it will take for wagecucks to finally snap, if ever. I think over the next decade we might cross the line

by that logic, politics are the pinacle of comedy


Id rather be poor myself and have America be safe than be rich but ruin the country with a bunch of muslims and shit

I think the difference is on Impractical Jokers the guys giving the interview are the butt of the joke and being embarrassed, not the other way around

as long as the power stays on and doritos cost less than $10/bag it will never happen. just a nice long slow boil

All of these shows are fake. you have to sign a waiver before they can start filming and if its not in there that there is no job then the studio is liable to be sued.

You can always tell who's in high school still by them not seeing a big deal about this...
This ends badly and there will be a massive backlash that will follow this kid around his entire life, and he won't even get it until his show is cancelled and he has to find a real job..

based tbdesu

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It's not a prank, you're just a child.
I would unironically be fine with someone shooting this kid at this point.

I like the onion and most of their related sites but holy shit their fucking fans are the worst kinds of people.

Cry more boomer

The little mutt need to be lynched

I'd take a Trump over corrupt military corp and Federal law violator Hillary Clinton.

>as long as the power stays on and doritos cost less than $10/bag

thats not possible forever though, the kikes backed themselves into a corner economically, the dollar buys less every single day. we have less than 20 years before it doesnt even matter if you work full time, you wont be able to afford to eat

Damn you fags need a safe space?

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>what is quantitative easing

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the fuck even is this world now

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I'll be honest, this is going to make even zoomers hate him. Even kids are having a hard time finding summer work these days.


>Congrats on your new position as head cashier!"
>gets chased by drooling clown with ax for an hour, shits self, lays trembling in corner*
>*gaten matarazzo walks in frame, grinning*

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Do you think the jewish producers like him because his has no teeth and won't bit them when he gives them a bj?


I probably would beat the shit out this little deformed fuck if he pulled that.
He's 16 years old too, it's OK


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The suffering never ends

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Why do you think?

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nothing funnier than kicking someone when they’re down kek
shiftless unemployed losers btfo

ITT: literal underage kids who have never worked a single day in their life

lmao they are literally all cheating. look at the fucking lifts on that nigger

And what's the problem with that?

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>be hollywood liberal elite
>entire decadent culture is dependent upon people who actually work and produce things of value spending their disposable income on your movies
>lets cruelly mock those people
this will surely end well

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>Tumblr copypasta

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Trump saved me a buttload on taxes last year, so he's cool with me.

still havent gotten past 6 year old insults i see

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The fact that you're a societal leech stealing money from people who actually work, and that you're going to commit suicide before 40.

Aside from that, not much.

*dabs on you*

>pick up people south of the border
>they don't know who I am, don't have netflix in mexico
>they trust me because I'm a mutt like them
>drive them across the border
>into Guatemala


> Unless you have a couple million in the bank you won’t benefit from conservative policies. (Actual fact, btw.)
>Have already saved a massive amount of money in how low my taxes have been since his election.

Why are libcucks so out of touch with reality?
Oh wait, they also think men are women and that being fat is healthy, lmao

>he thinks the only way to get money without a job is stealing

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You sound like the biggest asshole on the planet, fuck you

sounds based and neetpilled

Yeah, I'm sure voting for Democrats who hate rural white people and despise men will be good for my future.
Your party is the party of ID politics--brown folk and women only. This isn't the olden days. The Democrats don't have working people's backs at all. Obama fed the rural communities to the bankers to preserve their profits and his urban constituencies. And when called out on it, your party went the full 'White men are demonic orc-people who deserve to suffer!' in order to justify it to yourselves.
FDR was a billionaire, and if you tranny-loving, man-hating psychopaths were still men like you, I might vote for you. But you're not. You're wholly-own by the feminazi, globalist establishment that destroyed the American middle class and caused 38 years of wage stagnation.

they basically are at this point. "how much more doomer are we today than yesterday? Here's how much!" Now that's a good joke

This isn't your safespace sweetie, you would be happier back on Reddit.

where do you think your neetbux and tendies come from

I got rich and retired early. I buy my own tendies.

>Netflix greenlit this

based and wholesome


I'm just larping guys, I'm just a wagie that hates my job and wishes I were a NEET sometimes.

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It comes from the goverment taking it away from you disgusting jerks who don't need it. I can't wait for them to tax you more and waste it on more overseas wars.

I'm a neet and like to make fun of wagies, but this is some new level of asshole.


>Tells someone else to go back to their safeplace
>Is responding to someone who called them 'the biggest asshole on the planet'
>Wants them to go away and leave him alone
You should probably think that through.

>leftie cucks complain about not enough trannies an bm/wf couples
>/pol/ cucks complain about everything else

I wish all you faggots would disappear so the rest of us didn't have to listen to your bitching you fucking man children.

Tumblr still exists?

I shitpost on 4channel half the time at work

It's inevitable that the kids from Stranger Things all get JUST'd one day or another save for Finn and Millie

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seeing wagecucks cry is kino

We all know you're larping.



it's quite funny to be honest.
ignore these seething wagies please.

govt handouts and your familys money is stealing yes
> he thinks those are the only ways to get money without working
yes it literally is
there isn't any other way including whatever mental gymnastics you've utilized to convince yourself youre not stealing

>How To Get Murdered On TV
I'd watch this just to see him die.

>Can you start Monday?
>Y-y-yes of course!
>Thank you so much I've been out of work for so long...
>*door swings open*
>*enter mutt*
Soul crushing kino is on menu boys.

not him but nice plebbit comeback
go back already

Scamming welfare is, in fact, stealing.

Don't worry, though. The free-ride never lasts for you people. There are zero old NEET's.

Seriously, all of this online streaming shit should be shut down, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, CBS All Access, all of it. Television may not be perfect but HOLY FUCK these shits have absolutely zero standards, especially Netflix.

Unfortunately, but it’s dying out though. Seems that most of its traffic just came for the porn


You believe neets are stealing yet you still continue to contribute to the system that allows them to live.

>random "MUH TWO SIDES SAME COIN" fallacy in a thread where it doesn't even apply

Do you just got to random threads to whine about "/pol/"?

You don't need to be "employed" to make money though

Nah, they won't bring guns to the interview.
They'll go to Wal-mart afterwards and buy the shotgun, then wait outside for them to finish filming.


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The Sherminator is going to be this kid's boss in under 5 years.


....And? Nothing you said contradicts with what you're responding to.

Lmao what a faggot. Go wipe your ass you degenerate crust punk

How the fuck is this even a good idea?

>work in HR
>corporate policy is that every position has to be publically announced, and we go through the ordinary interview rounds
>90% of the time when positions open up, the department managers already have an internal replacement they've settled on, or a recommendation from someone in their department
>end up having to call 10 people into interviews anyways
>interview them all, then call 3 of them back for second interviews
>all while knowing that I'm just wasting their fucking time since there's no way in hell they're ever getting the job

Never work in HR. It's pure fucking agony.

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>Seething because someone pointed out he was the one demanding a safespace
>Still seething and demanding that he leave him alone!
Sure thing, boss. I'm totally the thing-skinned one here, not you guys shrieking that someone dared call you assholes.

My show just got greenlit by Netflix. It's about a homeless guy who sucks dicks for money then one day something magic happens.

I responded to the wrong post, I meant to reply to this one

I've been living off an abuse settlement since i was 19 and never bothered training/getting experience for a job and i reckon i have about 2 or 3 years of living money left and i'm 25 now. Should i just neck myself?

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>get called to a job interview
>have to pay the bus fare (4.50 each and it's a lot here, the same price as 1 kilo of beans)
>almost 2 hours waiting then 40 minuted getting interviewed
>"we'll keep in contact, thanks"
>no response
I won't got to the cartels to get a job, but if someone offers me, I'll have no problem killing cops or burning the trucks of these companies.

>Nigger ape
>Coalburner scum
>Effeminate faggot queerio
>Cole slut
>Filthy disgusting mutt subhuman
>And I don't know who top right is but I'm sure he's a cunt
Honest to god, all of these years deserve to get cancer and die slowly and painfully.

>this is what we will all look like... and it's beautiful!!

El Goblino

>be wagie
>be completely devestated in my body, mind, and soul by wage slavery
>put on a happy face
>defend wagiedom to the death because otherwise I might have to admit I'm basically one step above a slave and I'll never have a good life because I was born into the wagie class
>see some kid doing a prank so about wagies getting pranked
>lose my fucking mind
>go to Yea Forums
>bitch and moan
>ok i feel a little better
>go to sleep
>wake up, go to work, boss sticks his dick in my mouth
>gotta suck it, can't lose this job

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You should have bought a perpetuity with the settlement money.

>save for Finn and Millie

But she looks like an ugly 40 year old and he looks like an ugly tranny with a massive nose.

You have no idea how angry this makes me

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how the fuck were you counting??

feels bad man

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Nah Finn's based.

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based bloodthirsty spic

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why is the world so fucked? name ONE (1) thing about this practice.

telling you retard normies to screw off and go away =/= telling someone to leave you alone
as if telling some annoying kid to bother someone else is the same as that same kid telling a chad bully to "please leave me alone"
I would say nice try but it wasn't
also stop saying seething
you're not fitting in

Better than living in your grandma's spare room/basement.

Shit, I'd murder women and children if the pay was good enough.

Tbh Obama came so close to getting it when he talked about how conservative people in rural and exurban areas were were scared and bitter because there were no jobs, what kids there are are leaving, and they struggle to connect with immigrants. Then he did a 180 with

>fuck em, the jobs aren't coming back

Too captured by the pro-globalization mindset. I'm amazed a lot of those same people voted for him again in places like Iowa, but then I remember the Republicans picked Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan who believed the same thing.

I can't imagine a scenario in which this isn't very sad and awkward for the person showing up for the interview when they figure out it's a prank and they are being filmed

In Japanese.

Dilate wound

Unironically, because they have sex at the end of the hard day of wagecucking

Christ man, just think of how many lives you've ruined.

I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

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the job was 56% real

Yeah the entire world is built on favors and shit. It's not what you can do, but who you know. Only now are people at the bottom becoming aware of this. This is the main reason people go to pricey college. It's not for the subpar education at a ridiculous price: it's swapping phone numbers with future leaders.

You can keep saying this. But it all comes down to you telling someone who called you an asshole to piss off.
That's crying for a safespace. Your special pleading, your invented distinctions only exist in your own head. You seethe over someone calling you a name.
If you were as based as you claim, you'd just cackle madly and admit you're an asshole like most people here do when called on it. Instead, you got defensive.

>all the grown women filming a kid putting his hand in his pants
based americans

Thank fuck Im handsome and can turn on the charm when needed. Getting HR roasties wet for you is literally all it takes. I was disgustingly unqualified for my current job but I just flirted with the moonface HR cunt and boom, they offered me the job.
This world is truly a sick joke. Just because I can glide by on natural born perks doesnt mean I dont hate it and want it all to burn. The only reason I keep going is because I know in our lifetimes the charade is going to end and I will be able to literally stomp """""peoples"""" heads into mushy red paste with impunity.

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He's revolting, kill yourself pedoshit.

>work in HR
kill yourself hole

>be wage """slave"""
> get money for doing mostly nothing the whole day except change some batteries or tighten some screws every now and then
> spend most of the day driving around in my golf cart scoping out teen girls wearing thong bikinis
man you're right. I really hate my life and I hate work

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I managed to get lucky in life and built a business in my teens which doesn't make me a millionaire but i live comfortably from the residuals which will keep rolling in probably for years even after im dead.

I basically got bored of NEETdom and one of the things I do is I put out fact resumes and go to interviews and basically waste the interviewers time and do goofy shit. Like one time I at a bunch of protein powder and beens before the interview and just farted the whole time loud and wet ones.

Been kicked out of interviews about 7 times now. I think my favorite one which was unintentional but I went in the interview with the flue and literally coughed and sneezed on everything and they asked me to leave and I got up and threw up and fell down. I should probably record it but it's fun just to have the memories.

Imagine being a kid and not being able to walk 5 feet without some faggot American shoving their phone in your face. Jesus Christ I would become a hermit.

what is going on?

I love it when you tell it like it is user

It's not the field I chose. I used to run a department until I fucked up pretty badly, enough so that it'd keep me from getting a similar job elsewhere. So since I had leverage on the execs they just transferred me to HR so I could be left to rot. At least my pay is still the same.

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>> get money for doing mostly nothing the whole day except change some batteries or tighten some screws every now and then
>> spend most of the day driving around in my golf cart scoping out teen girls wearing thong bikinis
Nice work if you can get it. What do you do?

if you can't see the difference between telling retards like you to screw off and a safe space
then well... I guess you're just too stupid and to bereft of critical thinking skills to even bother responding to

Would you vote for Bernie? Just curious

t. Bernie supporter

also I'm not the one you called an asshole you dumb rodditeer
way to miss your mark lmao

How did you fuck up?

>be 28
>go my whole life with no job experience
>decide to go to college for a specific course to start a career
>have enough inheritence from my dead grandmother to pay for all of it
>pass through it despite social anxiety
>now employed in a union job
>great wage and pension
>the experience has helped me be less of a shy autistic weirdo
>great hours
>I enjoy going to work every day

I don't know how I got this lucky.

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Bernie is like the worst of the worst when it comes to social policy. Turns out not becoming a second class citizen and constantly being villified for the color of their skin is more important to a lot of poor white people than economic stability.

He’s a rat faced Jew and with a boring personality.

maintenance on a time share resort thing
lots of pools and lots of beautiful white women prancing around in bikinis that keep getting smaller every year

This is hilarious. I hope it gets many seasons and people kill themselves over it. Cruel TV is the best TV and if you disagree then why are you such a pussy weak bitch? I bet you thought TCAP was cruel too.

I hope he sniffed his hand afterwards

Congrats man real happy for you.

You had family wealth. you played on babby easy casual mode

>I don't know how I got this lucky.
Because of your dead grandmother's money.

just remember.
it's not how much you make its how much you save

Nobody told me this when i was younger. I admit i have been stupid but my ordeal lasted 9 years until i was 16 and i only got i settled at 19 so all of my learning years might as well have not happened. Not to mention my family being bummed that i won't give them any of the money so i'm on my own now.

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Ill never understand guys that are content with just looking and not touching

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how much you save is related to how much you make

I don't want to go into specifics, even here. But I messed up pretty fucking badly with the financials. Almost bordering on illegality. The corporate lawyers were up my ass for like a year to ensure that we didn't get slapped with a massive fine.

I thought you incels believe ANYTHING can be funny and we can punch up or down. Be consistent and not hypocritical

You were stealing money? lmao

Yeah it just makes me insane with jealousy and unwarranted hatred towards women for not bedding me after flaunting their bodies in front of me.

I'm not content
that's what prostitutes are for
but I intend on getting a wife one day
I'm only 26
but I certainly don't mind the view rather than land whales in a cubicle

>everyone in the web is the same person

not if you spend it all on bs

Fuck no, then I'd be in prison. It wasn't illegal, but without the corporate lawyers doing a lot of fucking work, it could have been perceived as illegal rather than negligence, which is bad enough.

I guarantee it's better than working in a call center. I probably make more money than you though.

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Literally have sex.

My immediate family is poor as shit, but yeah, I know I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without that inheritance, though the course wasn't too terribly expensive compared to others. But even with wealth, what matters is how you spend it. My brother pissed away his inheritance on a car and has been struggling ever since. And I had to do the work of actually passing the course and overcoming my social anxiety, so that's something.

I'm just so happy to be in this position, growing up I thought for sure I'd wind up on the streets due to being hopelessly shy and scared of working.

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Dude they already did this with Scare Tactics
More than half the set-ups involved the target starting a new job and then shit getting spooky
Guess you're just not allowed to do that if you're an ugly mutt instead of a cool funny black guy

What's the term of what you were doing? Embezzlement?

Yeah man I don't need any reminders.

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a frugal low wage entry level employee is better off than a businessman who spends all his profit every month

literally anything is better than working in a call center. Call center is the bottom of the barrel. Like the very bottom. People who work at gas stations are a hair higher up.

I can't get laid and I have this to keep me content.

well I rather make less money and less work than an excruciatingly extra amount of work for more money
but any job I can spend most of the day shitposting on the chans on my phone or playing mobile games is good
the more money the better

It's really not that bad. It is in fact better than a lot of really shit jobs, like construction. You won't ruin your body sitting in a chair, unless you eat like a faggot moron. No joke, the fattest person I have EVER seen works at my call center; he should be on that show but is just barely able to walk around (slowly).

I get paid well above minimum wage to take calls in an air-conditioned building. It beats welding pipe.

just throw the one on the left away

I-is close to 40 thousand dollars in savings considered good?

Fuck no, that one was $350 and it's way better

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I had something like that. I don't normally feel shame about anything ever but that did it to me. I think it was the cleaning it afterward part. I had to dumpster it which sucks a bit because those things aren't cheap.

The general consensus, retard. Most of you cry about free speech and how any joke is fine including rape bc you can punch down, but NOW u incels get mad and don't want him punching down

Yeah that's more than most Americans will ever save in their lives.

have sex

> humble bragging
n-n-no... not at all.. I have way more saved up!

>being this fucking dense
Anything having the potential to be funny doesn't mean everything is, you mouthbreathing cunt. It's the way you go about it. Pranking people in desperate situations can be funny if something good comes out of it in the end. Obviously that isn't the case here.

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Tell me this girl has sex for money.

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>You won't ruin your body sitting in a chair
Sitting in a chair all day is literally, medically, worse for you than smoking or being fat.

I like Bernie, but he has the typical "no enemies to the left" mindset typical of passionate leftists. So he caves to every protest by politically engaged young people, especially they are a woman or a minority. Back in 2016 he caved on

>gun rights
>letting BLM activists take over one of his rallies

He'd let violent criminals out of jail if enough people on Twitter said that that was needed to address muh New Jim Crow and reparations.

What good comes out of joking about kids from parkland or rape?

General consensus is a spook. And opinions differ depending on the issue. Only NPCs use the same decision template for every situation.

That's ridiculous. Worse than smoking? Obvious nonsense. It's inactivity which is bad for you. I exercise.

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So if a comedian joked about people looking desperately for jobs, you'd be okay with it? What's the difference between that and what this kid is doing? I mean, we haven't even seen the show but ur judging it

I thought everyone already had a job in Trumps booming economy?

You are nothing more than a triggered leftist who has been BTFO by facts and logic.

Rich liberal kid is making a show targeting people looking to make ends meat. This shit entitled generation is getting out of hand.

They all do, to varying degrees.

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As a call center novice, this is partially true.

There are three types of call centers

>Sketchy call centers that get you to do illegal shit like scam old people and trick them into giving you bank info(usually in shit holes like India, Phillipines, etc)
>Contract Call centers: These basically get a company to hire them and then hire literally anyone to take phone calls
>it's all about sales sales sales, more calls = more money
>usually a continuous revolving door, if you stay longer than a month, you're a veteran
>pay is shit, morale is shit, basically a sweat shop
and then

>Call centers directly under the company Umbrella
>still a high stress job, but usually miles, leagues above the other two
>Usually find people working there 10+ years
>good pay, good benefits, good morale

I get paid $17.56/hr + commission(usually $200-$400/check) to take phone calls for tech support for an ISP. For a single guy in my state where cost of living is low this is pretty damn good. I used to work in a contract call center for 3 years and it was a special kind of hell.

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Why does this article seem like its trying to be condemning and ironically condemning?

reminder that there is no actual proof that smoking is any worse for you than marijuana. Of course inhaling smoke into your lungs is going to make you cough a little.

Good job angering all the omega incel neckbeard cucklords ITT


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I'll rephrase it for you, since you're a faggot. Users on Yea Forums have said ANYTHING can be funny and we can punch up or down. I'm saying, be consistent and not hypocritical and let the kid punch down

Because jokes aren't the fucking same as actively going out of your way to fuck with desperate peoples lives.
If someone actively sought out the families of victims in shooting sprees, or rape victims, in order to pull pranks on them related to the situation they're in, that'd be crossing the line for most people.

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they have for sure but that was only once now they just have people come in for surveys or whatever but like the user said there always the weirdo's interviewing normal people


So much fucking THIS

There's mountains of evidence smoking tobacco causes cancer, you fucking retard.

I thought you incels were cool with punching down lol what? Now it's bad to punch down, even though so many of you defended Loui CK fucked up standup

Mountains of (((biased evidence))) maybe, I bet you think the earth is flat too because of all the "evidence" on twitter.

Reminder this is the type of retards we share a board with.

Meh, I have a small onahole collection so I feel none. Don't tell me that was the first thing you bought...

Ehh, I prefer little girls but I guess everybody got their own uniqe taste.

>equating flat earthers with tobacco cancerists

based and redpilled

Not me.

t. 30 year old female wizard

>. Users on Yea Forums have said ANYTHING can be funny and we can punch up or down
"source? my ass"
>"I'm saying, be consistent"
>be a brainless NPC bro xDD

i just have 2 fleshlights branded from pornstars
lana and elsa jean

You guys are novices. I bought a dick-sucking machine. It's an onahole with a battery. Even though it makes me bust like a firehose, it's still no replacement for a female body riding you.

>elsa jean

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I really hope something physically bad happens to that kid.

When even women like pic related manages to find a dick to hang on to, what's your fucking problem?

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>Of course inhaling smoke into your lungs is going to make you cough a little.

No, it wasn't as big as that, it was just the pussy and asshole part. I think it was styled after the pornstar Chasey Lain. It was fun and all when using it but I felt weird after. I think it was shame, but I'm not 100% sure. Same thing happens with real women actually, I have a burning desire to want to leave after.

>molds of vaginas that have taken massive cocks for hours on end

What Trump voters think is funny isinsulting women, immigrants,minorities, veterans, Gold Star parents, people with disabilities, LGBTQ, longtime internationalallies,etc. etc.

If Trump voters had any conscience they wouldn’t have voted for thebigot in the first place.

>bringing up Trump

I'm not even American, you dense fucking faggot. Ironically I'm Mexican.

Exactly my thinking user.

whats wrong with elsa?
what do you suggest?

The moment you lose your virginity, it will be bought & paid for

>liberal wagecuck rationalizing violence against children

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FYI, next time your idiot friends wonder why comedy skews liberal, it’s because you morons don’t understand satire or sarcasm. And no, what Trumplethinskin does isn’t either of those, except to the extent that his army of imbeciles he calls his base thinks he's "smart", or "successful", or "not a crook".


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Years of being on Yea Forums has made me scared of and repulsed by males. I also find the human body in general really gross, even kissing is disgusting.

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With all the free space in your head for trump. Maybe we should send the illegals there. You're clearly not using the real estate

t. r/politics corresponent

Comedy skews liberals because you all get off mocking straight males. Now when the tables are turned you start crying victim and muh racist. Sensitive pussies

Just saying, there's a reason the funniest movies have a liberal slant. Conservatives can't write comedy. They don't understand shit. They get pissed at this kid but support a dude who hates on everyone under the sun

Man you got problems. I would recommend embracing Stoic philosophy.

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you would squirt down you inner thighs and ruin the sheets when I fucked you from behind

how much does that cost?

What's your weight, and what's your diagnosis?

Don't fucking lie.

the FAS on that kid is strong

What are you even talking about? Why bring up Trump? Why bring up who writes the best comedy? It has fucking nothing to do with the topic or what we discussed.

As for Trump, I can see why a lot of murrifats prefer him. If Guatemalans invaded my country and a guy like Trump showed up the whole country would vote for him too, even if it meant having to endure some stupid shit like twitter rants or being offended every now and then.

I think I spent $100 on this, I honestly forgot. It wasn't much. It probably won't last for long, but it's drained my balls 4 times now.

>I also find the human body in general really gross
It kind of is

thats just the mutt syndrome

Name 3 classic conservative films or 3 funny conservative comedians, you moron. They all act stoic. They're one dimensional.

>Vince Vaughn
>Clint Eastwood
>Mel Gibson
>James Woods
Even musicians like Jake Bugg. They all have that stoic manly deadpan shit. No range.

Of course they hate on this new show. They don't get comedy at all. They get offended about it like snowflakes but then support an open racist

>I bought a dick-sucking machine
whats it called? I bought the fleshlight launch and its pretty good when synced up to a video

Kill yourself.

145, but I'm 5'9. I could easily lose it, but again, the human body disgusts me and Yea Forums has poisoned my perception of men.

let me put dick in pussihole squeeze milk tanks will give nice home smell good have car

pls respond

Stoic people aren't funny. They're dull and have zero range. I know funny and that ain't it, retard. Now stop being cringey with ur pointless knowledge and do something useful

hi pajeet

You didn't answer the most important one; diagnosis. Even if you haven't been to a shrink, you probably know what you have.

>stoic manly deadpan shit
I don't think you know what stoic mean sweaty
try harder at philosophy 101 at your community college next time

Liberal comedians aren't even that funny unless you're an NPC. I audibly sigh whenever anyone throws SNL on the tv until they change it.

Pretty cheap actually. I paid like 250 for that stupid rubber pussy and asshole.

I'll break it down, dum dum. Conservatives don't get humor. They aren't funny. YOU couldn't name the films and comedians cause I'm right about it. Well, due to them having no sense of humor, they get triggered over a prank show, but then laugh as Trump makes fun of women, Mexicans, native Americans, and disabled people

Asexuality? I'm able to function normally, or at least give the impression that I'm normal because I'm an attractive-ish girl and we generally get away with having mental problems, but I'm not autistic or some shit. I'm literally just weird.

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>Some of them would try to attack the kid only to get tackled by 300 pound black guys. Hilarious.

if i could break a few of the abnormally weak bones in his face, it'd be totally worth it.

All the funniest comedians and comedy's are left wing. If I'm wrong, name 3 famous funny comedians and 3 classic funny conservative films, you doofus

parents wanted to name him Gohan, clerk wouldn't let them, and they couldn't spell Goten.

> Mr Piccolo was their next choice

How is it though? I imagine slamming into something that is roughly approximate to hips and ass is pretty fun.

Take ur own advice, armchair philosopher

Name 3 funny liberal comedians first.

>YOU couldn't name
That's not me, you retarded cunt. As for the prank show/Trump thing, if you can't see the difference there really is no hope for you.

We have delusional snowflakes like you in Mexico too, but luckily you are the minority and generally laughed at. Most people here don't give a fuck about Trump. Emotionally unstable college girls who wants nothing more than to go to the US hates him. Working people generally like him. He didn't even fucking insult us. He just said many people who go from Mexico to the US are criminals and he's right, many of them are.

Do you have a good friend?

Caucasian men
>pink effeminate skin, low T, make up biggest cuck community

Black men
>alpha demeanor, intimidating and manly, dark manly skin, high T, make up most bulls and almost the entire hotwife movement is focused on white wives with bbc

Is that young Adrian Brody on the right?

Shut the fuck up you damn LARPer

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You wouldn't reach him, but your impotent tears would make excellent televison.

Yes, why?

well, what is it?

nah, see it was the smaller version, approximately the size of a kleenex box and it was still that expensive. I think I got ripped off because it was Chasey Lain brand or something. Another time and this was a long time ago, I bought a different one when I was loser pissed from a porn shop and it was this blow-up doll that was supposed to be the pornstar Devon. Man, it was awful, it looked absolutely nothing like her and the next day my dad found me passed out on top of it.

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based cunny user

Hilarious. Even if I hate marvel movies and blue checkmarks

the reason you and everyone you know is going to be poor as fuck in the future

You know you faggots are arguing over a scripted show. The "job seekers" are in on it from the start you absolute fish brained fucks.

who’s that girl? j-just wondering haha..

That's good. If you really don't want to fuck anyone, I can't understand that, even though I agree the human body is largely disgusting. I still want to get touchy with naked people.


What difference does it make? The audience is still laughing at the concept of bullying poor wagies

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Fucking hell. That's awful.

>spent a literal decade having amiable and in depth discussions with anons
>little did they know I was a grill the whole time

Remember, user, your next conversation with someone here could very well be a grrrl. Especially if you're on Yea Forums.

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as long as it's white men it's okay, sweaty

>Especially if you're on Yea Forums.
Well no duh everyone on Yea Forums is a bitch

>Dave Chapelle
>Bill Burr
>Geroge Carlin
>Chris Rock
>Jim Carrey
>Robin Williams
>Woody Allen
>Jon Stewart
>Ricky Gervais
>Will Farrel
>Seth Rogen
>Jonah Hill
>Amy Poehler
>Steve Carrell

Should I keep going?

Oh, and whose on the conservative side? Adam Sandler lol Dad joke comedians like Tim Allen lmao

You will never be a woman

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I know it's hard for someone with autism to understand but you can separate the things you watch from the things you do in real life. It's crazy i know.

It's not me that can't separate it it's them!!!

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epic comeback, faggot redditor

Yea Forums is one of the worst boards and it's precisely because there are too many femanons

Keep seathing, paranoid man

Fuck, I hate this tranny shit meme. I miss when it was just "no girls on the internet".

Fuck you, Yea Forums is nice.

Literally none of those are funny except chappelle and he's more centrist than you'd like to admit.

Still better than Yea Forums.

Where's your list, moron. I gave you a whole list of critically acclaimed comedians but you produced no conservatives to me lol

Where's yours? You gave me one funny guy who dabs on trannies

>tranny shit meme
It's no meme.

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>Especially if you're on Yea Forumsmblr
It's like you're trying to goad me into disliking women

Yea Forumstumblr tried to force /reylo/ here they should all be executed.

Bill Burr is a liberal in name only. All of his instincts are conservative.

You'd be calling Carlin, and even Patrice O'Neal literal nazis if they were alive today. Carlin was fucking notorious for criticizing the sensitive politically correct nonsense you preach, and especially feminism.

You're pretending these comedians aren't funny to win this argument, moron. Give me ur list and quit trying to procrastinate while u Google them bc u don't know any off the top of ur head lol

I've no doubt you already hate them anyway considering you're here.

Doesn't matter. Carlin was still progressive. And user asked me to list LIBERAL comedians NOT politically incorrect comedians. Try to keep up

>Humor is subjective, especially when it's politicized

Fucking hell, who would have thought?

You literally have dead people on your shitty list and the rest are shitty has-beens.
I might’ve been “liberal” in 1998 too, but not now.
Ricky Gervais? C’mon man.

t-thanks dad

>everyone on Yea Forums is the same
fuck off retard

They aren't funny tho. Just mouthpieces for CNN rhetoric and dude weed lmaos. It's repetitive and boring.

Yet nobody here can give me their conservative list lol

>Fuck you, Yea Forums is nice.
Yeah, I bet you like it there in your comfy vagina echochamber

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>implying you don't hate women

You're a male, so you do.

You haven't offered us any proof so why should we?

Oh, and Tim Allen, Adam Sandler, and Vince Vaughn are so hilarious and better than all the people I named lol yeah, sure user. Whatever helps u sleep at night

At least I give names. You cowards can't even attempt to do it lol

Good comedians are all centrists you imbecile.

kill yourself/co/ tranny

>little did they know I was a grill the whole time
tfw my go-to insult has always been "cunt", just as a safeguard in case I ever replied to someone like you.

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I'd rather watch them than your dude drumpf artist #136376263762. Yawn.

Well duh. This fucking board has nothing but pedoshit, blacked spam, and threads that have no purpose but to shit on women and post copypasta about how even being a father is cuckoldry. This is like giving white men shit for preferring Yea Forums over tumblr.

You have to go back, tranny scum

All you really did was show how many unfunny leftist comedians there are.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Sometimes we talk about movies and shows.


You've never spoken to me then.

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Yea Forums is maximum test, just like Yea Forums is maximum estrogen

You didn’t even list liberal comedians. Theres nothing progressive about Steve Carrel he’s just been in couple oscar bait movies lately.
What the hell has Will Ferell ever done that has had anything to do with any hot-button political issue?
There is no conservative list because politicized entertainment is not funny or amusing.
Whatever credit you can give Ricky Gervais (and theres precious little) is all for The Office. Nobody has ever laughed at his “lol sky man” tweets and in fact he drove his career into the ground getting on peoples nerves by being an asshole.
Jon Stewart is the only moderately relevant name you put up and he exited the scene before the ‘16 election.

People say what they may, but Tim Allen is on season 8 of a popular comfy sitcom. Seth Rogen and Jon Stewarts careers are dead.

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Well, we have now, cunt.

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Caucasian men
>pink effeminate skin, low T, make up biggest cuck community

Black men
>alpha demeanor, intimidating and manly, dark monkey skin, high T, make up most bulls and almost the entire hotwife movement is focused on white wives with bbc

Seth Rogen was in the twilight zone and is gonna be in the new lion king. Tim Allen is in a show that got canceled then picked up by faux news

Yup, that is what I write cause it's true

>niggers can't read

What does they say about pink skin boys like you, if women are choosing monkey skin BBC over you lol

>Seth Rogen was in the twilight zone
Lol CBS All Access..and then he wept.
Just google his name dude, he’s losing people money by being box office poison

Lmao imagine living in a shit tier country with niggers around, in my country all they do is sell watches on the streets

I'm just playing with you, sweaty. I admire wizards of both genders.