Why did Aragorn killed a diplomat?
Why did Aragorn killed a diplomat?
is there any in this ROUT with aurhority to treat with meeee
>was getting the Black Gate part of your plan?
Because he had too big a mouth.
Was this a cameo of Daisy Ridley?
Aragorn is a sovereign citizen, not bound to the rules of war like governments.
Imagine the blowjob.
a lot of loyalty for a hired sword
He was a racist nationalistic psycho.
Because he was done fucking around
put my dick in it.
because that guy was talking shit
He's the gyrocopter pilot from Mad Max.
The diplomat pretty openly made it seem as though they had killed Frodo, and made it seems as though they enjoyed it beyond doing it as a matter of course and showing Aragorn was a part of that enjoyment.
Rules of Engagement follow, as they should.
He wasn't paying his taxes
He threaten him with tariffs
his name was
LETELORD of the Black Land
No matter how shit someone under a white flag acts, unless they show aggression you can't harm them.
Fun fact, in the books Aragorn doesnt kill him
Hello can you delete this
showing evidence of Frodo's demise is aggression, from the perspective of the Gondoran State as applied by the King of Gondor.
Fun fact, in the books the Shire gets fucking razed to the ground.
Because he's based and he doesn't talk with subhumans.
Did you see any niggers in Gondor? Yeah
We will see about that, gondorian dog.
You will hear about my lawyers, and will meet again in the middle Earth court!
>did killed
Fuck off Jose
There were most definitely blacks in Gondor, dick washing still had to be done somehow.
whatever you say Warwick, be the bigger man and just accept Eru into your teeny tiny child sized heart.
>ask for the lard
>send out some tooth guy who is not the lard
>He had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
>patrolling individual posts
WTF it actually is
saw this when it first got made and didn't realize it was an edit like the first 10 times I scrolled past it.
>Aragorn: We're not going to kill you despite the horrible provocation because we're not fucking evil savages like you, now fuck off back to your master and wait for us to fuck your shit up fair and square
>Aragorn: RRHHAAAAAAUUURGHH *slices off head* rip in pieces, kiddo *dabs on corpse*
Jackson went too far
>hurr durr if you kill your enemies they win
Jackson saved the scene if anything.
Killing one (1) messenger will have 0 value towards the war effort.
>but muh enemy morale
I'm pretty sure those orcs gasped and looked away as he was decapitated faggot
>showing mercy to (((black))) numenoreans
Tom Bombadil was the element of restraint in the world. With him not in the movie, consequences were bound to happen. Be happy you only noticed it at the tail end of a 15 hour movie trilogy. Tom's absence happens 10 minutes into the first film.
Watch "The Butterfly Effect" with the incomparable Ashton Kutcher (of hallowed You Just Got Punked fame) for more background information on the effect.
This should be mandatory viewing for LotR to get the full scope of the story iyam
probably never had sex as well
they were going to put lots of effects on his mouth then realised it was freakish enough to just make it 20% bigger and leave it as is