>May 2020: Black Widow
>November 2020: The Eternals
>February 2021: Black Panther 2 (currently aiming for February 2021, though it's uncertain if it will make that release date, it hasn't been decided what date it will take if it misses this one)
>May 2021: Doctor Strange 2
>July 2021: Spider-Man 3 (Sony wants it released then, but the film hasn't started scripting yet, so it's uncertain)
>November 2021: Shang-Chi
>March 2022: Captain Marvel 2
>May 2022: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

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I think Shang-Chi is going to have BP 2's spot, which will have DS 2 spot



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Why the fuck is every female superhero movie a goddamn period piece?

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Who fucking cares?

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Mouse shills are just so cute

lol nice


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>period piece

>zoomer capeshit garbage
grow up

...and i will be watching precisely zero

lol, they don't really think BP made all that money because black history month, do they? It made that money for the same reason CM made so much money. People stupidly thought it would matter for the Avengers movie.

Holy shit, it's never going to end is it?

Because they have to make it about how terrible the past was for women and how WOKE the present day is.

Guess I'll watch Doc Strange 2 and Guardians 3 *sips* those were the good ones

easy gimmick to distract people from the stupid scripts


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I might watch Doctor Strange. But the others, yeah, fuck 'em.

Well on that list I only will go out to see guardians 3. The rest I'll wait till they're on a streaming service and I'm bored enough to watch them.

All I want is Venom 2

I don't understand. Why do soys watch this mindless good looking drivel? And they don't watch it 1 time they go multiple times a month.

Yeah... I'm checkin out.

is the black widow movie going to be about how dead she is

Black History Month did help play a part in it being a major success. Them aiming for it to be released in February again, the peak of black woke-ness, is a smart move to get another billion dollar movie.

4 movies in 2021. CGI is going to be abysmal

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Disney realized that some people in segments of the population can be hypnotized and mind control to be mindless consumer drones. They do every single trick to convert them. Some people are immune to it and when we look at it it just looks bizare and crazy. They tried the same with Star Wars and it failed since so much of the star wars population is immune to the mind control tricks they do.

Guys my entire left arm from shoulder to fingers is paining like hell and a few minutes ago, the left side of my chest also started paining. Am I having a heart attack?

hopefully yes

fuck no
just look at the E3 numbers

Venom 2 is the only capeshit I care about.
>endgame was just as sterile as the rest of MCU
>no big crossovers for at least 3 years
>most of remaining characters are literal whos
>spooderman is obnoxious zoomer, Nu-Spider-Man 3 is probably going to be 99% Fortnite references
>no Fantastic Four yet
>when i was A BOY and Penisher are cancelled

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You're having a FART ATTACK haha.

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Truly based and redpilled.

I might watch Dr. Strange 2. That's it.

>unironically being a DCuck


>>no Fantastic Four yet

Does Mr. Stretch have a stretchy benis?


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Oh wait...

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-ice league


Reminder that "DCEU" wasn't even the official name of their cinematic universe, a journalist made it up as a joke
DC never bothered to correct it or come up with an official title

>only interesting film is 3 years away
I can wait. Maybe I'll care more then.

Is there a name to this meme?

I am only interested in Doctor Strange 2 and GOTG 3. Everything else is pure cancer.

Nobody cares.
We hit peak Capeshit and it's all downhill from here.

GotG 3 is really the only thing I care about. Kinda glad that we're getting a breather from capeshit for awhile. Although I'm pretty sure it's just going to be more and more Disney+ series and shit that everyone will be circlejerking about.

Imagine still having to go to public theaters in 2022

Doctor Strange 2, WandaVision, and GotG3 are the only ones that pique my interest.

>Captain Marvel 2
Who asked for this? All the marvel fan boys I know agree Captain Marvel was garabage, and that she extremely pointless in Endgame. Literally no one likes her.

Cute outfits

If they did a legit Shang chi inspired by old Kung fu movies, no cgi, it could be good. It won’t be that though

Imagine being this new

>Who asked for this?
Why are virgins so stupid? What do you mean "who asked for this?" It just made a billion dollars.

Is this POC MJ finally out so we can have our real MJ?

Even if GOTG3 is as big a drop in quality from two as two was from one it’ll still be ok and better than the rest of this shit.

Actually lmaoing

>people buying tickets as the same as people liking it
People only saw this because they thought it would be necessary for Endgame. That's one of the reasons her character got backlash after Endgame came out. She literally didn't need her own movie. She is more of a minor character in the MCU than Howard the Duck. Her movie was pointless. Her role in Endgame was pointless except for 'I'll destory shit because I'm so powerful and save you all, and I can destroy intergalactic ships easily, but I can't kill Thanos.' She is literally a walking plot hole.

>people buying tickets as the same as people liking it
yeah do you just kind of not understand how market economies and capitalism work and stuff? You some kind of retarded communist?

I bet they will have some sort of memorial or something at the end.

Only movie I'm gonna see is gotg, maybe Strange

So is Vision, he was the most powerful character in Ultron and in IW he couldn't even handle a couple of Thanos' jobbers and had to be rescued by Cap

It's funny cause it was almost a November release. I think Feb proved to give it more room and worked in it's favor. Besides black history month, it's after the holidays and awards movie season. January is often a slump or a successful movie's time for legs. February is a good time to catch people hungry for something new again.

>they would have had 2 years between the release of justice league part 1 and 2
these guys really don´t get anything right. have they not heard about shooting back to back?

BP2 doesn't have the novelty of being the "first" major black superhero movie nor the momentum of leading up to Infinity War. The box office for superhero movies is going to trend downward and soon will be a passing fad with a couple exceptions like Spiderman and Gurdians

This is true. Only reason why it got pushed to February was because Marvel got the go-ahead on Spider-Man

none of these interest me.
I hope they all flop so that marvel is forced to reduces the "wokeness" when they finally come around to introducing the ff and x-men

Tony "put the ring on the finger of a nigger, i'll pull the trigger" Stark over here

Black Panther 2 doesn't need that "first" novelty anymore. It'll have all the black celebrity support, the woke audience support, & the black audience that doesn't even care about Marvel movies that'll see it over and over again in theaters just because it's a black hero as the star support, & all the Disney/Marvel drones that see anything with the Marvel Studios logo on it

At best it will do Spiderman numbers, it isn't doing a billion, Endgame was the climax of superhero movies, it's popularity is going to go down and probably fast

Since we really didn't get to see uncle Ben, we needed a father figure in Spidey's life

wohoo more disney money laundering garbage movies!! wooot bing bang wahoo!


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i'd see 2 of those


Sad to say but that's true.

>no link