UM, of course I can drive INCEL, I'm a WOMAN! I do all my own stun-OH NOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

UM, of course I can drive INCEL, I'm a WOMAN! I do all my own stun-OH NOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Attached: kill thurman.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

Why did she turn so hard before she lost it, was she supposed to drift around that corner?


Never forget when this footage came to light idiots here said QT was done.

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This is the canon ending to Kill Bill Vol. 2 and none of you will tell me any differently.

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kek her career is dead af and she definitely buried it forever with that move, it was dead even before Weinstein's fall

they gave her a faulty car it was not her fault

Fucking whore bit the hand that feeds her... now she can rot in hell.

Didn't she specifically NOT want to do this scene but Tarantino made her?


Reminder that they needed to change the entire transmission of this car to automatic because Uma Thurman couldn't drive manual

i thought it was a meme that americans can't drive stick shift lmao

why are euros always trying to start shit?
Is it an ego thing?

Yea what an ungrateful bitch, like she can bitch and whine all she wanted but she was the one driving the car and she could have slowed down.

>UM, of course I can drive INCEL, I'm a WOMAN! I do all my own stun-OH NOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Why are you quoting Brie Larson when your video is Uma Thurman?

>made her

>Deerrrr my American hate

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mutts sure are weird

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Imagine bragging about driving an inferior car.

This was very obviously her fault.


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Yeah, which is retarded. It's fine to want her to do the scene but for fuck's sake give her two weeks in a stunt driving course if you want her to drive in the scene. Getting a woman to reverse park is dangerous enough, getting a woman to drive at high speeds on a bumpy, old road with a car that doesn't have power steering is just reckless.

Not European but if you can’t drive stick shift you’re not a man


At least she didn't kill some one

Driving too fast for conditions and skill level. Car swings out 3 to 4 times before hitting tree.

It's easier to just pay someone to drive for you.

She could hit me with that car all she wanted.

what a retarded thing to say
>made her
go see the producer or the stunt coordinator or since you're the lead don't do it

>meanwhile in a masterfully choreographed Seagal kino

Attached: Yakuza 7 Gameplay.webm (480x270, 2.17M)

Fucking hell this cracks me up every time

i can drive the fuck out of it. enjoy your fucked gears tho hee hee hee

are you happy you are better at swinging clubs and swords better than us while we use guns too?

I can't drive at all.

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