Did he do anything wrong?

Did he do anything wrong?

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he was right about Rey and nu star wars
has clown hair
honks horn at women at LA parties
wrote bright
yeah...im think he's /ourguy/

He has some based opinions, but is an insufferable faggot who's only ever made one good movie.

I remember watching a couple of his youtube vids when he had hair like that and he constantly had to move it out of his face. What's the point, ya fuccen finook

RLM was right to ditch his ass. Chances are the accusations are true and Mike knows it.

Who fucking knows? No one outside of those directly involved ever will.

Probably. Doesn't take away that what he's worked on hasn't been terrible and some of it was downright decent. If he can make money for a business what does what he's done before shouldn't define him. It's not liked he killed three people in an workplace incident

Wrestling isn't wrestling is kino

who? clowns?

Bright was legit good. Too bad he threw it all away for some coke and a whore.


He is too full of himself in a time where only women are allowed to

he should have made another one

He surrounded himself with SJWs while making non-PC jokes himself. This put an easy target on his back and the LA social climbers discarded him when they smelt blood in the water.

Probably not. He probably cheated, or had consensual sex with someone he was working with.

He directed a shitty movie and wrote several other shitty ones.

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somehow i didn't realize that was him when i first watched it, must be the hair


He posts on Yea Forums.

Remind me when I'm rich and famous never to associate myself with you frogs and clowns. Don't want to be betrayed the same way.

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Making shit movies

he thot patrolled

>what’s it like being a single, successful guy in LA?
>max landis: the one thing that’s changed is certain chicks, which only started happening very recently, when they find out i’m a director, will open up a lot quicker... their legs, their personality. they’ll start crying to you in an instant because they’re trying to leave an impression

>but it’s people doing a bad job at leaving a good impression. for example, extras on my set would just throw it at me hard in a way that i’ve never experienced. i mean everyone’s had that thing where you’re like making eye contact with someone at a party and you it’s on, but this was different than that. this was chicks coming up to me and being like ‘what’re you doing at lunch? i’ll come to your trailer!’ and i was like ‘i don’t know who the fuck you are!’ my experience of chicks throwing themselves at you like that – they’re always fucking crazy. no chick worth hooking up with is going to throw it at you because it means they’re crazy.

>i gave this girl my number – i was really stupid – because i was like why not? maybe i’ll hook her up with one of my friends. she started texting me every 15 minutes and i wouldn’t respond, i told her to stop texting me. i’d be on set directing and she would be like ‘why? what’s wrong? do you hate me? i know how you guys are’ and i was like ‘what the fuck are you talking about?’ and it immediately read unhealthy to me. unhealthy and anxious. women who are throwing it that easy – they’re not doing it because they think i’m cute, they’re doing it because they need some kind of validation. i’m a tiny, tiny bit successful, but in the scale of things you’re gonna fuck me for no reason? i don’t see it. i’m not on that level. i’m not a rockstar – i’m not in a band, you’re not going to be in my video. the only thing you could get from fucking me is getting to fuck me

Came here to post this. I don't care much for the guy overall, but Wrestling isn't Wrestling is legit fantastic.

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This is the only good thing he's ever done.

He’s based but the way he looks is cringe and the things he writes are mostly shit

Mike was complicit

>did he do anything wrong?
not make cronkle 2
gib sequel max pls

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I’ll add this to my list. it better be good or so help me...

>everyone’s had that thing where you’re like making eye contact with someone at a party and you it’s on
haha yeah t-totally everyone does, I do it all the time haha

You're far more likely to love it if you like, or ever have liked wrestling. It's also a great video to show to people who don't understand why people like wrestling.

rip in peace............ guy who made the twilight series................

cool, I never got into wrestling but I get the appeal. I’ve had friends that were fans. and I know people who like watching it with their fathers, which I can appreciate as a bonding kind of thing.
I mostly just like Chronicle, but seeing multiple anons actually agree that they liked something is a strong endorsement. people on this board fucking hate EVERYTHING, so unless that was a massive samefag, I’ll probably enjoy it.

But...Bright and Chronicle are two movies.

What did he say about Rey and nuWars?

That rey was a shitty Mary sue

Superman American Alien was total garbage. Superman as a leftist millenial hipster? Fuck off Max. Fuck you and your rainbow dash clown hair.

I mean I thought he was gay n shit, but how can someone be a piece of shit for so many years yet no one ever said anything? makes no sense.

Bright 2 when?

>I mean I thought he was gay n shit, but how can someone be a piece of shit for so many years yet no one ever said anything? makes no sense.

He is the son of one of the biggest directors in Hollywood. Going after him would be like going after the son of Spielberg.

Just look at him.

never thought a piece of "wrestling criticism" would be one of my favourite things from 2015, but this guy's genderswapped vision of the drama as it played out in his own head was priceless.
it changed my mind about what wrestling is, and was genuinely entertaining too

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Everyone's done something wrong
But if you're a straight white male chances are it'll come back and bite you in the ass