What exactly was the point of this film?

What exactly was the point of this film?
It's a film where things happen and then it ends.

What does it WANT from me?

Attached: 71AmktJtqgL._SY445_.jpg (314x445, 27K)

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That's every film ever to exist

>it's a film where things happen and then it ends
sorta like every movie ever made

It wants you to understand the character Daniel Plainview.

it insists upon itself

Why does a film have to have a point to it?

name one great film that doesn't have a point

>What exactly was the point of this film?

A vehicle for Daniel Day Lewis.

Attached: daniel day lewis-4.webm (1920x816, 2.97M)

It's a movie about why ATHEISTS are SINNERS and must BURN in HELL.

Ladies and gentlemen... I've traveled over half our site to be here tonight. I couldn't get away sooner because my new meme was coming in at Yea Forums and I had to see about it. That meme is now flowing at two hundred replies and it's paying me an income of five (You)s an hour. I have two others bumping and I have sixteen baiting on /pol/. So, ladies and gentlemen... if I say I'm a meme man you will agree. You have a great chance here, but bear in mind, you can lose it all if you're not careful. Out of all anons that beg for a chance to shitpost your boards, maybe one in twenty will be meme-men; the rest will be redditors trying to get between you and the meme-men - to get some of the (You)s that ought by rights come to you. Even if you find one that has memes, and means to shitpost, he'll maybe know nothing about memeing and he'll have to hire out the job on a hotpocket contract, and then you're depending on a jannie that's trying to rush the job through so he can get another hotpocket just as quick as he can. This is the way this works.

Two men explore the game of power that can only be played when you give up everything human and meaningful in life. Daniel wins because of his extraordinary qualities.


The movie is about how religious people and capitalists exploit the poor.

Its to make you understand what it takes to reach the upper rungs of society

"I did what your brother couldn't -- I broke you and I beat you".

It wants to...


I thought the same thing. It felt like a movie to show off the skills Daniel and Paul and nothing else.

there will be blood

>It's a film where things happen and then it ends.

Attached: 1557352417837.jpg (640x519, 29K)

Based Dano

More Dano, because Dano is always related.

It insists upon the viewers, like all the great movies.


Attached: jewish-hollywood-men.jpg (600x1790, 871K)

Jews are based, stfu. They're making movies while "whites" are whining on twitter about the flavour of the week.

Unironically based af


Daniel Day Lewis is one of those patrician English-Irish-Jews.

Attached: daniel day lewis gangs of new york-2.webm (1920x816, 2.99M)