Be incel

>be incel
>rape girl
>gets girl

What was this movie trying to say?

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If you want the pusy, you gotta take the pusy.

women are whores.

Have sex

by any means necessary

tell me the story or gib some link

The 80s were a different time

What the movie incel

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That women can’t be raped

Was it really rape?

You can't rape the willing and she was ready to go.

>jock has girlfriend
>nerd steals jocks Halloween costume
>tricks girl by wearing jocks costume
>nerd fucks girl
>nerd gets revealed
>Girl suddenly loves fucking nerd over jock
>happy ending

I absolutely love porn where the girl is fucking someone who she thinks is someone else and then halfway through she find out who it really is and is so scared/nervous/betrayed but because they're still having sex while he's revealed she can't stop and her body over powers her mind so she keeps going and continuing the sex.

You will never see a college pep rally like this today.

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holy shit I recognize this ancient movie from that NEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDSSSSSS meme macro

I remember watching this movie at friend of the families house, and the mom came down after we were like halfway through because she knew it had nudity. I was just at a kid at the time.

kek. I also remember watching some like serious movie about rape or something, idk it seemed like a lifetime film thinking back on it, but all i remember is that it showed a women exposing her boob to breastfeed a kid at one point. After the film was over I told all the family friends, including teenage girls that we should watch the movie again. They obviously knew what my intentions were because why else would I remember this retarded story and most likely gave me shit for it. I think the plot of that movie was some nanny or something trying to take over the parenting role of some kid she was watching over.

This. This movie gave me this fetish.


I think i fucked up the beginning of my retarded post, but I'll at least make it clear that the mom shut revenge of nerds off because she knew it had so much nudity and us kids probably shouldn't be seeing that.

It's okay user I got what you meant.

It was a different time

bud, you have to work on making your comments more concise

>Revenge of Nerds
>The title is about the rape.

Nerds II was better

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Was this gay?

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You never saw it back then, either.

>Are you ready for the sex, girls
Imagine if a song like this was released today.

RotN is a treasure.

It was saying that once upon we were more culturally outspoken about the nature of women. Women have no clue what they want, what they believe, or really anything approaching full sapience/self-determination in general. If you have an appealing enough cock and use it well a woman will do and believe anything you tell her.

Women are really that simple and they are infinitely more happy when they don't have to think or do anything and they can just get plowed all day long. A chick only hates Republicans for example until a Republican gives her the dick just right. Then she hates Democrats until a Democrat comes along and gives her the dick just right. They're retarded.

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Everyone would love the song, until the Twitter fags petition to get it removed.

What if I don't have an appealing cock?

You expect anyone to read all that shit nigga


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superior version coming through

based and true

Wasn't he like the most chad of them

No comma user. It’s just “sex girls”

If you're lucky you're invisible to them. If you're less lucky then they'll find other uses for you that are quite a bit less pleasurable than for those with an appealing cock.

So basically the jock couldn't fuck and the nerd was incredible at sex

Because it was rape, and Otter in Animal House is fucking evil to pretend that he was the boyfriend of a dead girl to fool a chick into giving up her pussy.

But society 50 years ago knew that these were silly Sex Romp comedies and were not to be taken seriously. Now everyone is fucking stupid and can't stop comparing the world to Harry Potter and Star Wars.

I still would.

he wasnt an incel he was a nerd theres a huge difference and you are a faggot for not understanding
also it wasnt rape

no, he had his dick out and she wanted it, not rape

you watched The Hand that Rocks the Cradle I remember that scene

yes/ And women love it if you deceive them to fuck them.

You were watching The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

She aged gracefully, that's the best you can hope for.

was Booger the most based of the nerds?

I had this experience but with Caddyshack. 80s were a weird time where there were a bunch of lighthearted teen movies that slapped in a full blown softcore nudity scene for fun.

Speaking of soft porn

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>full blown softcore nudity scene for fun
for social engineering

Jews. The nerds are all Jewish or black or gay subversive fags who get wins out of pure luck

Bad guys are all white blonde hairs whose women only think of penis but not actual achievements

However it's not as bad as today. At least these nerds have some practical use. Today the nerds would be more diverse BUT less useful. Most likely all onions drinkers and would reference pop culture in every scene

Jewish tricks

She enjoyed every single second of it.

it was thetime to strike against Wasps, see also Caddyshack


WE’VE GOT BUSH!!!!!!!!

Also this scene today would be more like

>Halloween party
>Blonde girl is kinda feminist but not too sure yet
>Jock blonde hair white guy who is into hard work and personal betterment is racist.
>He gets touchy and feels. Girl is about to #metoo
>Nerd punches jock and says "Dont ever touch a women you creep"
>Entire college claps for hours
>Girl winks at Male feminist nerd
>He's now good and a sexy man. Jock is seen as racist


Dude that was Back to the Future

I think you are right. That looks pretty lifetime movieish so that probably was the movie I got a hardon from .I obviously was able to retain at least some sort of knowledge of the plot of the movie, but the thing that made it stick in my memory 20+ years later was that boob, and the embarrassment of requesting that we watch the movie again just so that I could see that boob again. Being so naive that everyone around me knew why I wanted to watch the movie again.

those are the type of cringe moments that keep one up at night

Lewis had sex with some chick at his party who got wet when she saw he had built a robot. That was a few weeks after he got to college. Not exactly an incel.

Looks great for her age.

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No on 15 rap > talent show rap

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That scene was supposed to be inspirational to us nerdy fucks who
Never get any! Like he cracked the code on how to be a nerd and still get to use his smarts to get sex! But nooooo now the SJW feminists
Gotta ruin everything and say it’s rape and now a fun 80s classi. Is pretty much banned in the name of woke faggotry, P-U, I say!

its a jewish fantasy

80s Courtney Thorne Smith was A CUTE!

I mostly remember her from that time she was on Conan and Norm ruined her interview by interrupting nonstop to make fun of that Carrot Top movie she was in at the time

“Wait are you guys talking about Melrose Place? Isn’t that like the show she’s on or whatever?”