Fuck was his problem?

Fuck was his problem?

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racist, gay BWC envy

>hiring Nigerians to play white trump supporters

Bold casting choice

All those white MAGA bigots looking for gay niggers to lynch at 2am in downtown chicago during a blizzard.

Nigger, gay, and a jew. Pick one, hell pick them all!

Fake hate crimes are hate crimes.

looked too much like Shia LaBeouf

Im surprised (they) didnt take him out for helping to destroy their agenda. Made everyone with a brain go "oh wow so blacks do lie and make up shit for attention using their race as a scapegoat"

No that whites know who he is he should get beaten up every weekend now. Who will believe him? Just make it a bit too outlandish.
>some guy that looked like Bill Murray beat me up with a sack of kazoos during a hurricane
He's the lil' faggot that used to be on Empire that makes up stories.

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>fake a hate crime
>cost the city millions
>attempted to start race riots
>got off scot free

During a polar vortex where its -20F while carrying bleach that freezes at 18F.


He didn't cost the city millions, and no one was going to fucking riot over this.

They've rioted over less

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He should have hired someone smarter than himself to plan out that fake hate crime

The wh**e man keepin us down nigga! He keepin us down! SHEEEEEIT

did they drop the case or something? he should be sent to the firing range


Apparently got the worst of both

It’s an epidemic! So glad we’ve found the hero we deserve.


There is even talks about letting him go back on his show

they're rioting in Memphis right now because cops killed a guy who shot someone, stole his car, rammed a cop car with the stolen car, and then got out of the vehicle holding a gun

Lying sack of shit

Jesus complex.

>forgot television actor

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It was in the heat of the moment, they've calmed down now.


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Are they rioting in their own neighborhood again?

fukkin kek

We protect trans kids n sheeeit

black people act like they hate thug culture but they (not so) secretly love it

Read the fucking news zoomer.

he wuz a gud boi dough

Being a nigger lol

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he was fake and gay

that niggio has the devils luck

He just couldn't bring himself to pay white people. It's qwhite the story.

Incompetent liberals tried to pull off a false flag like their competent(but evil) superior liberals. Kamala Harris was trying to push through an anti-lynching bill. It was getting no traction because lynching is already punished very harshly. She is good friends with Smollett. She defended him in the media. Then she gets him off scott-free.

It's all right there. /pol/ teens are too retarded to connect the dots.

The combination of 3 factors, the attention-seeking of the sodomite, the stupidity of the negro, and the dishonesty of the Jew. Mix them together and you get a really stupid fake hate crime scheme to raise his profile somehow.