Only shows interest in men who have money

>only shows interest in men who have money

You can't even get away from it in animal tv shows. Name a single show with a female character where this doesn't happen.

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Who the fuck would be interested in a bum?

She learns that's bad. Besides she is looking for happiness in a man instead of trying to be a better person.

art imitates life.

She cares more about escaping her shitty job than love

>girl aims above her social level
Yew gooo grrrl!
>guy tries to get a hot wife
Wtf u gross pig

>Aggretsuko, also known by its original Japanese title, Aggressive Retsuko is a Japanese anime musical comedy
Kys weeb netflix shills

Suck my cock dude

>hurr shill
Are you retarded?

imagine unironically typing this out


>Name a single show with a female character where this doesn't happen.

No thank you, we will just keep talking about Retsuko.

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Fenneko is best girl!

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>t. didnt watch the entire season
She chose having a family and a job over some wealthy dude.

I saw few excerpts from this on youtube and it wasn't funny or smart.

That's the point though. The character grows over the show.

I did watch it though. She only shows interest in the Tiger (who she thinks is rich) and the donkey who is rich. She even makes up insane excuses as to why she can't even see the polarbear dude even after he turns out to be a good guy.

Thats the entire point of her character. She is a bitch who doesnt know what she wants in life, which is why she jumps from quitting her job to not quitting it and not going going after dudes who dont want what she wants.

This dude probably got rejected as a janny

It's a surprisingly good show. Haven't seen season 2 yet though.

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She hot,post more

Haida is the eternal cuck

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Who is Haida?I only want to masturbate

The Cuckyena.

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Nobody says that

>Not Washimi

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Please step on me, Washimi-sama!

Feet are only cute if they wear shoe

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>mfw no Fenneko gf

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his head looks like an onion

>fucking furry retards coming out of the woodwork
fuck you OP

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4channel has always been a furry website.

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t. closetfurry

>wojak faggot

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All sexual attraction has an unconscious basis in reproductive success and the success of child rearing. You shouldn't blame women for naturally being attracted to that which offers them the best chance of success for their kids.

>R-retsuko rejected me, user...
>A-and I just... just needed someone to talk to.
>You're always there for me. And you're just s-so... What I m-mean is... user... D-do you l-like me?

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but she could have had a big dick polar bear ensuring chad offspring, or a soi donkey that she could push around and have tons of money

Aaaaah,done masturbing,Ive been masturbating for 5 minute,the problem is now my dick hurt like shit
because ewverytime I fap my dick burn like shit
probably because all of the doritos dust went inside my foreskin
now I need to sit on the toilet for 20 minute so it burn less
I keep my dick on the toilet because its cold
It does that everytime I masturbate
But thank you anyway

By that logic, you can't blame men who can't otherwise breed for raping women.
Either breeding is amoral, or it's moral.


I'm currently watching the life and times of Tim should I keep watching Tim or give this show a bash been meaning to give it a go for a while?

Do you show interest in ugly women? Just wondering.

both strategies have a potential for success although the soi donkey's kids will likely be physically weak

Too perfect for this world.

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I let your mom blow me, does that count?

The sitcom trope of schlubby guy with a hot wife gets brought up a lot by feminists in critiques of media. Its meant to be part of the humor like why would a hot girl marry Kevin James but they dont get it.

Well it also has to do with women settling in their older age and realizing that stability is comfort trump getting dicked by the cock carousel.

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>this is what haidafags actually believe

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Is this show about japanese robot wagies?

pretty much

Does Retsuko end up with Haida at the end or not I need to know if I want to watch this shit


well I guess I can drop this show


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Where is the corgi?

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black and filling me with cream lol

he's right

why the fuck else would this shit have such a resurgence in popularity?

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it's gonna keep going and going for like nine years before it finally has a shitty ending just like all the other children's cartoons that "adults" used to watch

have sex

I want to marry her.

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>bare paws

I don't think children enjoy watching a Japanese salarywoman navigating innner office politics and finding her place in the world, even if she is a cartoon animal.

>ree women should be traditional and stay at home and raise children
>uhhh but they also shouldnt care if i can afford to help give them a comfortable life


who the fuck is the audience for this shit?

Retsuko is kind of a cunt (are you a boy or a girl? Hard to tell with hyenas). I'll cuddle you on cold nights.

>Name a single show with a female character where this doesn't happen.

Monster Musume

Attached: Miia Being Best Waifu.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Holy fucking based