3/4ths of this flick already... When does it get spooky!?
damn she THICC
onions horror never gets spooky
it doesnt, go watch Hagazussa if you want a better experience
I be the witch of the wood
It's arthouse so it's more about the atmosphere and the weight of the situation.
Marvel fans need not apply.
Shes so thiccccc
Yea Forums
>doing this shit while watching a movie
god i hate you faggots
t. Marvel drone
>reddit doesn't know when greentext is necessary
So you're a marvel drone? Why would you admit that?
The goat is the devil and kills the family. Then she runs off naked into the woods and joins a coven. There I just saved some time of your life.
the goat gets it
i'm gonna make this thread again, that will show Yea Forums!
Go watch a YouTube jump scare compilation video you pleb
Why would I take orders from a marvel drone?
You have to forgive the guy during this movie m8 - literally nothing happens.
>inb4 100+ replies.... again...
Post dem witch tiddies.
Just because I forgot your meme arrows doesn't mean you don't have shit taste
But it does mean you don't belong here, phonetard. Die :^)
I'd buy THAT for a dollar!