Greatest film ever made

Tusk (2014) is the greatest film ever produced, and you can't tell me otherwise.

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what the fuck was old guy's problem?

Dubs and the content of the ideas confirm that you are VERY based and redpilled, OP. Tusk is in a rich mythical, literary and filmic tradition of human/animal transformation, which has latterly been put to use by the Surrealists and horror filmmakers.

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A girl told me the premise while we were in the car driving. Creeped me the hell out like nothing else.
Sounds like a genuine spooky film.

he had to eat his friend

Probably the most honest film about transexuality

The ending is retarded as shit

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It's honestly the most disturbing movie I've ever seen and still to this day the only horror movie that made me uncomfortable. I don't even know if it's a horror movie but the entire thing just didn't sit right with me. I'll never watch it a second time. His screams are still in my head.

Imagine thinking a movie about a walrus man would have a conventional ending

The extended podcast scene at the start sucks the life out it.
Its an exceptionally well shot for a Kevin Smith film, he must have had a good DP.

Its hard to feel any creeped by it when you heard Smith come up with the synopsis during a podcast while giggling high as fuck.

That's what kills me about it too. With the concept it could have been even better but he treated it like a joke.

For this, I prefer Daft Punk's Electroma. Very depressing movie.

Can I get a quick rundown?

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Guy gets kidnapped and held against his will while this other dude slowly deforms his body through surgeries until he turns into a walrus.

Then police comes but it was too late. Guy is already a walrus. So what now?

Basically a psycho kidnaps a young guy. He's scared, he doesn't know what's going on. The psycho only feeds him raw sardines and tell him to eat a lot, so he starts fattening him up.The kidnapped guys does the usual begging to be let go because he wants to see his girlfriend/family, please don't hurt me, the usual. The psycho tells him he can only bark like a walrus. The poor guy gets "punished" if he doesn't do it, but he wants to be obedient because he wants to see his family one day.
Then, one day he wakes up and his legs are missing. He's screaming and crying, doesn't know why the guy did this to him. Then his arms are sowed to his body. He starts to realize what might be happening. He's really freaked out, but can't express himself with human words without getting punished more. He has to crawl around like a walrus. Then the psycho starts deforming his face, etc. To make him look like a seal. At this point, you need to keep in mind that the kidnapped guy hasn't seen himself in a mirror. So he doesn't know what he looks like. One day he wakes up, and turns out the old guy put his leg bones into his face--screws, bolts, whatever he used--in order to give him tusks like a walrus. Here in the movie, is when the psycho shows him what he looks like in a mirror. He is so deformed, if he were to escape, he would be a sick freak and would have irreversible scarring. So in order to be treated nice by the psycho, he starts acting like a walrus even more and loses hope of being found. I would imagine seeing his despair and tears as he makes seal noises for raw fish from a bucket is sickening. Just like this user said ()

I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but just hearing it was enough for me to get spooked the hell out. Scariest movie I saw in 15 years, and I didn't even have to watch it desu.

i don’t spook or gross out easily but this movie made me sick far more disturbing than any of the human centipede movies

The worst part is that he's found way way later, but he's been so psychologically that he acts like a walrus as a protective act to remain safe. When his girlfriend finally sees him, he can't even look at her in the eyes because he's so embarrassed and he knows that she'll never love him nor anybody look at him the same way again.

They put him in a shitty aquarium and feed him fish for the rest of his days.

How's this any better from shit like the human centipede though?

It's not that the movie is better or worse, just the way it was handled was more uncomfortable. The fact that the creators of the movie didn't take it seriously either also adds to the disturbing factor which is difficult to explain how that's somehow a positive.

They also add quip. That thing is even more disturbing

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It's a very weird mix of humorous and outright cruel, it literally reaches I have no mouth and I must scream levels of dread and despair at the end, there's no other film quite like it that I know of.

>One year later, Wallace, still sewn into the pelt, lives in a wildlife sanctuary. Ally and Teddy visit him and feed him a mackerel

uh..he's not actually a walrus, his surgeries were aesthetic. It's not like he only needs fish and has to maintain a thick coat of blubber. This is retarded, just perform cosmetic surgery to make him as normal as possible again.

it's not supposed to make sense, the whole film was made as a joke.

The scene were he is forced to swim and find the corpse of the other walrus was spooky

>it's not supposed to make sense

well fuck they should've included a walrus rape scene and scat play too if we're going for making people uncomfortable.

Maybe you should ask the director to add that in the sequel then faggot

There literally was a walrus rape scene

When did Yea Forums become such a bucnh of fucking pussy? like are peopel in this thread actually disturbed by this movie? It was stupid as fuck and i only finished it because id already watched an hour of it. Fucking man up i forgot half the scenes that all you people are saying were so fucked and horrifying