Rolling Thunder Revue

what did we think of... fuck it this doc was absolute unfiltered kinomatography in its purest form.

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if liked no direction home and dont look back will i like this

this is pretty much a unofficial sequel to no direction home. takes place after the motorcycle accident that ended the last doc.

Will pic related make an appearance walking Bob onstage?

Attached: 63A51C5A-12C7-4F67-B83C-163815197959.jpg (406x720, 37K)

Dug it. Great time capsule of the tour. Love how Dylan doesn't give two shits. His critics and admirers have always taken him and his work far more seriously than he ever will.

Robbie Z is an insufferable cunt tbch.

i love how the documentary kept hinting at him and teasing his appearance in the final scene. when scorsese winked at the camera right after i understood right there and then that i had just witnessed a modern masterpiece.

that's like 60% of the charm in seeing these docs. I love him going aggro on journos who ask questions he doesn't feel like answering

>Ay man!


I'm excited to see this. No Direction Home and Don't Look Back are superb. I wish Eat the Document was in a better state.

What a novel insult! Kudos to you, sir!

is bob dylan a genius?

Armond liked it

Armond White called him a genius

Go back.

it was good, but the ending wasnt as epic as the last waltz.

>those close ups
man what was going on with Dylans eyes? he looked manic as fuck. what drugs was he on?


Recent ones are probably just dementia setting in but he was deep into pills (uppers, downers, whatever) and probably dropping some acid and smoking that jazz lettuce and maybe even getting into some nose clams.

lennon claimed he and dylan did heroin together

Yeah I wouldn't doubt it, but at least during the movie he seems to be on a mixture of pills, booze and acid.

Thought it was very well made, but everyone just seemed so insufferable and pretentious that I hate boomers even more now. Also the whole semi-fictional thing was kinda weird but whatever

when will scorcese just do a ken burns like series about the rest of bobs life, and the other 3 beatles like living in the material world

I happened to catch a minute of it in passing, enough to remark on the irony of some urbanite jews wearing masks on stage while playing folk music to country people in the south.