>Palpatine tells Anakin to kill Dooku because he is too dangerous to live
>Ok *kills dooku*
>Mace Windu says Palpatine must die because he's too dangerous to live
>Anakin: NOOOOOOOOOOO you cant kill him
Can someone explain this shit?
>Palpatine tells Anakin to kill Dooku because he is too dangerous to live
>Ok *kills dooku*
>Mace Windu says Palpatine must die because he's too dangerous to live
>Anakin: NOOOOOOOOOOO you cant kill him
Can someone explain this shit?
unironically mind control
Are you literally too retarded to understand that he wanted Palpy alive to save his wife?
Because Anakin was trying to be a good jedi and a good boy. If the Jedi and Obi-Wan didn't give Anakin shit for killing Dooku he would have killed Palpatine.
Are you literally too autistic to understand my post?!
Anakin needed palpy alive. He had no use for dooku. Pretty str8-4ward
Mace Windu was a nigger
the dark side of the force is a path to logic leaps many consider unnatural.
And why would that matter here you racist bigot?
He just realised that the Jedi and Sith are pretty much the same when Mace repeated Sheev's line. Which is where from my point of view line comes from.
Why did the Jedi care that Anakin killed Dooku anyway? Would they be mad if someone killed Hitler?
dooku cut his arm off
One of them was the general of the opposing force and the other one was the chancellor of the republic.
It'd be like shooting the president.
Anakin wanted Palpatine to stand trial for his crimes. He may have used this as a cover for his real reason(which was that he thought he could save Padme's life), but the Jedi straight up assassinating the head of state because they didn't like his religious views wouldn't have gone over well with the Republic, Sith Lord or not.
You are a white trash cracker. Windu was a Jedi and you’re not.
they didn't care though, in fact it was a big deal that he did
Anakin knows that he's a bad Jedi and killing Dooku is wrong. He wants power to save everyone he's attached to. But the Jedi ways are keeping this from him. The whole movie is him struggling with this. The jedi way is constantly getting in the way of what he wants and throwing obstacles at him. The whole jedi shit probably caused the death of his mother.
So then we have the same situation where the most wise and powerful Mace Windu is in the same situation and chooses not to obey the jedi way. It's the trigger that finally makes him realize "ok, being a jedi is bullshit I'll get power any way I can".
It's poetry.
>light his cig inside the house
what an asshole
It was literally a coup attempt, but fully justified because Palpatine was also leading the CIS and was a traitor to the Republic.