Who's your pick?

Who's your pick?

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Other urls found in this thread:


morgan freeman because God

heh, you call that a team?

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Keanu obviously

John Wick

gay answer

Christian Bale: Batman, Jesus, John Connor

Ian McKellen

3 of these characters have access to time travel... So yeah

Morgan Freeman wins.

Charles Dance
Movie travelling Benedict that saved Tywin Lannister

holy shit, my fucking thigh gap is bigger than that range.

>The Terminator
>John Matrix
>Mr Freeze

Arnie's got this one.

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hint: hes a big guy

Batman, Dubbs-Guy, Reign of Fire Guy, John Connor

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imagine the untouchable memes

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Liam Neeson

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Samuel L. Jackson

his dad is 6'4 has a better hairline and better facial structure. how does this happen?

This. The sheer numbers would be enough

Steve Buscemi on volume alone

Eddie Murphy

this can only be fun if you ban capeshit

I like that the absolute state of this board is now reposting Ifunny pictures

>Austin Powers
>Dr. Evil
>Wayne Campbell
>Shrek 3

your move?

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>not including shinzon

are you even trying, user?


Maybe you should switch out Neo for Johnny Mnemonic.

I mean Neo really ain't worth shit outside of the matrix.

Fuck even Ted has access to a time machine.

>Han Solo
>Indiana Jones
>Jack Ryan

Harrison Ford has a good roster. In terms of overall power, Henry Cavill and Christopher Reeve win because Superman > everyone else.

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>Shrek 3

what happened to Shrek 2

Plus Jesus AND Moses.

Has Denzel Washington ever had super powers? Not including that time he was angel.

Lol it's not even a question boys.

Well you've got Morgan Freeman who solos as God or Jim Carrey who not only solos with near omnipotence but also has toon physics.

Eric Roberts would win through attrition.

>My Johnny Mnemonic vhs was orange
Boy do i miss the good old days.

Sit down little boys

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Jim Carry

>mask guy
all you need

By fucking soft feminine and/or Jewish women.

It's even worse with Asians, you're drivi g your genetic Ferrari into a swamp.


Morgan Freeman played God with a capital G

I'd unironically pay to see this

>Forgetting my guy Deckard

he died

Tom Cruise team would be interesting


Endgame was gay as fuck, but at least we got to enjoy thanos yeet captain fungus into space.
And he didn’t even use the stones until she grabbed them

Would he be getting fucked in the ass?

Jonah Hill

He's only untouchable because of his hoverhands


It could be either aidan or tom

What movie is this even from

>instantly defeats you

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>Damn it! We'll need a whole army to do this but we only have half a ham sandwich to pay them with!
>They're already outside digging, sir.

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Did she ever apologize?

Semper Mick Cabbage Satch
>cape shit wizard
>detective autist
He also played the grinch, everyone here is fucked

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She actually did release an official apology, but the damage had already been done.

One character is all he needs.

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fuck, Darkman, Ras al Ghul, Qui Gonn and all those guys with kidnapped relatives are enough to really fuck some shit up

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You guys are fucked.

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Mark Hammil team would be second in kill count after this one.

What a shit movie that was.


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>guy from Taken
can generate massive ammounts of kickassary for sure ;^D he's also some ninja from Star Wars

Ryan Gosling:
K, Driver, Julian

Always getting frozen / killed
Awesome partly because fight scenes really take it out of him, and he ends up bloodied and tired, the way you actually would be if you fought a bunch of Nazis on a tank and dragged yourself up.

Action heroes now are like cartoon characters. It's kind of depressing.

This takes it.

The hardest team

Morgan Freeman literally played God. Checkmate, atheists.


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you know Yea Forums is dead when you don't have the 40 (you) that you deserve for this user

patrician taste user, this guy could play multi-man in the mcu x-men

Anyone not picking Arnold is a certified pleb

>John matrix
>Mr. freeze

>Vin Diesel
-Iron Giant
-Xander Cage

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pro-tip: we are living in the matrix

Stallone :
>Juge Dredd
>John Spartan
> Rambo
> Barney Ross, That dude from Expendables
> That guy who can climb and kick ass from Cliffhanger
> Cobra
> The Guardian of the Galaxy II guy
> The psycho from Death Race
> Rocky, he would be useless but would do great speeches to the team.

*teleports behind you and puts your team in a full nelson*

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Kurt Russell
-Jack Burton
-Captain Ron

Probably some crappy anime voice actor desu

Ben Kingsley = nuke.

Jesus, this is underrated. If you discount the gay God answers with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman, Cruise may actually have it. Bill Cage alone would cinch any other fight. No one could stop him. No matter how many times Cage is killed, he can just replay the fight until he wins. Holy shit.

shit I forgot Elvis, Jack' O'Neil, and Wyatt Earp

Bruce Campbell would be a serious contender. Ash has the supreme power of luck on his side and infinite ammo.

Came to post this

Holy shit that movie was so bad. Had I watched it unprepared I would have thought it was a spoof movie.

>Robert "Let's play a most exaggerated mobster parody" de Niro
>Sean "I just scream and behave like a caricature of the manliest burly man a woman has ever seen"
>Kevin "I'm not gay I swear" Costner
>Ennio Morricone kinda shat the bed here, wtf

Not the strongest powerlevel, but most based group by far.

>neo aint shit outside the matrix

Did you not watch the 3rd movie?

Party Van...

God Tier: Anyone that played God

Val Kilmer
>Doc Holliday
>The genius Chris Knight

don't forget elvis

original terminator
t2 terminator
t3 terminator
predator fighter
running man
devito twin
male mother
kindergarten cop
christmas superhero
mercenary from expendables
clone + original from clone movie
true lies character
the last action hero

best answer
>motherfucking Death
>and uh, that talking polar bear from that one flop

Christopher Lee:

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What a guy

>no one has mentioned mel gibson
There's no way Jesus and Mad Max lose to anything.

Ego is pretty damn strong though

Linden Ashby, only needs Johnny Cage
>killed Goro for breaking his $500 sunglasses
>also defeated Scorpion

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Starlord's Dadplanet

You forgot Lincoln Hawk in Over The Top

Peter Cushing has wooden stakes AND a Death Star.

Viggo Mortenson

That’s all he needs

Don't forget Simon Templar

Pretty much this, Morgan Freeman over anyone tbqhwyf

morgan freeman played G-d

also, Sauron and Khan.

Wait. Why is God black?

he's also played Thomas Edison, Alan Turing, Stephen Hawking, and Satan

and he commands an army of tenuously controlled frankensteins

The Cat in the Hat alone would destroy anything that came in his path

>not the two versions of deadpool

Jackie Chan

Frank Welker


John Preston solos

There is only one version of Deadpool, there has always been only one.

CIA, Littlefinger and Lord Rathbone would outplot everyone


Post pics

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>no one has mentioned Matthew Lillard
Sorry guys, this one's a wrap.

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because Morgan Freeman is also black

Hugo Weaving


Pretty gud


Han Solo
Indiana Jones

Any actor/actress under contract with Disney.

That's a nice flight plan you just filed

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Any actor that played god would win. But out of those, who would take the cake?

Magical negro trope

One last flight

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i have an army

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No Bruce Willis?

John McClane
Korben Dallas
John Hartigan
Butch Coolidge
David Dunn
John Smith
Harry S. Stamper
Hudson Hawk

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Spoon tuned Civics are no joke

Y-yes mommy

bad meme

Actually yea and it was pretty brutal. She acknowledged that she is no one and he was a Hollywood star and all. The funny thing is that Yea Forums is still looking for a comeback when she already roasted her ass off.

don't talk about that gay version of Khan

Don't forget Philip of Macedon

I don't think this board is ready for any gachi characters their power are beyond the reach of a scale. Fagime and capeshit can't keep up

>Pagan God
Wow, it's literally nothing...

>Call in the Architect! Surely he has many roles to help us!
>Sir he fed them to his wife.

t.coping marvel capeshitter

Patrick Stewart.
Oh gee that was easy

you enjoying all those pagan holidays, champ? maybe come up with your own, thief

James Mcavoy
>Leto Atriedes II
>Professor X
>Split guy
>goat man from lion witch & wardrobe.

>goat man
Its Mr. Tumnus you pleb also check'd

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There's only one. I don't even need to list his characters. Because you know everyone else is FUCKED.

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Brad Pitt:

Metro Man
Vanisher from Deadpool 2
Aldo Raine
Jesse James
John Smith

did he have epilepsy?

Behold, all that is man.

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Counter with Doug Jones.

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Sir Christopher Lee would be up there.

underrated kek

Don't forget the guy from Quantum Break.


Sean Bean

>character's name is Flaco
>wears shirt with Hector name tag
what did he mean by this?

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so fucking cringe right here

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Hugo Weaving obv

George Burns, or any other actor who's played God.

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lmao, couldnt even beat a good policeman

gook* fuck

he's also Aslan, so Jesus but if Jesus was a magic lion

War Daddy from Fury.

Frank Welker. I noted Godzilla, Odin, and several versions of Satan on his filmography be for I got bored.

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Always losing his family.

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What about the pelt master

God I hate Nicholas Cage so much

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Homer simpson
Big Hoss


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Yea this guy

Assload of Mexican criminals

absolutely based hardworking journeyman actor and kino meme

Ghost rider
See future guy
Other see future guy
A wizard
Big daddy
Face off
Various detectives and crazy people

Solid team

George Burns did it first

eric roberts
imagine thousands of them swarming you

Nic Cage is running pretty close, 97 for Eric, 94 for Cage, and Cages characters are more powerful

>mad because his favorite ancient superhero isn't as strong as another ancient superhero

Charlton Heston did it before Burns, he was Moses and God in 10 commandments

No he didn't, oh god was 77, Graham was God in holy grail which was 75 and of course Heston and that was decades before either

To be fair he also played SHERE Khan

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I miss characters having fucking manly badass names

Robin Williams would win because of Genie.

shut up Jonah and stop chugging meatballs, fucking fat piece of shit.

>Kurt Russell
>-The Thing
>-Jack Burton
>-Captain Ron


Justin Roiland, you cocksucker!

>No Gary Oldman

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Sean Bean for #1 jobber:
>Ned Stark

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I thought about it, but Winston Churchill, Sid Vicious, a lunatic dirty cop, a cripple without a face, and Beethoven doesn't exactly sound like they're killing it, even if Dracula and a Russian terrorist are leading the charge.

Truly a champion of the common people.

Mr Clean?

He always dies though.

Isnt thor a pagan god?

i'd pay so much money to see that movie.

Smiley will just 5d chess all of them

Do you not know what jobber mean?

after 3 pages i was like holy shit, then they kept coming.
the guys filmography will take a lifetime to watch

Team Arnie is unbeatable

Isn’t he also the son of Satan in Devil’s Advocate?

Aprrox 100 movies at let's say 2hrs approx, if you spent 8hrs a day watching movies he's in it would take 25 days

>Captain Ron
>last on the list

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>Neo really ain't worth shit outside of the matrix.
Dude, we're in the Matrix. Or Neo transcends the Matrix? Wait, was the "real world" another simulation? Actually, I think he was able to control the machines because he could control the Matrix, and those machines were connected to the Matrix somehow. Wait, I don't know. What the fuck was the third movie?

To be fair, polar bears are the most dangerous land animal on earth. People like to argue hippos are, but it's a no contest.

Its also an intelligent armored bear, so there is that

He didn't play Death that was Christopher Lee

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Assuming big G God is banned so this is actually interesting, Cumberbatch. Both Dormammu, who is unstoppable, and Steven Strange, the only guy who could change his mind, on the same side.

Daisuke Ban.

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yes but that just gives him lawyer skills, honestly Ted is his most powerful incarnation

Hiroshi Miyauchi

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That happens in the comic Strange combines with Dormmamu to fight Hulk and he jobs, guess who doesn't? ghost rider
Nic Cage>everyone but Gods

This nigga was in Kill Bill

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best part of it too

His power to bend reality is arguably OP but I'll let it slide this time.

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Who would win? Clint Eastwoods or John Waynes?

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Seth McNigger

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Deadpool and Punisher are both immune to the penance stare, so how does Mr. Cage deal with them? Is the nigga from Sorceror's Apprentice strong enough? Idk

he becomes the spirit of vengance which is according to strange prof x and namor one of the most powerful things in the multiverse, but if they've done nothing wrong he wouldn't kill them but its not like they can kill or even slightly hurt ghosty much less the spirit

Came here to post this.

I personally prefer Esteban Vihaio and Pai Mei.

he played god, God isn't allowed, they all cancel each other out

Honorable mention
>superhuman vampire
>soon-to-be batman
>dozen other roles I can't be arsed to list
>an army of fangirls

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thats part 2, the guy whos not really bald just shaves his head do you understand? is the best part of 1

10/10 filename

he's also got the see into the future guy, plus the 90 or so other characters, marines scientists criminals indy rip offs, oh and hell car from drive angry

Gotcha. I think the actual swordsmaster is better in the first one. Buck, too.

All I remember is he could see the energy or code from the matrix in real life once he was blind and I think he could control it.

Nicholas Cage would be too OP

hatori and not really bald guy are a pair, bucks good

He's a big guy

steven seagull because he isn't allowed to die in any of his movies

yea i'm the one bringing him up just to point out how OP he is, its not really fair

>all this god
>no stormare

Attached: Satan_Movie.jpg (300x400, 26K)

based and mindrapepilled

Liam Neeson
>Gawain, knight of the round table
>Ra's Al Ghul, head of ninja assassin cult
>badass wolf slayer/survivalist
>CIA torture specialist
>Jesus in the form of a giant lion
>Jedi master
>leader of the A-Team
>Scottish king

also a god in american gods and godbrand (a vampire general) in castlevania

Thanks for the approval

I think Jason Isaac's got this.

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Don't forget all those other guys that had family members kidnapped


The Cat in the Hat is like Tom Bombadil though, he only uses his powers when he wants. If he were in a fight he'd fuck off to go find some kids to babysit

>implying any of these teams could last a day in the scarch

based Zeus is also a jedi

>no bronson
fuck off will ya

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he's played the devil has plenty of operator or gunslingers, its between him and Cage


Dr manhattan is literally unstoppable.

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James Earl Jones
>Knows how to manipulate the force
>knows the secret of steel
>deep persuasive voice
>A ducking lion

Jim Carrey just needs 2 of his characters.
The mask, is already imba
The Cable Guy, the alpha incel who can do all the research on all these other characters, he's unstoppable

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>The Beast
>Professor X
>God Emperor Leto II

Are you not even trying?

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t.marvel onion

t.blacked viewer

already mentioned

i agree i just wanted to shitpost


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No, that was definitely Ian McKellen.

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Multi dimensional omnipotent entity.
Fuck your Christian god.

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ah guess they both did

Mmmm Nootka mhmmm

>And YOoOoOouuUuUuu must be Queen.

Holy shit

Christ I never even noticed he was Malfoy

And he can give you breaking news reports of the delinquent rampages of Chev Chelios.

I haven't seen this movie since I was an actual kid, did Death kill everyone in the theater?

based maskguy poster

>Forgetting the sexiest vampire hunter

You cock-juggling thundercunt.

No, I think he only kills some guy smoking after he leaves the theater.

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I forgot how radical anti smoking campaigns were back then, almost anyone smoking in a movie, especially a kids movie dies or is a bad guy.

Beat me too it
>we will swarm our enemies

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Not only just some guy, it was a cop!

But Slater is chomping on a cigar the whole movie, he's the fucking hero.

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>Captain Marvel
>a kidnapping woman who was impregnated by her captor and who lived in his crappy basement for several years
>a journalist
>a NEET who likes unicorns

Rogue could take out the whole team by herself.

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Here you go. A literal army of some of the most powerful characters in all fiction.

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I think you forgot somebody.

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what a retarded thread


I'm quite surprised that no one has mentioned Chuck Norris yet.

How about that dr who guy? He plays purple marvel netflix guy, a detective, and I'm sure other noteworthy crap.

Already mentioned


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what is top left?

I did not know that

just looked it up, almost exclusively voice actors shouldn't count, still impressive

I choose Ed Harris
>General Francis Hummel
>Major Koenig
>The Man in Black
>John Glenn
>Jackson Pollock

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I pick whoever's currently popular on Yea Forums.

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Jonah hex? the one with megan fox that bombed pretty sure

>Multi dimensional omnipotent entity.
>Fuck your Christian god.
John de Lancie > *
He's even the best Q.

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On book of Eli he was a blind super soldier an in the equalizer he is Bourne level

He got possessed by the demon in fallen


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He is not a god, he is simply more evolved and advanced, the Q are like the federation seen by neanderthals.
Still pretty powerful ( I remember him saying there were other species more advanced than the Q)

Team Lloyd is unstoppable.

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Gonna have to go with this, because this is cheating.

>hurr durr I picked a literal who deity

I just realized something, the Cat in the Hat is basically anti-IT.

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Was hoping to see this itt. The Eric armies would trample over everybody tenfold.

He and Jessica Biel's abs were probably the best thing about Blade Trinity.

didn't know this, lmao

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>Zerg strat

it would be 1:1, they would slaughter each other

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>I remember him saying there were other species more advanced than the Q
I think I would remember that. Sauce?

also the eyes, damn 3 was an awful piece of shit

I don't get it.

This. Zeus, Qui-Gon, Aslan and Oskar Schindler.

>we live in a world were being an actor is a respected career path
>people unironically look up to actors
I want to die.

>Patrick Stewart.
Human level, could be, yeah.