This was just too stupid for me to continue the show, how do brainlets watch this?
explain yourself
they didn't know what would happen
It showed women being smarter than men which made me feel good
The explosion wouldn't be 5mt, and EVEN IF IT WAS that wouldn't touch any major city in Ukraine or Belarus let alone the rest of Europe, see nukemap for reference
This is definitely the dumbest claim on the show, but it was a real claim made at the time by some physicist. Maybe if they had presented a counter argument as well and not put it into the mouth of their mary sue OC character it wouldn't have come off as dumb.
They never said it would, they specifically mention how it will spread deadly radioactive particulates that will make those areas uninhabitable.
Its like you weren't even paying attention.
it wouldn't make them uninhabitable though, it was a massive exaggeration
Why are you people so stupid?
The explosion makes the other three active reactors go into meltdown, and that causes the five megaton (lowball) explosion.
Go kill yourselves.
No, it wasn’t. I don't know if you know this but radioactive dust blanketing from the baltic to the black sea is not good for crops, livestock, or humans.
>thinking you know shit because you've played around with nukemap for five minutes
The levels of radiation involved are safe in short-length exposures, but they're absolutely life-threatening when the exposure is measured in decades so yes, it absolutely means those places become uninhabitable.
>It's user thinks he understands science episode
Oh cringe.
RBMK reactors don't explode. Delusional, ,
take him to the infirmary.
Dyatlov is that you?
Nobody on this board has the slightest understanding of nuclear physics.
And frankly neither do you.
I don't even understand radiation, doses or if it's "contagious" but it's still spooky to me.
they explained it like 10 times during the show
>deformed babies?
>bah! western propaganda!
>radiation isn't even real comrades!
looks like it didn't stop at the french border
imagine the smell
Tfoot is usually on point but this nitpick was retarded and he clearly has no idea about the history and the show itself.
>another show with forced female characters
Yikes, I'll just stick to my Stalker kino.
I wondered why gen x was so retarded
they also put lead in petrol to prevent engine knocking
>women being smarter than men
actually she was just an amalgam of a whole group of male scientists, which is pretty accurate:
>enough men in a room arguing is basically like the inside of the female brain
i dont get these mongoloid pseudoscientist retards that took a semester of physics and feel the need to mock the science on a tv show, let alone a tv show that focuses on the ineptitude of the scientists and their lack of knowledge about how it all worked
Imagine being this fucking stupid
>tfw Portugal
we'll never get a sniiifff
That is a general cancer of the Internet. Look at any article with a comment section and you will find these " experts " swarming like flies.
Article/Thread about cave diving ? Every mongrel who once had his head under water acts like some Navy Seal.
Article about some new engineering development ?
Expert, high paid engineers who despite that can strangely comment shit 24/7 hours.
>nuclear weapons are totally the same as a nuclear reactor lmfao
another proof Spain is God's country
Maby he thought the tanks had gasoline instead of water? That would explode.
He prefers to drink out of dirty glasses. Dude doesn't even know about bacteria and shit. Doesn't this show take place in the late 80s? I would think even the most retarded Russian peasant would know about that shit.
Ur kidding right?
Sure is thunderfoot idf in here
Thank God we've got the experts on Yea Forums to give us the real story
Why do all fictional women always act the exact same way? Before they said the chick in this show didn't exist I had this weird gut feeling that there's no way she COULD exist. They're always these weird Mary Sues that spend their whole time doing what I can only describe as "womansplaining" to all the men around them. They don't show fear, they don't have senses of humor, they don't have any unique interests or quirks, they don't have wit, they're just sort of there. Like this chick was introduced with "heh...there you are you super hard worker you...falling asleep at your desk because you're such a hard worker." I don't think that old woman resisting the soviet soldier actually happened either. That reeks of test-audience mined horse shit to make women in the room go "mm hmm u go gurl."
nuclear bombs require 95 enriched uranium to run, the rmbk fuel is made of natural uranium, with no enrichment.
if you'd trust netflix over Yea Forums you have your mind scrambled
yikes, it's time to delete your thread my bro
women resisting soldiers and police is damned amazing justice porn though.
the idiots replying to this comment smell of tranny
look up what happened after hiroshima, people literally went back and lived there. some had problems, most were actually fine.
justice for whom?
>hurrrr tranny
Yeah or you’re just being called out for being a dumbass faggot
Soviet magma doesn't explode
This wasn't...a Netflix....show..?
No autist
Go to bed, dyatlov
>Dude, you should TOTALLY trust a board made entirely of incels and underage b&s about ANYTHING
No thx comrade
if a nuclear bomb needs
That was my point, why did you mention netlix
Maybe I would trust Yea Forums or /his/, but Yea Forums is probably one of the lowest IQ boards on this Inuit baking forum
I didn’t make that post
Oh, then we miscommunicated, carry on comrade
I must be delusional, I’ll take myself to the infirmary
Radiation was made up by Americans to make Russian seem bad, the whole thing was a cia smear campaign and never happened.
Healthy country in Scandinavia, gets radioactive cloud with massive shot of many roentgens, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
ur dum & u think ur not dum
Answer what limp dick
>dude just turn off the wind lmao
>how the fuck does corium (uranium in the corium would be diluted with sand and boron) leaking into water cause anything more than a steam explosion.
It doesn't
It causes a very large steam explosion, which sends up a large cloud of highly irradiated dust into the atmosphere, which is then carried over a wide area, irradiating it
thats not how thermonuclear weapons work
Yes Incel because the worlds experts on Nuclear technology who analyzed that whole incident in the years and decades that followed, know far less than you in your mothers basement...
woah retard
this guy gets it
People keep telling you that the show didn't say it would cause a nuclear explosion, why aren't you listening to them you fuckbucket
ITT: NEETs who became nuclear physicists by watching a TV show once
brainlets on here think you set some reactor grade low enriched Uranium on fire and you get a mushroom clown
holy shit retards lol
look up how the Teller Ulam device works
fucking faggots go back to jerking off to capeshit incels
The explosion would vaporize ALL the reactors which would send the radioactive dust to Europe.
No one but your brainlet ass is thinking he meant the explosion would cover thousands of miles.
low IQ reply
The thing blew up because of too much pressure build up, it wasn't like a nuclear fission bomb. The closest equivalent would be a dirty bomb.
Though afterwards there was also a massive heat build-up from the exposed fuel rods, which released additional radioactivity into the air via updraft, similar to a fire, though it did not technically burn.
I've looked all over the internet I can not find an English source with a physicist saying it would be 5 megatons
I talking about the explosion that the three divers were sent to stop, I don't think it would be a multimegaton explosion
>5 megatons
>they didn't say it would be nuclear
It should be illegal to dab on somebody this hard. Brutal.
Why wouldn't it? The extremely very quite hot indeed nuclear blob is going to hit the groundwater and vapourise a lot of it. Being that the water is underground that's quite a lot of pressure! When you have a lot of rapidly expanding gas/watervapour under pressure eventually the situation is going to solve itself by exploding.
it wouldnt be any yield. no fission was taking place
the 5MT explosion was in reference it will destroy the whole plant with the other 2 or 3 cores or whatever then you just have radioactive dust blown across europe
nuclear weapons dont generate yield from the explosion of steam
Do you think "megaton" only refers to nuclear explosions? You fucking idiot!
Hey everyone! Come laugh at this god damned moron over here!
>dabbed on
>didn't explain how my post wrong
>lazily calls me and incel, while throwing in an appeal to authority because he doesn't have to knowledge to see any mistakes if their were any
Based and dyatlov-pilled
please show me a steam explosion that has exceeded even one kiloton
what other sources of energy cause megaton level explosions?
friendly reminder that chernobyl is ok if you are a normie, but if you do even the most basic dive into the facts, you can see that it is pure propaganda, and gets virtually every detail incorrect. This is especially bizarre, because normies keep talking about how historically accurate it is. The completely made up mary sue female scientist, who is always correct, and always the most moral, and always having the best one liners, was more than a big meme as well, and literally created for the "gurl powah" twitter trolls that would have complained about it being all men in the show. I'm not even a communist, but I'm disgusted at how much they slandered the Soviet Union, and their miscarriage of the truth. They overstated the death counts by about 2000x (literally) and of course the whole "all of Europe will die" was never a thing anyone ever thought ever.
>please show me a steam explosion that has exceeded even one kiloton
I can't, the divers stopped it
>what other sources of energy cause megaton level explosions?
it would have caused an explosion but not a five-megaton explosion. Five million tonnes of TNT is quite a lot and anyone who was paying attention at that point t thought "yeah nah HBO/Sky stop being silly"
The Elephant's Foot puts out no more radiation than a simple x-ray procedure. Stop these western lies.
its a unit of measure used to describe nuclear weapon yield
No I think you're wrong
Well not about Khomyuk
But the other stuff
It's a unit of measure used to describe any release of energy, typically explosions of any kind, you DUMB FAG
yeah maybe now because it's mostly just metal slag and has little plutonium in it
Back at the accident time though
>radioactivity near the Elephant’s Foot was approximately 10,000 roentgens, or 100 grays per hour, delivering a 50/50 lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays) in less than three minutes.
>all the normies and neets who got their nuclear physics degree from the university of HBO, and a minor in wikipedia studies.
spotted the tankie
Do the math and prove it. A few hundred million litres of groundwater vapourising underground in a steamy cascade.
based and sovietpilled
A simple chemical bath would wash off the radiation, it is harmless.
now that you've heard it from the western capitalist globohomo emporium, how about hearing it from Saint Dyatlov himself?
now that you've heard it from the western capitalist globohomo emporium, how about hearing it from Comrade Dyatlov himself?
I thought of adding "except for volcanoes and meteour" in my post, I decided against it because only an idiot would bring these up. we aren't talking about meteors and volcanos, the 3 divers didn't turn off that valve to stop a volcano forming under Pripyat, nor to deflect a meteor, but to stop a hypothetical megaton level explosion out of steam.
if after 200 centuries of using steampower in industry there hasn't been 1 steam explosion anywhere near that level, I think we can assume it can't happen
you didn't find any steam explosions exceeding 1 kilotons because there weren't any.
oh ok retard, the draining of the pool prevented a meteor strike on pripyat
>if after 200 centuries of using steampower in industry there hasn't been 1 steam explosion
yeah because steam trains had giant tanks full of hundreds of thousands of gallons and had a heat source that can evaporate it very quickly
Who was the most based person in the show, and why was it him?
what do you think the meteor hit retard
the fucking water on our planet
>the only impact of a nuclear explosion is the initial blast
You're such a fucking moron
They obviously didn't mean a traditional nuclear explosion you brainlets. The magma meeting the water would've caused a shitload of explosive power and spread radiation over a huge area.
>you didn't find any steam explosions exceeding 1 kilotons because there weren't any.
Because there were no boilers with a billion-lite capacity or a heat source capable of very quickly vaporising the water inside it
Yeah because Hiroshima wasn't subject to an endless blowtorch of radiation.
Fukushima is a vastly better comparison and it's not nearly as bad.
That's Finnish heritage disease, you bloodthirsty mongol.
the point is that not only nuclear explosions can be measured in megatons of TNT. It's just a unit of energy output equivalent to about 4176000 gigajoules.
This doesn't change the fact that there's no way in hell you'd get 5 MT out of a fucking steam explosion
I dont think you know more than top nuclear scientists and engineers user.
none of which worked on this show
most of the explosion was from the kinetic energy for the asteroid, not the fucking steam, their would have an equally large explosion had the asteroid hit land
>half of millennials worship Hitler
>other half worships trannies and Muslims
Wow, sure put us in our place, junior.
find me direct quote of an actuall physicist sating this would happen
Legasov was an actual physicist and he said it would happen
It's sad that weebshit now has more varied characters than Western tv shows. What the actual fuck happened, how do you sink that low.
>a few tons of radioactive turd heated to only 2000C meeting a pool of water is gonna create the biggest man-made explosion ever
OH SHIT we better shut down all the steel mills on the planet
>top nuclear scientists and engineers
Clearly there was none on the Soviet side.
>a pool of water
It's the water table you dingus
source for him saying it?
in the show ulana says the steam explosion will vaporize 7000 cubics meter of water, causing a 5 megaton explosions, 5,000,000 tons of tnt/7000 m^3 of water is a yield of 714 tons of tnt per m^3.
one m^3 of water flashing to steam being the equivalent an explosion of 714 tons of tnt.
They sent the people to drain the water that pooled in the reactor basement, if they were concerned with groundwater they'd just drill perimiter wells and pump out the water.
contact with the water table wouldn't even cause an explosion, they were more concerned about highly toxic chemical entering the same aquifer from which kiev was pumping its drinking water.
look at this fag lol
>Will the lava effect my pizza hut?
>I have no idea how thermal explosions work
the danger from Chernobyl was the release of radioactive material into the atmosphere that would be carried by winds to other places. Aside from the localized fires at the structure.
At no time was there any situation where controlled fission could have taken place. The design of a nuclear reactor is completely different than the design of a nuclear weapon. A nuclear weapon has to have very specific events take place in very short spans of time for fission to occur and a "yield" to take place. Thats why every nuclear weapon "accident" that has taken place has never involved an explosion resulting in a measurable yield.
Read this to learn more
cringe & yikes
Her and the kid with the American accent shooting the animals brought this down from a 10 to a 8.5/9 for me. She stood out like a sore thumb from the rest of the realistic story, and reeked of executives putting pressure on the writers for diversity bullshit. The kid really took me out of the episode hearing the American accent, and worst, when I checked his IMDB I saw he's Irish!
5mt surface burst would send 100 rads an hour doses well into Russia
>how do you know?
>oh because the data collected post Chernobyl proves that it actually cant happen
you fucking moron
>The American accent took me out of the realism of a bunch of Ukranians speaking english.
>"heh...there you are you super hard worker you...falling asleep at your desk because you're such a hard worker."
It's an understandable position. In fiction, British accents are often just associated with "European" people, or foreigners in the American psyche. Hearing a starkly American accent within a work of fiction is distracting due to the "new world" nature of Americans. Imagine, if you will, that she had an Australian accent. Ridiculous, isn't it? It's the same principle.
someone let gorbachev get on a computer again !
what a mad lad
The biggest problem with the series is that it subtly implies that RBMK reactors can explode, which of course they cannot.
people also forget that the Brits have a pretty good hold on acting in general, especially for HBO.
Notice how the Terror, GoT and Chernobyl all shared actors?
>The biggest problem with the series is that it subtly implies that RBMK reactors can explode, which of course they cannot.
The ground under Chernobyl is soaked in Jewish blood, the Bolsheviks were almost as antisemitic as the Nazis. After the Jewish population was butchered, gentile Slavs happily moved into the region. So maybe in a way they deserved what happened to them.
several people were shot in the red army for starting pograms
The average HBO viewer is watching shit like this for mindless entertainment.
A good Chernobyl film is "Innocent Saturday".
Alexievich's book is fantastic, as well.
They're still scientists, so that means not getting basic shit wrong. Moron.
Kek this, what a brainlet.
Says a nuclear engineer??
the jew kvetching in ep 5 was really jarring. do they really have to put reminders of their eternal victimhood in every single thing? it's tiresome
Why'd he block the academic promotion of Jews though, couldn't stand they were more intelligent and superior to him?
you know megatons is not a measurment scale specific to nuclear weapons, right? The explosion would be the result of large quantites of water being vaporized instantly.
no it's not
thank you
I was ok w the stuff you're talking about, but the parts with the hospital and the pregnant woman and the bridge of death were so comically retarded I can only wonder why they would insert these when the actual event was interesting enough
Because he was completely aware he and his men were radiation fodder and called out the state on it.
>i'm C.I.A
I read about one technician who saw the core explode and just left. "I'm out", quit on the spot and went home and went to bed, thinking he had received a fatal dose of radiation and didn't give a shit about anything anymore.
Because it's not a "bomb". It's the equivalent of a 5 mt dirty bomb seeded with tons of uranium. The extra fallout is the problem.
This show is made for normies and everything is spelled out for you based on the theory they chose to depict. You cant see that 2 + 2 = 4 because you're too much of a brainlet to let them spoon feed you a plot.