The weirder the better
ITT: Miscellaneous Movie Merchandise
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i thought this was a steering wheel lock to keep people from stealing your car
I was blasting this based recorder all through BVS. Got a ton of fist bumps from the fellow Snyderbros!
wtf is that
I always wanted to try these but I never could find them. : (
Damn, I was about to post that.
that figure from The Thing looks like Han Solo
I wonder what Batman & Robin limited edition poptarts sell these days fro
Was there some sort of printing error?
that's a lot of fish
Thanks for the kek
my sides
What is it's purpose?
A cock ring
Oh shit really?
We're in the end times of civilization, right?
unless theres a nuclear war, no
Blue dick condom is the funniest shit ever. That is the best movie tie-in merchandise.
i had some of those batman figures as a kid they were awesome
That's not technically movie merchandise because they're not affiliated with the movie.
Darth "Dennis" Maul
show me a batman toy that isnt toykino. i DARE you
Imagine the activity books based on Villeneuve's Dune.
My mom never let me get pop tarts, she always told me they were "caca"
I have a huge tupperware box full of these spin off batmans. They were loads of fun to play with
The fuck does "caca" mean?
Spic for shit. Something bad or negative
what child would want this shit
Is "caca" "shit" in another language or did your mom make that word up?
She was right. Delicious shit. Are you Jewish?
It means shit, parents are from Eastern europe
I guess they were banking on the PG-13 rating not yet existing when Universal licensed these.
This is a thread for weird merch not absolutely based ones.
No, I was born in the US, but parents were born in eastern europe
Wow, that was the quickest I ever saw a post get deleted.
>mass replying
Do you remember any jungles in Batman Returns?
My sides have left the planet.
But year, the Batman variants were pretty cool despite being completely disconnected from the movie.
How much money do studios make off this sort of merchandising? Has Yea Forums memed me and it's actually really hard for blockbusters to lose money for studios?
Who thought it was a good idea just to slap star wars characters on produce and call it a day?
Do Americans really keep grapes on their tables?
Batman fought in Vietnam?
>Chewie grapes
>Darth Vader honeycrisp apples
>Rey/Kylo salads
What were they thinking?
it's Spanish my dude
That's not even a laser it's clearly some kind of fucking missile
Has anyone tried to actually make these?
What do they taste like?
Robert Englund raps on this, lol
I wonder if David Lynch aproved these...
Movie banana stickers in general
the fuck is this shit
>predator batman
breddy gul
Gotta get that vegan market.
>the fuck is this shit
Easter grass.
Is this for the remake one, isn't it?
Not a movie but pic related
I remember Amtrak had a weird promotion with Space Chimps, where the wordplay was that Amtrak’s seats now have more “space.” It went on for a couple years despite nobody ever hearing of the film.
very Lynchian
>I'll do the fingering
What? I don't wanna french kiss Jar-Jar.
Made from the finest Chinesium.
>limited edition fucking bananas
They've gone too far this time.
>It's a merchandise for the new movies using the old characters episode again
yeah, I will say it again: what the fuck is that shit?
>not using the 3D desing but some ugly art instead
fucking lmao the fuck are they doing, just print a photogram over there and call it a day
>The banana sticker lions are more expressive than the actual lions
easter grass bro
Somehow, i want this.
You line your Easter basket with it, nimrod. Is Google not available in your country?
>Old guy has a real name. James
>New people has nig nog names
I blame the CIA for giving black youth drugs and guns after MLK
>he thinks you're meant to put it in your mouth
It's shit you stuff in Easter baskets
gotta recoup that money from the investment.
Has any franchise ever sold out as hard as Star Wars?
No, George Lucas invented that at mass scale, that's why he got rich with the first SW movie after all
Actual childrens book based on Man of Steel
I renember one of these for ROTS, anybody care posting it?
member chewbacca?
Yeah, Pokemon
I don't need to look at my keyboard while typing so I could use this without problems
>tfw still use my mugs
fuck you this is awesome
Is their mouth a vagina?
They had Captain Marvel stickers on bananas a few months ago.
pretty neat
oh wow what a perfect product for that film
Seriously, at least Star Wars has enough restraint to avoid stuff like.... THIS.
lol, even the cat
If it's a mouth it's not a vagina. Those are different things.
that's nothing different from slave leia.
Damn, I remember this shit.
That Wonder Woman coloring book from 1975 that featured some bondage shit
Chad stance from Mr Freeze.
>48 to 60 cookies
I actually have this one in my cupboard
I feel like kids stuff has got less cool
9"x13" is 117 square inches, at 48-60 cookies that's somewhere around 2, 2.5 square inches per cookie, which for a small kid is perfectly reasonable serving size
Because everything they want is on their tablets/phones
I kept one of these
Actually based
Aren't all bananas technically limited edition?
you have my attention...
Gotta sleep fast!
when you think about it, everything is in limited edition
>Novelization of an adaption of a novel
I have some limited edition incredibles 2 bananas in the freezer that i plan on selling in about 20 years.
a recorder you fucking mongoloid.
but but they wuz kangs!
This always sticks out to me
you know the banana we know and love is going extinct because of a fungus, we're going to have to switch to another kind of banana, your bananas might actually be very rare collectibles one day
these were fucking kino I had this one
Slamt 4 stic
it's not meant to do this, the person was just fucking around with a han solo toy
Did it actually taste good?
i had the raptor eye watch and forgot i was wearing it when i jumped in the pool at summer camp and it fucking broke. i was so sad.
the hobbit menu was better
Sure it is, its just unlicensed.
I had a Thing Burger. It was ok, I was hung over and getting something fixed or inspected on my car and the dennys/perkins was only thing in walking distance. Solid 7 burger.
most likely chinese knockoffs. change the name to avoid copyright
Phantom Menace had a holographic pinball machine. It wasn't widely loved, but it has its fans.
> tfw eating at pizza hut, taco bell, and kfc for two weeks straight to complete your star wars cup set
you fucking IDIOT
Grappling hooks and quicksand. My childhood prepared me for a wold full of them and released me into a reality almost devoid of both.
>movie for black people
>marketed on bananas
That explains why the laser dish gun has to be braced and anchored to Batman's back.
I still have this. I use it for when I need a glass of water in the middle of the night
> character is based on the stereotypical jew
> gets turned into a plastic cup topper to squeeze even more pennies out of peoples pockets
My guy. Still have all of them.
Someones never watched Teeth or Predator.
>Star Wars condiments
All the original Wonder Woman comics involved a ton of bondage. Her main offensive weapon is a fucking rope that can make you admit that you love being tied up by a scrawny Jewish fashion model unwilling to put in the work for the role she did nothing to earn.
The other Christmas I was able to make it back home in America and be with my family for Christmas for the first time in 5 years.
My mother gave me a pack of Batman bandaids for my Christmas present because I liked Batman as a kid.
I was 32 years old at the time.
Stay jealous Marvel cucks.
That's what you get when you hybridize or selectively breed out a crops ability to reproduce normally.
Kek Dennis Maul.
This is physically painful.
i saw a watch
>invisible woman slam
Transformers transforming DVD box
Your mom sounds nice. I hope you call her often.
This was so far away from being a children's movie... Man, things were so much better before the year 2000.
This is pretty neat, but making it bumblebee and not some random made up bot kills it.
Thanks. Called her early today.
i've got the novelization of the x-filed episode "soft light" were a guys shadow becomes dark matter and kills people. it's not very well written
Imagine thinking this was a good idea
pretty sure the guy is tony shaloub
Just the fact that they were able to make a restaurant out of a scene in Forrest Gump.
I can't decide
You didnt read the review, did you?
the day Pez went too far
I had Bubba Gump's at King's Island. Meh.
>Will Smith had a Freddy rap
Behold, the most gloriously pointless fast food movie tie-in in history!
>some Disney World executives only exposure to Eva was Rei catgirl merchandise which led to this
I wish I got to eat this
Ah, remember when everyone hated Twilight and it's stupid fanbase of girls and moms?
I want to see Rey in a catgirl outfit now.
This was actually in Disney World?
Where? When?
Is that the Japanese pavillion at Epcot?
Best part of that movie thb.
those look pretty nice. will add to wishlist depending on manufacturer
kneel /ck/ plebs, your limited time fast food god has arrived:
What was this for?
I had this as a kid but had no idea it was supposed to be beetlejuice
so it's just a normal burger only they doubled all the ingridients. not very exciting innit
Pepper jack, bacon and cajun mayo not on the normal whopper. It made a lot of difference.
Feed of chucky
For giving people heart attacks.
the hobbit series makes me depressed
watched the trilogy with my ex before we broke up. she liked it more than lotr. just how?
most of the dark knight toys were ugly as fuck
Just looked it up, it was for Meet Dave.
Looking back it was simpler times. That baseball scene is absolutely kino, not gonna lie
Holy shit, this is on the same level as the basketball scene form Catwoman
Had one of these but for a snow setting. Pretty sure it's still in some huge Tupperware bin with a shit load of other batman figures somewhere at my parents house.
The Star Wars transformers were kinda cool
I have one of those somewhere
What did they mean by this?
>palliative children's toy
plz no
I think I have you beat son
>The Emperor Daft Serious
Sounds like an indie rapper.
i fucking hate everything about this but the hyena design is fucking great
That movie was shit, but the Robin/Nightwing costume was on point.
90s Toys Power Rankings
Ascended Tier
Trash Tier
>literally everything else
i had this and broke/ jammed the rocket launcher
the riot helmet was badass
>no plastic armymen
>tfw brothers and I all got the Riddler ones and I was super upset we didn't get Batman.
I still have my Shrek The Third McDonald's glass
That R2 cup is actually rad as hell.
>Dennis The (Phantom) Menace
Is Denny's the goto marketing partner when you know your film sucks?
I still have this
RIP weeb Robin Williams
What did Spock mean by this?
>daft serious
Still have this one, too
>it still hurts
thats not so weird for a kids easter basket
they make all sort of confetti at party city around that time
but a unloved easter basketless nigger would never know this
used to eat out of the hercules plate all the time.
oh fuck I remember collectible plates
why are they not a thing anymore?
I've actually still got one of those. Never got it as some collectible, just use it as a mug.
I still own both the Hercules and Zeus plates.
Dude fuck yeah
Oh fuck I had that toy. Jesus I am old.
Flintstones Mcdonalds cups, used to use the tall one all the time at my grandmas.
One of my oldest memories is being in the back of my parent's station wagon in a drive-in for Dick Tracy playing with my action figures, and it's memorable because that's where I lost the helmet to my Robocop toy. The action figure with the backpack with the to pop caps for bangs and gunpowder smell. I would've been super fucking young then too, it's weird.
Collected all of these.
My parents threw them away :'(
Obscure comic book adaptations and spinoffs are a whole other can of worms.
Speaker D vs Daft Serious
who wins?
>Some number cruncher calculated that the cost of printing millions of stickers is less than whatever extra sales is generated by these stickers
>people are actually more inclined to BUY bananas that has stickers on
What stage capitalism is this
That ingredient list is physically painful to read.
The funniest thing about this thread is you can pinpoint the moment marketing execs realized people are complete morons, and you don’t even have try like this , absurd as it may be. Retards buy anything nowadays.
>mfw I got to try these
I can't get over this fucking thing imagine driving behind this fucking thing as it stares at you
>try to get my daughter the Edward card
>there’s a mixup and she gets the Bella one instead
>now she’s a lesbian
at least with the can you can read fun facts about the characters
>someone has died to the cantina song
I tried all of these. The breakfast ones were awesome. That honey cake french toast was the bomb.
>on point
>protruding nipples
>>no plastic armymen
What are you? A literal baby boomer?
>table grapes
you really couldnt just call leave it at "grapes"?
I’ve got an enterprise ornament, it’s pretty great.
I had all of these as a child.
Most of you are too young to remember this but Burger King used to sell these glasses for several different films throughout the 80's.
Yeah, that’s my point. Now it’s not even that, it’s some silly funk pop monstrosity.
I thought they were ballgags at first
Looks cool though
Oddly enough I've still got the little worm Beetlejuice on the left but I don't know where the actual figure went. This fucking thread is making me want to dig out my tubs of old toys and roll around on them.
As a kid I had the sense to just get the dinosaur toys, but that Nedry always looked interesting
Those have led in them
The cereal that looks like a bunch of penises.
Fun fact:this toy was based off Marlon Wayans whow as originally cast as Robin. That's why he has that 90's black guy high top fade.
EAfront was a waste, but at least it came with Bounty Hunter
Fatass weighs 480 pounds
The jewish stage
I saw something else
DAAAAAAAAAAMN son that batman is based as fuck look at his suit. i would have flipped my shit as a 6 year old if i saw this in wal mart.
for all your moustache needs
God I remember just wanting a plain black Batman but all I could ever find is various rainbow variants
>limited edition bananas
based jews. what will they think of next?
And now, for my grand finale.....
The shirtless James Bond popsicle.
Well, this was a comfy thread.
I should make another one of this tomorrow.
Didn’t they have to pay millions to cgi remove a mustache?
i had those as a kid. God I was predestined to be an autist
fukken saved
oh fuck, i know we're not playing the nostalgia game but you got me. i had that hercules plate as well
>tfw ywn drink an ice cold pepsi from your based sebulba pepsi can
And looked worse than some deepfakes
I ccan't fucking deal with this shit just imagining the possible scenario where some poor fuckers are forced to stare at that on a highway is sending my sides into orbit
They tasted exactly like regular cherry Poptarts, ya dingus.
>bump limit reached
Ah, was a good thread
This is pretty great. I'd actually own this.
A lot of these seem less like merchandise and more like advertising
If someone could buy this just for the plane scene
basically the same thing with tie-ins