Kinos about facts that make the protagonist give up?

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Can I get some normalfag advice

I've been trying really hard to keep a friendship with a /k/ girl who likes me platonic but last night she got really drunk while I was high and feel asleep on my chest. Now shes acting like I'm an asshole when all I want is a friend. She even admitted to showing off her tits in front of me because she knows I like boobs despite also knowing I have a gf. Is a friendship with her even possible or do I just need to stay away?

> Wants normalfag advice
> Is normalfag
> On Yea Forums

What gives?

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She's just trying to steal you cause she's jealous of your girlfriend.

chance of friendship: low

>because she knows I like boobs

she sounds crazy m8, run away FAST

then why is she calling me a dick and hurting my feelings like that?

male/female friendship can only exist if you fucked at some point

She's jealous of your girlfriend. Women are so predictable holy shit they all act the same

Being friends with women is something you do for a day or two max before making a move if you're going to
If she's not single there's no point going beyond being acquintances, if she is single either go for it or fuck about for weeks/months/years orbiting and get nowhere
Point is there's no situation in which any normal man has a friendship with a girl he isn't going to try to fuck soon, so if you actually have a gf trying to be 'friends' with other women is a terrible idea. Cut off contact with her not because you made it weird but because you don't want female friends in the first place

Evolutionary psychology is religion for fedoras.

No country for old men
That antonio banderas movie about Christ's tomb

This is the stupidest advice in the fucking world and I only see retards say it on the internet, never in real life. It's self-sabotaging advice.

Women can be worth making friends with because they can open you up to other women you wouldn't have met otherwise. Rather than getting hung up on a cute girl you're friends with, stay as just friends with her then meet half a dozen potential new relationships through her other friends. Keep expanding your social networks instead of just tossing people aside because they didn't want to fuck you. You will meet so many more girls this way.

>sensed this was going to be an incel thread before even clicking the OP image and reading a little bit
Go back to r/braincels, you chinless faggots

Without the midget hatred Yea Forums is the most normie reddit board of Yea Forums

Out of the ones I frequent, I'd say /ck/ is, or /adv/. /adv/ is place where the most insightful debates surrounding incels and shit take place.

I am the best

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>/k/ girl
I didn't know there were any besides the literal handful that aren't attention seeking thots and are most likely just introverted shitposters.

>have friends that you don't really consider your friends just to fuck their friends lmao
based sociopathic user giving relationship advice

>calls you name
>hurts feelings
Hahahahahahahaha How The This Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Girl Like Nigga Close Your Ears Haha

>not /lgbt/
I can see where you both come from, but /lgbt/ fits best with the current mainstream narrative.

>attractive children
Is literally everyone in academia a pedo?

>Women can be worth making friends with because they can open you up to other women you wouldn't have met otherwise.
reddit might be more your speed

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There's a shit ton of boards I don't frequent and have never even been to, or clicked on it only once, stayed for 1 minute, and have never been there since.

someone please tell me what the fuck can you do as a guy with a women friend, unless youre a beta cuck hanging with a girl for no reason is the most annoying waste of time you can do

All women are whores.

Get out more. You see this shit all the time, like when in uni during a flat party one of the girls would invite over friends from other circles and her flatmates were get off with them. You're being belligerent for belligerence's sake if you screech 'r-reddit! normiecuck!' in response to the fact meeting girls through female friends happens.

Was thinking about this today. I couldn't imagine being ugly. I'd have a completely different outlook of the world

They're not your friends, just girls you tolerate to try and fuck their friends
Just because it exists doesn't make it any less retarded.

Hol up. It's nice listening, but the jannies are going to prune the thread if they see how it got derailed. Everyone post one thing about OP's topic every once in a while to be safe.

the jannies are going to prune it regardless because their are a bunch of cocksucking faggots, who gives a shit

fuck you

watch movies
play videogames
eat food

I'm still the best lol

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That's not true, I have a platonic female friend. She's fat.

ok, now past the age of 13 what am I supposed to do?

The same things you do with male friends but its not nearly as fun.

>romance plot shit
>indie/app game shit
>vegan shit, Im still hungry

your plan sucks

yeah, bet she wants your cock though
platonic friendship is a meme, it can only develop free of sexual tension if you fucked at some point
sex is paradoxically the best basis for an actual sincere platonic relationship afterwards

>has a girlfriend
>seeks out a relationship with another woman
You either need to break up with your GF or cut off contact with the girl. Men should not be "platonic" friends with women, especially if they have a lady in their life.


cringe. friendship with women should just be avoided cause they are hardly human. find one to court, and make your platonic relationships with bros only

it's pretty self explanatory, you meet a girl, manage to fuck her, you both find out that you're not made to be in an actual relationship after some time, you leave in good terms and build an actual sincere friendship free of sexual tension from both sides
otherwise, men/women friendships is somewhat of a meme and doesn't actually deserve this title
yeah that's pretty much my point

It’s a feedback loop, imo. Unattractive people get some negative feedback by (shallow) peers or strangers, and develop a complex like an inferiority complex or learned helplessness. That leads to them neglecting things like grooming, hygiene, or fitness, and also leads to a worse disposition. At worst, the “being treated different based on how attractive you are” is a subtle and ultimately trivial bias that many let control their lives.
t. Unattractive guy that stopped being a fat fuck once he stopped caring what people thought of him. People are more respectful now that I have a flattering haircut that frames my face well, and I’m not obese.

>make friends with a girl
>”haha guys are just so much better than women. I have like no girl friends”
>turns out she’s a selfish bitch that just wants male attention in any form because dad issues