Why do they only make one good movie? Are they hack?

Why do they only make one good movie? Are they hack?

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Cloud Atlas is one of the most hilarious movies I have ever seen

Tom Hanks saying "the true-true"
Hugh Grant as that cannibal
Ben Wishaw as this total idiot who fucks anything, anything that moves in his vicinity and then kills himself about it
Tom Hanks as the ugly doctor. Man is he the most overrated actor ever
Halle Berry is always laughable just because

the movie is a goldmine of total shit

I agree, Speed Racer was fucking great.

I don't give a fuck what they are.

Matrix, Bound, Speed Racer and V for Vendetta were kino

Left: would
Right: would not

Also, if you don't think Bound is good you're a bigger faggot than either of these trannies, OP

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Good point. You wouldn't blame a dude for banging the pink dreads one if they were drunk

Mixing drugs with orgasms + plus brainwashing yourself with degradation play is basically what trannies do now. On tumblr and such they make videos that are hypno-suggestive with hidden messages and flashing images that chip at their masculinity.

Throw in the degrading effect of long term pornography and you're going to eventually re-write your brain to think that's what "feeling good" is all about.

Plus you have a climate where people encourage the state of being a tranny as a way to be "special", or having "victim status" ect. You're not just a boring white boy with no identity, you're a (insert pronoun here because I have no clue) with an identity pre-made.

You can go online and bitch and you can get sympathy from your online friends that you're special. You can do porn or cam shows for attention.

Its pretty devious mental destruction.

Obviously they were pretty normal "doods" who came into a lot of money, and maybe they thought this was the path to happiness. Maybe they were miserable before - who fucking knows. I know one day they will probably wake up with no family or friends and wonder what the fuck happened to their life.. when sex isn't really the only thing out there.
I blame the jews completely.

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>are they hack?
I don't know if they are hacks, but I do know that they hacked their dicks off

Why did the other brother become a tranny? lmao he's not even feminite wtf

>I do know that they hacked their dicks off
Did they though? Source?

>I blame the jews completely.

Take the wachowski redpill
Archived version of a deleted Rolling Stone expose on Larry:

Left passes, looks like the girl from 4 non blondes

You mean speed racer right?

>tfw theaters will be showing The Matrix again for the 20th anniversary
Comfy kino is back on the menu, boys.

idk lol

> "My greatest accomplishment in some ways," she once said, "[was] putting 333 needles into a single penis."

Are they virgins? Have they had sex?

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The one on the left is half decent desu

>saw the one on the right on the street a few days ago
>he was in a t-shirt and jeans with no wig
>no sign of HRT whatsoever

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it's just an act. andy is a known attention whore

inside info? explain

If you want to keep making movies, you must sacrifice something you love.

cursed images

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i'd fuck both tbqh

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but the trailer was good

>dude let's become trannies xDDD
>that'd totally rock dude, let's pretend we're women lmao

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after the second one went tranny the odds that they also buttfuck each other went through the roof

>are they hacked?

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>Their parents—Ron, a businessman, and Lynne, a nurse—were film enthusiasts. They dragged Larry and Andy and their two sisters to any movie they found interesting, ignoring the parental-advisory labels. “We would have ‘movie orgies’—double features, triple features, drive-ins,” Andy recalled. “I was so young that I didn’t know what the word ‘orgy’ meant, but I knew that, whatever it was, I liked it.”
did your parents ever call a family bonding activity an "orgy", user? even in jest?

Supreme transfaggots who red pilled a whole world

The biggest mindfuck of all

They could've easily make the matrix as left as possible, well they did with the rest of the non trilogy.

Because all their other movies were great

>the true-true
is that like for real real?


>Man is he the most overrated actor ever
If anything, this movie proved Tom Hanks has been wasted as a benign everyman and that his range is rusty from disuse but still pretty good.
Watching that movie was every actor being shit and me waiting for the next scene with Weaving or Hanks. The scene(s?) they had together were breddy gud.

they're not leftists

>they're not leftists

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