Movies with this aesthetic??

Attached: 1523872331254.jpg (1920x1080, 631K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Knick, but its not a movie

Benjamin Button

Once upon a time in America

Attached: 1527256099214.jpg (1920x1080, 615K)

Meet Me in St. Louis

Literally any movie before the 1960s

Only rich people lived like this. The life for white plebs was even shittier than it is now

Attached: three men.png (539x500, 262K)

the show, Boardwalk Empire

Imagine the smell.

Iran before the jews destroyed it (first time)

Meet me in St Louis

Imagine walking outside and instantly being hit by a massive stench of horse shit, mud and dust then after walking back you die fomo a simple cold

>muh steeplechase

Hello Dolly

Attached: 4a18173a_0.jpg (2200x2706, 1.45M)

But you wont get divorce raped, live all your life fat, forced to look at niggers and jews every day and die of cancer.

White people are so cringe

i have this set. great pics

Attached: 1549285122738.jpg (1440x810, 641K)

>and die of cancer
Because you’d die of tuberculosis first, retard

can you tell me where to download them from?

>western civilization will never look like this again
I want to go back bros..

Attached: images.png (224x224, 83K)

i got thread from a Yea Forums thread last year. try reverse image searching

>no piles of horseshit
>can wear what you want
Modern streets are better.

Attached: EKNIDAJGWVGZBARE5LR74CE6XU.jpg (1200x788, 178K)

at least poor white people got to marry their 14 year old cousins and walk the streets without feeling like you're going to get stabbed by some random nog. thank god I have to work 8 hours a day and show up 10 minutes early or nosestein will fire me so I don't even have the opportunity to walk the streets if I wanted

Reddit-tier time,70s USSR is peak human civilization.

Attached: moscow.png (1100x777, 1.54M)

Nice. Can you recommend movies with that aesthetic?

It will, in a few centuries after the collapse and eventual rebuilding

>go back
you never lived in this era. how can you possibly have rose-tinted glasses for a time you didn't experience? and more embarrassingly, how is this pseudo-nostalgia manifesting itself just from viewing a couple of pictures online?

get a grip of yourself you weak fucking faggot

>without feeling like you're going to get stabbed
this happened a lot actually. and was much easier to get away with.

Finding Neverland

Oh, look. A city worth living in.


Attached: 1539312707479.png (381x354, 251K)

>white incels in thread
Future is brown and this beautiful, your white dream is dead

>70s USSR is peak human civilization.

Attached: 1535081623900.jpg (500x371, 65K)

maybe if you were a new york gangster or something. most poor people were rural folk who lived 20 miles from their neighbor.

>The life for white plebs was even shittier than it is now

Yeah, okay.

Chernobyl (2019)

living in nyc around the time of that pic was hell for most people, especially immigrants

Attached: 5.jpg (449x550, 33K)

I'm sure all the apartment dwellers weren't forced at gunpoint to turn off their lights for that photo shoot

thats 1967 you fucking retard

cool shit man



but the images shown in this thread are cities. try to keep up buddy


Attached: romanticistsgetoutreeeeeeee.jpg (282x400, 23K)

your mom is 1967

We were talking about white people in general you stupid nigger.

jewish propaganda

>not a real book
wow and i was going to buy this, too. kys faggot

literal retard

this is already a real book

Attached: 91l+y7yc1mL.jpg (888x1375, 549K)

What makes you think it was any different before that? No niggers, kikes, gays and sjw's - a peaceful society.

lol no. other people are referring specifically to the images. you just brain-sharted and went off on your own tangent. nice try though, little buddy

Attached: 55F4F20C-F00E-468C-B65D-8F37FCE9501D.jpg (334x506, 28K)

Holy fuck you're a retard.
1967 saw the birth of the american middle class and the post-industrialized economy. Life began to get a lot better for the average pleb over the 1940s and 50s. Fucking dumbass /pol/tard 15 year old.

>not a single hamplanet in sight
Wish we lived in a world without twitter

Attached: received_270276393398759.png (584x553, 414K)

try this

Attached: big.jpg (460x460, 74K)

You mean corn syrup.

Hamplanets exist because of corn syrup and not having to farm all day to eat

lady and the tramp


Fucking based. Great series, really ramps up the queasy vibe of 1900s surgery with the camerawork

(((matthew white))) nice try jew. the world was better with whites in power

>1967 saw the birth of the american middle class and the post-industrialized economy
This is London, you complete and utter buffoon.
Here's another one from 1930
>Fucking dumbass /pol/tard 15 year old.
No need to out yourself so much, Schlomo

You would probably end up working 12 hours a day in a factory like most of the population.

Horseshit doesn't smell bad city-slicker, it's quite homely compared to cow / dog / people poos

>White streets
>no electronic noise
>little pollution
>modest clothes
>polite society

We lost these things and they have nothing to do with nostalgia. I remember a fraction of those things from my own childhood, and that was this century. We have none of it now.

these threads ALWAYS, without fail, eventually devolve into mindless /pol/ shitposting. every single fucking time

Attached: 48569146594775.jpg (639x582, 48K)

These are some great colorizations.

>Works to death in a Coalmine or Factory

You mean self control and no victim culture

this is my favorite. my current wallpaper

Attached: 1549285977389.jpg (3820x2077, 705K)

>Horseshit doesn't smell bad
the absolute STATE of flyoverfags

golly i wonder why
maybe we're kinda pissed at what we lost in the name of 'progress'

>peek Scorsese auteur-autism

Attached: scorseseage.jpg (318x445, 34K)

Pretty sure thats modern day. Not a colorization of an old photo.

Attached: 1473336767738.jpg (595x511, 36K)

This is New York

Attached: Manhattan_Terminal_1907.jpg (2500x1942, 3.23M)

why yes, rich people has had nice things in the past too

every vegan meal you eat is grown in rancid shit

>we're sore losers
fuck sake stop whining on the internet and do something about. or shut the fuck up.

Can you imagine how boring it would be there for you, like if you ware to transfer there and not kill anyone with your diseases that you carry, besides going to gym and reading books in library theres absolutely nothing to do. Even if you are some Autismo tier Stocks/World Series savant and become rich, fuck would you do with the money

>Literally any movie before the 1960s
>The Immigration Act of 1965
Really gets my neurons firing.

you have to wonder if the plants are able to convert the shit into plant cells with 100% efficiency. its very likely that the process isn't perfect, and a certain amount of shit molecules exist within the vegetables

You can watch plays, gamble, fuck hookers, and take opium and shit tho

Yes thats the point to make us hate jews that took away homogenous white culture

It would be pretty fun to "invent" things they havent discovered yet

>starts working in a coalmine at the age of 12
>loses both legs fighting oversees at age 18
>dies of polio at 28

damn you're right what an amazing life, but hey, at least he didn't have to see a brown person on tv huh?

im not a vegan, you seething bumpkin faggot

Where did it go so wrong, bros?

yes user, now you can witness that same boring world through a glowing pixel screen

>take dubstep to the 1800s

Attached: B T F O.webm (800x900, 1.95M)

Would you actually be capable of doing it, or are you more of an Ideas guy ?

Attached: Dredd2012Poster.jpg (259x384, 20K)

Doing this with an almost-exclusively white population and century-old technology is unironically preferable to living today. t. has worked 12 hour days in a factory with very old equpiment with a bunch of white people for a period of years and has also lived around black people


This was never going to be yours. This belonged to the wealthy. They still have it. There are parts of america today that look even better than OPs image. You are falling for Propaganda

>especially immigrants
I wonder if it was because they weren't welcome.
Kind of like today.

why are immigrants such an effective tool in preventing class conflict?

>boring world

don't bother arguing with /pol/tards, they're mostly underage

look at the red white and clue half circle flags hanging from the railings thats how the flags looked like in the 1800s

You are confusing poor people with immigrants

how will the simulation managers stop the class war after the last multicultural world baby is born and the only two ethnic groups are the tan skins and the jews?


>ctrl+f Age Of Innocence
>0 results

Are you implying that I wouldn’t happily work in a coal mine for the rest of my life so that my town wasn’t overrun with nigger savages on welfare shitting up the place?

so why haven't you moved to one?

its cold outside. my feet hurt

NYC STILL looks like that, but only in super wealthy areas. I think part of it has to do with cameras today being digital rather than film.

Film adds this glowly mystique to images that make it look super nostalgic.

Attached: Upper-West-Side-Apthorp-NYC-Untapped-Cities1[1].jpg (800x533, 222K)

Getting the black lung and dying in a collapsing tunnel to own the libs.

Hester Street

Based doesn't look at posts poster

Catch Me If You Can

>people can't hang old-timey flags in the modern day
Speaking of flags, there's a POW*MIA flag in the top left corner you FUCKING brainlet

Attached: 1512822048973.png (408x450, 35K)

>man dude all of america would look like coney island, the amusement park, if only it wasnt for blacks and jews

i see several non-whites in that image


Aesthetics truly peaked between late 19th century and early 21th century

even random houses of poor people look more beautiful than today's expensive cardboard boxes

Attached: 1559511344233.jpg (3571x2706, 3.29M)

>neon sign

My family is nothing but southern democrats that never made the switch, both parties screwed this country over

ow the edge

Are you trolling or are you actually this fucking stupid?

This is how the poor lived in the Great Depression. You lived in a fucking shack made out of planks in a field of dust.


Attached: red-hook-history-hooverville-tin-city-municipal-archives-2[1].jpg (2000x1210, 302K)

Attached: SHORPY_4a22990_city.jpg (2000x1624, 1.15M)

*gets pick-pocketed*

Attached: 1549293370056.jpg (2800x2067, 1.98M)

So you basically want movies set in the Belle Époque?

>Tess of D’Ubervilles (1998)
>The Way We Live Now (2001)
>The Paradise, TV Series (2012)
> The Crimson Petal and the White (2011)
>The Forsyte Saga, TV Series (2001)
>American Genius - Edison vs Tesla (2015)
> The Portrait of a Lady (1996)
>Hysteria (2011)
>Wilde (1997)
>Lust for Life (1956)
>The Illusionist (2006)
>Feast of July (1995)
>Topsy-Turvy (1999)
>Houdini, TV Series (2014)
>From Hell (2001)
> At Eternity’s Gate (2018)

...aaand I can't be fucked to get you more

Attached: 1386262503424.jpg (193x190, 5K)

yEAh BuT aT lEaSt tHe ThIeF wAs WhItE

Wow, even back in the day Europe looked better and comfier than America.

>get the opportunity to recolor a old image
>make it sepia tone

Attached: 1521084892582.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

Attached: 1420920098881.jpg (2234x900, 798K)

>watch plays
>fuck hookers
not ladyboy hookers tho so lame
might be kewl

Yeah when they werent being chased into caves by the fascist dictator of the week

i wonder if any of these people knew that the century would end with the ability to conjure horse porn on a piece of glass from the comfort of your bedroom

Turn of the 20th Century Western urban setting feels:
>Godfather, Part II
>Mary Poppins
>Lady and the Tramp
>The Babe

>>can wear what you want
people really shouldn't have the choice to wear what they want. I don't want to see fat hispanic woman in Disney-Frozen merchandise and niggers in baggy sweatpants. Even the lowest scum of society in the mid 20th century looked more respectable than the average city dweller now.

You realize we still have parades right?

damn you are slow

If they did then they would burn Edison and Tesla on the stake and shut down all steam machinery, just to prevent the cancer from ever starting in the first place.

Stfu you impotent fat shut-in.

Attached: 4a22828a-wabasha-half_0.jpg (3798x2976, 1.89M)

western architecture is so ugly

There's something disturbing about this lad

Attached: shit taste.png (62x174, 27K)

Not where everyone is white and well-dressed

>business men's lunch
>lunch and 2 beers 15 cents

Ok now THIS we should bring back

>Men's lunch
>food and 2 beers for $0.15

I was born in the wrong age.

poor is a relative term. you don't have to live "in a fucking shack made out of planks in a field of dust" to be poor, i was referring to low-middle class. Most people in the west didn't live like this

and my family from my mother's side lived in pic related, they weren't poor, and they weren't even burgers

Attached: 93a0ce84929c766b1e7762d26d9e3e50.jpg (1938x1795, 2.14M)

Attached: rElcUuA.jpg (1500x2088, 386K)

The Steeplechase roller coaster at Steeplechase Park in Coney Island at that time was basically the equivalent of the Hulk Coaster at Universal Orlando Islands of Adventure. Meme ride status, etc. All of Coney Island prior to the Great Depression was the original Orlando, actually. Only problem was that everything was made out of the cheapest flammable material possible, so things burned down a lot.

Attached: tumblr_opjj38nPRX1rttlrno4_250.gif (250x178, 1.9M)

>You would probably end up working 12 hours a day in a factory like most of the population.
Compared to doing the same in front of a computer? Ell-Oh-ell.

I don't want to go back to those days i just want the aesthetic back
the world look like poison

atomic blonde

I don't know where you got that idea from.
But you can wear your Princess Elsa shirt, no need to get defensive

>implying any of you would give up your comfy PC and internet access to go live in those times

Okay, radical centrist.

I would in a heartbeat. Internet is nothing but just constant stream of uneeded shit at this point. They should have left it as a research network for labs ad universities, we would be better off today with that.

>15 cents equivalent to $5 in 2018

Wow, it's still a good deal even with inflation.

>what is inflation

assuming its around 1900 its still only about $4 holy shit what a great deal

Okay Josh, go to bed you sad cunt

Honestly, this. Yea Forums is just a social net. Had we not had this site, we’d be talking to people irl.
>but but it’s better!!!!
No! It’s not. Cope harder.

The question is...what SIZE are the beers? I wonder if they're going to Jew you like Chili's does with their 2-for-1 beers that are half the size of normal ones.

I bet you the food was on big plates as well, all cooked without being frozen or nuked.

Imagine a world with no niggers

>we’d be talking to people irl.
sure user

The lunch is probably just bread and soup tho

Western Civilization peaked in 1913, so agreed. By "peaked", I mean it had the largest market share of global dominance.

Imagine a world with no whites

you'd be dead

>Tfw as Eastern Euro I already live in such a world
>tfw We are the European equivalent of niggas

I live near St Louis and that movie is extremely depressing.

If by no Black people, that's one thing, but being a Nigger is a state of mind. There are plenty of White people that are poor and insufferable, also.

you mean niggers


Attached: confederate_veterans_1917_colour.jpg (1500x1182, 634K)

They could feel it coming

>Imagine a world with no whites

>No technology
>No entertainment
>No alcohol

I don't wanna.

if they see America today what would they say?

>They could feel it coming
So could the horse.

>1967 saw the birth of the american middle class
more like the very apex of the middle class before the 70's and 80's killed it off

>at least i have the constitution

The age of innocence maybe?

>Uppity Northerners still walking around like they own the place
>Minorities causing mischief
>Outrageous taxes on alcohol

They'd feel nothing has changed.

Been done already

Attached: planet-of-the-apes-0-700x295.jpg (700x295, 30K)

and I don't want to see any of the neckbearded hamplanets on here in stuffy-ass suits either, so what's your point

Please don't display your low IQ so obnoxiously in front of everyone. Thank you.

>coastal city with no blacks or Mexicans
Sure wish I could experience this feel one day.

Heard that show was degenerate as hell.

do you have any more? im infatuated with the more modern soviet union era, before it's collapse in 91.

Attached: seattle slums.jpg (2800x2147, 1.56M)

So true, so true.

pollution was skyhigh and the streets smelt of horse shit, because there was horseshit all over town

The city had plenty of those even then, it's just that there was a very real fear that bad things would happen if you went into a neighborhood with people that had a different skin tone. Interestingly, cities are still racially segregated today. The only difference is that it's not fashionable to talk about it now.

Attached: Untitled.png (1300x700, 954K)

Great show.
Also that fucking soundtrack.

>get btfo

Attached: 16568agmb.jpg (1300x1041, 414K)

>coney island, the amusement park
That neighborhood had several amusement parks throughout its history, in addition to small vendors operating one ride each. There has never been one single cohesive amusement park named "Coney Island" in Brooklyn.

wtf is going on here. did he turn a fan on or something. and christ look at the snout on that fucking kid

I don't see a single white.

Still better than SanFran or fucking Portland today.

powerful speakers in the car

Stop being American

That was an early selling point for cars. It's exhaust was "clean" compared to horse poop. Also, there were steam-powered cars, and dealers would try to persuade you to not buy an internal combustion car, as it generated several explosions per minute, and any one of those explosions could go awry.

>1903 Coney Island had plenty of blacks and Mexicans
Post proof or kys dumb kike.

They would throw up and become really sick, they couldn't deal with how nasty its become.

Oh no. You're not a Brewers fan are you?

I said the CITY. Coney Island is one neighborhood of that city. Learn to read, ffs.

is that a baseball team? i dont follow sports

Again post proof hooknose.

Just imagine what the 21st century will bring

AI, marriage with sexbots, and space tourism


>The only difference is that it's not fashionable to talk about it now.
are you kidding me? did you not hear about the Californian zoning bill they tried to pass? or Biden being criticised for boston busing in the 80s?

trying to ruin white suburban neighborhoods is very popular on the left at the moment

Attached: 56qwtmJZKHA.jpg (375x268, 19K)

>>The only difference is that it's not fashionable to talk about it now.
Keeping minorites out of White neighborhoods and seeing it as a good thing, is what I meant.

The Last Jedi

This is funny because it's still true

Genuinely sickening. This Bioshock Infinite type shit looks fake and disturbing to anybody who can see past its shallow aesthetic.

For me, personally, it's center green. I wish to stroll the the park and kiss her hand to give her the vapors.

What's fake and disturbing about it? Is modern plastic any better?

now we got a bunch of niggers and skyhigh murder

Attached: elsie-ferguson1.jpg (801x1161, 539K)

And it's only going to get worse.

you guys think people from this era were looking at photos of 100 years before and wishing they could go back there?

Attached: Iván_el_Terrible_y_su_hijo,_por_Iliá_Repin.jpg (2023x1589, 2.29M)

People had great jaws back then. What the shit happened?

they have those banners at political rallys and ballroom events today. I would say the orange gatorade cooler, the modern boys and girls club of america logo, and the fact that the ball player uniforms are not the baggy knickerbockers that would have been used in the 1800's are bigger signs.

can you imagine being as smart as the average /pol/tard? what a nightmare existance

Attached: Capture2.jpg (1031x591, 48K)

No, but at least there's less racism.

>skyrockets few years after 1900

What gives?

>implying I don't remember my past lives

>no location
Nice going dumbfuck.

they wouldn't know what to say because they don't know that's the real confederate flag and not that one they associate with the confederacy from tv.

Attached: Boardwalk Empire.jpg (1200x675, 72K)

Don't be ridiculous, their lights didn't work in the first place.

The future sure is looking bright.

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It seems like the average person dressed well back then. Why did we stop doing that again? I'm sick of people dressing in t-shirts, jeans and sweats all the time. It's downright sickening.

thanks a lot mane

Attached: hiroshima aftermath.jpg (1600x1163, 207K)

The past sucked cause they didn't have social media or Netflix.

Attached: Paris metro.webm (640x360, 2.18M)

You're out of ammo so you're just grasping now

this is revenge for colonialism, white people deserve it

jfk started not wearing a hat and people followed the more casual look

>Why did we stop doing that again?
Cause its hot as fuck outside

Imagine living in a society without diversity. Yikes.

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don't argue with them

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>immigrants didn't live in france in 2013

time traveler trying to fit in

Look at that ape's profile lol. Like a white woman fell in the gorilla pit.

I love these threads

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christcuck is that you?

Please user, put on your finest suit and hat when it's 30C outside, I'm sure you'll love it

>a calm summer day in paris
>a day right after a huge labour rights riot

Why do the whites look so unhappy?

It's called suffering for fashion, you slob.

man black people make a place look so poor


Go right ahead, lead by example

I guess the new tradfag fantasy is that 30 year old losers were marrying 14 year olds in 1900? Which isn't supported by any facts?

Conceptualize the odor

>thread is 100% /pol/ material
>258 replies front page
based mods.

Attached: 1558533630751.jpg (1050x1374, 381K)

The Boys and Girls Club of America logo in that picture was adopted in 1980.

imagine being american, so horrible you are nostalgic for the great depression and an era where you would be sent off to two world wars

from wikipedia the violent crime rate is:
>1960 - 160.9
>1990 - 770.2
>2018 - 386.3
It's twice as high today than it was in 1960. That's extraordinary when you consider all the causal factors of crime our sociologist friends like to go to:

>people were poorer back then, which is a major causal factor in crime. Significantly the bottom 10-20% were much poorer than they are now
>improving policing methods and CCTV are likely to act as a deterrent on crime
>leisure activities are much more abundant now, the demographic most likely to commit crime (men age 18-30) spend their free time on the internet or watching TV instead of out on the streets
>the relative cost of crime vs being a free man is higher now than it was back then
>abortion was illegal which has been demonstrated as a causal factor in crime rates
>levels of education across the board were lower

so what do YOU think has happened in the intervening 60 years to explain the increase? inb4 some redditard nigger thinks lead explains the difference in 2018 to 1960 and ignores everything else i've posted above.

Attached: Violent-Crime-Rate-Chart1.png (500x315, 13K)

Attached: ce0d8c168f4abd39e655f442ea0ebc74.png (470x541, 480K)

>two world wars
>after the great depression

I'm talking about the early 20th century in general

Also, that's Miller Park -- opened in 2001. Shit son.

reminder that conservatives and /pol/ are ALWAYS right

Attached: maritaldecline.jpg (575x449, 91K)

The middle class wasn't born in the 60's, you fuckwit. It's always existed. The 60's was a boom era for that class, thus "boomers", duh. There has always been a middle class in American society going back to the early settlers, and it has existed in Europe since the early eras.

LOL, yes, dummy, before you were born, people just sat around and stared at the wall.

PS - you have to be 18 to post here.

hmmmmm what could have happened in the 60's and 70's to cause the collapse of the nuclear family in black communities?

Attached: vasenstein.png (581x732, 186K)

gangsta rap

Why so nostalgic anons? You got a whole new century of tragedies and triumphs ahead of you

No amount of moral puritanism is going to save you from being a gross neckbeard no one likes

no. the civil rights movement and democratic policies

I really hate leftards. they've taken something that was functioning perfectly well and ruined it for future generations. It's unforgiveable, anyone to the left of the republican party deserves a painful death

Attached: millenials-affiliation-chart.gif (560x518, 21K)

you can stop replying to me now. i get it

Attached: 1453366255.jpg (632x766, 82K)

Beer was cheap, because they made a fuck ton of it. The government was funded off alcohol taxes, so alcohol was sold everywhere, and a lot of it. Go watch the Prohibition documentary. Not only was Prohibition a waste of time, and created a whole new category of organized crime (the Kennedy family), it also brought in income tax, to replace the alcohol taxes.
Granted, the entire country was a pack of degenerate drunks, but that hasn't changed, either.

It got much worse the past few years.
Never heard of the """"refugee""" crisis?

see and y'all negros should have listened to cosby

>Less than 5% until late 60s

We were being slowly fucked over for decades now, haven't we?

It's at gare du noir though.

So the main takeaway is that city centers shouldn't have any cars in them right?

good post
the answer to your riddle is niggers and the abandonment of our christian morals. everyone knows these are the answers lol, the difference is the left has no incentive to do anything about it because they benefit from the country becoming less and less white and the fatcat corporate kikes benefit from low skill low pay labor to line their pockets. the people who get screwed are working and middle class whites who have to put up with their country disintegrating before their very eyes

Coney Island isn't a city, dummy. It's a neighborhood of Brooklyn.

>black person

the only benefits you can list are all due to technological improvement and scientific discovery which increase over time, these things have nothing to do with how society conducts itself

The 13th floor
Its filmed to feel surreal ´coz is not real just like your pic which have a shitload of artifacts, it feel wrong.

Nice projection of low self-awareness.
If you think your rick and morty graphic T makes you unique and interesting and you wear sweatpants for comfort thats fine.
It's just extremely unaesthetic and signals a lot of negative assumptions about you.
I have never owned a fedora, I'm fit and mostly wear functional clothes that don't signal "I'm a massive faggot" like boots, pants that aren't practically leggins and a jean jacket

Tougher food instead of the baby food we’re eating. We can have filet mignon everyday while they eat the shit tough parts of food

Ghandi’s on our side you fuckin yanks

So? Bread and soup is a kino meal.

Attached: p87_4499__00747_.jpg (704x630, 175K)

is this prokudin gorsky?

Attached: 0663b.jpg (1000x902, 425K)

this and also less allergies because they didn't spend indoors growing up 24/7.
Now kids get allergies in their sterile homes get blocked noses and mouth breathe as a result.
Growing up their faces aren't supported by the tongue muscle which should fill the space in the mouth and their facial bones don't grow forward like they are supposed to but gravitate downwards.
Result are buttugly incels that don't resemble the human form anymore

Attached: me.png (717x710, 542K)


t. didn't get to see the steeplechase

Pretty much nothing has changed since the lost the war. Federal government is still all powerful, taxes out the fucking ass, and now all they can do is bitch about it to politicians that aren't even listening.

>crt+f "Pretty baby"
>0 results
Unironically pretty baby.

Attached: H4812-L24764075.jpg (750x1126, 309K)

>engaged rich girl who fucks black doctor on the side
>nun who performs abortions
>derranged whyte mayne who has an insane obsession with eugenics
Yep. Still kino tho. Bono's daughter is qt as fuck.

why this thread is so long?

peak theatre, musicals, opera, taverns/pubs, clubs of all natures, there are still the museums, parks and public transport is more aesthetic and cleaner, huge amount of business going on and still a massive import/export hub with all sorts of interesting and possibly dubious things and people coming in and out of the city.