ITT: Times Yea Forums got BTFO

ITT: Times Yea Forums got BTFO

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She's been brainwashed by her Hebrew handlers.

Very Islamaphobic song

Its not a phobia. No one is afraid of fags. They are just disgusting.

#Brave. Is it 1991?

Taylor is a fat bitch

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Put that dick in that asshole! Yeah!

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>Taylor Swift releases beautiful and brave new song "Remember Me and Buy My Shit"

it's 5D chess obviously

Butt Eatin, Bug Chasin, Condom Hatin
That's what PRIDE means to meeee!
Drug addicted, HIV, Dicks with Fleas


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MASSIVE taytay fan here, i'm seeing a future where I drop her very soon...

Next song she takes on fat shaming.

Stop calling my gay bosses gay!!!!

It'd be fine if it were actually a good song. But all her stuff after '1989' has been awful. 'Fearless' and '1989' are her best albums.

She also peaked in terms of attractiveness a few years back.

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How do I get her to marry me bros?

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honestly same. but i'm not there yet. i'm still in love with her and i would legitimately give up a testicle to smell her pusy

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I liked when she was just poppy and cute, she always cheered me up. now she seems like a used up, bitter sjw and it reminds me of all these disgusting rainbow-haired political freaks

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the liberals saw her photos being posted on Yea Forums and bullied her into this. she doesn't have a choice

>homophobia bashing

I know. I just have to accept shes gone now. fuck dude.

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this image is based

christ, she’s perfect

her new single is getting trashed. I haven't seen one positive review.

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I mean after flopping on her previous couple singles, of course she does something as striking as this, it's attention seeking to remain relevant.

Popstars are just fads, and you gotta cash out while you're still relevant.

you like fake tits?