Welcome to the Die Hard thread, pal

Welcome to the Die Hard thread, pal.

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hold up your horses, you son of a gun

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i miss hans gruber so much

geronimo > yippee kay yay


For me it's 1 > 3 >>> 2 >>>>>>>>>>>> 4, didn't bother with 5, but I assume it's shit.

who here /having a few laughs/ ?

4 is better than 2, idiots

Best Christmas movie ever!

Can somebody please photoshop his face onto a toilet with him saying "welcome to the potty pal"

1>3>power gap>2=4>5

>he doesn't know what a tv dinner feels like

Looks like we’re gonna need some more OP guys...


Yippie kie yay [Mister Falcon]

>That's total nonsense, Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie!

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You're very fast Argyle

They’re for my wife. She’s pregnant.

> main character is a cuck

I want to buy this, but I'm afraid of what will happen if I wear it at my university.

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*blocks your path*

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Pleb detected

Official Die Hard rankings are as follows...

2>1>who cares?

Who are you quoting?

the die hard christmas movie meme is peak bugman culture