Big ups to the staff at Regal Cinemas Plymouth this afternoon who saw me bringing in a huge tray of samosas to enjoy...

Big ups to the staff at Regal Cinemas Plymouth this afternoon who saw me bringing in a huge tray of samosas to enjoy during a screening of The Secret Life of Pets 2 but didn't do anything to stop me.

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Wouldn't the samosas have gone cold by the time you got to the cinema? Don't tell me you ate them uncooked like a savage.

cold samosas skin is fucking kino though

Y'know what? You're right, I was trying to stir shit but I can't fight the truth - cold samosas fucking rule. I'm sorry for trying to mess with you like that.

So what is the thread over now?

Are we talking about uncooked samoas or cooked samosas gone cold?

It's absurd to just eat them uncooked

we're doing cinema food in bwitish

Stop lying, liar.

Freshly-made and fried samosas that cooled slightly to a nice, warm temperature ideal for eating with hands.

That's what I thought.
Perfect then.

What the fuck is a samosa? Is it like a pizza roll? I don't speak foreigner.

its like a pizza roll shell filled with mashed potato and/or other gross indian shit. The potato ones are ok, but the other flavors fucking taste like indian ballsacks


uncultured swine

Yeah I do. They look like pizza rolls, that's why I asked, dumb fuck.


You’re welcome user

I'm a dumbass for not eating some random shit country's shit food? Okay then.

I live in Plymouth what’s your name faggot

>bringing cooked food to the cinema
Can't you burgers just hold off stuffing your fucking faces for 2 hours and enjoy a movie? Jesus christ, you truly are a disgusting bunch of fat fucks

Indian food is like Mexican food but much better. Mexican food is lame.


Plymouth Plantation? I’m like a little over an hour away.

lose weight

Gain height

only lame if you're a complete faggot

>asking questions about samosas in Yea Forums when you could go to wikipedia and find out what they are in under a minute
Shiggy diggy

it's a retarded version of an empanada

What the fuck is an empanada? Is it like a pizza roll?

empanada - spic hot pocket
samosa - apu hot pocket
beef patty - nig hot pocket
hot pocket - merican hot pocket
dead jews - german hot pocket
calzone - italian hot pocket

nah, you're a dumbass for having the whole internet at your disposal in 2019 but not knowing how to reverse image search

Oh, well if OP just said a "poo in loo hot pocket" I would have avoided all this confusion.

My favorite theater food heist is sneaking in two 20 piece boxes of McDonald’s Chicken tendies. I put them in plastic bags because the smell of them is so strong and intoxicatingly amazing to anyone that gets a whiff.

>watching Infinity War while blissfully eating nuggets
>theater guy taps me on shoulder
>psst hey buddy
>who me?
>yeah, everyone knows you’re eating chicken McNuggets
>b-but I
>look, if you give me like 5 of them and finish the rest I won’t kick you out
>give him 6 nuggets and a thingy of sweet n’ sour sauce to dip with
>he nods and smiles every time I see him working at the theater after that
>because he knows my pockets are loaded to capacity with nuggets and sauce

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So he stunk up the whole theater?

>not bringing in pizza rolls

Legally you're allowed to bring any cold food you want into the cinema and they can't stop you.

Nuggers and tendies are NOT the same thing you retarded bitch

They are to me

>Big ups
If you wanna talk like a fuckin mulignan, we'll send you to slip-and-fall school.

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