>show has PG-13 kiss scene and some mild swearing
>sand people chimp out
why are arabs like this?
Show has PG-13 kiss scene and some mild swearing
>soiflix tries to spread its poz to noble poc country
>gets shut down right away
Based inbred sand niggers
based arabs
>whoa wtf Arabs aren’t as tolerant as westerners!?!?
somehow white Republican men will be blamed for this
>Arabs reject shitflix
thats the judeo-western way
Maybe because they don't their culture to degenerate into western faggotry?
Can't blame them.
Yeah, cause introducing PG-13 content to general audiences in Western countries went really well for us.
literally every arab country is a certified shithole
>Maybe because they don't their culture to degenerate into western faggotry?
>proceeds to open up giant shopping malls filled with western stores, while importing western cars to nigger out with gold and diamond
>fucks little boys but stones open homosexuals
Lmao based Arabs amirite
I wonder if Hollywood actors and actresses will boycott?
But media told me that arabs were a paragon of progresiveness and aceptance, did they lie to.me?
The degenerancy in the western has gone too far
Shut up goy. You have no culture and must import millions of Arabs to make your country better. We’d be nothing without diversity
They watch hollywood all the time, dumbass. This is literally the arab double digit IQ way of virtue signaling
I love when the left's delusional attempt at inclusion of all racial minorities butts up against the reality of certain races' conservatism.
>jail an 18 year old for fucking a 17 year old
>celebrate children chopping off their dicks and being injected with hormones
Based Westerners.
Because they don't want to see degeneracy glorified. Nothing wrong with that.
They don't want their women to know that sex is supposed to be between consenting adults.
>the west = the us
Based low IQ retard
Because netflix shows are garbage.
>t. jew cocksucker
>he denies the superiority of America
Tis a mystery op
t. sand nigger cocksucker
>why are arabs like this
whaaa why can't they be good goys!
Based. There was a time when even in America, it was illegal to have kissing scenes and swearing. Alas, the liberals slowly degraded our society.
An 18 year old would only ever get in trouble in the US for having nude pictures of the 17 year old.
>US troop comes back from the jew war in Iran
>d-did you bring me any presents?
>he pulls a handful of sand out of his camo pockets
>I killed children for this
Oil states have shit governments, but their actual cities are far ahead and better maintained than the US. Plus free shit like education.
Its pretty great if male and muslim. Even more so if on royal welfare.
u defintley an american or a dumbfuck indian
>economic and technological progress equals to culture
You do know what culture means, right?
I meant that all Western culture is American culture
I went to the Netherlands and the people there import American culture
Shouldn't you be trying to get the city to ban dogs or raping women on a train Muhammad?
Not very diverse cast uh?
Where is the LGBT representation?
>Soiflix: omg why are the arabs like so conservative! #BlackLivesMatter
seething shitskin
This, there is no other way to interpret this. Why would you make an arabic original if youre not going to respect the cultures of the people who speak that language. this is unironic cultural appropriation for subversion
>I meant that all Western culture is American culture
Not all but a great deal.
>I went to the Netherlands and the people there import American culture
The Netherlands are so culturally and artistically devoid that it's not surprising.
dude lol white people dont have culture lmao why don’t they live in mud huts and do stupid dances like brave PoC
dude i live in Poland there are practically 0 Muslims here
Netflix could make a show called Jewish Hitler where the Israelis fund ISIS terrorists in Syria and Libya who go around butchering and then enslaving people and they give Obama a peace prize for it
Yet. Lets see how much you love pretending to support sharia law after they move in.
I literally never said nor implied this, homosexual. But The Netherlands don't have as many cool filmmakers, writers, artists, etc as France, Italy, England, or Spain. That's what I meant. Within the West, they're irrelevant.
Most of the planet is a "certified shithole" compared to the west. However, when you compare the shit that actually matters, like crime rates, marriage rates vs. divorce, kids, they're way ahead of the west when it comes to the foundation of any culture: THE FAMILY.
Western views of Muslims are distorted by the Jew media, and have been since the west gave the Jews Palestine. The west is dead and is slowly being remade as a result of their apathy towards maintaining their families, and therefore their culture.
I'd rather live with a broken western family than a muslim one.