/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General

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Other urls found in this thread:


the face... off

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First for Akimfu

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>/rbmk/ still going strong

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I need more Dyatlov memes... NOW

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does this make Dyatlov the Joker?

>some of them will not stop being posted for.. fifty-thousand years.

>valery get the bat-dosimeter


Some men just want to watch THEIR CORES GET WATER PUMPED INTO THEM

The autistic hunt for Legasov's son continues.
I don't have a name but many articles on the Russian internet mention him and corroborate what was said in the video despite wikipedia for some reason claiming he only had a daughter. Here's the first 2 links I found. I don't know if you read Slav runes so let me give you a rundown anyway
The first article is just biographical info
The second article is an interview with Major General Nikolai Tarakanov.
>And thirdly - not long before what happened his son was in a serious road accident, as I am told, he hit and killed a man. Legasov was very affected.
My uncle, who worked with Legasov, spoke about the son too and confirmed everything said in the second article a while back. Also claimed the son was doing drugs which upset Legasov a lot. You don't have to believe me but honestly what would I gain from lying about something so unimportant. I'll ask for the son's name when uncle comes back from Russia soon.

The Tarakanov interview is interesting not just for this one autistic detail, maybe I'll translate it for the thread sometime. But right now I'm so tired I don't know if I'm typing coherently anymore.

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Damn this is some aesthetic shit, what's it called?

I serve the /rbmk/


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genderbent core-chan IRL

>the meeting scene where they basically say if they don't do something most of Europe is going to be uninhabitable

jesus Chernobyl was way worse than I remember learning about

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I’m that user. Thanks for this man. Going down the rabbit hole. I don’t believe you have inclination to lie, I just want DAH TROOF

Vladimir Gubarev, one of the first journalists to arrive at Chernobyl, mentions Legasov's son in his book "My truth", so that's pretty credible, I guess.
There's an interview with him about the HBO series, too.

Wanna know how I got this caviar?

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This is the one that says the name Alexei. Results for "Alexei Legasov" made confusing by the fact that Legasov's father's name was Alexei too.

holy shit, it's like the hospital scene from the Dark Knight except the Joker and Twoface swap places

I just saw it for the first time and I had to say it was great. Episode 5 however for me was not the best.

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Why is he scrubbed? Now it seems he did exist but we’re not supposed to know


what did they do with the other 3 reactors when this was going on? did they just turn them off? I can't remember

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Kind of bad that the son of a national hero is killing people with his car (and possibly snorting coke but that I have yet to find proof of beyond uncle's words).

no, they were kept running. Legasov even mentions it in ep. 5 and since they had many details be autistically accurate I think thats what was going on IRL too

>barf bucket reserved for tripfags
kek, based

I have a too low IQ for this show. I just watched the third episode, and I can't remember any of the characters names.


I hope you're all growing your akimov staches for the summer, comrades.

nth for sweet Vasily and his sweet sweaty brapper

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If anyone's interested.


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why do they wear those hats?

This was kind of fun. Sorry I called you a retard, original user

Because it's cute.

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Legasov is for hand holding.
Perhaps if his hand was in mine he would not reach for cigarettes as much

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>In October 1991, reactor No. 2 caught fire, and was subsequently shut down.[22] Ukraine's 1991 independence from the Soviet Union generated further discussion on the Chernobyl topic, because the Rada, Ukraine's new parliament, was composed largely of young reformers. Discussions about the future of nuclear energy in Ukraine ultimately moved the government toward a decision to cancel the operation of reactor No. 2.

>In November 1996, following pressure from international governments, reactor No. 1 was shut down.[23] Removal of uncontaminated equipment has begun at reactor No. 1 and this work could be complete by 2020–2022.[24] In December 2000, reactor No. 3 was shut down, and the plant as a whole ceased producing electricity.[23] In April 2015, units 1 through 3 entered the decommissioning phase.[25]

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Someone mentioned a gay fanfic where Legasov is described as a virgin. Can I have a link pls? Asking for friend

Where can I get some of those frames?

Can someone explain to me his fucking motivation through all this?

Like I get it, he's a dick. He wanted to see the test complete, but you're fucking with a nuclear reactor, I mean even with an off switch that's insane.

Was he just that irresponsible?

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Sorry I called you a faggot, dude

Tell your friend to go on archive of our own dot org and search Chernobyl, and that he's a lazy fucker.

does anyone have the original of this? the spicy pepperoni? I've been looking for it for years.

I have about as much respect for Chernobyl as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.

It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.

It's a keychain.

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why would you not just google a line from it?

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What the fuck is there to talk about at this point
There were 5 episodes
The show is done


Yeh its pretty bad senpai
you want worse?

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>“You are fucking!” Boris insisted, as if intimate relations sounded like an offense to his ears. “Men fuck, don’t be a pussy.”

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>He kept those vivid memories saved in the depths of his memory, hidden in the shadows to keep it from fading. A asset that he avoided to the utmost, and when he did he ended up waking up holding his flaccid cock and dirty pants.

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Sitnikov was too perfect for this world.

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What a slut, shaking my fucking head to be honest family.

Brought a tear to my eye.

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>brainlet has his opinion of an historic event readjusted by shitty sensationalistic HBO writing
although this also fits in the pattern of people who think a few nuclear explosions can end life on Earth, not realising that the "nuclear winter" is literal nonsense made up to scare dummies into wanting to get rid of nukes.

>They kept their faces against each other all the time, eyes closed, lips meeting over and over. Later he would remember her face tense with anticipation, focused on pleasure, her lips moist and open, the redness on her cheeks, the sweat wetting her forehead and especially the way she sighed and moaned low as she held her arms around him as tight as she could. He would remember the way she shivered under him, how subtle it started and the effort he did until she opened her eyes and gasped as the orgasm intensity overwhelmed her.

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I just had a vivid mental image of Legasov finding this and showing it to his wife.

Someone should write a story where Sitnikov gets snatched off the roof by Core-chan and molested. Now THAT I might read.

>a few nuclear explosions
MAD was a real thing dawg. I don't think you understand just how many nukes Russia and the US alone have, let alone during the height of the fucking cold war

So what happened to Sitnikov

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For me, it's Finchy.

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Weird seeing Paul Ritter in this. An underrated actor finally getting his dues.

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MAD means nuking each other until most cities and bases are nuked, that doesn't mean that the whole world dies because the ashes from burning cities block the sun for many years, which is what "nuclear winter" is about.

watch the cold opening of episode 5, he was about to get a promotion if he managed

What's the point of these threads?, you all watched the 5 episodes, move on faggots

What the fuck was his problem?

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How old is she and are they real?

>What's the point of these threads?

I imagine not everyone watches the episodes at the same time, some are late to the party and would like to discuss it.

no idea and no idea.

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>move on faggots
why you mad Susan?

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Who else is going to remember poor Akimov?

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Did you see him in Hang Ups last year?

They all deserve Emmys

Now THIS guy needs a chef boyardee edit

I didn't see that.

Opa! Bioshield Blins!

The promise of prestigious promotion and the seeping moral corruption of neoliberalism into the USSR, where the ideologically-motivated "for the common good" guys had mostly been phased out of power by ambitious, selfish men

>What's the point of these threads?, you all watched the 5 episodes, move on faggots

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What's going on in this thread?

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Look at those delicious cleft chins

>sone of those shitposters wont stop posting for 50,000 years

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Death of Stalin was lame

SHUT THE FUCK UP and do your own memes

Death of Stalin doesn't hold a candle to Chernobyl.

For you.

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No shit.

seriously though, what did he see?

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Why would I move on you? Fuck off.


It was a C O N C R E T E


t. dyatlov

how do you know?
do you make that face when you see graphite?

wrong bitch

he didnt see graphite

What was his fucking problem?

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>Ctrl+f garo
>0 results found
only good character in the show fucking show.

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Imagine if you'd been in your job for only a few months and then had this shit happen to you.

The man worked with nuclear machinery his whole life starting off installing reactors in submarines. Then he got offered a promotion if the safety test was successfully completed, seen in episode 5

He'd been doing this sort of shit his whole life, doesn't mean he was very good at it.

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>assblasted Yea Forums nigger





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Imagine the smell

>I mean even with an off switch that's insane.

You mean even with the big red button that saves the day?

Would any comrades be willing to make a webm/gif of Shcherbina looking at the inch worm saying "it's beautiful, isn't it?"

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I wanna fuck him post more


I've been remembering him for years.

He was like a father to me, my actually one was the same age and did the same work in the 1983-86' for the US Navy. He even looks the same.

How can two people be almost the same person but different lives ?

Chernobyl is something NO one will ever understand and keep uncovering new evidence like the JFK assassination.

>Boris' sexy fucking hat is not in the show
wtf fuck Mazin and fuck America

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Why didn't they just build a lead coated facility at the bottom of Lake Baikal and use catapults to send boron-coated Chechens to clean it up?

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>yfw garo sang black raven in ep4


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Do you think radiation causes/exacerbates mental illness and could that have been the case with Legasov?
I can't remember where but I read that just before his first suicide attempt his wife took him to the hospital because he was supposedly "unable to sleep".

Can someone who isn't a retard like me shoop the Bane mask on this image for me?

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I don't understand your post, so did you know Akimov irl?

It definitely can cause brain damage, there is no question about that.

Did Dyatlov really believe the core didn't explode?

He was pretending to have ultimate faith in soviet engineering to impress the central committee and mitigate blame becasue of his trust and loyalty, but it was too big of a fuck up for even that to work.

forgot pic

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I think the idea that the core could explode was genuinely inconceivable for all of them. But when he saw graphite he should have known.

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>say 'the core exploded'
>that's impossible, soviet technology would never fail :^) now kneel down as we shoot you in the back of the head comrade

When I talked about radiation in school I was "a nerd" and "had no friends" but now its popular and "a funny meme". Smh yall are posers. Name three radioactive isotopes? Hm? I bet you can't. I bet you can't even write a decay equation or draw a feynman diagram. I'd be surprised if any of you actually know what a half-life is. You guys joke about 3.6 and graphite on the roof but the true hilarity here are the people that think they have a physics degree just because they watch a show.

Probably, seeing as how the studies that would indicate the possibility were suppressed by the state.

I found her incredibly attractive in The Proposition & synecdoche new york

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little "talking about nuclear physics because of chernobyl makes you a poser" quip. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a TV Show. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a "I'm the only real scientist here" poster. A pathetic unfunny "I'm the only real scientist here" poster. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "WHEN I TALKED ABOUT RADIATION IN SCHOOL I WAS "A NERD" AND "HAD NO FRIENDS" BUT NOW ITS POPULAR AND "A FUNNY MEME". BAKA YALL ARE POSERS." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

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Please engage in reproductive activity.

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>Legasov will never tell you to "have sex" in his sweet, gentle voice
Why keep living

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The former will lead to the latter. You're a fool.

Dyatlov knew.

You're delusional and should be sent to the infirmary.

but it wasn't there

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The last reactor run up to the year 2000.


That's just too much time to work wearing metal-ballsack-radiation protector...

If graphite is so dangerous, then how do schools get away with using it in pencils?

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Mr. Ignatenko will receive his radiation as a boy

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The disaster was sabotage orchestrated by CIA agent - Boris Shcherbina himself! Here you can see that he prepares to shoot the reactor with rocket launcher.

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I like shoot dog.

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Get this hothead to the infirmary

So is Ulana a real person or is she just included so foids actually think they’re worth something.

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He just wanted his safety test done.

fake, as stated in the last episode.

90s Skarsgard was dapper as fuck

She was the stand-in for the hundred or so scientists that worked with Legasov
Watch the show dummy

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Yes you are. 3.5 IQ

So...how did America sabotage the reactor?


gawd she was something. wanted to bang the shit out of her in angela's ashes

This kills me every time. I die a little every time I see it. He knows he's dead, and there's nothing he can do. He wasted his life for fucking nothing at all, and in that instant he knows it. I want to hug him and tell him it's okay, I got the bullet so he won't have to suffer

Which were mostly male.

Not real. Quite a few scientists worked with legasov and they would have had to fold a few of them together (although folding them all into one was a bit much). Making her a woman was for brownie points, but, the actress' retarded opinions aside, that so joyfully remind me of the concept of death of the author, she doesn't detract from the show at all.

>Can someone explain to me his fucking motivation through all this?

The series doesn't really explore his background. After graduation, he worked in a shipbuilding plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, installing reactors into submarines. During a nuclear accident there, Dyatlov received a radiation dose of 200 rem, a dose which typically causes mild radiation sickness. Soon after the incident his young son developed a leukaemia and died. Then he transferred to Prypiat in 73.
His motives are somewhat mysterious, maybe he subconsciously wanted to die by the atom after he felt responsible for his son's death? Maybe he simply was a just pure product of the soviet system trying to climb the ladder? Maybe he always was a daredevil without any safety standard?
Who the fuck knows? the mystery only adds to his aura

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>installing reactors into submarines
what a shitty gig

Before the explosion, right before the very microsecond in which it occurred, he probably believed it was impossible. When it happened, he went into an overt denial probably because it covered his bases as best he could. If it didn't explode, then he was safe as he remained the voice of reason amidst a group of panicking idiots. But if it did explode, his only defence was pure ignorance and absolute faith in the system and his superiors. If only he hadn't been so reckless less than 5 minutes prior, it probably would have worked, too. The SCRAM procedure exists because eventually something is going to go wrong and the fatal flaw of the RBMK would have revealed itself if a happening occurred in a 'normal' procedure following protocol.

Perhaps he hoped the confusion and uncertainty would allow him to play that card, maybe if everyone that could testify against him would die before they had the opportunity.

I spent the last hour making a drawing of Akimov and Toptunov having sex with a mouse and no drawing skills and, to be honest, looks too cancerous for humankind in general. Sorry to disappoint you, Akimfags and Toptufags.

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take some of mine

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It's fiction. He wasn't actually a cartoon villain.

it's actually more difficult to install them on aircraft carriers, requires much stronger structures. Submarines take great advantage of archimede's principle with the augmented downward force simply created by a nuclear reactor's weight.

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I do wonder how much his story was fucked with for the series. He was indeed ordered to go look but I imagine if the guy really knew just what the fuck was going on he'd have just taken the implied bullet. I'm guessing the reality was more that he had no idea how jacked things really were and just got fucked like the firefighters when he went to go look, or genuinely put his own safety aside to help attempt to contain the disaster

sure noble

Gregor is in a town called Arl.

Why would looking at the core melt their face? Wouldn't just being around it do that?

>He was indeed ordered to go look but I imagine if the guy really knew just what the fuck was going on he'd have just taken the implied bullet
This is exactly why America could never deal with a Chernobyl, too much selfish individualism.

If he didn't go, his life would be made hell and someone else would have to. Or they would force him. But more importantly, it just had to be done. So he went


Because you normally don't put them near nuclear reactors before handing them to children

I wish there was no soldier in the show, so Sitnikov goes to look inside burning reactor of his own will. Which probably looked crazy but it actually happened that way. Showing him as a hero would be way better than showing how he was afraid of the soldier with a gun.

I'm sure there's plenty of Americans who would sacrifice themselves in that situation

When the fuck we get the deleted scenes!? I wanna see that puppy drown in concrete.

>What's the point of Star Wars threads?, you all watched the 6 episodes, move on faggots

>risking a trip to the gulags
Yea, sure. They were all just noble statesmen doing their duty for the motherland. Also, people know a lot more about what radiation does to you today than they did back then.

america would never be in this situation because we aren't a bunch of retarded mongolian communists who put ideology over reality

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>that comment section
Kind of glad the guy didn't live long enough to see himself turned into a complete joke.

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>the virgin Chernobyl
>the chad Three Mile Island

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Who even reads youtube comments.

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It's the source of the radiation, as insignificant as it may be, putting your arm in front of your face would slightly shield you from the radiation even if twas the gamma type that goes through everything. Until your arm became radiated too, It's like a sticky glow, the source hits the hardest.

Staring at it closely for a solid minute would probably melt your face on the spot, but you'd puke and pass out before realising.

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It's why I'm pretty sure the reality was that Sitnikov legit just didn't know what he was walking up/in to. He probably was called in, walked up, realized just how bad it was but also that he was fucked. There's a whole shitload of accounts that suggest almost everyone else involved figured they were fucking dead in hours/days anyway and that survival was only something of an unexpected blessing and/or curse.

Another for you

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>The David-Besse Incident
>In March 2002, plant staff discovered that the borated water that serves as the reactor coolant had leaked from cracked control rod drive mechanisms directly above the reactor and eaten through more than six inches[16] (150 mm) of the carbon steel reactor pressure vessel head over an area roughly the size of a football (see photo). This significant reactor head wastage on the exterior of the reactor vessel head left only 38 inch (9.5 mm) of stainless steel cladding holding back the high-pressure (~2500 psi, 17 MPa) reactor coolant.

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>not charred concrete

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3/8 of an inch. Not 38

good show

I started getting really tired of his shit, t b q h

>If you pick the blue slate, you wake up in your bed believing RBMK reactors are safe and can't explode.
>If you pick the red slate, you stay in Pripyat, and I show you how high the dosimeter goes

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Somehow the real thing is even worse than the show's version of it.

in real life if I recall he was actually really thoughtful and careful, but still massively fucked everything up

I'm not a Boris fag, but this is a cute pic of him.

can u imagine if it fell into the core?

The dosimeter that went up to 15000 roentgen was maxed out.

>legasov smiling

>the internet used to be for nerds
>computers used to be for nerds
>video games used to be for nerds
>fantasy like game of thrones used to be for nerds
>historical stuff like Chernobyl used to be for nerds

now being a Nazi is for nerds, which will be the next thing to catch on with normies. Autists are always 10+ years ahead of the curve due to not conforming to social norms and just acting logically

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lmao praise kek

safety first. been saying that for 25 years.

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am i?

how do you tame this beast?

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>purifying fire that doesn't burn, but instead just decays you to the point of non existence is hell
a core meltdown is as biblical representation of hand of god as it can be

>Turning a Nuclear Meltdown into a waifu
Why am I not surprised?

You are playing with one of the most fundamental building blocks of existence.

as did the miners and liquidators, most people in the ussr were not bad, they were just taught to be bad by the fucked up system

based and dyatlov pilled

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I fucked up

Unironically gas all weeb, worse cancer than SJW.

the way they explained its not so hard to understand

materials react to one another, there are other materials which retard the reaction
put reactive material to reactive fuel > power
put retardation material to reactive fuel > less power
the hard part is keeping it cooled and in a shell, the tv show actually upped my belief in nuclear power, but lowered my belief in humanity, because greediness was the failure point of both chernobyl and fukushima

These threads have brought several interesting potential developments for Nuclear Power to my attention, such as Molten Salt reactors, Sodium-cooled reactors and CANDU reactors. If only someone would be willing to actually turn them into operating examples.

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these things take money, government funding and shit, modern politicians are too scared and unbrave to support nuclear power, because muh feels, look at the deutschers, they burn coal, literally instead of uranium, which is insane, coal smoke is one of the three main reasons people get so much cancer nowadays.

look at the example of Fukushima, where greed brought a great tragedy, one of the basements of the four reactor buildings flooded in 91, a scientist/engineer then told the owners that this will lead to an accident in the future, their tsunami wall was too short, literally a manlet wall, which is fucking insane when dealing with nuclear power, you need to have 400 percent of the required safety measures, not under 100, fucking greedy scum, I hate greedy people, they would eat the flesh right out of you if they can get some money for that(baby foreskins)

Made some Boris smiles

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Radiation expert Alexander Yourtchenko carried the pole, followed by Valéri Starodoumov, with the flag, while Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Sotnikov ascended with the radio. The whole operation was timed to last only nine minutes to reduce their exposure. At the end, the three were rewarded with a bottle of Pepsi


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In an age where people are desperate to try and wean people off of the fossil fuel tit before climate change fucks the planet too hard, the fact that there's a viable source of power generation that could help but everyone is too scared to go there will never not be grimly humorous.

You don't need to. The ones who matter, it will stick for, but just know their faces.

I guess the USSR was on Pepsi's side in the Cola Wars?

haha yo whats up guys

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I have some too

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hey beautiful

>mfw knowing that caterpillar will eventually get shot by Pavel.

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Compared with other nuclear events: The Chernobyl explosion put 400 times more radioactive material into the Earth's atmosphere than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima; atomic weapons tests conducted in the 1950s and 1960s all together are estimated to have put some 100 to 1,000 times more radioactive material into the atmosphere than the Chernobyl accident


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shit doesn't make any sense, the soldier's bullet or prison is an infinitely better option than radiation

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Chernobyl necklace

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What's this?

surgery to remove thyroid cancer

What happened to the people sent to Masha roof? Dead in years due to cancer or were they fucked within weeks/months?

Not him but what about his family? Radiation spares them the bullet

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Why is there a greenpeace logo?

no idea, just saved the picture

here, read


He was a little much

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Depends who you ask. The Soviets didn’t really keep those records. Some personal stories from liquidators say some of their friends who went up with them died within months or years.

They were using it as propaganda to stop using all nuclear power.

Those fuckers

Its a good thing they are trying to show the problems due to nuclear power accidents.

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She looks like she does handjob porn.

>she is the only living member of her 14-person team in Chernobyl
Damn. Scars are badass though
I mean when nucelar power goes wrong it goes really wrong but luckily most countries are better at handling things than Soviet Russia

how do they measure coal deaths from pollution?

Something like 1/4 of them died within a year. Several more died over subsequent years but it's harder to track those deaths because the more time that passes, the more causes you can attribute to their death (radiation exposure vs. accidents, lifestyle-related illnesses, smoking, etc.) besides just being exposed to the radioactive zone.

What time period is this covering? Obviously shit loads of people died in mines over the centuries

they buttchug it and see what happens.

>This data is based on European energy production standards and practices.

i'm a big proponent of nuclear energy but this chart is kinda misleading because a lot of coal deaths are probably from countries like china and inda that have shitty working conditions that get workers killed.
nuclear is still miles better than any other energy source.


Then make some.

ah ok. good data, then.

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friendly reminder that Dyatlov did NOTHING wrong.

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Alright, so I watched Das Boot, I watched The Terror, I watched Chernobyl, what the fuck is there for me to watch now that'll devastate me emotionally and mentally

Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts

Sharp Objects

Are you a screenwriter for the upcoming Russian Chernobyl?

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Thank you comrade Akimov.

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I wasn't going to watch it originally, it looked like feminist garbage. is it?

Come and See

there is a bit more to this, his was the manager of a bunch of workers during his time working for the military, the soviet military culture of "don't ask questions, just follow orders" (especially since they're working with state secret stuff) was heavily implanted into dyaltov's mind - something that he brought over to chernobyl - he probably didn't feel at home with the idealistic, science-focused utopian-like culture of chernobyl, that's why he acted like a dick most of the time

Time to sit back, relax and watch another episode of Chernobyl.

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so is it just agreed upon legasov got suicided by the KGB?

Damn. That’s way worse than I thought. Thanks

Doubtful since his suicide made his tapes hard to ignore and forced action on the RBMK reactors

Why would they kill him on the two year anniversary of the accident?

they are rolling in their graves thanks to you anons

shit nigga, that looks like minesweeper

"You see my face, you're dead!"

- RBMK Reactor No.4

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Chernobyl memes have a half life of 100,000 years.

very aesthetic feet

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Lovely bit of squirrel

I know what this would be before laying eyes upon it

I'm a dog chasing reactor cores.

Skarsgard was kind of doing a gravelly Batman voice.

"Ever dance with Graphite in the pale Cherenkov light?"

This scene fucked me up just because this is exactly how my bitch mother acts, if anyone says anything she dislikes she just sneers and shakes her head like this, it's impossible to talk to her about anything.
she started an argument once insisting that Hindus were Satanists that know they're defying Jesus Christ, and when I told her they don't know what the fuck the bible is because it's not in their culture she just shook her head at me and didn't try defending herself at all

make a new thread, chomos

It's in the cemetery where the workers & firefighters who died of radiation poisoning are buried.


*Throws folder of memes*

> Writes love poetry.

> Becomes subject of lewd fanfics.



there are no blacks

you noticed?

Forget it. Seems like you're too incontinent to watch anything in which women exist.

Sitnikov tried to look away from Core Chan, "You can feel me in your cells, Sitty", she cooed, "I'm in your DNA, I'm making you into a new man...my heat is going through you..."
Sitnikov blushes deep red, "No, Core Chan, it could never work between us!"

yes, the show has only white people

>everyone is too scared to go there
It's not that though, it's pure economics.

The government doesn't build power plants; our power industry is private. Power companies buy generation equipment as business decisions, and nuclear is quite a bit more expensive than any other modern energy source in use other than coal. More fundamental research and pilot-scale demonstration needs to be done to drive down projected costs for new nuclear generation, plain and simple. Until that happens, our capitalistic economic system will continue to favor alternatives to new nuclear capacity.

Increases in rates of lung disease or other diseases correlated in time and location with power plant exhaust path models.

We've already gotten cancer through exposure, post it anyway.

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That's pretty good, user.

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> Soldier with gun
> Reactor core

What a great choice he had.

make more thread, fag

lmao deepfakes will see to it before long

how so`?

I really liked that scene, Legasov just blurting out they'd all be in dead in five years thanks to the radiation and his grim realization of the situation was fantastic to watch.

Someone will photoshop her shaking hands with the general.

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I *spurt* *spurt* serve the soviet *spurt* union.

That scene hit me squarely in the feels

It wasn't really that great.

>tfw i thought boris would die because of how he was being a prick in episode 2
>he became on of the most based characters

Let me feel, dammit

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No, I will belittle and poke fun as I please.

>reduced to skull mode

How did he not just beg for a bullet?

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Silence peeg

Doctors can't kill.

>>the meeting scene where they basically say if they don't do something most of Europe is going to be uninhabitable
>jesus Chernobyl was way worse than I remember learning about
No, thats just Soviet propaganda. "World is gonna end but we have to thank these three Soviet herous for saving the world". Do all Russians suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome or something?


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Not very funny

Jesus Murphy

the absolute state of akimfags

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How many Roentgen worth of cancer is this?

Remember when British Petroleum leaked fucking shit tons of oil into the golf of Mexico because they were too cheap to use their fucking BILLIONS of dollars to build a proper well?

I don’t get the Akimov love.

many are gay


>that pic

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fags want to touch his pantyhosed leg with their penis


You are definitely delusional. But this is okay. We're all like that here. :з