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wot if the beatles was a paki, proper mental innit


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Isn't this cultural appropriation?

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Fucking sick of all these classic rock movies

No that man is obviously British

wohdn't me'ah cuz thea a bettah band olreadeh LG x

If the beatles music came out today people wouldn't even like them. tastes change

lol she got poo'd

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

pick these guys then.

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how the movie should be
>indian guy
>nobody wants to market him and his beatles songs
>he dies a poor nobody
the beatles success was all thanks to branding

Just update a bit of the instrumentation and the songs would do fine. Teenage girls would eat that shit up like they do everything else the media force feeds them.


Darker Stones would have been the big group, but there was enough talent to go around back then. Not much change.

is this forgetting literal? if so, I'd steal the songs, sing them myself and become extremely rich

influential may be an argument
zappa was the greatest

everything the beatles did already existed in mainstream music
they werent even talented in the slightest

This is literally the premise of the movie, retard

John and George wished they were

It's less cultural appropriation than curry being Britian's national dish

Nuh, they got a lot of great tunes.

It was 20 years ago today
Mohammed told the muzzies to slay
They'd been goin in and out of Mosques
But they wanted an infidel holocaust

Gotta write the rest later

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>they werent even talented in the slightest
That's just denial at this point

He's british

also why can't i marry a 12 year old

Like every other one of his movies, it's actually "What if subcontinental trash actually accomplished something for once".

oh, kewl

based Liam twitter poster

dude if I wrote all the beatles songs my friends from high school would probably think I was really cool

Literally what the fuck is that poo gonna do? Mayors are ceremonial so he can't actually do anything about that.

Wouldn't he'd be called Oasis knock off?

no it wasnt
the beatles were copycats

Reminder that Love Actually is fucking awful

Oasis doesn't exist without the Beatles since their sound was 100% ripoffed from them

>everything the beatles did already existed in mainstream music
Post some songs like Please Please Me, She Loves You or Love Me Do before 63. Go ahead, I'll wait.


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So this movie is about Oasis then

No because oasis couldnt exist in a world without the beatles

god i fucking hate oasis worst one hit wonder ever

>god i fucking hate oasis worst one hit wonder ever

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>making a movie about some literally who boomer tier artist with like 3 hit songs about MURICA from the 80s

really scraping the bottom of the barrel huh

This. The Bands version of Alantic City is 1000xs better

lawl you guys must be on reply number 20 at least for your day to be posting such boring trash

>people think the beatles were the best because they sold the most
>the beatles didn't sell the most
Shot a hole through your own theory pretty quick, huh?

Only actual boomers genuinely like the beatles, everyone else is just bandwagon.

Superior Beatles kino coming through

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is there a sneed for the beatles, really want to trigger people who like that shitty music

too rite an its absolutly fookin biblical as you were lg x

The world would be a better place.

Also, I maintain the position that if you introduced the Beatles into today’s music scene they wouldn’t be nearly as popular as they were back then.

I love how the general public isn't falling for the BM/WF anymore so now they're pushing IM/WF

The most unrealistic aspect of this movie isn't anything related to it's premise, but the idea that any white woman above 2/10 would be interested in an Indian man.
They are literally the least desirable on the fucking planet. Disgusting. Lower than even niggers.

>beatles based movie
>get burgers and bee gees as the cast
What the fuck were they thinking

You telling me that the Beatles after being copied by everyone in the music industry for years seem kinda tired and boring in this day and age?

And the soundtrack is definitely kino

Nobody ever fell for it though. Only latent homosexual white guys thought it was real and they happened to be the guys producing porn.

It was 1978

George Martin would have taken the reigns of Herman's Hermits, making them the Greatest Band of the Sixties, and the Stones true rivals.

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Ok, I know this is bait. But there are at least three British films coming out this year about being a Paki/Indian in LONDON.


Beatles' songwriting blows Herman's Hermits out of water. Thank god he didn't then.

Boomer's are retiring and now need entertainment pandering to their nostalgia. What the fuck do you think old people do in retirement besides farting? They go to matinees and complain about the price of senior tickets. Fuck boomers.

Holy shit you are retarded

new and retarded
go away

Eh. The Beatles got gigantic by playing simplistic Love Me Do crap and didn't start writing anything better than HH until the mid-sixties.
Sure, HH sheelf life would have been way shorter (unless Martin fired a couple of members and got a couple decent songwriters in), but he would have made them big anyway.

Wh*te people don't have a culture to appropriate.

Hm, this could actually be Liam...

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the reason the beatles are considered the most influential is because they were willing to push the envelope of what a pop/rock band was able to do and see it through to become an artform almost single handedly

The Beatles got gigantic by playing simplistic (complexity =/= quality) because no one sounded like them in 63. No music sounded like Love Me Do or She Loves You. They created an entire different form of playing pop/rock music.

Springsteen boomer fan detected

Based brainlet

Springsteen was great though
Oasis were fine
Beatles were great but overrated
Boomers can die and zoomers can too

Name one artist inspired by the Beatles besides Oasis.

you're not special or unique for hating the beatles

>What if brown people take credit for the accomplishments of others?

Jesus Christ. Not to shatter your fangirl heart-shaped glasses, but yes, fucking Litle Richard sounded like them in 63.
Because they were literally doing an impression of him, especially Paul.

cultural appropriation is a spook

Tame Impala, Nirvana, Pixies

music wouldnt be the same today without them so its a dumb point

Ozzy once said that if it wasn't for Beatles all of them (Black Sabbath) would spend their whole lives working in some factory.

how? he's not actually one of the beatles

yikes. Like the other guy said, their early shit sounded like literally any black rock musician before them. Nothing new about that sound. You just don't listen to a lot of music

yeah you can really hear the influence in Crucimanetum's debut "Convocation of crawling chaos" really a love letter to sergeant peppers

Teenage Girls like regurgitated music and cute bois.

you missed the point completely
all of your epic faggot bands were either directly influenced by the beatles or directly influenced by people who were

Someone had to be joking when they submitted the casting list for this, at least with the lead.

>Litle Richard sounded like them in 63
Not really. Little Richard was an inspiration to them, obviously, but they also mixed pure rock n roll with other genres. Suck as Marseybeat and Gospel.

If you think anything by Little Richard sounds like this then you are a retard:

Fuck you Yea Forums faggot. You just wanted to jerk yourself off and namedrop.

>their early shit sounded like literally any black rock musician before them
Post some examples then. You are just saying and not proving shit.

Why do people get so fucking heated over The Beatles? People who hate them act like they're fucking genuises for doing so and people who love them act like they're the only good band that ever lived. It's crazy.

Sure they do. Take any Little Richard song, take away the complex instrumentation, slow it down a bit, make it more derivative and you have a Beatles song.

getting pretty sick of non-whites to be honest.

heavy metal had no beatles influence

are you retarded
every metal band owes its existence to black sabbath and

>poo in the loo male
>white female
its all so tiresome
>quintessentially british!

also what a hack movie, peoples tastes have changed, kids listen to electronic music

also beatles didn't inspire SHIT for electronic music, it all came from disco, which came from funk and r&b (the real r&b, rhythm and blues), which came from blues and soul rock, and etc etc

as someone with music history under their belt this is so beyond dumb, no one asked for this garbage

Carl Perkins (especially the guitar), Chuck Berry, Little Richard

Holy shit, how is this even a thing? Niggers are one thing, but NO ONE wants to watch a movie led by a fucking Paki, and certainly not the one from EastEnders.

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The Beach Boys > Beatles

Brian Wilson had more creative power than the entire Beatles put together. The fact he went insano proves how genius is just a bit away from insanity for the most part.

Also, Elvis, Cliff Richard or Buddy Holly were doing white boy rock'n'roll before Lennon had even started beating up women.

Rock’s been around long enough for good critics to appear. Jazz was only really jazz for around 60 years before you got journos who knew what they were talking about writing the reviews. Rock’s just a different thing. I think it’s the bastard child of musical history, some unholy mix between jazz, folk, blues, classical symphonic, and opera. Just look how fast and hard it died as soon as people found another sound

>We want the paki market
>We want the incel market
>We want the boomer market
Who the fuck are they kidding

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Every. Fucking. Beach. Boys. Song. Is. The. Same.

Kek. Brian Wilson had a breakdown when he first listened to Strawberry Fields Forever. John literally fucked up his brain.


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>yesterday, designated street so far away
>I quite nearly shit my pants that day
>was walking funny, yesterday

Pet Sounds is probably better than anything the Beatles did but The Beatles put out a far more consistently good discography.

John Lennon was fucking based. I think it was George Martin or Brian Epstain that said that Paul was one of the most competitive songwriter the knew, but John wasn't, he thought everyone one else was rubbish.

You're a pleb if you think that

Reminder that no band ever came close to being as good as Christian & The Hedgehog Boys

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>John Lennon was fucking based
And also redpilled

>talk about band
>NYEEEEHH X BAND IS BETTER *pushes glasses*
why do Yea Forums cunts always do this

Im actually on my way to a Paul McCartney concert in Arlington right now.

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I'm jelly man. I missed the opportunity to see him in late march but I wasn't employed yet and couldn't afford the ticked. Hope I can see him before he kicks the bucket.

Enjoy man, he's a legend among men.

This. Beatles are a completely white people thing. With the world becoming more and more ghetto and "diverse" the Beatles are fading out of pop culture history.

>because I wasn't


when Brian Wilson first heard this he convinced himself that they were stealing songs out of his head

Strawberry Fields Forever is literally just Chuck Berry with reverb

what the fuck

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Yeah man, I actually almost died in 2016 after a major heart and lung surgery and had to be on life support and I wrote a bucket list and on it was seeing Paul McCartney once live.

Pretty exciting stuff to go see him and be back to normal.

- my blog.

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Is this an isekai?

The Beatles are the ultimate lie of capitalism

>When I'm done half of all wives will be beat



No, it's just blatant theft.

did communism ever come up with an equivalent music group?


Are Indians or other poo-skinned friends from that area objectively the most unattractive male?

lmao just watched the trailer this is definitely written by your average baby dick Asian

I don't know, i'm not gay enough to answer question like this


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>r this is definitely written by your average baby dick Asian

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>you have to be gay to understand who is attractive or not

>who is attractive or not
By who this homosexual means mens. Clear it for context

Who tf is this

All those glasslet chads in the back

The writer of the movie
Also made Mr Bean, Blackadder and basically every British romcom of the last 30 years

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crazy rich Asians must have paid him to write it

The leftist "if you don't like this you must be this" argument usually is stupid but if you are so obsessed with not being even cosnidered a faggot to the point where you won't admit if a male is good looking then you probably are an insecure faggot

Calm down homo

Aboriginals of the Australia

>to the point where you won't admit if a male is good looking
And what the next thing you going to admit? That you wanna suck his cock but no homo though? Fuck outta here, fag

You can in most places in the world.

>complaining about contrarians on a board chock full of contrarians

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it literally says not true right after, retard. Looks like you shot a hole through your brain pretty quick.

98% of them have a full head of hair though unlike me

Is he the Slumdog?

I want your smelly little brown cock in my mouth

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he's no Roy Donk



What did you have? Malformation?

>helter skelter

literally no one ever has made that argument

mute point

Yes, that was the point, retard.

to be fair he did have a bunch of his smile era tapes stolen around then