Is this good enough that a women hating incel like myself could enjoy it?

Is this good enough that a women hating incel like myself could enjoy it?

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Haven't watched it, but a submissive fuckbuddy says the world/scenario turns her on, and that I should watch it, even just for that aspect.
Does anyone else see it like that? I'm considering giving an episode or two a try tonight.

Are you kidding me? The entire show takes place in a world where women are enslaved and treated like property. Rape, abuse and executions are commonplace. It's an incel's paradise.

That’s why it’s popular. The world isn’t oppressive enough, so they tune into this to get their fix. Of course her master is a chad.

>Incel paradise
>All men are omega turbo cucked, the few of the lucky one get the absolute bottom of the barrel trash
>Meanwhile all the Oligarchy are having harems fucking the most beautiful women

Do they have cunnys or only old hags like in the picture?

Yea but the women are poor victims and the men are the meanie bad guys

It's entirely up to you how you decide to interpret the show. Just because a character plays a victim doesn't mean that you have to feel sorry for them. You might choose to laugh instead when the cunt gets what she deserves.

Real talk: why would a woman-hating incel even want to consider watching anything with women in it, especially a series that is obviously some commentary about female oppression—therefore depicting a literal, albeit fictitious patriarchy. Didn't the show's marketing even try making goody comparisons to their fictional world and “Trump's America” or something, too?

Just watch gay porn with plot or something, user. Or, if I'm not being snarky, maybe old war films or Dick Proenneke's “Alone” documentaries? I don't know…I don't know what MGTOWs like.

It was good. Haven't seen season 3 tho. I don't like the set up into it, so I'm not very excited.

>It's entirely up to you how you decide to interpret the show.
That's not true at all.

Incels don't hate women, they love woman-hating.

>why would a woman-hating incel even want to consider watching anything with women in it

To see some tits. Lol! Feminist stuff is always full of tittys.

That………makes more sense. Like picking at a scab I guess, eh?

kys you retarded author-loving faggot

It's a good series desu. You don't have to be liberal or sjw to enjoy good writing.


>book is literally about anti religion, specifically anti islam bullshit
>somehow the show is about white male privilege and resisting trump

How much rape is in this show? Is it graphic?

Asking the real questions here. Looking for an answer for this, too

There is a lot of rape, but whether it's graphic to you is subjective.
It's not porn or HBO, so do with that as you will.

excellent show. feminist propaganda doesn't even bother me. just gorgeous.
i recommend watching in HD. it's like living artwork.
solid performances mostly. the characters aren't one dimensional but sadly far from walter white or tony soprano. the show falls victim to its length somewhat but it's so pretty i don't even

Ok good enough for me. Going to try it out this evening, haha. Thanks user

Kino as fuck. There are some crazy suspenseful episodes.

The show is about religious extremism and how nobody wins, the oppressed party or the extremists, when their ideals are integrated into a society. It’s not trying to draw a fucking parallel with US society today you retards. Gilead is nothing like America as it is currently. They actually glorify America as it currently is in comparison to how it is depicted in the show. If your takeaway is “it’s just female submission fantasy porn - the show” you have exposed yourself as not having watched the show. It always amazes me how many people don’t watch A Handmaids Tale and yet have everything to say about it.

Calm down Schizoid lol

Cool. So, is what you're saying that the story sputters out, and the next "chapter" just doesn't really carry well from the original premise? As in, seeing how the world transforms isn't as satisfying as the path to get to that point?

not that but the same character can transform drastically to fill a different role in the next season. i haven't read it but there's a story and a narrative that was written 30 years ago. to be honest i can only partially tell where things are going. this excites me.

Pic of (you)

Attached: 1546160622253m.jpg (768x1024, 119K)

Ah gotcha. Thanks user

>nobody wins, the oppressed party or the extremists, when their ideals are integrated into a society

But that user was just seemingly enjoying the story and aesthetics, and taking away a pretty centrist comprehension of the show. Do you really think some blue-checkmark/black-flag hairdyed soiboi would have said the above? Have literacy.

btw, you (You)d and then (you)d. You double-(You)d

Shows the 80/20 split, not sure if a non-clown incel who be happy with that blackpill.

Attached: DD09C176-F4F0-4C74-979F-A0FB60FD13A3.jpg (1242x1177, 875K)

(You)ing (you) back out of principle.