
you’ve made your bed lie in it

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Other urls found in this thread:


>/lig/ 40 minutes early
Maura saved the general

who stream?

tea audit

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so glad the memes are finally rolling. Maura really did save the show

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how has this ugly betty spinoff sitcom made it to uk tv

Y-your the grand chadampion
I saw you btfo roastie rosie in the arena

How far would you go to shag Maura lads? I'd fight every man in that villa, Tommy to the cameramen like I was Macho Man Randy Savage

how many plumbers will she need after she gets it?

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She's not that for id do more to shag Amber.
Based maura for good tv though

>Maura really did save the show

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wasn't in last thread but caught up with it on itv player lads, animated this as well

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Curtis is a psychiatrist plant.


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quick someone post stream



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Can't wake up



>austrian - original girlfriend is back into me after sowing her oats. still get on great; great body, great fuck - wouldn't trust her though daddy issues
>russian - current gf, speaks and english, loves me to bits and wants to have my kids. depressed, body conscious. wants to move in together at the end of the year dad is brown bread
>romanian - waitress got dead friendly with me today, told me her life story in brief whilst serving me whiskey has no relationship with her dad, looks after her little brother solo, mam's ded

what shape is this lads?

You made your bed lie in it

Palpable ENERGY in the thread tonight!
Thank you basedthot maura


thank god there's more birds than boys so anton can stay. he has the best bants in a limited bants season

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Currently on the 7th episode and I'm liking the show so far. Previous season worth watching when I'm all caught up?

This is the post

fug forgot to make white transparent

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Thirty sixth for Hayley a cute


Recoupling tonight lads. get in for the fire works. who's AUWT???


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The deadly dadless love rhombus

From those descriptions I'd say the Russian might be your best bet. Having a depressed girlfriend is hard work but if you can help them out of the hole they are in then you could find a soul mate for life. Worked for me.

Also are there any live feeds like BB?

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tommy has finally unleashed the inner chadam we knew he had

theres gonna be a shitshow between these 2 girls over him

36th for Sherrif Sherif

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>26 learnt english in ireland, sounds like Maura

I'm 23

The previous season of Love Island is the best of all time. The personalities are unrivalled

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Kept you waiting huh?

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Jesus Maura looks like a GHOUL in the dark

last season is much better. adam is the best contestant theyve ever had

>that cameltoe


gf just spilled prosecco on the cat and it's going mental licking itself

Bump :)

season 1 is the GOAT

ate triangles
ate squares
ate circles
ate pentagons
ate rhombuses
ate trapeziums

love lines

simple as

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This much soiboys and fags here

>Chadam's successor is a girl
still can't believe it lads

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Have you lads seen this? They should bring Megan back to see how Tommy reacts.

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this guy is clearly a psychopath

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I hope this is a joke post. You sound like a plonker, with a generic gf

We should have starved all the Irish when we had the chance.


a Bread died for this you utter cock gobbling cunts


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I've only played about 2 hours of phantom pain is this a MGS character


he's a fucking gibbon

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Looks like he was a sound lad even back then.

Hopefully he wouldn't have bullied me in school (was always the pyschos who bullied me and the cool groups mostly stuck up for me).

Not a joke
Not sorry for being basic

Do actually want a scarp mate. I will fight you?

i like it when complete slags come in like maura

proper fucks over the 'i dont graft' kind of girls

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fucking hell
decent reach



fuckin hell

have sex

Wanking this angerily over slags any of you sad neets could meet in a spoons now


amber is grim af without makeup


having long arms is OP in boxing, so hes probably gonna be good

head like a fucking oringe

Chorley buss station in 30 mins

Me and you. Round the bins. I'll bash your head in

Mauras arse is disgusting

Fridge tier desu

good shape

Been with the Ruskie for 6 months, but I swear she is regressing. Half want to kick her up the arse and tell her if she don't work on life, i ain't interested

but i dont wanna do that/spoiler]

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Can’t watch tonight lads because I’m currently at a pre drinks before heading out.

Came in to request your fucking TEA.


Gross. Her voice is disgusting

cant you do this shit in your facebook fanpage or something, fuck women

lads i need to go work out my shoulders or something

>Where's your head at

No Homo leave my cock head out of it fag

Find a box and stick it on lad

>Tommy's starting to sweat its actually turning me on
my dick

it is what it is but

Day 18 of nofap


>I’m currently at a pre drinks
Being this much a faggot
this most fags here are neet homos after a sly wank whilst their mum doesnt watch

lads lads lads

curtis the bender is loving this

No way lad, day 19 for me
How you getting on??

top 5 mysterious creatures

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Antons gay isn't he ?

Do 5 years an Lift more

Michael has weird ears lads

>girls seething for yet another day

maura with the baby tits

Suddenly they turn extremely southern

Would you go on a spa day with the /lig/ lads?

What does a spa day even involve
Cucumbers on your eyes jobby?

coke trip to the beach

His arms aren't disproportionately long. Fix it

So this episodes going to be lads chillin while the girls cat at each other. Looks like kino's back on the menu

Mauras "sex mad" persona is so phony. She thinks it makes her look mature and exciting but coupled with that shrill voice and rotten face and body it makes her look retarded


missed last episode lads, if I watch the last ten minutes will I see all the good shit?

gender fluid?


yeah pretty gay 2bh


Just save it for the next honey you chat up in a club

Maura's not so pretty without makeup. No one was as good looking as Kady

Show screenshot plz


Can’t get over the state of mauras arse

Default hostile on approach

Anna is getting the boot

t. Molly Mae

watch the whole ep, its the best one so far

last nights episode was genuinely the best in the season. sit tonight out and watch the full thing.

Nah, should watch it all desu. Best one this season so far.

anyone got tommys reach? boxrec wont tell me

Do all you neet fags use a sun bed /get a spray tan when have to see dwp

Not bad desu. Its like my fifth time trying, my record was 22 days but I'm feeling good this time, sonethings different. I have a gf so I'm still having orgasms, mayve thats whats helping? But I'm nowhere near as horny as I used to be. How are you getting on?

yewande scraps through to the final

Maura is built like an year old boy.


>being this gay

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in english please m8

I mean by islander standards maybe not, but she's still pretty good looking.

I find something hot about girls without makeup. Maybe it's their confidence in their own looks.

bet you'd be an expert on year old boys, nonce

that picture
that post

>men using sun beds
potentially acceptable if they've got a holiday coming up or something
>men using spray tan
fuck off you absolute raging homo


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rare blanket cape tommeh

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She had a bit of work done tbf

>being this gay

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I like women for who they really are, not for the mask they try to hide behind.

Imagine Maura putting you in a head lock haha

She looked really good in the episode last night without makeup

top 5 family guy bonita videos 2019 720p

>wh*te lips

imagine if she made you wear a collar haha that would be so embarrassing

Days 6-10 I was feeling absolutely ravenous, much better now and feels good. Lost loads of weight recently too so getting mired, going /fit/ is cash

We're all gonna make it boys

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> disliking a woman because she has no tits or ass.
Sure buddy, her face is alright tho.

arms too short

staged conversations

imagine anna sitting on your face haha

typical curtis being excited about being in a spa with the lads

i wanna see maura her tits

Who is more bent Curtis or Anton?

How does Tommy continue to box after the show, how will his dad and Tyson not disown him after all this gay shit he is doing

tommy joe and curtis you three ur in the hottub for a recap conversation

she looked like a bog-standard irish slag before surgery

hope whoever ends up impregnating her knows their kids are going to end up with the typical potatohead irish look

Whiteface is NOT okay

Imagine if she forced you to worship her sweaty Irish feet haha

That white face is pretty racist desu.

so painfully obvious too

>Joe and Tommy being friendly despite the deadly week 1 triangle

What's this racist fucking whiteface going on in the jacuzzi

>Michael dressing in white face
Fucking racist

Is whitteface racism?

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Haha why would she do that though haha

If yewande was looking for 190cm shed be called yewtreeande

Bit racist this lads

Yeah haha imagine if she locked you in a room and feed you once a day with a scrap of food off of her foot. I think I would go red haha


Imagine Anna sitting on your face haha wouldn’t that be funny haha


hes fucking shit

joe hates tommy lel


Joe is the definition of a vanilla midget

faced and sitpilled

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just said it randomly cause it was so silly lol
I would look so pathetic haha

Amy is a fucking schizo

If I wanted injuries consistent with a car crash I’d have a rhino sit on me rather than Anna’s smelly blacked cumbucket

That was almost funny but a 2001 time traveller wants the shit comment back

Spray tan homo detected , have sex with a lady keks

But joking aside do the homo spectrum /tards here , Ever go the Gym an Lift ? I really think its very Cute your parents/carers /assisted living home, let you use a Computer , Bless them .

amy self sabotaging

fucking hell amy

lucie doesnt want to hang out with these brainless thots


Amy was leng when she came in
What happened?

Why do they all tilt the water bottle to drink all you have to do is suck it has a straw

Amy callin Lucie a slut basically hahahaha

Yep this is the post

why the fuck is amy still on about this

>those Lucie pelvic thrusts

Lads you reckon the black guys would attempt to be the house tough guy alphas if Tommy wasn't in this year.

Black lives matter

spoiler: maura is engaged

Because that's how you naturally drink out of a bottle
Just a habit if you aren't used to that kind of bottle tbqh I do it all the time

shes mental

He has no style...

m8 1/3 of /fit/ is gay, i go to the gym and theres a ton of gays there

If it wasn't for the literal trainwreck that is anna being in the villa she'd take the cake for worst lass


Chadian has been reincarnated into Maura and it’s VERY based

My kindo gurl

spoiler: I am engorged


mate sherif was too alpha when he shat in everyone's coffee

cuz this is amy

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Molly arse mogs Maura so bad let’s be honest

5 years no fap or no PMO?
I haven't noticed any girls checking me out. I already have an athletic build and I'm fairly good looking if I do say so, don't notice any of the slef confidence boosts etc. Not yet at least. Do you notice any changes in yourself? Last few times I tried nofap I was like an animal with how horny I was, when I had sex after like 1 week of no PMO I was heavy breathing before I even kissed her I was so horny

>why pour a drink into your mouth when you can put in effort to pull the liquid upward

You think Amber's gonna get her tits out when she leaves?

top level content

Anna looking delicious, gents

Missing Adam x

Wtf did Sherif do

Anna is a fucking golem, cut that bitch

>attractive girl with zero BFs by 26
It's definitely severe autism

what are "chebs"?

molly will drop tommy when the next guy comes in

Yes lad

Anna has that patrician pear-shape

we all are m8

wonder how hes doing nowadays

Maura is Adam 2.0

My gf finds these funny lad. Cheers.

Amber went from 20% cocoa to 70% cocoa already

Do girls prefer tall or buff guys? The girls seem to be picking chubby tall curtis more than they pick Anton, although that could also be because Anton is a prick.

Hahaha bitches can't control themselves

Tits la

I'm alright thanks ;)

>don't you think you should have pulled Molly aside

Based Maura killing these slags

Based and pearpilled

The brutality of the opening night has damaged our brothas on the island.

called curtis a batty boy

He devastated joe's anus

God I love that filthy Irish accent

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Maura is adam (Madam)

Probs a combination of both of them desu


Molly mae fuming because tommy is going to drop her and she doesnt want to lure Danny away from yewande

slag fight

She's gonna be like Sheriff by the end, needs to go back to the north east under cloud cover

They always say height first

Maura is absolutely based.

Imagine fighting over Tommy fucking Fury
He's a butters gypsy find a nice white lad like me ffs ladies

fuck off molly

Based Maura

Maura would spark all these thots clean out

I love that Maura sounds Jamaican when she gets angry


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>mauras skin colour in the camera room
Clay face and bright red skin
Why do birds still wear makeup in the sun?
They're not gonna tan their face

tall. how do you not already know this

in that order, and everything else is an afterthought

lel not going to happen

She just about sat on Tommy's face over dinner, I'd say she's been perfectly fucking clear

>s-shes not putting me first

Feel a bit clearer-headed atm and a bit more focused, don't feel as dirty/guilty. I have an added religious reason now, been into that since January but this is the first time I've made a real effort to abstain - not relevant to everyone I know.

I still regard it as a positive for any non-religious people though

Face is 99% of the rule.

these girls are chatting 60mph

When will Molly shoot up the island


t. 6.3

Horee shit. Is Maura really pulling the "I'm tighter than she is" schtick

>crickets as molly mae and Maura leave

>tfw 193cm broad-shouldered facelet

Love your autistic scribbles. Keep em coming.

Anna is more plastic than woman, absolute plebeian choice.

maura is truly a female chad

height, but anton is a turbomanlet so its not a fair comparison

stop going nakied gyms you utter classless Homo , an go a Boxing blokes gym ,

do any of these dumb fuck whores An Hero live ?

Do they properly fuck if any str8 man there ?

WHATS the Point anons .

Get down spoons Get a life , if you not crippled tard or warwick spiteful davies GTFO

No it's
Dick length

WTF is Lucie’s problem?

Jack who won last season was a fat manlet. Girls aren't picking Anton because he's a sperg and he starts making wedding arrangements after a girl says hello to him

maura showing her age telling molly straight

Lmao imagine saying height of face

I’m 5’10 and wipe the floor pulling birds with my 6’3 best mate who isn’t as good looking as me (but is still good looking)

the internet did some kind of poll on this

on average women like tall dark (hair and eyes) handsome, and broad shoulders

Based Norf strokeposter

Imagine Maura gobbling on your cock

Money trumps everything

Damn, Anna looks like THAT?

Obviously but what are the relative coefficients on each variable


sup tommy

>Women line tall, ripped, attractive men.
Ground breaking poll tbqh

das rite nord boy

t. half italian med master race

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Haha that’d make me go red haha
Based brap aficionado

Mediterranean men are the most desired apparently.

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properly early lad, get a grip



Haha, made me laugh out loud. Thanks mate


sex 3 times a week with a sexy 25 lady friend , can as a boomer perform like a an 20 min perform 18yo , 3 shags min
No fap stopped the erection fail stuff

properly early lad, get

Stop making threads early you fat cunt

Ignore this thread

Dark hair, tan skin (still white though), blue or green eyes. Over 6ft, athletic.

>hahah it's fine it's nice to be away from joe for a bit he can be a bit controlling sometimes haha we shouldn't be talking really he might come back

>brown eyes
never gonna make it

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state of Lucie's face

Elma is fit

Based Elma and Lucie making Amy look like the psycho she is

What's the deal with elmas hairline

Bit of a titlet though


Someone else make new thread later, tired of this fat nonce cubt making threads really early and splitting everyone

>Lucie has to choose between an obsessive boyfriend and ‘friends’ who constantly bitch about her wanting to find love instead of hanging out in their circlejerk
She’s suffering lads

is it me or did Curtis and Amy just pretend kiss?

looks like their lips hovered away a bit from eachother

>not liking small tits

Ignore this lads, its the nonce he keeps making threads early

Imagine a girl coming on to you as strongly as Maura. Fucking ego boost.

I clocked that too, very suspicious

Love having to swap between thread like a mug thanks you pedo cunt

Thanks mate. I won't use that retarded thread.

Whe I started nofap the first time, when I relapsed, I felt extreme shame and disappointment. So don't want to feel that again, it doesn't affect me much just don't want to look back and see I've wasted all that time abstaining from it. How often would you fap before you stopped. At my worst I was probably fapping 3-5 times a day, sometimes 4 times in about 2 hours. Then I just started naturally weaning off and said to myself I was in a good position to quit it altogether

>boys won't be there for you like girls will

Is Anna actually retarded

>all my friends are guys
>want no drama

these slags are oblivious

were all in here lads

Later someone else make a thread to spite that nonce retard making threads early

Is this nofap shit actually life changing?

I'm 29. Watch porn all the time and still enjoy sex with my woman.

No one is, you just split threads like the dumb cunt you are

>lucie doesn't have girl friends because they make too much drama
>in response the girls are snarky as fuck behind her back and then pull her over and make her cry proving her right instantly

Anna's advice is something you hear in a pub after 2, pissed out of your mind

Amy is a psycho

I was basically similar, like 2-3 times a day a few years ago, then like you I started less and less; 2-3 times a week, then a month more recently, then nofap streaks then this which I intend to maintain.

Based fren :)

What's happened to the original thread maker?

Needs more Anton

Lucie is absolutely based

Lucie is going to walk imo
Amy is a piece of work

I want to protect Lucie

Amy and Curtis are manipulating everyone in the house to win the money, total mentalists

Its so based

I was the same, same age too. I would fap to porn a lot. But would be horny vonstantly and wpuld have sex with my gf. I think the constant horniness is an effect of too much porn. I haven't felt any of the super powers its supposed to give you but it makes you see things differently. Like if I look at a naked pornstar now I feel more disgust than anything, looking at the worthless whore. You're less controlled by your sexual urges

We're gonna do it bro :)

yewande looking like a complete slattern

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You get it lad

LOL I am shitposting here on sad pathetic losers retard autism Homos , and the best about is the level of the homo here not seeing I utterly Despise them , Not for being Gay or Retard , The Huge thing is they Live for this Fake Made UP staged FAKE TV ! Fact . Its not BB .. You are all being played to love these paid up actors as Reality , its Not ,
I Just wish you pathetic worthless SCUM would GTFO an HAVE A LIFE !

God the fat homo at its worse ,

MIB he was tragic the trans bloke nigger

Stop drinking

seriously it saves you , and you Respect self more

Based schizoposter

Do it user an get a life ,Respect


SAGE him .
BB was ok , its shits real You get me ..

Living for these paid up sad tragic Freaks ,