Alan's a real nigga

Alan's a real nigga

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he ahite

Andrew's a real nigga

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I would beat you severally for wasting 10 min of my life.

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white people did this

I try not to feel bad for some of these niggers

where are the guards/zoo keepers?

What's the purpose of making them have time with each other when they're supposed to be thinking about their crimes? They're clearly going to form gangs, just have them stay alone in a cell.

turning the TV off and on

What were they beating him up for?

where are the guards?

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Failure to keep Blood's name out of his mouth.

pretty sure he was doing the Blood equivalent of stolen valour

Louis Theroux does not approve.

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ohhh, so he failed a G check? pathetic

unidentified black males

Normalfags consider solitude to be cruel, and only deem it necessary to punish the worst offenders.

He was claiming to be in a gang and they didn't believe him.

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why is he taking that guys shit? isn't it better to put up a fight even if they jump you? he just fucks off and cries in the corner lmao

dang, several beatings when one would suffice? cold blooded

was the undercover one the guy crying?

that tall fag is some Blood and the came up to him asking what gang he was in and said he wasn't in a gang and didn't want to be in a gang, so they started fucking with him trying to take his food, and even some of the other Bloods were trying to diffuse the situation. They started to kick his ass and then he started crying. don't know why that webm is edited like that.

No, he was regular inmate.

I love how they have to pretend this type of shit doesn’t happen in jail. god forbid they get raped, then everyone just laughs at them.

Niggers are niggers for a reason
>Black lives matters
>Ignores the fact that most black lifes ends due to another black man.
>I bet whitey did this.

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Solitary is supposed to be a punishment to keep prisoners in check. If there's nothing to take away from them when they act up, they're just going to anyway because why the fuck not. Most prisons have a system to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior so in theory, they will be rehabilitated when they leave.

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Does America still have "dungeons" (pitch black cells)? If not they need to reinstate that.

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>be rehabilitated
but that’s never happened once in the history of the prison system. why do they keep pretending to try?

>Be Africa
>The only decent civilzation you have ever produced is Equipt. A mediterranean country, AIE Not Kangz and shiet
>Live without the white man for thousands of years
>Somehow, with the exception of Equipt no other mark.
>White man invades
>White man takes stuff the niggers didn't even know was worth SHIEEET
>White man leaves
>Blame white man for getting back to the status quo.
China will milk them for more than the white man ever did. AND it will still be whites fault.

Decades, no centuries, of systematic oppression at the hands of white oppressors "did this"

Made to peel the orange with the quickness

the place where kaczynski is jailed does at least

placing bets and waiting to sell the inmate drugs

ADX Florence, federal prison
pretty cozy compared to your average US jail

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>why do they keep pretending to try?
Sorting out the genuinely rehabilitatable from the chronically violent that need to be permanently removed from society would be raycis.

I didn't know they put him in one of these.
He literally dindu nuffin.

>China will milk them for more than the white man ever did.
Milking is way too passive and gentle a descriptor for what the Chinese are going to do to Africa once the west's watch over the world starts to wane.

there are plenty of huwite psychopaths that deserve to be behind bars too though. every race has their bad apples. but still if black people are involved in any way it’ll be called rayciss regardless of whether it is or not.

I literally committed once crime in my life in my early 20's, went to prison for 18 months and haven't committed a crime since, it's been 4 years

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what prison and what were your charges

Specifically the way the prison is designed, you could never figure out which side of the prison your cell is on. The yard is like some concrete basketball court in the center of the prison so they literally never see the outside world

Longbay and my charges were grievous bodily harm

why do incels enjoy making fun of people in prison? very sad

Ohhh, what new Discovery Channel show is this?

Giving him an instrument of technology that broadcasts the increasing liberalization of the world into his cell is cruel and unusual.

based user did his time. hope you're back in society proper, and feeling good.

why do you enjoy making fun of mentally ill incels

>What were they beating him up for?

Wypepo were being racist.

what did user mean by this?

what's aussie prison like

Tell me how Jewish slavers buying nigs from African warlords forces deyquan to kill de'konda for his Jordans

Jews did WW2

Very, very, very boring, people start drama just to entertain themselves

ah.... brings me back to american high school....

>there are plenty of huwite psychopaths that deserve to be behind bars too though
I didn't say they weren't. But when you designate 1 out of 10 white criminals and 1 out of 4 black criminals unrehabilitatable or whatever the numbers end up being that's racist even if it's judged entirely by objective metrics.

I used to work as a security guard in the building across from the jail where I had to monitor these cameras inside the jail.
A guy got a jump on a warden once, nice guy from doing his rounds, would regularly chat with the inmates. Beat his ass and was in the process of starting to rape him when the others showed up on the scene.
They threw him in solitary and we all forgot he was there for three days. Came out with a few busted teeth too. Crazy times.

sheeeit reality be racist

Let'em all go then, see what happens

Implying an objective reality exists is racist. I'm going to have to report this to HR.

majority of the poor people in the US are white, and that has been the case for a long time. they've lived in conditions i wouldn't treat a dog. keep telling me about the black plight.

poor dude. i would probably rather kill myself then go to prison for even a year.

I hope the chinks kill every single nigger. Line them up in chains and give them all a bullet.

>not identifying as female when going to jail/prison

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B-But Norway uses re-education and not private prisons and they have less recidivism rates!!

it's not data is racist its that judging human beings purely based on data can create racial problems. If every time you went to the gym you said "my left arm is weak I'm not going to curl as much with it" you would have a left arm that was never at full strength because of a cycle of self-confirming data.

The same here. The goal of prison is supposed to be helping reform people not punish them. Anything less is barbaric and an expression of a lack of empathy and faith in humanity. There are 3rd world nations with lower suicide rates than the US, because american mentality is to encourage cruelty and get enjoyment out of other people's suffering

I was being hyperbolic like a woman. I know that people can make an attempt to change their behavior and succeed under the right circumstances.
I’m proud of you user. keep doing it the right way.

What did they mean by this

has there been any good prison kino recently?

Nothing to be proud of, there's a difference between a person who is a career criminal and a person who is caught up in a situation that commits an act that is deemed to be a crime, not all criminals are there because they're prone to criminality

you get all the normies to tweet during the show for free social media advertising

Places like India have higher “happiness” than places like Finland’s Japan.
Fuck off with suicide rates, that shit is straight mental genetics

I would never make fun of prisoners. I feel so bad for them (at least the ones there for non-violent reasons). no one should be forced to live like that, but I guess “we” haven’t figured out a better method yet. I wish prisons could have a better culture somehow.

and what does that tell you about human happiness? Maybe social compassion is more important than intense competition or living in a place thats dark 7 months a year

being black

I realized I just responded to “incel”
this is a new low lol

So is 60 days in scripted or is it actually real? if so how does that work contract wise? like do they say the participant cant sue if they get killed?


... yes? And I can assure you that India punished criminals much harder than both of those countries I gave you.
So your original point is moot



state of the USA

Thats because your a bitch who got scared of prison. Most excon go back to prison if they did more than a year

>grievous bodily harm
Did poor fucker deserve it?

>it's not data is racist its that judging human beings purely based on data can create racial problems
Judging solely on data is the most meritocratic and thus egalitarian method you can use since it removes any personal bias. Any alternative is just applying a different set of personal biases and claiming that they're more fair than the competing set of personal biases which just leads to a system controlled by arbitrary whims of it's overseers. Claiming that using metrics is in itself an example of racial bias is just sidestepping the issue that humans as a tabula rasa is a flawed idea that needs to be discarded as it can only create dysfunctional systems.

>The goal of prison is supposed to be helping reform people not punish them.
That assumes everyone can be reformed, an assumption that probably isn't correct. There are certainly members of the criminal class that are pathological in their behavior and no amount of correction will change that. Letting these proverbial turds in the punch bowl interact with the potentially reformable members is just doing those members a disservice and further hampering or preventing their potential reintegration into society.

Was it KINO, bros?

many countries have harsher punishment than the US. The question is why is it somehow okay that the US has prison standards on par with India (actually worse since the US has more prisoners) despite being a far more advanced country?

Its the culture that produces that, where in india its simply a lack of resources and education in some parts. The US has the money to fix all of that but chooses to allow it for cultural reasons. They are sadistic

No, what I did was only a crime because of my countries shit self defence laws, I was charged because I used "excessive force" in most U.S. states I wouldn't have been charged, as I said I had never committed a crime until I was charged in my early 20's, I have never done illicit drugs(Including marijuana) and the screw who processed me in gaol was surprised by the fact I was a non-smoker and said he was the first person in prison he'd seen that didn't smoke

>things that TOTALLY happened

this looks so fucking fake

The real question is why do you want nigs to live in taxpayer-funded luxury?

>And I can assure you that India punished criminals much harder than both of those countries I gave you.
this cannot be measured. you didn't even make a point so don't go telling someone their's is moot.
why can it not be measured? because a person's conditions that pressured them into being a criminal might be worse than the conditions they enter into in prison. there's a reason "three hots and a cot" is a common phrase. it's because the routine and security of prison is, at times, preferable to the insecurity and fear of living on the outside.

See He attacked my brother out the front of my house, same guy had previously knocked my brother unconscious in a park with a group of his friends and punctured his lung

The US does absolutely not have prison standards on par with India, that is a complete fabrication of your mind.
Pretty soon you’re going to start talking about “le private prisons make judges sentence people harder for money” like a redditdrone despite these private prisons having nearly across the board better standards than state owned prisons

because Im not a sadistic incel like you

This shit is closer to a nature documentary than watching actual humans

try dilation


I assume that user (who is probably you samefagging) is referring to the amenities offered and healthcare provided.
And now you’re saying that “people resort to crime are better off because hey maybe they are homeless and hungry!” I’m not sure if there is an official government record on inmates who identify as homeless prior to incarceration but as a dude who works in social services and needs to check on the county jail report daily I can tell you that I have an address and public benefits record for those individuals.

Please fuck off with your Oliver Twist shit, the vast majority of criminals have a residence they resided at

try having sex

60 Days In

> private prisons having nearly across the board better standards than state owned prisons
can't wait to read the heritage foundation article you'll post for this one

>people resort to crime are better off because hey maybe they are homeless and hungry
this is you putting words in my mouth. another pitiful example of your bullying over semantics - just as you did with that other user by telling him his "opinion was cancelled"
you bureaucrats make me fucking sick. the absolute hubris of you people. all the personality and brains of a lawyer, none of the money.

>takes over your mexican prison gang in 1 week
>despite being a Puerto Rican Latin Kang gang member
>becomes head enforcer
>serves up punishment personally for not following the rules

Name a more alpha contestant than Abner

pro-tip: you can't

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I liked when he smacked that guy in the face

aren’t private prisons like gladiator schools?

we live amongst some sick fuckers who get off on watching torture and pain as long as it’s being done to other people, they literally don’t care or feel empathy and there are a lot of them.

in Indian prisons, do they at least let them out to shit a couple times a day?

based tabula rasa poster


I can't feel bad for prison guards, cops maybe, but prison guards are either just people doing it for a paycheck who know what they're getting into, or corrupt bastards who help the criminal underworld function.

>not a single post about Oz
>exits thread in disgust

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That's a pretty dumb statement. It's an essential service and they have a stressful as fuck job. That guard fucked up by not paying attention but I still feel bad for him.

i hope mook deletes this board

This. I have no idea what show this is, but if this were in my prison, they'd be getting their asses beat by the guards and put in solitary. I'm so glad I work in the nonviolent sex offenders wing.

God damn it why do we always do this

>corrupt bastards who help the criminal underworld function.
TV isn't real life.

Holding the cameras obviously.

The worst thing about prison would be being forced to be around really stupid people all day. That'd drive me the craziest.

>If I gotta be a Chicano, I'm a Chicano
Dude was rocking Gucci sneakers in the reunion episode.

>just people doing it for a paycheck who know what they're getting into
damned if you do
>or corrupt bastards who help the criminal underworld function.
damned if you don't.

what a dumbass post, according to you then its an unworthy of doing job? well, somebody has to do it, should they do it out of kindess of their heart?
I would love to hear your high iq take on it.

Gbh is a good band

Why do prisons even need human guards on deck. Just lock them in there, deploy riot force if ever needed. Better yet, shock collar all inmates. You tag them on the outside might as well do it on the inside too.

This is a burger problem caused by having niggers and an old school mentality. Most countries that have rehabilitative systems do fine.

Most people generally learn their lesson fast. Particularly whites.

kek, who's the white guy that breaks up the fight?
Is he literally the guy from the "he cute" pasta?

>why do they keep pretending to try?

they stopped trying and pretending decades ago

From what I can tell from talking to Americans on this website they just don’t give a fuck about prisoners and think they deserve to get beat up, raped, etc. and this cultural outlook probably extends to prisons guards to some extent

youre a dumb faggot. the best alternative to prisons is harsher sentences. if anything above petty crimes like thievery, drugs, or speeding were instant death penalty there would be no fucking crimes

What about people that are wrongfully convicted?

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Cool, keep saying that when your brother/sister gets mowed down for buying weed. It's never going to fly in the west.

The only thing harsher sentence will do is escalate the violence because of the high stakes.

>The only thing harsher sentence will do is escalate the violence because of the high stakes.
Pretty much this. In Jamaica if you get caught robbing a tourist you get murder-tier prison time so they'd just rather kill the person and bury them after robbing

I thought he was gonna give him the rock bottom.

The phrase "the prisoners run the place is" is true. In the US the prison hierarchy is black>hispanic>white and this is entirely due to numbers. Although in some California prisons hispanics are taking over and causing messy gang wars with the blacks. No matter how big you are you cannot fight 5 guys at once, especially when armed with shanks and makeshift bludgeons.

The same is true for "where are the guards in all this?" As a guard you are the most outnumbered group and nearly every prisoner is waiting for you to slip up so they can kick your teeth in. Even if you follow protocol and safety 100% by the book some prisoners will snap and start trying to beat you. So guards have to learn to work around the prisoners habits, and they learn when to step in or let the prisoners handle situations themselves. It doesn't help that a large percentage of guards are dirty and are willing to smuggle or help out prison leaders for money and/or drugs.

>Change prison culture
lel. You would have to change the inborn habits and sow racial harmony among the country's most violent offenders. The easiest situation would be to segregate all prisons by race. See the California prisons where both blacks and latinos have begged the state to segregate them so the violence stops. But they can't because thanks to Civil Rights that is unconstitutional. Different races and ethnicities cannot live together under the same set of laws. It is a fact, and nothing highlights this better than prison life. In the West, living side by side with large populations of blacks means that large percentages of them are going into prison. They are incapable of following or even really understanding the Western legal tradition inherited from British Common Law. It's not fair to expect them to be able to live the same way as whites.

>Never going to fly in the West
It flew in the West since ancient Greece. Just because we entered a few decades of hedonism before the collapse/rebirth doesn't mean it is gone forever. We are living in a historical anomaly, not the norm.

>Different races and ethnicities cannot live together under the same set of laws
geschlagen schliegen schlagen volkswagen der fuhrerstein bratwurst

You're a boring trad fag larper that thinks they want their Duterte bush-asian fantasies. But you really don't want it. Don't be fucking stupid.

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People like him think they'd be the ones doing the enforcing.

A lot of Americans unfortunately have this mindset, as you can see from the comment section on an article any time a prisoner gets raped/tortured/killed behind bars. Some people are sensible though.

As long as they can look the other way and not risk their jobs, they will. They're just blue collar pulling a paycheck like the rest of you.

t. inmate

He's right though, Australia's only prison to practice ethnic segregation is now the least violent because of that policy, after being the most violent with numerous fights and murders based on ethnicity

There weren't any issues before that clown showed up. He thought the county jail was San Quentin or some shit. He was trying way too hard.

It's not stressful. It's turnkey. Literally. I could never put a human in a cage and turn the key.

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If you had any idea what actually goes on in a prison... That guard did something to deserve it. That guy got a lot of extra time tacked on and he didn't do it just for the lulz. Prison guards are corrupt. If you find a straight one you either didn't look hard enough or you're lucky.

that white dude and the guy that didnt fight back was a fagget

guess he didn't suck it good enough? we've all been there.

Fuck you

You're gonna be force-fed some reincarnations for a while.

Oh I'm for that. That's based. Just not harsher punantive sentencing.

is this guy's youtube still up?

>No homo, bro.


I hope someone you love gets their teeth cracked out of their heads by a bunch of white people in prison some day. I bet you’ll change your tune pretty quick. dumb high and mighty faggot.

it’s the same with all these people, left of right. they think they’ll be on top after their silly revolutions, instead of being poor and desperate with the rest of us plebs.

calm down bro, prove me wrong

Any documentaries about the absolute toughest prisons in the states?

Con Air

He said niggas snugglin together in dey cells was straight gay

>I'm so glad I work in the nonviolent sex offenders wing.
I'm unironically glad I was also placed there. I was told stories about dudes being pinned down and fucked just in the holding cells while waiting to go up. My paperwork literally said "do not africanize". They put me with a bunch of mexicans, new faces and returning. The blacks across the hall were all chest naked and asking me to come to the door and talk to them. Or more like demanding. They wouldn't stop until one of the older dudes was like "You're scaring them, lay off".

Then they showed their dicks to officers walking by and broke a light. I don't know what the fuck. I never want to go back to county.

Being smart and waiting to see how this plays out from the control room. Look how many inmates are in there. I bet there's 3 guards tops for that whole area. American prisons are majorly short staffed and overcrowded. SOP is probably radio in the fight, lock down the room, and wait until at least a dozen guards can gather up before heading in there. For all a guard knows those guys could be faking the fight to lure in some rookies so they can attack them and get hostages. Would risk your life to run in and stop some 80 iq hood rat criminal from getting beat up?

It also doesn't help that alot of the guards just want to get in and get out so they can apply for being a Sheriff or generally just advance their career. You have to do three years in a prison. Any one. Dudes eventually learn to shut down empathy and focus on just winding down the hours without losing their sanity. Some of the guys even justify the leniency by going "We're all just dudes in here at the end of the day" but that honest to god sounds like Jewish propaganda.

No, because they can't have a film crew in there. Supermax prisons in NY are some real fucked up shit. The guys in SHU are people movies can't even be made about because people won't believe how inhuman they are and what they've done. We're talking about guys who are so fucked up and disgusting that Son of Sam was considered a model prisoner when I was coming up. I got lots of stories about that dude but he was an angel compared to the scum in SHU. They would make kites covered in AIDS shit, knives out of orange peels, toothpaste and paper daggers, whatever they could to constantly murder. Shit's fucked. Baby rapers and murderers you don't hear about on TV. Real fucked up shit.

sounds fucked up

its slave labor now they get major money off these idiots and work em for pennies. of course they dont give a fuck what happens to them inside.

Got any stories?

The worst part is you can never trust them in any way, the SHU guys. Human nature is not something that exists with them. They are legitimate animals without souls. You can have a guy who was an angel in there for a year, you thought you could trust him a tiny bit, next week he's shitting down a CO or launching a shit covered spear out of his cell when you go to grab their tray. Fucking cadres run the prison on your watch and you better vet them well, and you gotta make sure you carry weight with the Imams the day you walk in and have respect with everyone else or you're fucked. First year I was in Sullivan in NY I got called in to break up a fight and me and one other guy went out on the block and there was almost a riot. The guy locked us in instead of following and the only thing that kept us from getting beat to shit by twenty dudes or worse was the Imam respecting me because I didn't treat him like shit and him calling off everyone because if they fucked with me he was going to fuck with them. It's a fucking insane ecosystem in those shitholes. No one is ever really safe, but you can make it through without much hassle if you just know who to talk to and don't treat some of them like animals even if they are animals. They are. Zero exceptions. I live by a code, they live by a code, they know I'll only crack skulls if they fuck up bad, we have some sort of peace. SHU... well, good luck, everyday is something new, and if you're gonna be a CO let me just suggest you play nice and spend most of your time in the console and let the cadres walk the gallery.

This is what's said on all the 100 Natgeo prison documentaries by a gravelly voice announcer.

Whaaat shanks in a burgerland prison!? Unheard of!

Lots, but I'm pretty drunk so I gotta go in a sec, sorry bud. As for Son of Sam he was great and would do pullup contests with the guards and was never a problem but we had to take literal price tags off from above his cell and watch him close because he killed that mobbed up guy's kid. Lots of people wanted him dead. If you met him on the street you would never know what he had done. Zero indication even after spending all that time with these scumbags. Lots of my stories involve the stuff these guys would make, like it would amaze me how talented some of them were. I still have in storage a foot tall wizard a guy carved out of soap he melted with a pedestal that looks like real marble he dyed some of the soap with pen ink. We're talking museum quality and he just did it in his cell. It's sad.

>I still have in storage a foot tall wizard a guy carved out of soap he melted with a pedestal that looks like real marble he dyed some of the soap with pen ink. We're talking museum quality and he just did it in his cell. It's sad.


Facking based Norfman


Thanks for showing you don't know what the fuck I was even talking about you yellowtoothed bongoloid troglodyte. Shanks are the least of your worry if you're a CO, they use those on other inmates during yard time or if they're in some pussy mid-max mass housing unit. It's the shit they launch, or make to electrocute or infect you that you have to worry about you faggot. Stay in your fucking lane.

Yeah, it sucks. Some of these guys never had a chance. You learn to treat them better than the scum, then they back you and it works like a circle of life type deal. Such is prison life. Don't ever go to prison or work in one boys, it'll either kill you or depress you and your family until you'll want to die. Not worth it.

last season of 60 days in was bretty gud tbhwyf
whats some other prison kino?


white people in prison? not likely. maybe if you said niggers

Hundred grand a year here to work in one and I thought about it but then found out life expectancy is about 55 so fuck that and went back to finish my degree. You gotta go to the Academy if you work in big prisons too like it's the Army here so no friggin way. I'll die at 80 like a Jew making more money than that representing the scum of the Earth instead. Much respect though.

You would finger your asshole while moaning. Stop being delusional

I was trying to make it so you wouldn’t just immediately say “lol nigs gon nog” and would actually think about it and how horrible of a situation it would be, no matter what race the prisoners were.
I was clearly expecting too much because you went with lol niggers anyway.

Aryan Nation is the strongest prison gang in the US by far. They're scum just like the LK and MB and MS13 but they take care of their own and don't get fucked with. Got guards in their pocket too, that's probably why. Even the guards know it's better to side with white people because they have some sort of honor. It's not like TV. Also every female guard is a fucking whore. The nurses and secretraies too. That is like TV. Always getting caught bringing drugs in or fucking an inmate. The only good female guard I ever worked with was a 6'2 dyke.

that’s because the only good women are bull dykes that try to act as manly as possible. anything less than that isn’t worth wasting time with.

>wypepo be opressun us thas why i gotsa trash my communaty and make life hell for mah black bruthas
Please. It's the same outcome everywhere regardless of history. If you could get a million niggers in The same and manage to rub two brain cells together, they would have done something for themselves by now.

Are you retarded? There's a ton of white people in prison.

>those comments

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go dilate

just watch the sun nigga

Why do you care so much what some user thinks of nig nogs as you call them

Any updates on how /ourguy/ is doing?

i would be confident in saying his ashole is the size of a watermelon at this point

Did any of them go to prison?

I think he ended up joining the aryan brotherhood

>cops maybe
>corrupt bastards who help the criminal underworld function

You just described American's police force. They're more corrupt than any organization in the country.

It’s weird that even if that’s true niggers are still half the murders

China is taking the Jewish approach.

They're literally borrowing money to African countries disguised as gifts, and with the "gifts" comes an obligation for the African countries to hire Chinese contractors to build infrastructure, and of course as payment for the monetary gift, China gains a large ownership in the infrastructure.

They give the nigs money. And then the nigs give them their money back, plus ownership in infrastructure. These retards are literally giving their country away to the Chinese.

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Thanks for making the most retarded and non-related comment ever you shitskin faggot. Unironically have sex.

This. The 13th Amendment was a mistake.

If they sent me to prison and put me in solitary they would be shocked to find out that i dont care.
They would think i was a freak of nature.

Also every night would be karaoke night

>every night would be karaoke night
There's always at least one of you faggots.

Go be a criminal somewhere else you fucking nigger. Using scum as slave labor is not only right, you shouldn't earn cents for it. You should be used as cattle. Worked until you are unfit and then stripped and cooked to feed the poor who actually want to contribute to society.

>ex con gets job at sushi joint I was working at
>really nice guy, always friendly and helpful
>find out went to prison for beating his dad nearly to death
>his dad would beat his mom and he had enough
>did his time and got out
>work with him for months
>suddenly does a no call no show
>learn his dad beat up his mom again
>killed his dad
>went on the run
>got run off the road by the cops
>fled into the woods
>cops continue to chase
>dies in a gunfight with the cops in middle of woods
RIP Kelly

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you're an idiot

They last less than a month. Kidney shivved or learn to shut up or die. It's so funny watching them break down and beg. The walk to the yard is a long one for the loud ones.

Africa is also paying with land.

>China is taking the Jewish approach.
I'll just check those trips and add that Jews are somewhat idolized in China. Not for for their alleged piety or spiritual prowess(lol) like in the US, but for their shifty scheming and ruthless backstabbing. It's quite the irony all things considered.

federal is where it's at

I remember there was a black teacher participant who ended up acting like an actual inmate, getting sent to solitary for having a feud with a guard, and potentially serving real time for something he did or tried to do.

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jealous of all the sex

you'd think if he was a prison guard he'd go to the gym and be prepared to defend himself. this guy looks like he weighs 140 pounds

>only decent civilization you have ever produced

Hey man, they still have Carthage too, which I guess is technically also m*dtoids.

you're a hypocrite and a moron.

The poorest, whitest cities and suburbs of West Virginia are still less crime-ridden than the most affluent black parts of Baltimore and St. Louis.

Niggers are their own worst enemy, and any intelligent black who speaks out about the inherently self-destructive culture Black Americans have is instantly shunned as an Uncle Tom. It really is a shame and I blame LBJ.

charles murray posts here

You must be over 18 to post here user.

>5 black guys appear on screen
>YouTube - "Suggested: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" pops up

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>Gordon Slamsey

Attached: laughing Kevin.gif (484x270, 1001K)

you don't know shit. inmates have rights and guards constantly have to deal with them on 12 hour shifts, dealing with their bullshit like giving them their papers and food and checking their needle laden beds without catching some fucking disease. and they constantly bitch and fuck with you in niggerspeak. if you don't speak it you might as well give up, like me

Why is this video banned in Vietnam?

your hand doesent count


What high school is this?

I'm not American but I agree, especially with black inmates

>I could never put a human in a cage and turn the key.
so what would you do with criminals then?

That's not rehabilitation retard, you were never in need of rehabilitation because you acted like any man should.

If my brother/sister were degenerates I'd be the one to mow them down.

Better than our system

pic related

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What if Sonic went to prison? Read if you're into prison rape stuff

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i-is that a gril?

Solitary confinement longer than 14 days can cause irreparable psychological damage

nigga done lost his shoes

I tried to make that point earlier not all people that are in prison are criminals, there are plenty of people that just get fucked over because of circumstances, for instance there's a guy on bail in Australia charged with manslaughter after someone broke into his house with brass knuckles and (unknown to him) a fake gun, home owner stabbed him once with a sword and the intruder died, now he's on a manslaughter charge

any niggers in this one?


how many times were you buttraped?


>The 401,288 state prisoners released in 2005 had an
estimated 1,994,000 arrests during the 9-year period,
an average of 5 arrests per released prisoner.

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These fine gentlemen look like upstanding citizens and it's probably due to racist policemen that they are imprisoned.

just your average american high school

preparing for the post game interview

Would you prefer to be homeless or in prison?
Also if you are a criminal on the run, cant you just grow a beard and mustache and become home less for a year or two?

people aren't exactly knocking down the doors to be a prison guard.

they are stuck with whoever is desperate enough to need a job being a prison guard

Are you a nignog?

See, this is why the system is fucked. You didn't commit a fucking crime, the faggot who started it did. It's bullshit that people get fucked over for fighting back, and signals to the scum that they can chimp out without fear of retaliation. This world is backwards. Also, executions need to make a big comeback, some cunts are just worthless.

>They would make kites covered in AIDS

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i liked your story user
sometimes people don't have a choice

whenever a white-collar guy goes to prison he comes out hating the guards & "the system" (John Kiriakou, G. Gordon Liddy)
guards always hate the inmates (guard-anons above)
is it just an unmanageable situation? prisons are a relatively recent invention, and massive prison systems are very recent. in the middle ages, after the 14th century crime-wave, criminals were immediately executed and crime plummeted in western europe.

Wait what

Why won't they just segrate prisoners racially?
It's obvious they are going to get into gangs based on the color of their skins and beat each other. Plus darkies are much more violent than whites and asians anyway

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I wasn’t being serious, there are obviously people who learn from the experience and try to better themselves. but they are in a tiny minority, I know they exist though.
but yes the vast majority will just keep going back

America isn't trying to rehabilitate at all. They just like to say they are to justify exploitative schemes like prison labour.

It has a decent success rate in countries that actually try.