There are zoomers on this board who watch movies like this. Big yike

There are zoomers on this board who watch movies like this. Big yike

Attached: Comment-regarder-un-film-sur-son-téléphone[1].jpg (960x720, 73K)

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it's too tiring to sit for 90 minutes straight, you have to lie down eventually

That is really good for your posture you seething boomtard.


Looks great.

>when a dark as fuck scene comes up and you can see your reflection on the phone.

Attached: Yearning Pepe.jpg (443x332, 19K)

Looks comfy as fuck and the relative screen size is considerably bigger than any tv you're going to buy

Speaking as someone who spent 2 years of his life lying down 23 hours a day: you really don't want to let your muscles atrophy that much.

Why did you lie dow so much?

Hey I was looking for this image, thanks for posting it again.

Why were you so lazy?

So it is true that if you watch films on your phone your eyes go all slanty


I thought this was a Yea Forums meme until I went over a friends house and actually saw his little brother watching Netflix on his iPhone

Used to watch movies on one of these at night cause I didn't have a tv in my room.

Kids now have it way better with their 1440p OLED phones.

Attached: 800px-IPod_Nano_4G_black_crop.jpg (800x1733, 121K)

kys boomer

How did you survive school, you fucking larva?

God gooks are creepy

How did you rebuilt muscle? I have the same problem.

>when you get up really face and hit your head on the glass


>he watches movies on his phone
>he watches movies on his small monitor
>he watches pirated movies

Attached: 16576917267709161.jpg (484x476, 24K)

>he watches movies

Attached: 1548797381231.jpg (641x530, 36K)

I pirate 4k films and play it my home theater with my concubines

>That is really good for your posture
maybe compared to sitting like a fag with you head pushed forward but this will in no way improve your posture.

Attached: 1539882284215.png (683x683, 1.06M)

same.... even watched porn in it

iam a boomer and watch my full hd movies with that from my bed

Attached: IMG_1654.png (1231x908, 1.75M)

>There are some zoomers who let their gfs shit on their face like this

>There are zoomers on this board who watch movies like this. Big yike

Attached: nu.jpg (301x321, 29K)


>Spanish filename
Fuck off wetback

Old hack, true auteurs like Winding Refn watch films only on their iPhone. Get with the times grandpa.

>no earbuds

how many times did you watch ow my balls?

the nano was peak iPod, comfy as fuck

I had to lie down

I only watch shitty flicks like capeshit on my phone because thats the most they deserve

Just finished watching Lawrence of Arabia on my GBA. AMA

You go to the gym or walk around you fat fuck.

Actually looks kind of comfy.

That's a big cope will Robinson

>use this to watch a movie on a field trip bus ride

Been trap inside my room since 2014. The legs muscle start to show some real fatigue, like they are in foam or something. I'm not fat.

It's french you fucking hick

Exercise, start slowly.

Jesus, he's cross eyed just trying to watch. That cannot be good for your vision in the long run.

>Smash head into glass
>Break table
>glass in eyes

for what fucking purpose

That's called an immersive experience.

Attached: D93002D2-C50C-4732-ACF9-F744904226CA.png (454x520, 13K)

>sex scene starts
>hit your head trying to get up to pace around the room

how dumb can you fucking be lmao

Attached: 590DE17B-1E76-4A7C-AA1B-93DE66D85962.jpg (375x500, 27K)

how do you get trapped inside your own room?

American education everyone

Looks comfy, but also terrible for your eyes.

peak porn machine coming through, I distinctly remember googling "boobs" on one of these and rubbing my pecker to galleries of fake titted slags.

Imagine being such a boomer that you sit through a whole movie

pic related

Attached: psp.jpg (1199x681, 85K)

Did the nano even have wifi?

This was the porn machine of choice

This takes me way back

>shared room with brother
>only pc was a desktop in the living room
>could only watch porn when everyone else was away, which was almost never
>dad buys me an ipod
>realize I can load fucktons of porn in it and wank in the bathroom in peace
Truly a high moment in my life. I can't believe I'm nostalgic for Apple products.

Never tried it but, that seems pretty comfy, what are you talking about?

>L'éducation américaine

Damn asians and their shitting table.

By being a NEET

what does wetback mean anyway
why is "your back is wet LOL" considered an insult?

it comes from Operation Wetback, a government operation in the 1950s to catch border hoppers. Their backs would be wet from swimming.


>watching horror movie
>get jump scared
>smash my head into the table
>get shards of glass stuck in my brain and die

Attached: 1547933303409.jpg (400x400, 17K)


Attached: 1522266438561.jpg (497x544, 174K)

Imagine if a fit woman with a firm ass sat on that while you were under there. Kinda silly thought, hehe

Attached: 1540546149568.gif (245x200, 497K)

wouldn't they be completely wet except for the head then? should be named "dry head" or something

are you 12?

He WAS 12 but then he died.


I remember being around 14 and having tons of Avater TLA rule 34 on it and being terrified my brother would go through it. The decline started here

My forehead hurts looking at this

I also started with the hentai games but then I realised I could probably find real girls on this internet thing.

Holy shit that's a great idea.
Thank you for the lifehack based zoomers!

I miss when every few years Apple would change up designs for everything like that.

fucking Imhotep over here

id rather have a qt piss all over that glass table if you know what i mean


Go home grandpa. Real men like Winding Refn watch films exclusively on iPhones. I will rather listen to master auteur like Refn than to a senile hack like Lynch.

>if you know what i mean
I don't, can you elaborate?

I watched most films on a 4.5" screen until 2016. Now I watch most films on a 15" screen.

>21' CRT... now THAT'S a screen i tell you that.

looks comfy s fuck

haha get fucked Lynch, Twin Peaks isn't even worthy of my 2010 samsung galaxy ace

Attached: 1559505462888.jpg (427x245, 21K)

wee man does that, but i guess a tiny phone screen should be enough for him.


3.6 roentgen


Attached: ebin.png (507x464, 50K)

I still have the original model, it still works, and it still has my internet search history on it.

When I was 16 and my gf 15, she literally nearly shits on my face. We've had so much sex that we were bored of it. We decided to try new stuff. We had heard about eating ass out out but we never knew how to do it. I just lied in bed and she squated over my face. Her pale tight pristine teen pussy and asshole is something I'll never forget. I still fap to it these days. She was over me, suddenly I see her asshole starting to twitch and push out. She thought it would be funny to fart in my face. Not going to lie, seeing her tight asshole twitch and slowly open gave me an asshole fetish. She lets a light continuous flow of air, making a whistling sound, until her tight asshole closed again and pushed even harder this time. Sadly, this time a little turd came out her ass. I saw it coming out, it was really hot but of course, now I had her warm shit on my face. She instantly got up and started apologizing, she was really embarrassed and even got depressed because of it. It was cute seeing her get so flustered over what just happened. Needless to say, we started doing anal like animals the next day until her tight asshole was sore. Those were the days of my life.

>3d wymin

That’s more of a millennial thing

ah yes

>zoomzoom cares more about posture than his eye sight

Gotta look good for those cameras, eh zoomzoom? Gotta get them likes on INSTA! So what if you're half blind, at least you have good influencer posture, YOLO BRO!!! XD


damn, asians really are the highest iq
