Well how about that?

Well how about that?

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I legitimately hope Keanu Reeves kills himself. And soon. Here's a guy who's benefited from the fruits of some VERY poor labor. Here's a guy who's made squillions of dollars from having the same facial expression. And yet, here we are. Equally-untalented zoomers with the same poor work-ethic, sucking his cock wherever he goes. What a clown world.

When it finally hits your pea brains that you know I'm 100% correct, you little faggots, be sure to literally eat shit and die.

And what is it you're doing with you're life, user?

>actually not a pasta

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That's a pancreas.

give him a break his first and only waifu died in a car accident and he's never been able to love again



most of his movies suck; john wick was probably the worst
>sure it's boring and has zero artistic meric BUT HE SHOOTS ALL THE GUYS IN THE HEAD JUST LIKE MY HERO CHO DID

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cringe. imagine typing this on a friday, knowing that you have nothing to do this weekend because you have no one in your life that cares for you. all you have to look forward to is hoping that you can write something edgy enough to get a couple (You)s and MAYBE start a pasta or even get a reddit screencap to put a slight smirk on your dimly lit face as your monitor flickers in the night

Man thats just jealousy, get real. lifes not fair, theres 10 years old making 20k a month playing videogames

what's with the recent keanu love? Sure, he's a nice guy, that's cool and he's played in some pretty good movies. Why is everyone going crazy about him now all of a sudden?

because his John Wick press tour has given him much notoriety

He's appearing in a popular video game, all the zoomers are freaking out because of his e3 appearance where an audience member yelled "you're breathtaking" and he yelled "you're breathtaking" right back

Hey retard, can you leave Keanu Reeves alone and shit on some snob glorified shithead instead

Not him but I know this feel

Because now he's out there enough for people to care, instead of the past few decades when he was around but kind of obscure after the Matrix. Now it's a bunch of fucking hipsters and faggots that want to latch on.

fake because he gave me a kidney a few years ago he couldn't have given a second kidney

he's appearing in some videogame the soys are going crazy about

This will make a lot of redditor seeth

I mean Keanu has had a sad life. So I think he gets a pass for giving "one expression".
Guy seems like a rad dude.

that's bullshit because keanu definitely gave me his kidney and i witnessed him remove it in person and transplant it into me

we all have had sad lives you retarded little shit
>you know he crashes his car all the time buy be easy on the taxi driver, he had a hard life
>you know he sets more fires than he puts out as a fireman, but he had a tough life ya know?

>who's made squillions of dollars
He would have that kind of money if he didn't keep spending it on his fans, stuntmen and allowing other higher paid stars to work in movies with him

suck a dick, nobody hates Keanu outside of trolls

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I've had a sad life. But I can give you an intense look and say "whoa."

I want five hundred million dollars.


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>We all have sad lives

Let me guess, your mom didn't buy you the latest iPhone?

>the only two bad things that can happen are losing everything you love or not getting an inconsequential consumer device you wanted
the calling card of the self-absorbed little white boy with no true empathy towards others.

Keanu is like the successful version of Ryan Gosling.

Why are you so hostile.

Does the thrill of anonymously attacking strangers over the internet get your chode to tickle? Perhaps you should consider paying attention to your overdue bar tab. Oh wait im going to guess you dont leave that crusty old basement you call your home. Perhaps if you took one moment, one day, nay, one passing second to think about your situation in life you would realize that in the end nothing is worth while and that the most you can do to positively impact this world and all other worlds in the known universe is to finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch in the back of your mind. The thought you dare not acknowledge lest you finally man up the cojones, balls for your impoverished foolhardy ass, to FINALLY take that power cord, sticky and grimy with caked on layers of doritos crumbs, sweat, and semen. A frothy, disgusting mixture of bodily waste that so accurately sums up who and what you and your lifestyle represent: Absolute scum. Not one more second should pass where you continue to contribute to the enthropic heat death of known reality. Take that power cable. Take that disgusting mound of semen, rubber, and disgusting food particles. Take it. Take all 8 feet of it from the very wall in which its plugged to the half dismantled box that you use to type this message to me. Take it, and finally, FINALLY, itch that scratch. Tie it as tight as you can around your neck, make sure that one end is securely fastened to the ceiling, and take that final plunge. That final step off your bent and mangled chair, the unfortunate piece of plastic used to carry your morbidly obese welfare person. Take that final step. Take that final step into the halls of darness and obscurity. Do it. Kill yourself. For the good of all mankind you mother fucking piece of shit.

damn imagine writing all that for a 10 word response

ryan gosling is extremely popular, with women. keanu is extremely popular with men no homo

hello there, newfriend.

The absolute state of (((you)))

imagine being this cringe, yikes

Imagine writing that and having me come along and not even read it but still call you a fag.

You're the type of person who is technically organic waste. Actually not a very common thing, believe it or not, but you're one of those creations.

based as fuck

It's 2019 faggot. You have no excuses for anything. Not a single thing. Fuck you, I hope you die alone, scared and in pain.