A week before we can watch it

>a week before we can watch it
>still no idea how the dub sounds

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Other urls found in this thread:


>netflix redubbing anime

Why would you watch a dub? Especially a Netflix dub. Half the characters are probably voiced by black people now.


mup doo didda cof ho bin mufuggen eva nood, namsayin Shinji?

I can't imagine eva discussion getting any worse in a week

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Welcome to Good Burger! Home of the Good Burger! can i take your order?

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Same with that Rome Empire shit they pushed a a new Original Series, i swear i saw that shit like 6 years ago.

Does this mean End Of Evangelion is coming at some point too?

>watching dubs

A sign of low IQ

based elitist

>not watching good dubs like the ones for Death Note or Psycho-Pass


Monster also has a pretty good dub

I hope so user

isn't netflix in a mountain of debt?

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>>a week before we can watch it
>>still no idea how the dub sounds
really makes you wonder if they're excited for it and want to surprise everyone with it or if they're terrified and know it's going to be shit. because that is a pretty big series

I like that one where Shinji and Asuka are the Bible's Adam and Eve, everything after is our current cycle that's why there's no God/Angels.

I don't know how it could possibly be worse than the ADV dub.

anyone else actually going to check it out?

no, I'm just going to keep an eye on Yea Forums and see what the most offensive choices are.

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Can I get an order of asuka please.

EoE is coming at the same time. They're releasing the whole thing in one go.

Why do people keep asking this when the official announcement has always been that they're releasing the whole series and the movies?

You can literally google this and find out in 3 seconds.

Is the existing dub really so unreasonable that they needed to do this?
Cause for suspicion.

from what i've heard, there were quite a bit of translation errors in the original dub, causing some confusion about the story. also, the voice actors at the time were not the most experienced.

I feel bad for her and the other VA.

Why did Netflix decided to employ new voices?

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that's pretty fucked up, really feel bad for her

the only dub I've ever liked was the one for Spice and Wolf

Post your dub predictions

>Soundtrack is changed from classical to dubstep
>No Cruel Angels Thesis
>No Komm Susser Tod
>dialogue that establishes themes/philosophy are changed or mistranslated
>even more added sound effects than ADV
>wilhelm scream
>pedo shit cut out
>Asuka Shikinami
>Tara Strong as Asuka
>mindrape scenes completely mistranslated

>Rei is a timelord
I love autistic shit like this because I want to see it

boo fucking hoo, this reminds me of david hayter's obnoxious bullshit after not getting in mgsv, they don't need to use the same VA for EVERY RELEASE

Amanda Winn Lee is a cunt.

The only thing that'll make me care is if they really sell Shinji's screams. The Japanese VA for Shinji gave one of the most blood-curdling screams at the end of episode 18 and it really got to me. Never experienced something like that from an anime since.

>build a shitty house with obvious structural problems
>new owner buys it and demolishes it
>get butthurt when you don't get called back to build it again
yeah, yeah, you grew up in it but it was still filled with asbestos and lead paint



>Axis won ww2
huh. Nothing would really confirm or deny that would it?

It will be bland but accurate and use the same forgettable SoCal cast as Violet Evergarden and their other prestige original anime titles

What the fuck promotion was this?

Spike Spencer's performance as Shinji was godawful at the beginning of the series, like he was trying to make fun of the material. But his performance in EoE is one of the best voice over performances I've ever heard.

Buying the distribution rights for Eva does not mean you get the rights to another company's dub. Maybe they crunched the numbers and found that recording a new one was just as or less expensive. Plus you rope in old fans with the new dub and your viewership soars.

For me, it's Rei.

Attached: IMG_20190428_021753.jpg (1301x1772, 130K)

Sources have confirmed that Netflix hired Will Smith to rewrite and perform the theme tune.

because the old ones sucked

The new ones will likely suck just as much.

the english dub is nothing to be proud of

Attached: In West Yamaguchi.jpg (420x432, 68K)

Stop ruining this board with anime shit

Gendo, rei and asuka i thought were good in the dub.

Yeah, we need more capeshit and GoT threads.

This is an anime website, maybe /r/film is more to your liking.

Every guy will sound like a nasaly twentysomething, regardless of the age of the character
Every girl will be vocal fried

They know almost anything they release will be mocked to death, so they're just going to drop it and run on release day.

Stop ruining this board with shit posting and 0/10 bait posts faggot.

I seriously hope so because the eoe dub was the worst, maybe they’ll actually do better

>watching dub
Also the original dub was fine. The early episodes where Spencer didn’t understand how to play the role are awkward but the latter 2/3 thirds is perfectlly acceptable.

like shit OP, american dubs always sound like shit. They do dubs since you are so fucking retarded that you cannot read subs and watch what's going on at the same time.

>SEELE is Elders of Zion
this is why I know this chart is retarded, because SEELE actually wanted to do something good for humanity

>asuka compares shinji to a gamergater
also checked

It's canon in the PSP game that their Third Impact would put them in command of the composite being. Whether that was happening in EoE is up for debate, but probably not.

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It's just an exclusivity clause



Oh boy! I sure can't wait for Netflix ((quality)) dub

>posting the ADV dub
LITERALLY 20 years old.

I understood that reference

Eva has to change the times, just like Japan has to change with the times.

Here’s the VA cast they’ve assembled for this with some sample vos. Not an official trailer in any capacity it’s just a little thing that I swished up a while back.

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No they didn't lmao


I like Amanda's take on Rei. Very cold and very distant Rei

I'm not sure why people like to think the show is deep. Didn't the creator pretty much wing it for every episode with no real grand plan?

Will they censor it?

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Devilman wasn't censored

Well "you" wouldn't exist anymore. There would be a single being containing all memories and experiences from the recently living. That person isn't you.



what happened in it?

Go back you faggots.

Not him but should i start with the netflix devilman or is there some other series i should watch first?

An homage to EoE with gallons of extra cum

Graphic gore sex

>3/4 of their theories came from Yea Forums

>Can/Can(not) path
>when I'm the one who invented it on Yea Forums

I am offended. Please delete.

The manga before or after

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From an objective standpoint, you can just sift through junk data automatically to get the best bits, but how that would go in a subjective "human" experience is unknown. Having 10,000 people's memories of being tortured and starving isn't really helpful or easy to discard.

>still no idea how the dub sounds
Literally who cares? Its a dub. You shouldn't be watching it anyway unless you are underage b&.

>you can just sift



Are you drunk?

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pretty good

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If I were in charge of bringing this to Netflix I would have had some of the main characters painted over and had some background characters added to make it more diverse. I'm not even joking. It would be a great work of absurdism.

at least the original was charming and iconic as far as dubs go, this is going to be tryhard hyperreal hollywood garbage, a pointless exercise on eva

And add 'republican are silly' jokes because even though it is on future japan we need to inject wokeness to guide our youth to vote correctly.

hey, Cromartie High School has the best dub OF ALL TIME

the original performances on cowboy bebop were great of course but that show was practically made to be in english as well

Are they getting End of Eva, or it will just end at episode 26? That resolution, even if more bizarre, is kind of needed.




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JYB is Shinji. Netflix has that guy on speed dial for every foreign language shit they dub over.

Shin Godzilla was so fucking good.

LOGH should be in German dub imo

reading and watching at the same time is tiring

AWL is a stupid cunt who wucked at voice acting, sucked at directing voice actors, sucked at writing dub scripts, and studio went under because she's a horrible person in general no one wants to deal with.

Maybe for double digit IQ morons.

>Can/Can(not) path

Could you explain please?

>had to look her up
>worst girl
Who cares?


I've watched plenty of subbed movies and from this point forward i'd rather watch dubbed the first time around and subbed the second. Subbed is pretty distracting, but if I'm already familiar with the dialogue I can listen to it in the language that was intended and enjoy it more.

This guy is right but Netflix usually releases things in their original language in addition to having the dub and you can usually choose the audio track so really just make sure you switch it to the Japanese audio and everything should be hunky-dory cap'm

One number 2 please

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To be fair having David Hayter for the four lines Snake has in MGSV might have made it feel somewhat like a Metal Gear game.

See the bottom part of this pic, the rest was speculated by someone else. Basically it's trying to find the titles which match the films the most. Also it's mainly demented fanwanking I came up with while waiting for the camrip of 3.0.

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Hikari Horaki is underrated. She'll make lunches for you and she's super cute.

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I'm sure Netflix has got this on the ball
Basically one of the holy grails of anime
I bet they won't botch this horribly
Too bad when they do, it won't be that type, where it's so bad it's good
Old Godzilla dubs are legendary with this.

>the four lines Snake has in MGSV
Excuse me? It's been a while since I've played it, but are you talking about "Ahab's" lines or are you being hyperbolic?

Yes user, it's closer to ten lines but you know what I'm saying.

Netflix just doesn't care. They didn't advertise that Kingdom (The korean Dynasty Horror Drama) had an english dub either.

I'm realkly gonna miss Spike Spencer as Shinji. He's the definitive english voice of the character for me.


He was great.
Ending spoilers

There is no original creator intention. At best you have a voice director who was part of a larger production process. If you give a shit about experiencing this stuff as the original, you better be speaking fucking Japanese.

>He was great.
Assuming funimation doesn't get sued into bankruptcy by Mignogna, he should still be able to come back for the last Rebuild. I hope.

Post >yfw you haven't watched any of the Rebuilds.

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Is Rebuild good? I'm rewatching the original series now before starting it.

The NGE English dub is a goddamn masterpiece.


>"a week before we can watch it"
Are you fucking retarded? You could watch it all this time.

Shinji has a core

1 is pretty much like the TV show with a few minor differences, 2 takes the story in a completely new direction and we don't talk about 3.

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i’m excited and also scared

She was Oya AND Yukiko?

I bought the 2.22 rebuild. I cri evrytiem I watch the end.

What kind of creep watches dubs?

People who want to watch the dubs, obviously.

>Netflix dubs
Remember these guys produced a dub that was so horrendous that they had to go back months later and redubbed it with legit VAs and not just Philippinos they found on the street.

Personally i like watching the show not the words

Someone who doesn't want words at the bottom of the screen distracting him from the action onscreen.

3.33 will either make or break the rebuilds for you. It's a very hard movie to watch because it's so depresing.

kek, my roommates favorite theory is the shinji we see is a gendo clone and that's why he hates him so much.

And if he took a wrong turn in the Rei tube station he would see a tube full of himself. I used to subtly troll him by saying "yeah and kaworu is a clone of shinji too that's why two straight guys were so borederline gay, they were just talking to themselves."

>ctrl+F "Misato"
>0 results

Where's the love, Yea Forums?

Attached: misato drink.gif (500x385, 129K)

imagine being this butthurt haha

>loving sluts

yikes. It's a phase, you'll grow out of it.

Best girl

Attached: misato monster.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

I appreciate Misato more now that I'm older.

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>ask a dumb question
>get an obvious answer
>mass reply "u mad"

Attached: 🤔🐸 .png (620x620, 224K)

but you are clearly upset. Dubs are always bad. Subs are better because you don't speak Japanese and can't tell how bad the voices are. Don't be stupid, watch subs only.


>absolute terror field=autism
My god! How could I have missed this?

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This. As a kid I was Asuka all the way but now that I'm a big guy for you I've realized Misato was the best gril all along.

Attached: misato.jpg (1024x768, 175K)

>I appreciate Misato more now that I'm older.

I hate her guts after watching the rebuilds.

>but you are clearly upset
How so? All I said is that people who want to watch dubs are the ones who watch dubs because you asked who watches dubs. I don't get what you are trying to say by acting purposefully stupid and asking an obvious question, getting an answer to your stupid question, and then telling me I'm angry.

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If left around the time she put a fucking bomb on a traumatized kids neck. I hope she dies in the final movie. I hope Unit 01splats her like a bug. Old bitter resentful hag that she's become.

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>Shinji has a core

That's clearly meant to be a metaphor. Also that music video is probably going to be declared non canon sooner rather than later.

>She was Oya AND Yukiko?

She's also a horrible human being.

Nah, EOE as well as Death/Rebirth will be released on the same day - since we don't need another generation bitching about understanding the ending (which will probably happen, anyway)

>implying we'll see 01 ever again

Yeah I was joking but the short could still be canon.

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It should be illegal to dab on someone this hard. Brutal.

Dubs are inferior. English actors cannot emote japanese language and it comes across as cringe every single time.

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>3.0 Misato
That world deserved to be its own anime series, not just the intro to a movie and about Shinji and Kaworu. What a fucking waste.


Good thing all they have to do is emote the English language then.

>Kevin Spacey as Gendo
>Michael Cera as Shinji

Holy fuck that sounded actually okay.

Shoji Tabuchi?

>Ramiel is best girl
that's been confirmed since it first aired

>Kevin Spacey as Gendo
umm yeahhhh that's not gonna work in light of recent events.


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meme man


If they allowed that asian chick in Altered Carbon to do a fight scene with her breasts ass and vagina out. I think this is small potatoes.

>implying Ramiel (male) is best girl (male)

>not being good enough to be put on background rotation

>comparing Evangelion to today's 3AM ironic moeshit
Even being Japanese themselves, the creators of this show didn't know what they were talking about. Nice classic Eva VHS prop though. I like vintage media.

kaworu is best girl

I'm glad Shinji wants to change the world with best girl.

>implying we'll see 01 ever again

If it doesn't appear in the final movie. I hope Anno gets just as much shit for 'subverting expectations" as Rian Johnson did for Last Jedi.

>Anime is set in the far future space or in America
>Expect me to suspend my disbelief and just accept everybody speaks Japanese in settings they likely wouldn't

Unit 01 has to appear on screen at least once in Final. It's the battery for the Wunder, so it has to burst out and wreck shit one last time. I expect "SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS," but maybe they'll be fulfilled like anime usually does. 1.0 and 2.0 were pretty by the book, so maybe the non-Anno crew members will look at 3.0's reception (Japanese, it was negative to middling) and course-correct towards the TTGL style they approached in 2.0.

No. It's already on my anime NAS. And even if it wasn't, I still have plenty of space.

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this. imagine watching an inferior version to an original

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Have you watched it? If not, stop browsing third-worlder chan and watch it.

He says as he watches an inferior medium.

>and course-correct towards the TTGL style they approached in 2.0.
So 01 is going to merge with the Wunder, become gigantic and throw mount Fuji at GNR which is piloted by Gendo?

i don't, i read manga instead

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>3 whole terabytes

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>1.78 TB of anime
>thinking i haven't watched EVA
Who the fuck do you think I am?

What kind of subhuman watches dubbed shit?
Even worse a dubbed version made specifically for Netflix?

If you don't speak Japanese you're a contrarian fucking shit

My fucking negroid. Manga has really spoiled me, watching anime now a days is always a letdown in comparison.

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I'd love that at this point, but I mean that 2.0 approached a balance between classic NGE and stupid manly mecha shit like TTGL. Shinji was running like the fucking road runner and shattering his arms fighting Sahaquiel, then going super saiyan and firing laser beams to kill Zeruel. But that happened alongside (simplified) versions of the OG NGE characters and their development. What I want is for 4.0 to take the same approach, as they can't go full OG NGE at this point- it's way too late to develop the characters to that level. Just accept the stupidity and thrive in it to a degree that isn't an idiot plot like 3.0, where critical events only happen because people can't say basic sentences to each other.

bruv this ain't the place for the dub v sub debate. you need to go back to Gaia

Aren't 3 TB drives notorious for being unreliable and breaking down compared to 2 TB and 4TB drives? I remember a friend who works in IT said not to bother and just invest in at least 4TB.

Begone, normie.

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i've not seen NGE but no doubt shitflix will fuck up the translations on the subs as much as they did with JoJo

I don't need to know Japanese to know when an english dub has bad voice acting (which was 80%+ of the time when I actually watched dubs). Also I don't speak American english either so the dubs sound weird to me anyway.

Just go pirate the Blu-Ray or DVD version with the ADV Platinum subs. Netflix probably will fuck up the subs, so this is your chance to pirate a good version before it gets harder in the next 4-5 years.

The anime is perfectly fine!

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mine is a WD Red NAS drive. It only turns on when I tell the OS to access it. Discs aren't spinning the rest of the time. I've had it for years and it still has a lot more time on its lifespan.

Very based

>>Ramiel is best girl

Attached: Snow Angel - Ramiel Evangelion.jpg (640x480, 23K)

I feel like I'm missing some context here. What happened?

Most people who have passed grade 6 or so are capable of reading and watching simultaneously.
Are you a person of colour by chance?

I’m suddenly thirsty for milk.

this is so sad alexa play komm susser tod

holy shit what. I didn't realize Netflix was re-dubbing it
have they not announced any sort of casting for it- other than the og cast wouldnt be back?

We have no fucking clue other than the original cast (at least Amanda Win Lee and Spike Spencer) aren't involved. No other details or footage has been revealed, and it comes out in a week.

Should you watch EOE before or after episodes 25-26?

25/26 before EoE. EoE is EOE - The END OF EVANGELION. It was made after those episodes and is the ultimate end of the series and franchise. There is maybe no better and final ending in fiction.

This encapsulates everything wrong with old dubs; everyone has to sound like a Warner Bros. cartoon character all the time


E21 = best ending track

Reminds me of this, but this is better. Some random half-nig got the psyche of Shinji's character better than "professional" dubbers from 20 years ago.

>Some random half-nig
Don't disrespect our strangler, faggot.

Sorry, it's 8 years old. I don't know content creators at that point when they've been reuploaded.

>challenger appears

bump for best girl

Well no shit. Every BR poster could kick ass at anything bossa nova related.

That body is comparable to a fucking red wood picket fence. That's actually pathetic.


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That's probably just the artist, I think she's a bit less of a sticc in the show

Asuka, on the other hand...

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So you became a cuck?

kinda reminds me of that big titty goth chick that did those Rei Ayanami scenes on Porn Hub

I've seen some shitty Eva fanwank in the 20 years since I first saw Eva and the 15 years I have been on Yea Forums... but that is still pretty fucking terrible. Take a lap.

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I'd laugh if it was dubbed by same crew that did Voltron / She-Ra.

>Wait what! You want me to pilot it?

All animation is dubbed. Why sully the images with text?

I think that image was the wallscroll my college roomate had in our dorm.

I used to be a sub nazi. I insisted on watching the subtitles of Eva even back when my friends and I had it on VHS.

Then it hit me. Japanese people do not watch anime by reading dialog as text on the screen. They hear the dialog dubbed in their native language.

The trouble is that some English redubbed anime is so badly done that watching it as subtitled text on a screen with Japanese dub dialog is prefered.

Plus even if the dub is good, it is interesting to rewatch it with the original Japaneze actors. Conversely, it is interesting to rewatch it with the English redub to focus only on the visuals.

For me, it's Julie London.

Just try it Netflix. I dare you.

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>having this much autism
I bet you also complain when things set in Rome aren't in Latin or space people speak English as well, you autistic faggot.

Got all three seasons a few months ago. still haven't watched them or taken the plastic off. Going to binge watch sometime soon!!!FACT!!!

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda. Light.

lemme get uhh
instrumentality pusy

Only because he had a mental breakdown and tried to push his instability into the show.

Get me that SICK as fuck tune
Yeeeeah that's the one

Attached: 1551623978153.webm (1920x1080, 151K)

hell yeah


>implying angels have gender

>*chair clatters*

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>millions of people introduced to eva
The waifu wars are never going to end, are they?

Where do I get to download this when it's out? (Illegally)

can i get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
boneless pizza?


It’s a good way to filter the fans worth talking to from the newfags desu

Attached: A88D818C-2EB3-488B-AECB-D11809604540.jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

Shoot, even piratebay has a good rip up

All voices are black. All dialog is in ebonics.


Attached: NERV_HQ_(Rebuild).png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Official list of things to watch dubbed:
Old kung-fu movies
Trashy anime

That said I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious to hear what Netflix has done to Eva.

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Nobody gives a shit autist

you'll never touch your moms clones booby in your sexual prime

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It's canon that Asuka's boobs helped save humanity

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Anyone excited about the articles about it being an incel power fantasy? I am.

She injected stupid sound files into the dub, deliberately changed lines and currently runs a recreational cannabis channel on youtube.

Asuka a shit though

Asuka's not bad on your first time around, but then you grow a bit and realise that Misato was best girl all along

Attached: misato glasses.gif (500x281, 1008K)

More like
>wtf this makes no sense lol dropped

Nice quads to remind us this came out in '99 and shilling from netflix doesn't make it new.

That's hilarious to imagine.

I'm waiting for someone to get triggered by the Shinji nut scene and petition Netflix to edit it out

>AWL wont be I the redub
>and thats a GOOD THING
Watch 6.15 to 6.45

Please be my waifu.

>Didn't the creator pretty much wing it for every episode with no real grand plan?
What does this have to do with it not being deep?

Reanimating the show would be incredibly expensive and time consuming. Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>the way the creator intended
yes, i'm sure the creator intended for you to read the dialogue in a foreign language.

Subtitles only add something, they don't modify(and in most cases with dubs: shit up) anything from the original. You still hear the voice acting as directed by the original staff. You don't need to know the language to recognize timing, intensity, intonation, emotion or mood which are lost with the random fuckers anime dub studios pick up from the street to read lines.


Why not "Battle Of The Planets" it and make it even more surreal?

Attached: botp.jpg (768x576, 57K)

>he puts things on a 3TB hard drive that is constantly switched on and off and has no redundancy or backup plan.
Enjoy losing everything on the first CRC error.

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There's no such thing as a perfect translation, user. Especially with something like Japanese.

You are losing something if you don't understand the language.

I was a part of the anime con scene in the early 00s and will confirm, AWL is a pretty terrible human being. She had (has?) the ego of a Hollywood actress, but she is a hack who contributed nothing of value. Standards were very low for English dubs then. THAT is why she's being erased. Cuz she was a fucking awful actress and an even worse person. Fuck Amanda Winn Lee and the rest of that AD Vision crew.

Tiffany Grant is a bitch too.

You can't be serious.

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I wasn't, that post was sarcasm.

Of course. But it's still better than dub. I just thought that was a pro-dub post which it really wasn't.

My point wasn't that dubs are good. My point was that the "as the creator intended" argument is mongoloid tier.

I'm sorry you're poor

Tell that to Anno

but if you like Rei then you have no hope

>Misato is Adam's Pilot
I never ever made this connection before, but now I can't stop thinking about how cool it is.

No idea. I've often thought Amanda Winn-Lee's response to the Evangelion/Alita business as excessive but at that time it probably made sense to think of what they were about as a form of pioneering.

I like Rei

say that to my face wimp!

Attached: AD005.png (640x480, 292K)

>baby's first real anime
Ugh, no.

*and baby's last. It's all you need. Anime peaked with NGE; you watch it and them move onto another medium.

are you just pretending to be retarded?

Based and redpilled.

No, sorry. Just move on.

tell us about your favorite loli harem isekai animu, fren

I can live with that

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>on your computer, not a dedicated box
>no backups
>10tb for 4 disks lol.what the fuckk
>unironically uses a class a block.
>logs in as root
>no private local CA
>16GB ram
>disk details not available, can you even read smart?
Top quality bait m8

>Adam's pilot
Peak retardation.

Let's hear it then. What do you like?

The original english translation butchered episoder 24 and EoE

blessed post

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So is NGE's dub ok or not?

No its trash and make the intended ,meaning of key revelations/morals ambiguous

I'll take a naked asuka, extra spicy, a big LCL drnk and some zeruel fries

>Uh Number 2 and number 4 for my boyfriend

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>Self-waifu paradox
Got a chuckle out of me

who knew I shared this board with patricians

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oh boy, now i can watch my shitty redone dubs for a 25 year old anime

Amanda Winn Lee was a good Rei

Best way to portray that nigger Asuka

Why are you watching a show with subtitles on the screen? The original intent of thw creator never included those, you are not watching their original intention

she needs the meal more than you:

Platinum + EoE for life

>That Audrey Plaza part

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Shit. You're right.

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New Thread, I guess:

>Subbed is pretty distracting
It not. You just need to get used to, the arguments against subtitles are pretty empty, you are not retarded or a nigger, it's just that anglos in general don't develop the hability to read subtitles, the older you start the more it will take for you just watch the movie and read without noticing you are reading. It will take time, one year meaby, but you will get there, as long as you just force yourself. Anglos are usually the ones that have more issues with subtitles, Argies, Chilean, Germans, Swedes, acting as if subs are easy got used to subtitles as soon as they learned how to read, it's pretty dumb to mock people who never had the need to use subtitles since most media is in english. Dubs are shit, and only third worlders like Mexicans, or insane french people should defend them but anglos need to understand the only reason they get distracted is becuase they havent learned how to unconsciously read.

So you weren't just pretending.