What was the first rape scene you ever saw in a movie
What was the first rape scene you ever saw in a movie
Rhona in Hollow Man
Why did that skinhead rape Vinyard? was he gay?
Ancient user here
I saw Deliverance in theaters back in ‘72
I was 8. Fell asleep on my mom's bed. She left the TV on. I woke up to the rape scene in Pulp Fiction.
man, that scene chills me to the bone dude, shit is really scary
The weird autist from the video store who always made awkward advances to my gf (this was before I lost my way) literally recommended it to her.
Men can't be raped.
based video store weirdo
he was temporarily a woman while he was penetrated so it still makes sense.
>in the summer of 1992...
is this a reference to something?
Yeah, this scene kinda scared me as a kid.
>>Squeal piggy
Also the part where the dudes arm muscle is hanging out.
I’d come to the realisation as a child that would can be a scary place and that humans were the monsters all along.
The second rape scene I saw was on British television of a disabled man in a wheelchair being fucked over a bath tub... anyone know what movie I’m talking about.
I was just about to ask “there was a rape scene in pulp fiction.” In my head I was like I don’t remember a woman being rap... oh wait. Oh that scene, painful just remembering it.
Clockwork Orange. Was one of the very very few movies my parents wouldn't let me see as a kid, which naturally meant when they left at some point I immediately popped it in and watched it and got hard as hell.
What're you doing on Yea Forums, gramps?
What are you doing on here, gotta be 18...
>nonstop shitposting on the daily as a retirement plan
ojii-user living the dream desu
bubba disagrees
seriously what does it mean?
ninja scroll my nigger
I saw this scene when I was 12 and it genuinely disturbed and upset me.
>Previously on The Shield™...
State appointed prison rapist.
Saw this when I was eight visiting my cousins house. He was 14 and made me watch it. He laughed once he saw I was hard.
dead man walking, was about 10 when i watched it
>I’d come to the realisation as a child that would can be a scary place and that humans were the monsters all along.
>as a child
Based. Still single?
I can't remember. Which is quite odd because I thoroughly enjoy watching it.
I find male on male rape a lot hotter than man on female or even female on male. I'm otherwise mostly heterosexual in my proclivities
wtf is wrong with me
You embody virtus, friend
watched boys don't cry on channel 5 at dumb oclock in the morning once
Get electric therapy
It's a power thing. Taking power from those with power demonstrates a higher amount of dominance than doing it to those without. That's the ON MALE part. The MALE on male part is you being able to self-insert to the powerful person in the interaction, namely the rapist.
Jodie Foster and that movie where someone was trying to put a gun cannon inside Kelly Mcgillis's pussy
Follow up post: Unless you insert as the one getting raped, in which case you can't fathom women as being truly powerful in the way a man can be.
It's the prequel to this film.
But what if you're just like that user and aren't male? Where would a female who likes male on male rape self-insert? As the dominant male?
Jodie Foster in The Accused.
That's hot. For some reason I hope you find a girl who likes the same thing.
Female on male rape does pretty much nothing for me, but man on man rape's pretty good. Even blackmail scenarios work. It's not completely surprising though since I'm only bi when it comes to fucking other dudes. Not going to try to pass it as completely straight even though it's not something I ever act on or actually look for guys to fuck, but on occasion when masturbating you know how it is.
That's a good question, user. As I think about it I would say that like with males, who you self insert as is a personal thing. I'd also add that as a female you don't have to insert at all. I would wager that dominant insert is far more common in this scenario than submissive inserting, however.
educate yourself sweety
Hmm. Well, you're right on females not having/needing to self-insert. I suppose I was merely curious if any did. That commonality differs depending on where the responses come from. Take /gif/ for example, where many of those guys want to be the recipient.
Last House on the Left. Was watching it with my mom and when the scene came on she said "this movie is gross"
Problem is physical assault usually happens before, during, or after a rape. If all rapes were just some dude getting off in 3 minutes it probably wouldn't be such a big deal.
Yes, but /gif/ is pronounced gay.
why is men getting rape funny/allowed in media?
cause a man getting raped lets me know the movie means business
a woman getting raped is Tuesday
because he wanted to let Derek know that we all deal with fucking niggers on the inside to get bye, so he fucked him like a nigger, cause he couldn't realize that.
I believe the floodgates have opened with Iron Man 2.
Facilities should exist where guys like you get to indulge yourselves with rapists. Sort of like that White Bear episode of Black Mirror, but sans all the theatrics.
They can be anally raped by other men. They just can't be raped by a woman
The movie I starred in where my uncle molested me except it wasn't a movie and it actually happened
what he hot?
I thought he got raped so hard he needed stitches for his anus.
because it's a movie made by Jews
That's probably because he did. Six, iirc.
>which naturally meant when they left at some point I immediately popped it in and watched it and got hard as hell
Cheers for the laugh m8 I can relate to this so fucking much with my parent's vhs as a kid.
The fuck? I didn't post that image
too much hot consensual sex not enough rape
up your game guys
It was probably Craig Ferguson. The cheeky bastard.
What, wander in, rape some rapists to get my ya-yas out, then back to regular life? To be honest even that would be too rapey in reality for me. The fantasy of it gets me off, and potentially some guy that'd be in for rough sex and rape play would work, but I wouldn't even want to rape someone as punishment.
A fellow white man wouldn't do this to another white man, right? They would only fuck if both reached an agreement because fuck womyn.
I'm confident you'll change your mind.
Happens all the time here in Australia. Our black prison population isn't as large in proportion as what they've got in America.
>One day user is pissing on the women's bathroom as usual when a woman puts her fist right through his rectum without his consent
>user, who doesn't know what rape actually is or doesn't want to, believes this was ok because he could not live with the idea that he was raped
>Also the part where the dudes arm muscle is hanging out.
Wait what? I don't remember that
Death Wish 3
>be 14, rent VHS from corner store
>Holy shit Counsellor Troi is in this
>holy fucking shit she’s getting gang raped.
I rubbed myself raw over this scene. I’m sure it fucked up my sexual development
Prince of Tides. Boy rape scene was orgasmic.
Yup this is the one.
I think I was about 14 when I first saw that scene, and it really freaked me out. Even to this day it makes me uneasy.
...do Arayan bros rape black guys?...
Imagine all the poop he got on his dick. Gross
i can't remember my first but i can remember the last one i fapped mine dong too. it was the girl with the dragon tattoo when she was raped and then she kicked a dilldoo up into a mans anus.
40 days and 40 nights lol
honestly that was one of the smartest twists in any romcom
is this loss?
American History X
What movie?
Saturday Night Fever
when i was young i saw the hills have eyes 2 in theaters, the rape scene in that movie actually made me feel horrible
haha imagine 2 dudes wrestling and the winner gets to take the losers ass haha gross
And they had to make it clear that he cummed and impregnated the female soldier...yew...
how would i remember
Married, one kid. Own a business....
Depressed alcoholic though
If I remember correctly the tough guy is in the rapids and his arm muscle is hanging out?
Yikes, have sex Incel