Let's be honest, has there been any 'WOW', immediately-memorable movies in the last 15 years?

Let's be honest, has there been any 'WOW', immediately-memorable movies in the last 15 years?

Movies for the ages, rather than just 'the 8/10 for this year I guess'

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Just the 2 Paul Blart Movies.

THe last Jedi.... incellular...

unironically Fury Road. inb4 LOLFEMINISTPROPAGANDA

Ask this question again in ten years.

Under the silver lake
King of the monsters

Edge of Tomorrow and every other Cruise Kino

No country for old men


Whiplash did it for me. Not sure if for the ages, though.

This scene.

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Movies are very personal and a WOW will never be wow for all 7B ppl on earth.

For me:
Mad max
That’s all I can recall 4 now

Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.
That is possibly one of the best jokes I've never gotten from the Simpsons until just now.

You just grew up and are now immune to wonder and way less impressionable.

Infinity War

There will be blood and Tree of Life

The Master

it was also incredible unrealistic

Probably Fury Road, despite the obvious insert feminism.

Blade Runner 2049 is another legit contender.

Everyone remembers The Dark Knight. It shaped the industry and an entire generation.

>realism is good
This is why cinema is dying.

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You didn't even see the movie faggot

I love the drums, man. Can't play that well, but a movie about a guy playing the drums just did it for me. Can watch it any day, at any time. More to it than that, of course, but I really fucking love the drums.

Synecdoche, New York
The Tree of Life
Holy Motors

That's about it.

District 9

BR2049, like it or not

Pixar films
The Dark Knight (memorable for Heath Ledger's acting)
Get Out
Personally I found A Ghost Story to be one of the best films of the decade



>Personally I found A Ghost Story to be one of the best films of the decade
I did too, I can't stop rewatching it

Synecdoche, NY

Tv coming thru with some great answers

holy pseud batman

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Fury Road
The Revenant

Watched it in theatres when it was released, best movie experience I have had in a long time. I love the contrast between the childlike sheet ghost image vs the grief and attachment and anger of ghosts

And pic related.

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culture is too fragmented and personalized now for both of these things:
- that a movie will be nearly universally hailed and appreciated as great
- that such a movie could be created in the first place

everything has diversified: the audience, the critics, and the makers. as a result, making a movie that almost everyone will love, that's true to a worthy artistic concept, and that's not also also mired in cliche is tough. blame the internet.

how people consume entertainment is now hyperpersonalized, and that has influenced the artform itself. what you consider great will always be considered crap by a lot of other people now, and vice versa, and so nothing stands out. right? someone call bs on me.

while hyperpersonalised taste has been the new standard, there are still opportunities for media to reflect the collective consciousness and leave an impact at large.

I know what you mean it made the ghost itself seem kind of like a lost upset kid.

yes. the ghost was very aimless, very disconnected but still unable to break away. he had the opportunity newly deceased to move on but chose to remain instead.

This. I don't even play an instrument, and the only reason I put it on was because it looked like the type of movie that is just the right combination of interesting/boring which puts me to sleep. After finishing I realized that it was the best fucking movie I've seen in well over 10 years.

Kind of agree with this. Too many people want to see themselves reflected in the characters, story, and whatnot to make something that captures the zeitgeist. is right that the possibility is there, but there's no incentive to do so like there was not even two decades ago.

The Dark Knight
Avengers: Infinity War
Mad Max: Fury Road

Those are the three that stand out to me the most. I can rewatch a thousand times because they're so entertaining.

Pacific Rim
Fury Road
No Country