It was possibly the most forgettable movie I've seen in my life. I've seen over 3000 movies
Yeah. But it wasen't Snyders JL. It was WB suits cut and they fired Whedon from Batgirl. Now that is pod racing.
hhahahahahahahahahah DC fags BTFO again, and again and again
MCU faggots believe these autism when Aquaman, Shazam, and Wonder Kino dabbed on them. Then lose Batista, Rock, and James Gunn. Kek
Then get humiliated by Sony twice and then Universal. Super Kek.
godda omitt, thassa funny hahaha stupid Justice Reague
your extended universe was so fucking shit they had to cancel it and now the faggot from Twilight is your batman.
It was a shitty movie. The Justice League is useless with how hard they propped up Superman.
wtf did they do a JL movie?
zack still crying? this is just sad
>Superman and Batman are two of the most well known and popular fictional characters ever
>still manage to make them unlikable assholes somehow no ones cares about
how can you unironically fuck up this bad?
BvS was too dark for critics and audience (also cut 30 minute from final cut) and WB suits flipped. Fire Snyder and hire Whedon. Fire Whedon too later. Now they just make one movie and next JL is not happening for a long time.
And instead we got garbage like Endgame and Xmen Dark Phoenix. Capeshit is dead. Bury it.
If they had just let snyder do his thing and not interfered trying to make it le ebin quip marveltard tier we could have had capekino ala watchmen but nooooo. WB wants cw tier garbage. Fuck DC.
It started out crazy good with Mos and bvs. I don't understand what happened
Are you talking about the respective best movie versions of the characters?
Worst version of Batman ever
Superman wasn't bad, but only because Superman Returns is way worse by comparison
You what?
>Capeshit is dead. Bury it.
Now this I can agree with. Endgame was literally it for me. I'm burned out on capeshit.
"They" did indeed. It wasn't very good.
Mouseshills use this as proof that Snyder's previous 2 masterpieces don't count
> Aquaman, Shazam
Funny, because everyone's forgotten about them already.
certified retard, affleck was a fantastic batman
>boo hoo muh killing not my batman
But you remembered it
How to spot a r*dditor 101
kino doesn't buy cocaine and escorts, money does
like endgame
So fantastic... that he is already out without even having his own movie.
it isn't really possible to have a fair comparison
with the massive marketing, use of established and iconic pop culture characters and constant shit flinging on Yea Forums, you couldn't forget it no matter what the movie actually was
Snyder was a mistake. Imagine if they went with anyone else
when will they learn
>releasing poor man's avengers in the wake of Endgame
I'm glad they fired that maniac, it would've been absolute slaughter
Zack Sneeder
Endgame is garbage. The only people I've ever heard talk about it are fags, white trash trailer people, and niggers.
If Warners had fired Snyder after Man Of Steel or perhaps never greenlit that trash, we might have had a decent cinema franchise for the DC Universe.
I honestly keep forgetting Suicide Squad got made. I used to love Harley as a villain character, but the comics and that awful movie almost completely ruined her for me.
>y-you must be a w-white trailer trash unlike me a civilized human being, NIGGERS!
not a hint of irony for this dc fan
I'll never understand how DC failed so fucking hard with the Justice League. No offense to the Avengers, who are now a household name, but notoriety wise they never used to be on JL's level.
Comics, animation, etc. - JL had decades of it, the blueprint was fucking there. The characters were classic, no need for origin stories (should have had Green Lantern instead of Cynigger).
It was a fucking layup and DC fumbled it so horribly that they gave up on team up films indefinitely. How sad and pathetic is that?! If I was a DCfag, I'd kill myself out of embarrassment.
>next JL is not happening for a long time
Try never