/RBMK/ Chernobyl General

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for Sitnikov.

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Also let me shill the Legasov documentary again


Attached: ValeriyandBoris.png (876x484, 531K)

I m here for memes


Attached: c6.jpg (573x367, 31K)

Xth for cute

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>inspector Legasov.

Doesn't look like him at all

>hfw he realizes if he was on the toilet they couldn't prosecute him

Ikr, he's soft

When I'm taking a fat shit at work I get yelled at but Dyatlov does it and it's fine?

then watch a photo, you mongy tit

>graphite tipped control rods

What the fuck were they THINKING? How much money did that save anyway?

I bet his tummy is really soft and nice to kiss

Attached: chernobyl-feat-4.jpg (650x360, 85K)

His trick was that he was the one telling at people. Also the reactor assploded.

>hfw the truth is he actually BRAAPD so hard on the toilet the plant went tits up but he doesn't really want to admit to that and just quietly agrees that "the reactor exploded" (RBMK reactors don't explode, ffs)

stop this

Attached: 55.png (752x651, 388K)

How can Akimov be so cute? :3

Why the fuck do you keep making these shopped images of people's mouths and faces? What's the meaning?

>he shat so big he accidentally clogged the water pipes of the reactor

ok user

Attached: Screenshot_18.png (455x744, 683K)


Attached: TreebeardatIsengard.png (1664x792, 1.59M)

You didn't see a shopped image of someone's mouth and face BECAUSE IT ISN'T THERE

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Usually you don't break safety protocols and completely remove all the control rods.
You're supposed to keep the tips in and you're supposed to keep some fully inserted. But because they nearly stalled the reactor with xenon poisoning they broke protocol.

They're reaction pics.

Face off Akimov, me and you

Amazing art, OP. Core Bless.

Attached: Graphite.jpg (340x428, 31K)

Я apю

Well they're fucking weird reaction pics

Bless this thread

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They're terrible.


Fuck you really didn't have to say that

To each his own. I like them. They're just mouths.

Does it turn you on you sneaky fucker

stop being gay

Attached: joker.jpg (1280x854, 225K)

You have good taste, user

Attached: Akimfu.jpg (1250x758, 99K)

No comment.

The poster below is delusional

I'm sorry but this is an extremely ineffective way to present the information

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I saw graphite on the roof.

Too soon, user

Attached: anonkov.jpg (482x444, 38K)

What's wrong with it?

Bullying Akimov into submission.


Not until you say 'pozhalsta' user

Do NOT do this.

t. Delusional


Dyatlov is incredibly based for bullying Akimov and his gay lover.

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ok chef boyardee lookin ass plantfu

Attached: boryaa.png (1131x838, 1.86M)

>And I would take 500 Rs
>And I would take 500 more
>Just to be the man who takes a 1000 Rs
>to fall down at your core

As a means to demonstrate the balance or rather the imbalance i found it effective.

You're delusional, get to the infirmary

>pretending to be outraged nuclear reactor design expert after watching a tv drama
All you know is dumbed down explanation of one minor detail in the system. That made them far better control rods. RBMK was one of the first commercial reactor types and remains one of the most powerful to this day. It was a brilliant design made to spec. Unfortunately the spec (soviet safety standards specifically) wasn't as brilliant.

They were NOT gay lovers

Any of you guys visit Chernobyl? I went in 2013 when they were building that new protection thingy.

Attached: hm.jpg (1087x720, 307K)

raise the power.

Attached: boiardi2.jpg (897x620, 28K)

For me, it's Sitnikov. The best and cutest character.

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If you liked the music and soundscapes, the Chernobyl soundtrack is on Spotify.

You didn't see any gayposters, because THEY WEREN'T THERE

Butt buddies?

If this has english captions I might actually watch it

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>watched the show with gf
>instead of fucking we stayed up all night researching Chernobyl, looking up various other industrial disasters and looking at industrial gore
It was really comfy. Get yourself a factory worker gf.

link it

Just glad we didn't have to see this sweet boy turn into lasagne too.

Attached: You'll Be fine, You'll see.jpg (720x720, 208K)

bloody hell jackie... shit on it, shit on the shitting reactor

fyi this was 5 years later

post tits or I'll report this swill.


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I was in the toilet.


hmm, your comment is interesting.

cucked by fomin

What did she say about the miner's dick?

Damn, Akimov looks like this?

Attached: d4374525-af75-4eb6-a7ba-9249878bbb60.jpg (351x470, 35K)

I hope that Akimova and their two sons are ok
Apparently the plantfus' wives were treated like shit (whereas the firefighters' were considered heroes and the wives were cared for better)


Attached: Akimov.jpg (210x295, 10K)

This version is split into parts but has subs.

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I can't play the songs.

The greatest presentation in TV history?

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delete this. fuck that guy.

What's some more presentationkino?
The House that Jack Built is the only one I can think of.

Why is Leg wearing both suspenders and a belt?

Have kids.
Unironically. You both sound great and we'd like more of you.

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It creates a positive void coefficient in his pants

You need to login first I guess, nothing's free you know

Soviet fashion.

it's not in english, then it's probably propaganda

Because he's based
The fuck are you gonna do, go up to Valeriy Alekseevich Legasov's face and be like "bro you look like shit"?

>War on drugs
Republitards are still afraid of having too many rights, I see.


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If your suspension system doesn't have a failsafe/backup, it's worthless

I hit play but nothing happens.

He was apparently a great guy too, the other technicians loved him. Imagine having Dyatlov as a boss while the other shift gets Sitnikov as their boss.

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Post Akimov's face.

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I might. He doesn't intimidate me.

Why did they make them lie naked in their own piss and shit? Couldn't they at least give them a catheter or even a diaper?

>waaaa its my right to destroy the lives of children and support criminals because I MUST have drugs

I am listening through the desktop app.

Real Legasov could probably kick your ass if he wanted.

any clothes would cause more pain

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There. Present it

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Still more merciful than how the Japs did it

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Maybe but I'm more scared of the bully shiftleader guy

A catheter wouldn't

>Guy with a German sounding second name is in charge of valves
>They "break"

Attached: I-did-everything-right.png (729x1024, 783K)

>redpilled on the core exploding
>refuses to kill himself for no reason
>won't go look at the core like a retard
>chills out in the control room smoking a cig instead
>doesn't help Dyatlov like that retard Akimov and his gay lover did
>comforted Hodor and gave him a cigarette
how can he be so based?

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The gay water is mildly contaminated.
He'll be gay.
I've seen faggier.

>literally pissed himself

In Voices from Chernobyl, they say even the smallest knotting in linen caused bleeding wounds on the skin.

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japs don't care about life, because they are soulless and driven by greed

His dick would fall of on insertion

Most pointless death. It wasn't even his shift, and he somehow managed to die, IoI. What a moron.



what about his control rod?

what the fuck are you talking about? he didn't.

he's the smart one

>layers of redundancy
He's adhering to safety protocol, you ignorant slut. Why aren't you?

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stop being boring

he's extremely average looking but his cute personality makes him a 8/10

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>no double chin

Maybe he was East German ;)

Let me copy the episodes from my dad's harddrive and I will in fact prove to you that he did piss himself.

we stand against the akimfu anons together, comrade user

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>Cried like a bitch and refused to help the plant not blow up


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he didn't unlike you


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Do you realize those two faggots made it worse by turning the water on?

He looks like this really fucking dumb kid who dropped out of my high school to become a professional Dota player

Why are the chairs set at midget height?

>Think of the children!!
You could make the same shallow, bad-faith argument for deadly weapons, you virtue-signaling soccer mom.

So Russian

It's not great but not terrible

you have to be based to piss your pants in public

>german sounding

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He was presenting to idiot party man, not everyone is a Boris

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do it

Why can't we just peacefully enjoy our plantfus?

You don't see any Akimu posters starting shit these last few weeks.

Not to mention, you just discovered your plantfy like 15 mins ago. Where the fuck have you been throughout the series?

Fuck you, that would make him sad

>akimov opens the valves for literally no reason and dies like the virgin he is

He got sprayed by Vasily’s firehose u dummy. He was giving Fatty a cigarette.

>drugs are legal
>buying them supports criminals
the fuck?

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what's it like having a dad?

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via webrip? Agreed.

Akimfu posters deserve this for liking that chubby homosexual.

Pretty cool
He told me stories about how Legasov was irl and how his buddies got sent to Chernobyl

At least they tried. Many mistakes were made leading up to, and after the meltdown. Everyone else just fucked off like "I don't know nuffin" and cried and gaslighted others.

That has to be the most German and Christian name I have heard in my life

just because i don't reply to threads/post doesn't mean i discovered him 15 minutes ago but alright

Oh but when I piss my pants in public I'm a drunk and a filthy pervert? Is that how it is?

Cherry trees remind you of Jesus?

boris was dove

Attached: gross.jpg (840x679, 84K)

I don't know the exact meaning of the fucking name mate


Maybe if you stopped aproaching random women on the streets afterwards going "mommy mommy change my diaper" it wouldn't look so bad, yes.



Attached: you welcome.png (558x558, 378K)

This. The akimfag may be annoying, but he is dedicated.

Non one said a peep about the jowly rat looking guy until last thread, and now some user is trying to start shit. And the show is over.

So that said, i now and going to post this fucking guy who thought a war started. All hail warfu.

Attached: Your-Face.jpg (1182x724, 76K)

>mfw i did everything right

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wtf where did he disappear


No I'm pretty sure you just decided to start posting stollyarctic or whatever during the last thread.


>had two kids
okay, faggot

Attached: Sure, Jan.png (421x450, 356K)

not clicking that shit, bra

What's the song from? I swear I know but it's torturing me

C-c-can I still post Akimfu?

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not a akimfu poster but loving thiccness is based

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ok mr plantfu anons im boutta head out

They were Stolyarchad's kids and he was just raising his wife's sons.

tables turned

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where are my based miner bros at

Yeah, you are doing great.

yeah sure user

Say no more user

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How can you trust a man that doesn't trust his own pants?

Oh shit.

Naruto: Shippuden
(You goddamn weeb)
((Yes, I'm a weeb too))

Guns don't ruin lives like drugs do.
By legalising them all you do is turn criminal organisations into legitimate businesses so that you can tax them.
Still criminal backbone tough.

Is water from a firehose yellow? I don't think so. Not only did he piss himself, he also clearly wasn't drinking enough water beforehand.

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For me, it's Vasily.

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He really was a moron for going on the roof when it was clear he believed the core was probably destroyed. What could Fomin and Bryukhanov possibly have done to him that would have been worse than staring directly into a nuclear reactor? Dude was an npc through and through.

Why does he show his brapper in everything that he's in?

Legs rod is of the highest quality, it's not graphite tipped so don't worry.

Your kike detection skills are extremely low

It's a fine brapper, just enjoy it.

Attached: you can't catch me gay thoughts.jpg (1280x720, 298K)

It's just the lighting and how the fuck would piss go upwards and behind him?

It's contaminated water you dungaroo.

At that point he probably held on to a tiny spec of hope that maybe, maybe, it didn't explode.

Because if it did, well, he would have been dead anyway (by bullet).

you can tell he has

>pants are soaked in piss
>he sits down and it gets squeezed out
But why is it yellow and why do they specifically show it by his ass?

Yes :3

He was willing to tell those three fucks that the core exploded and that he saw graphite, not an NPC.

>by bullet
Doubtful, but even that would be preferable to what actually happened.

it depends on where your penis is

Was glad to see Alex. Soap opera plebs that can't tell fact from fiction made his life a living hell after eastenders and its nice to see him on screen again.

Attached: Dangerous eyes.jpg (203x248, 6K)

It's dripping off him onto the desk. Show me a screenshot of his soaked pants.

what happened?

It's reflecting the light off the beige control panel and it's full of dust and dirt and shit and they show it by his ass because he's sitting on it and people like to look at other people more than control panels.

>Guns don’t ruin lives like drugs do
Yeah, they ruin them a hell of a lot quicker, don’t they?

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i've seen worse

Dying of a radiation dose more than twice the LD50.

>people like to look at other people more than control panels.


You're delusional.

>Guns don't ruin lives like drugs do.
True. Guns end lives.

his balls became jello

He's covering himself with his hands.
Why couldn't the director have just made it literally any other color then?

Attached: Chernobyl Thot.png (972x1376, 1.77M)

Dude if your piss is that yellow, you should drink more water or go see a doctor as your kidneys might be failing.

The director isn't god, he can't control how light refracts.

It's hot in there, he sweated a lot and he didn't have any time to drink water.

>those back dimples

holy fugg muh dickkkkkkkkk

what language is that phone?

Guns only affect niggers and spics.
Take them out of America and you eliminate almost all gun crime.

Just typing it in to google translate, it seems to be Spanish.

Attached: Capture.png (1308x320, 21K)

>le 3.6 roentgen face

Attached: D7EE0A22-4B08-4A76-B44D-9AB1CB03CCA3.jpg (480x303, 99K)

Very well. That will be all.

Doesn't stop NDs and dumb white trash kids shooting themselves with daddy's gun.

Funny you should say that considering most school spree shooters are white, and they often kill children exclusively.

The script never mentions piss. It makes sense that it's water, the last scene we saw with him, he was being rained on.

It's a very nice brapper, I agree.

Attached: Capture.png (1288x321, 24K)

Write it

>less than 100 white kids die a year
>this is a problem
More kids die in car crashes.


School spree shooters are statistically irrelevant.

How many white kids does the War on Drugs save, per year?

School shooters are the fault of niggers, spics and our degenerate society.
They didn't even exist 80 years ago.

Negligent Discharge, my noguns friend.

>The script never mentions piss.

ok but it still looks like piss. And it's weird that he doesn't look that wet but is dripping water around his ass.

He's looks better here.

Attached: blushing for brapper.jpg (606x879, 263K)

> Yes. We will all be rewarded. This is our momenr to shine.
> You mean to glow !
> Comrade Zatgui, we've heard enough of you ! That's not funny !

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Why is Dyatlov so Based?

Attached: 74116479-B088-4AB4-8A01-803331DFFEAC.jpg (555x728, 158K)

the buy who pissed himself had one of these

Attached: 1560464592278.jpg (1536x2048, 334K)

>Make drugs legal
>start producing in house, no longer have to buy it from mexishits
>cartels go broke, there's no more violence in those 3rd world shitholes, illegal immigration decreases
>you just fixed both drug traffic and immigration problems

>it still looks like piss

Too bad statistics are irrelevant when you’re talking about violently murdering children - especially white ones. Drugs kill kids but they aren’t going to paint a classroom brain-colored.

Which guy who pissed himself? There wasn't one in this show so your post seems kind of off topic...

it's portuguese

hes tall

Serious question tho: Why do we never talk about this guy. He's cuter that Stoly, and i think he survived too. Gorbachenko, right?

How could he talk to Khomyuk if he didn't have a face?

Is this what delusional Akimfags are resorting to now? Fuck Akimov and fuck Toptunov.

Attached: u.mongs.png (1290x616, 505K)

You didn't see any piss because it wasn't there.

the OG chad

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Jesus fucking christ

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Stops them from becoming degenerate druggies and being involved in their criminal gangs.
>being this naively optimistic
Name one country where this is the case.
Every country with legalised drugs still has criminal gangs running the industry.

God imagine just ramming your dick up inside him right there on that table. Imagine how sensitive he'd be and how he'd squeal for you. He'd probably cum in seconds.


Why the FUCK did they put that stupid dark blue filter over the show?

so I was lied to?

have you seen this? pretty interesting

Attached: munchclit.jpg (236x276, 7K)

>implying pissing yourself in a horrifically stressful situation makes you any less respectable
He couldn't help it, he's still a good lad.

Stop giving that retard views.Delete your post.

only suspenders

>your post

Akimfags are a peaceful, rule-abiding people, user

The Stolyarchuck poster is probably posting all that trash

>strong belt, supported further by securely clipped braces
>reflects his cautious nature
>failsafe upon failsafe
>no belt at all
>shoddily clipped braces look weak and ready to pop under the slightest stress
>reflects his careless nature and lack of foresight
this director really is a genius

shit link

Hey, I didn't lie to you. I said by typing it in to google translate, it seemed to be Spanish. That's what it detected. The languages must be similar enough and I only typed in two words so it could have come up with more than one language.

The noble Sitnikov-posters refuse to enter this pointless fight.

Attached: damn bitch.jpg (947x769, 216K)

Why was he so happy over a old man saying random shit that meant nothing?

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Thats Dyatlov, not Akimov you stupid fuck.

Seriously why can't you anons be arsed to learn the names?

That is not akimov, user

Who would win in a fight between Akimov and Legasov's cat ?

prove it or kys

>it’s a Select All Images With a Bus, Click Verify Once There Are None Left episode
It’s Spanish too
t. Mexican

Attached: B57C66BC-7FD2-406D-92DF-EE23E9561AB1.jpg (250x241, 7K)

the sitnikov anons have ascended

They were starting shit just yesterday, and the day before, etc

I've had it with your excuses. Get out of my ready room.

He was happy because the old man was basically saying what he was saying and everyone was listening to the old man. Instead of debate what to do, the old man basically told them what they were going to do, and it just so happened to be what he wanted.

In all fairness fucking everybody in this show has ridiculously Russian surnames, don’t expect English viewers to memorize all likes of Poopikov and Peepeenovsky

Maester Luwin said they're going to burry the whole thing and the hierachy will be so amazed by that they will promote everyone.

He's so delusional and ready to accept any bail out, he actually believes him.

the names all sound the same, its not my fault

I'm a Russian and I can't memorize it myself.

It was pretty good, he made it simple and easy to visualise with the cards.
Good for the judge and other dudes there who know jackshit about reactors and physics/chemistry in general

Because he finally had the chance to defer responsibility to a superior.

Sneednikov approve this message

*grabs clipboard*
I would like you to record your command.

With who?

cia niggers

I couldn't follow it.

im not autistic

Is there a more based character than irradiated Russian general man?

Attached: 53CCC834-6575-4569-9AA4-2422C3DC6CBB.jpg (467x398, 67K)

Why didn't they pushed back the graphite on the roof with high pressure water cannons ?

Raise the power, 4eyes.

The water would become contaminated and spill over the side of the building. Good luck cleaning that shit up.

With people that post other guys from the plant. Probably Akimov posters

Akimov kinda sounds Japanese

And spread highly irradiated water mist everywhere?

Because they didn't have the equipment and fucking around near the core would be more damaging than what they actually did, dumbass. The whole issue with the disaster was that the exposed reactor was so irradiating it made things near-impossible to solve.

I never saw that.


It's in the archives, user

Already have radiating water from the initial firefighting, what's a few thousand gallons more?

How about a sand gun, like they use for wall abbrasion?

makke thresd

Everyone dressed like Akimov in that time. The real Legasov always looked a bit messy.

You mean Dyatlov

>Every country with legalised drugs still has criminal gangs running the industry
Yes, but is their own criminal gangs and not third worlder garbage. America's drug problem is very different to Europoor's situation.

Dang, done already?



Show me.

Attached: 1547357133981.jpg (497x614, 29K)

Can someone explain to a brainlet how water can become irradiated and basically make radiation a contagious disease? Like, once the radioactive isotopes shoots off its little neutron, the neutron can't just go and infect water so how does that work?


This very likely isn't ouchi, actually. The hand braces suggest that he the photo might be of a soviet patient.


The difference is that the firemen were aiming for fire - not graphite. Water that came into brief contact with the graphite would be contaminated; water that’s been blasted right into it is going to become just as dangerous as the graphite itself.

Sand and air are even less precise than water. Totally out of the question. They needed the graphite localized next to only one side of the building. Having a piece fall off another side would be a nightmare.

Water carries with itself irradiated particulate, like dust and debris. Also, water itself absorbs radiation, water molecules become unstable and the atoms start to give off their own radiation to stabilize.

>I dont mind supporting criminals as long as theyre local
Here we see the total complete lack of morality inherent to the drug consuming man.

The neutron activation thing works on a very small scale, and only becomes detectable in objects that have received prolonged exposure to high-intensity neutron radiation. This isn’t contamination. Contamination is the process in which radioactive chemicals (e.g., graphite) disperse, cling, and seep into benign material, which would include human skin and organs.

Thanks for the explanation, anons.

>Lived until 2002
The fucking GIGACHAD