You’re in the club and this guy slaps your gf’s ass

>you’re in the club and this guy slaps your gf’s ass
wat do?

Attached: 9d2b88860f15505535fceac0b3ba3cc6.jpg (420x640, 65K)

Leave my gf for him

>1 shot at life
>painfully average looks
can I ask god for a refund or something

He's a 8/10 at best

hand him a gun

>I'm ugly so no gf
>I'm ugly so no club
>He's too gay looking to touch women
>You're gay for posting a gay guy

I don’t go to clubs

He was gay

Who's this gay faggot?

Pretty sure he is more likely to slap my ass then my gfs.

Suck his dick

>gay looking
cope more, uggie

Slap his ass

If he looked like that, I'd be completely fine desu.

Live to be older than he was.

pretend that i was the one who slapped my gf's ass

cope more faggie

He slaps my hand for no reason??

He wants to hold hands nigga

Wish he slapped mine instead.

Kill her in a fit of jealousy