/RBMK/ Chernobyl General

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Akimov... his face was gone.

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no that's his mouth now

Reminder that Legasov wrote romantic poetry for his wife. He also loved birds and took lots of photos of cranes.

Why wasn't this in the show? Would've integrated into the ep5 flashback perfectly.

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I thought you never saw him fully in the show?

the next Akimfag I see is getting ordered to look at the core.

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Post Akimov qt pls:3

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>actually believes the death toll was 31
Lmao he got the propaganda numbers

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oh shid nooo xdddd

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Reminds me of that .webm where a dude literally got his face blown off by a shotgun at point blank range and he's just sitting there with the whole front of his head in shreds and someone asks him in Portuguese or something if he's okay and he gives a thumbs up.

Because it has nothing to do with the disaster and Legasov's truth was the subject of the whole show, not his emotions for his wife.

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But they showed others with their families.

Oh shit. Where did you find this?


It's just an edited version of the last shot of Toptunov we see.

I'll never forget my first day in the ER where they brought in a guy who was hit by a car and everything inside him was in splinters. Dude was smiling and chatting up the nurses.

you're delusional

The Phone-call that saved Western World

We follow rules, around here, comrade.

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Yeah, but Legasov's role was in his participation in the management of the disaster, he did not have any emotional entanglements or issues because of it. Not to mention, I was more interested in the science/politics of the whole thing than in seeing some boy get upset by shooting dogs.

Fair, I don't have a problem with it or anything. Just wondering why exactly they showed Legasov living alone and shit.

I thought he looked too skinny. Dunno why but I'm particular fascinated by the claim that Akimov had no face. Wonder if it was another exaggerated detail from the book they used

because 5 fucking episodes
what a shit format
would have loved to have Legasov's family in here, would have made for a better pacing and heavier ending and beginnning.

I feel bad that Sitnikov had to deal with the mess that morons on 2nd shift like akimov made

Because what we don't see is always more scary and therefore more fascinating.

Who is stronger ? Akimov or Akira ?

Damn, Toptunov looks like this.

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>Follow rules
>when you shutdown button is actually a nuclear trigger

I really wish it were longer than 5 episodes.
Oh well.


Is this a false flag?

I wonder what Inga Legasova thinks of the show, did anyone ever ask her?

The same culture that caused Chernobyl is taking hold in the West. Look at how we all have to pretend women's football is good.

>leave the reactor at low power for hours, poisoning the core with xenon gas
They played their part in the fuck up

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He didn't know that :__;

Poor misunderstood Akimfu.

Family shit always drags on and ruins the pacing of anything, not to mention the bromance would have been underwhelming. The way it was show it was them two against the world

>in seeing some boy get upset by shooting dogs.
> dogs

Is there a more based Soviet than Pikalov?

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Holy shit, user. Post more

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Did he died?

You can see the moment when the bromance started caught on camera.

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>not just following procedures and waiting 24 hours for restart after the xenon well
nah, if it wasn't for ARS akimov should have been put to death anyways

Don't remember. Long time ago and there were lots of patients that day.

what kind of gay ass fucking hat is that on the right

Don't bully Boris please

Why didn't they just use Afghan PoWs, Chechens, or criminals to work as liquidators?

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>he did not have any emotional entanglements or issues because of it
>ends up killing himself 2 years later after recording some tapes about the whole thing
yeah absolutely no emotional issues or entanglement of any kind here
I was also interested more in the politics and historical events surrounding the thing, but skipping on his family was a bad choice
Would have made for a perfect individual illustration of the consequences of said politics and historical events
Literally no way to defend it, aside from the fact that they didn't have time to put it in but even then, they somehow had time for half an episode about some guys sad about killing puppies.... Talk about a shit example when they could have made absolute kino with their main character.

or that guy that jumped in sea but smacked his head in some metal shit, cut his face literally in half and died

wow, you racist or something?

Hi emotions are made perfectly clear, there was simply no need to get other characters involved, there were already enough of them to follow in such a short series.

What if it's pushing the homosexual agenda with Legasov and Scherbina? I'm surprised the Russians haven't made this connection yet

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How can the inside of a helicopter look so cheap, it looks like my grandmothers bathroom

If you need heroes, you don't use scum.


actually good idea desu

churka pls

because they'd probably throw burnt concrete at party officials out of spite. can you imagine setting criminals loose on a worksite such as this when there are good and honorable conscripts that are proud to serve the soviet union?

Because they were in a bathroom somewhere.
>he thinks Chernobyl was real

>the bromance would have been underwhelming
not really, show the family briefly at the beginning when Boris calls him the first time, and then have some scenes about Boris and Valeri talking about dangers to their family, or the simple fact that they miss them. Have a scene where Legasov writes somle poem to his wife while Boris looking over his shoulder in the background or something, that would have made the bromance even stronger wihtout adding much to the runtime.

>they somehow had time for half an episode about some guys sad about killing puppies....
Why is this simple allegory went so high above every retard's head ?

They're not killing dogs you dumbass

i love daddy akimov so much
>you're doing fine
>we'll do it together
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh nurse me akimovchan

who are they killing

Sure, but there was not even the need to actually put them in the serie, just havze Legasov mention them at some point while talking to Boris, write one of his poems or some shit, have them bond over the fact that they miss their family or ask themselves if they won't contaminate them afterwards
Wouldn't have made the cast any bigger but would have added some emotional depth to their relationship

That dumbass got himself killed, and it wasn't even his shift.

Also the chain of events started way before the others did anything

based retard bait post

then what are they killing? civilians left behind?
I call bullshit on that one, the old lady we saw that refused to leave actually existed along with a couple other old ones who refused to leave. An old couple stayed until the husband died despite their children begging them to come anywhere else.

based schizophrenic

He came running at me, this dumb university grad, thinking he could end the meltdown with a single press of a button. I knocked him down to size. Gods, I was strong then. Caved in to my authority, probably shattered every shred of self-esteem he had. I stood over him, clipboard in hand. Right before I signed the KGB report he shouted "Wait! Wait!". They never tell you how they piss themselves. They don't put that part in the memos. Stupid boy. Now Akimov is a radioactive corpse like everyone else. He could have lingered on the edge of the reactor with the smart boys, and today his wife would be making him miserable, his sons would be ingrates, and he'd be waking three times in the night to piss in an outhouse. FEEDWATER! Gods, Toptanov, what a stupid name...

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based fomin poster

>muh chain of events
The only thing that was irreversible was the decision not to shutdown the reactor completely after the xenon well, that decision was made 100% by akimov, he was a criminal no different than dyatlov or the RBMK designers and made the decision to destroy and meltdown the plant to avoid possible demotion.

>Legasov's son found him dead and later killed himself too
Jesus christ there's just no end to the suffering is there?

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>subordinate is responsible for the refusal of his superior to stop the reactor

What could he do? Stand down and risk his career when pressured by Dyatlov? How was anyone supposed to know it would explode, they denied it from the start because it was impossible to believe.

Kids with parents that kill themselves have a 50% higher rate of suicide than kids with parents that die of other causes.

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People. This is the exact same process every soldier from totalitarian states goes through to rationalize genocides.

The young soldier is horrifyied at first and the veteran soldier ease him into it, they take precautions, they protect themselves, the young soldier gradually accept it and becomes more violent and cruel until he's confronted to kids (puppies) and the veteran takes over to avoid him breaking.

It shows how they could have kill people and feel exactly the same. It's not that hard to understand, rewatch the scenes and think human everytime you see a dog.

Follow THIS rule you smarmy twat
*throws a clipboard at you*

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I'm 10 times more scared of finding someone I love dead than I am of actually dying myself.

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but they didn't actually need to kill anyone did they? I thought they were all evacuated
why did they need to be killed

He's talking shit, don't even bother.

nope, he was at the controls and knew what he did was wrong
>muh career is more important than melting down the reactor
christ you "we did everything right" fags are pathetic even without any knowledge of the potential explosion he was smart enough enough to realize he would melt it down, grow a fucking spine

>Died in 2003
How can a man be this based, every day he lived was a brutal mog to every single one of those 15,000 roentgens.

>Rector blows up on his watch
>billions spent to fix it, Gorbachev claims it ruined Soviet Union, potentially adding to the collapse
>gets just 10 years in prison, gets out after 3 because USSR collapses
Wow, what a scumbag

I'm not saying it's what happened. I'm saying it was the message, a critic of the soviet regime justifying everything for the "cause". The idea that if the orders were to kill civilians, those nice and human soldiers would have obey.

The chad dyatlov vs the virgin ussr

>Dyatlov killed communism
Wtf I love Dyatlov now

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>he was at the controls therefore he wasn't a subordinate
Dyatlov ordered him to proceed despite knowing the risks, the only thing he can do in such an instance is quit and have someone else do what he refused to.
The guy in charge is always responsible because he's supposed to know the job of his subordinates as well as they do. If one of them makes a mistake by following his instructions, he's responsible for giving them, the subordinate is not guilty for obeying. I don't even understand what spine has to do with that, you just sound like a newly appointed manager who sucks at his job.
>it was totally a super deep critique of totalitarianism that implies that people who refused to be evacuated got killed because muh dehumanization, totally not a cheap tearjerker because americans are crazy for their fucking dogs, i swear

You're retarded.

Not like there's anything "deep" about it even if user was correct.

>implying dyatlov wasn't cia

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It's not even implying that. Only that totalitarian regime have their ways to turn nice people into potential genocidal maniacs.

Pikalov's balls were so massive he was effectively immune to the radiation.

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Why would any CIA agent willingly get themselves put in a labour camp?

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Because I can read a scene beyond surface level and not go "uuuurh why talk about dogs for half an hour ?"

You really think they had no intentions behind those scenes ?

A daring synthesis.

How's 8th grade film class treating you, kiddo?

any regime can do that if the reasons are powerful enough
but this is the most far fetched out off-topic metaphor they could have chosen to demonstrate it
it's just a relatively cheap tearjerker that tries to equivocate killing dogs with killing civilians, it's retarded enough as it is, no need to look for further stupidity

Because you're pulling shit out of your ass and pretend it's real for pseudo-intellectual hipster posturing.

mk ultra obviously

The xenon pit is like my sex life.

>it's just a relatively cheap tearjerker that tries to equivocate killing dogs with killing civilians
So you're saying exactly the same thing, just with insults

you mean dangerous, unwanted and caused by low power?

You're clearly delusional.

Look at the yellow dust on the control panel. You can actually SEE the lines in the dust where water picked it up and flowed to the edge of the desk. It's dusty around the trails, and the trails are that black/gray color of the actual control panel.
Are you fags purposely being retarded about this?

I'm browsing "Chernobyl graphite-posting LGBTQ+" right now.

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Not at all, because I don't interpret the scene as them killing civilians.
The parallel is made by the afghanistan vet in dialogue only, and it is stupid.
Note that I don't insult you btw, even if you probably deserve it like everyone

Tell your lies Legasov

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Nonsense, MK Ultra can't exist, check again.

We did everything right

only the highest quality akimfu screenshots for you, user

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Cheeki Breeki graphite edition

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oh fug, gore is gonde :---DDDP

>ywn be a miner and force Legasov to look at your dick

don't write this ever again in the threads I read

>when you put your head in the core

or that guy that jumped in sea but smacked his head in some metal shit, cut his face literally in half and died

Uhhhm, I don't think so comrade.

Wholesome family meme

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>he will never whisper encouragements to you as you lower the reactor input.

Hold me, akimfriends

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My desire to put my big hand in Legasov's tight little hand while we're in public is only growing stronger.

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Why Akimov is the one losing it's head when it's another guy who's forced to look down to the core at the end of episode 1 ?

Also what happens to him ? Did he get argued to death by the twin bozzos running the central ?

What did THE VIPER mean by this!?

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>tfw you and legasov wont solve nuclear disaster together
why even live

> implying it's not Flex Mentalo who used the wrong muscle again.


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Borya pls.

Watching the doctors confused about what the fuck they could do next while the dude was still split open but alive next to them was pretty horrifying

Just need to mount two rocket launcher for maximum acute radiation spooky!

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>the real reason the Reactor Core exploded

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ARS affects everyone differently

You don't have to be Borya to appreciate Legasov's gentle beauty

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Akimfu posters have to be stopped. They've gone too far.

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The RBMK reactor is a shit design and the last one will be running until 2030.

Is there a video or a link? I don't know what you guys are talking about but I'm morbidly curious.

Akimov and Toptunov were in valve room for 6 hours being showered by radioactive water so maybe that's why their faces are disfigured/gone.

they fixed the flaws right?


The fact that this show got made and released to universal acclaim is proof that you’re chatting nonsense

>>Valery Khodemchuk
>The night shift main circulating pump operator, Khodemchuk, was likely killed immediately; he was stationed in the collapsed part of the building, in the far end of the southern main circulating pumps engine room at level +10. His body was never recovered and is entombed in the nuclear reactor's debris.[1][2]

So that's the CIA glow-in-the-dark agent. It all makes sense now.

Boris=Legasov>everyone else

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That sounds unscientific

Legasov is my favourite. I just feel so much tenderness towards him.

Yes, my American comrade, fixed fully, all documented

that's some quality ghoul edit

They very very very likely improved the safety comrade. The KGB promised.

Fuck Khodemchuk


Here, first half is the jump and blood turning the water red, nothing too graphic except some pretty crushing screams. Second half is the hospital.

No, only Dyatlov can be CIA, nobody else could possibly blow up the reactor the way he did.

>give 750k chechens and criminals rifles and trucks and tell them to go inna woods and shoot animals



No thank you comrade

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>soviet helicopter
>not looking cheap

But where is Khodemchuk's body then? I expect it to be in the wreckage!

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Literally one of my first memories is my dad telling me never to jump in water if you haven't felt the bottom first.

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This is more about making sure that you can actually reach the water

I dunno if this guy was lucky or unlucky surviving.

It's not inherently shitty, it's just Soviet corner-cutting that's caused the problems. The design itself was sub-par though, it has no passive safety failsafes, it's not great, but its not terrible.

Jesus Christ.
Although jumping into the water with that ledge down there was pretty retarded.
Kinda reminds me of this. This dude escape with just scrapes because he flattened his body just right by accident. He's lucky as fuck he didn't get rekt like that kid.

It's all about knowning what you're doing and where you will end up before submitting yourself to the merciless and uncaring grasp of gravity.

Should've been
>For U235

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I love that you can hear the exact moment he realized he's a fucking retard.

Lived for two days after the incident

I thought it was a cliff diver who scraped his face off on the rocks.

>gonna drop the bass 3.. 2.. 1..

>They're not killing dogs you dumbass
Its breaking bad all over again.

Based Akimfu anons! Keep posting the qt :3

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Can someone put the "If only you knew how bad things were" quote on Sitnikov after he looks at the reactor?

You can't tempt me whore, not when I have Holy Legasov at my side.

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>it's just Soviet corner-cutting that's caused the problems.
It was the shitty design that caused the explosion, but if the design flaw hadn't be a redacted state secret they probably wouldn't have set the conditions perfectly to fuck shit up.

>eat my ass
Not anymore, I won't.

Okay just because you're a cutie I'll post this old one.

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I don't remember that meme

Do they seriously not see that this is wrong or do they just have no concept of morality?

It's very distracting to listen to Titchy Gren's voice for the first two episodes.
Kept getting the itch to jump into some bridge duels.

Two months later I went to Moscow. From the train station straight to the cemetery. To him! And at the cemetery I start going into labor. Just as I started talking to him - they called the ambulance. It was at the same Angelina Vasilyevna Guskova's that I gave birth. She'd said to me back then:"You need to come here to give birth." It was two weeks before I was due. They showed her to me - a girl."Natashenka," I called out."Your father named you Natashenka." She looked healthy. Arms, legs. But she had cirrhosis of the liver. Her liver had twenty-eight roentgen. Congenital heart disease. Four hours later they told me she was dead. And again: we won't give her to you. What do you mean you won't give her to me? It's me who won't give her to you! You want to take her for science. I hate your science! I hate it!

I keep saying the wrong thing to you. I'm not supposed to yell after my stroke. And I'm not supposed to cry. That's why the words are all wrong. But I'll say this. No one knows this. When they brought me the little wooden box and said,"She's in there," I looked. She'd been cremated. She was ashes. And I started crying. "Put her at his feet," I requested.

There, at the cemetery, it doesn't say Natasha lgnatenko. There's only his name. She didn't have a name yet, she didn't have anything. Just a soul. That's what I buried there. I always go there with two bouquets: one for him, and the other I put in the corner for her. I crawl around the grave on my knees. Always on my knees. [She becomes incomprehensible.] I killed her. I. She. Saved. My little girl saved me, she took the whole radioactive shock into herself, she was like the lightning rod for it. She was so small. She was a little tiny thing. [She has trouble breathing.] She saved... But I loved them both. Because - because you can't kill something with love, right? With such love! Why are these things together - love and death. Together. Who's going to explain this to me? I crawl around the grave on my knees.

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Oh they know

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wasnt the redacted shit already well known by scientist before the Chernobyl incident?


The nurse in Chernobyl is such a fucking CUTIE

It's after Jesse kills Gale he goes to a support meeting and explains he had to put down a dog. Yea Forums would ask when he killed the dog.

God this poor fucking woman blaming herself to this day when she did absolutely nothing wrong.

They disabled all the emergency control systems for the test though.

Except who creates a xenon pit and then disregards every safety protocol on purpose? Even with a better design Dyatlov was at fault, just because your car has breaks it doesn't mean you should slam them every time you are on a highway doing a 100, you will fly through your windshield if you do. Which is what Dyatlov did.

Radioactive thots aren't allowed here

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died horribly


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BASED Holy Legasov bringing holy trips and disregard for roasties.

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That swingset is probably built over dead jew grounds, like hell am I going to risk a hit to my credit score.

Would you get radiation poisoning from eating her pusy?

But you have to be Borya to hold his hand


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Sailor Legasov fucked everything up for a thot.

I'm a Jew, I got great credit score.

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this is some heavy-ass shit. i give it a 3.6

absolutely crazy numbers, user

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because "muh pls come back home i'm worried" subplot does nothing for the overall theme of the show

It doesn't have to be that way. It can be what said. Don't even show the family, just give a hint that they were there. Because the implication in the show is that he has nobody.

It also would have made his decisions about spilling the beans of AZ-5 more impactful, because it wasn't just his his skin on the line, it would have been hers as well. I didn't even know he had a wife.

He had 2 children and grandchildren too at that point.

Youd get thot poisoning, mix of aids, cancer, fungus and yeast

>eat my ass chernobyl
And then it did. Literally. Cancer of the ass. They had to cut it all away. Now she shits in a bag. Don't be her. Don't challenge Chernobyl. It will just kill you with no second thought.

>be Ukraine
>kebab slavers come
>Russian boys come
>Bolshie boys come
>lol no grain boys come
>German boys come
>spicy particle boys come
What did they do to deserve it, lads?

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>found a gay Legasov/Scherbina fanfiction where the whole plot is that Legasov is still a virgin at his age
I get that you girls need to masturbate but that's just a little over the line man

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What the user literally describes is a variation on what I said.
>missing your family
>being worried about their well being
This is isn't a show about Legasov saving the world from a nuclear disaster and sacrificing himself in the process, it's a show about the consequences of living in a society that is detached from reality. Legasov isn't John McClain, he's the Narrator from Fight Club because when he finally decides to stand up to the oppressive system he is a part of it's too late and the damage has been done.
Could a family subplot exist in this story structure? Sure.
Would it be a distraction from the thesis of the piece? Most likely.

>found a gay Legasov/Scherbina fanfiction
Were you looking for it?

It's just sitting in a Bermuda triangle for bullshit. The geological location puts it in the center of interests of a whole lot of dipshit countries it's surrounded by.

>A3-5 commrade user

>deliberately looking for gay fanfiction
>not liking what you find

And now you understand why people must be kept in the dark, safe from asking any questions that will only harm them.

it woulnd't be a subplot though, just a few touches here and there showing that these guys have a personal life and are more than their job and function in the story, which this show lacks
You either get tearjerking characters that are only here for their personal sorrows and misery, and characters who seemingly don't have any sorrow and misery beyond working at cleaning up chernobyl
I really fail to see how it would be a distraction.

I think there was graphite on the ground...

>everyone is British

wtf did they mean by this?

One of the best parts of the series when he says he will do it himself. Truly a based man.

They did it so even retards can find something to complain about. They did it for you.

Some people look at fucked up accidents and deaths. I see enough of that irl in my profession so I look at weird fanfictions.

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That was good. Thanks user.

>nothing wrong
>told by doctors to not touch her radioactive husband
>hangs out with him for days
I guess love makes people do fucked up things but still

I think we read the same fic, is it mostly Boris teasing him about it?
wrote it too

not mine

truly blessed post

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there are basically three type of characters in the show
>person becoming disillusioned with the oppressive system
>people suffering the consequences of the lies perpetuated by said oppressive system
>people being willfully ignorant about the consequences
The reason why for e.g. Ludmila doesn't question the government or why the private life of Legasov isn't explored is because it muddies the arcs of these characters by taking them in unnecessary directions that ultimately don't go anywhere and are more fleshed out with a different character.

Hey buddy why did you bully Legasov like that? It's not very nice.

Unironically a good creative choice

Any of you guys ever explored The Zone?

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Her baby was fucked anyway from the radioactive dust.

Yes she did.

It’s funny and Boris is a bro
Real bros give you shit and fuck You in the ass but not gay tho

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Because Slavs can’t act or what?

Her second child came out crippled as well.


It's so morbidly beautiful.

imo it's mostly because five 50 mins episodes is too short to properly develop the main characters when they waste 30 of those minutes on "i'll be useful tovarich" killing puppies.
Just adding a scene or two with Legasov writing poetry or doing or talking about anything non job related really, would have added some much needed emotional depth to the guy without mudding anything. That's my problem, the characters are too functional, they are archetypes as you point out, which to me is a glaring writing flaw. Show is still good of course but still.

in soviet russia, toilet clogs YOU

And people say you can't have an adventure at home.

No, because you don't get distracted by people trying on silly accents or hearing Russians butcher English. It keeps you focused on the story and not the actors.

Legasov writing poetry would make him too CUTE for audiences and the show would be banned in 50 countries.

Attached: 1560368659528.png (600x816, 378K)

Faggots are sick

because you get a better sense of their personality and character, also easier to keep with the story

You're pretty cool too.

can't argue with that

I believe the "archetypal" nature of the characters is an effect of a different approach to the storytelling method that the one you apply when analyzing the show.
It ultimately isn't trying to be a drama of characters going through personal trials and tribulations while in extraordinary circumstances. It's a story about an oppressive regime told from the perspective of the people living in it. It is said system that is at the center of this story, not the characters.
It's sort of what the early seasons of Game of Thrones were trying to be; a show about the characters arcs being a reflection of the world they live in rather than a world shaped by the necessitates involved in executing a character arc (season 7 and 8)

It's okay, no need to make excuses.

>be firefighter in pripyat
>only thing keeping you alive is the duty to your country, family, and shitty communist vodka
>get call at 1 am, have to go to a nuclear facility and extinguish fire
>literally do your job thinking nothing of it while contracting some of the worst atomic radiation this side of fukushima
>start vomiting and shitting uncontrollably, get transported to Moscow for intensive care
>end up being left to rot in your own piss and shit for weeks, finally die
>upon entering heaven receive spontaneous vision of the future
>your legacy of protecting the USSR from the worst human disaster ever is repaid by insta roasties sitting on irradiated swingsets saying eat my ass Chernobyl
>die with a quiet yat
spare me

He only had a daughter, faggot

Watch this, retard.

Toptunov lowered the reactor output dumbass.

Also, how many days beforehand did they start? Multiple people were responsible by your logic

3.6 000

Attached: cool.png (1312x943, 655K)

man i need me a chair like that what the fuck

You merely adopted The Zone...

Serious question...how does him possibly peeing have anything to do with Akimov?

Attached: Akimov.jpg (210x295, 10K)

thunderf00t is such a fag, the reasoning for the whole scare tactics is because the Russian people who were in charge didn't know shit about how these things worked, so if they didn't use scare tactics they wouldn't have gone through such a big effort to fix this massive fuck up. You can easily deduce inaccuracies for the current year, but in that moment to get support from the government and make it fully aware this was a big situation that needed to be addressed it was necessary.

sad, but I'll keep editing their photos

People think it's some kind of devilish sabotage in the war between plantfus


Attached: 1541934351517.jpg (703x452, 131K)

Can I have link?
no homo tovaristch

>watching that pseud and actually caring about his opinion
Why? I could make videos blowing smoke out of my ass too if I wanted.

why allow them such glory?

Why would there be a war on plantfus? All those guys were friends.

I only see posts about Sitnikov and Akimov on these threads. What's there to sabotage?

kek'd hard

What was his son’s name? What was his son’s wife name? What was his grandchild’s name?

Thanks for 20 seconds of a 5 min clip to prove me wrong, user

That sounds comfy as fuck desu. Will the American government just give me guns to go innawoods or do I have to be a Mexican drug cartel member to qualify for Fast and Furious?

gross looking grill 3/10

The control rooms look pretty cool t b h. I would enjoy coming to work every day.

What's your name and your mom's name? If you can't tell me you don't exist.


i've seen this porn

>too THICC to fit
damn, and she doesn't look like a roastie either. WHY CAN'T I HAVE A GIRL LIKE THIS?

>Working under Dyatlov
No thank you

That makes perfect sense :)

Thanks for proving my point

It's ok user, soon no one can.

Comrade Dyatlov, the core has exploded!

Attached: chef-hat-.jpg (579x800, 67K)

Did you miss the last thread by any chance? It's when everything when to shit.

>reading article about Legasov
>If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at ....

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can I get any kind of source on Akimov losing his fucking face? I've been searching everywhere for proof or a statement and found nothing.


Attached: Bogatiry.jpg (1200x1200, 185K)


Seriously why are you so stuck on this? His daughter is one of the most successful women in Russia. His son didn't achieve anything and neither did his son's wife. It's bizarre to me that you would go to such lengths to deny such a simple thing.

Because I felt genuine sympathy and went researching the sourceless claim made by an anonymous person on a Tibetan yak recipe forum and found nothing

I’m not trolling for (you)s or being contrarian, I want to know everything about this guy.

So seriously, point me somewhere else besides a voiceover

>his face and optimism: gone

Not sure if he actually did. His wife gave testimony that you can find buried in documents, but all she mentions is that he was very tan, asked after their two sons and told her not to let them outside, and then at one point his skin was black and his muscled just fell of the bone.

Her name was Lyubov Nikolaevna Akimova, I think, and you can try searching through that name.

Attached: His_face_was_gone.jpg (729x1024, 93K)

"Sir, the radiation has already started"

Why don't you want to accept the video I posted as proof though? The "voiceover" is the account of his wife Margarita. You think she doesn't know how many children she has?

Not him, but I just went back and saw. Looks like a lot of samefagging by the new guy to start "wars". seriously Yea Forums is so fucking pathetic sometimes.

This is literally the greatest gif I've ever had the privilege of seeing

the face... off?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x321, 521K)

its probably been posted in previous threads but holy fuck this video

Sitnikov will do it for free tho

Why can’t I find anything stating he had anything but a daughter? How do I know those are his wife’s words? Why are people willing to take a voiceover in a television program (if it even is that) as absolute fact?

>why did they show the consequences of the protagonist's actions on his life

I just want to celebrate this cue tee and his soviet glasses.

Attached: Akimeyes.jpg (1344x658, 65K)

But those weren't the consequences though? He had his family with him to the end.

holy shit those dubs have achieved critical levels

Attached: A3-5.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

what super sus video is this from? I recognize him but don't watch most of his stuff. Any rusanons here to provide an estranged slav living in yuropooria a link?

He tweaked the those of fear and faster in the face of death itself.

You know what, fuck you, I've now entered an obsessive search for concrete proof that Legasov's son existed. I have to get up early tomorrow but now I'm sitting here doing this shit. I'll get back to you if I find anything.

maybe that's the joke and I'm an idiot but it doesn't say A3-5 it says AZ-5 it's cyrillic

A person can't spread radiation if exposed skin is washed. So why did they insist it was unsafe??

Unironically, much obliged

Vasilene Vasily.

We know that, user

it was on topgear

I'd also like to know, totally not for that scene with this cutie being stripped to her underwear

I gave the show to my father on usb this morning and he just now texts me:
>that guy went back to work at a nuclear power plant afterwards! fucking hell!
My father, with the attention span of a gnat, fucking marathoned the whole show in one evening. I'm kinda proud of him.

Good sentiment, but isn't the point of the demonstration to show that being out of balance in either direction is bad? It should be:
White society
Mass immigration
Low white birth rates

She's going to regret doing those shots a few years down the line when she's laying in a hospital bed dying of some cancer she inflamed up visiting there without proper protection. Charles Darwin at his best.

That clip is from a 2004 documentary.
Couldn't find anything solid, there are only a few mentions of his son on the russian web, but one of the articles refers to him as Aleksey.


There's already tons of it. It's the new Bucky/Cap with many did a being heavy on fluff feels.

So what was with all the close up shots of cigarettes and ashtrays? It was in like every episode. What did it represent?

the soviet union actually has a good track record of not killing their citizens (on purpose). dissenters would be unpersoned. but if everyone living there were considered that they would've had to axe all of pripyat.


Going with Aleksey, I’ll see what I can find

See you guys here

> Legasov is the protag, scientist guy and the Donald Exposition.

> Scherbina is The Stoic and Sidekick.

> Ludmilla is the tragic heroine, who provides the emotional reactor core.

> Dyatlov is the villain, the asshole the audience can hate.

> The General is The Badass.

i think it was in the same episode as the bio-robots for a reason. to give the impression that the sacrifice made by the people involved in the cleanup was more than just "in time, cancer". we begin with the babushka refusing to leave. showing more people refusing to go and stressing the soldiers would have been tedious and not to the point. showing them shooting dogs is also bullshit but it conveys the idea that this cleanup was more than throwing graphite off roof. remember, most of the soviet people weren't really informed about chernobyl at all. so they would have no one to talk about this with afterwards. how many soviets were able to afford a dog anyways?

>lol it's not dogs it's people
>beyond surface level
not exacly rosebud is it?

based family poster

>boris trashing the phone

Rewatching Episode 1 and it's amazing how it captures the sheer confusion everyone must have been feeling, how no-one really knew what was going on and everyone was just scrambling about blindly trying to make sense of what the fuck just happened.

Well he did literally walk out on that roof and look straight down into the open reactor. Of every single person in the show he probably took the most direct dose. In the face.