Nigga this shit ain’t funny
Nigga this shit ain’t funny
Yes but it's comfy
niggas wouldn't understand
are you retarded? Then how come all the people in the background laugh when they do some funny shit?
I feel like I'm the only person who finds Friends funny but can't stand Seinfeld.
funnier than Seinfeld
funnier than Everybody Loves Raymond
not as funny as King of Queens
Holismo plebismo
you a girl?
have a hot meal
No obviously, there's no girls on the internet...
>Friends is not funny.
>I had no problem with the ending of LOST
>Breaking Bad is the best series ever
>Dexter had a dumb ending
How to spot an idiot on Yea Forums
Your picture was uploaded to the internet whilst Friends was still showing new episodes
>Friends is funny
>LOST ending is bad
>Breaking Bad is the best series ever
It's okay, not GOAT tier
>Dexter had a dumb ending
Imagine being this much of a faggot
>mfw minorites cant relate to friends
I really liked F.R.I.E.N:D.S and I hope there is a season 10 imho SUPER FUN
>friends is funny
>LOST ever being good to begin with
>breaking bad is the best series ever
Way to fall for the easiest bait on Yea Forums, retard
>dexter had a dumb ending
I wouldn’t know, I dropped it sometime during S5 like people who aren’t mentally deficient
lol this is literally the majority of people, all who don't have a sense of humor btw.
It’s a period show. If you aren’t eating in the 90’s it’s not good.
seinfeld tries to be funny and fails
friends doesn't try to be funny but succeeds because of how fucking bizarre the show is
literally the opposite
>majority of posts ITT immediately deflect to shitting on Seinfeld
Friends is söy central holy shit
seinfeld is MEANT to be funny, it's meant to try and make you laugh because of how weird the show is
Friends isn't, it's meant to be a heartwarming comedy, but it ends up being funny because of how NOT heartwarming it is
ie seinfeld tries too hard to do what friends did accidentally
Friends is also meant to be funny, but the writing caters to a female audience.
for me, best boy is chandler and best girl is monica
friends is like seinfeld for normies who drank turpentine and huffed glue as children.
At least with Seinfeld you get a show that is honest in portraying how fucked up people are when they live in cities. Seinfeld is almost like a parody because the characters are awful people but in reality each character is like a facet or one of the four pillars of the human psyche taken to the extreme. Can you really truely say you havent lied to get ahead like George or been really superficial and judgemental like Elaine, or just wanted to live life in a serene goofy way without putting work in like Kramer or been like Jerry the guy who thinks hes better than everyone because of his talent and good sensibilities.
People like to think Seinfeld is about awful people who could never exist but the real joke is on you and is perhaps social commentary on how cities make us neurotic and toxic to each other.
Friends is just retarded because it feels like a flanderized bunch of non-sense that comes across like a vomit of bad comedy and soap opera.
Heres the key difference idiot poor character buys impractical pet duck because he loves it and hes an idiot so its funny and heart warming. Goofball poor character buys a rooster to make money off cockfights.
In this light I feel Seinfeld portrays the same idea in a much more honest and humerous way and ironically is even more heartwarming because he names the bird little Jerry and then he sacrifices himself when hes going to lose a fight.
It’s honestly the gayest show ever. If you enjoy Friends, and are an adult male over 20, then I guess you belong on this board
seinfeld was never big in europe or atleast in my country (UK) and I don't find it funny. Friends I found funny when I was a kid but now I don't, but at least it's comfy. Curb your enthusiasm mogs them both.
I only watched it for the pookies tbqhwy