Why haven't you watched this documentary series yet lads?

Why haven't you watched this documentary series yet lads?

Attached: 51V9EV9HS2L._SY445_.jpg (323x445, 28K)

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The theme song is fantastic

>rewatch the series
>watch the last episode in public
>start crying
Good series, could be updated to eliminate some faulty parts and add a few more episodes.

Baseball is the best Ken Burns kino.

>In our youth's....our hearts were touched with fire
Watched it when it first aired and i was just a little faggot, watched it when i was a medium faggot and i've watched it a dozen times since becoming a big faggot. Pure kino.


why the fuck was she even in this thing

Attached: The Civil War Ep.01 The Cause (1861)-01.jpg (1544x1080, 152K)


I hate Ken Burns.
he is a dishonest faggot piece of shit cocksucker.

the real civil war was the friends we made along the way

shit that's deep

I like his doc's, but I take some with a grain of salt. He gave so much time to left wing cock suckers on the 'nam one, made me realize how much of a bias he can have

They would have been crucified for making a civil war doc without at least 1 negro 'historian' even in 1990.

I just reminded myself if that history channel doc of Stonewall Jackson that was hosted by fucking Danny Glover lmao. Can you imagine anything portraying Jackson in a positive light being made today? Let alone with a fucking black dude saying how great he was lol

A lot of the stuff in the civil war one isn't exactly historical fact either but legends and hearsay. For example Lincoln supposedly feeling that the Gettysburg address bombed with the crowd or Lee reliving the war right before he died

this might be one of the most recognizable pieces of music in the history of educational media

The north did nothing wrong but neither did the south.

>“Let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees.”

Attached: Stonewall_Jackson.jpg (345x500, 52K)

I’m still working through the “The West” kino

I have

thanks for that insight

The people did nothing wrong. The politicians on both sides should have been hanged.

It made me download a bunch of Native songs. Something about their music just make America feel truly gigantic.

This whole documentary just really reminds you the scale of our planet and speed of changes.

Attached: 955A29A7-7FE3-46AC-A570-73F507D10C83.jpg (744x417, 83K)

latin america was a mistake