I have never watched any David Lynch kino yet. Since my friends bailed on me I decided to spent night watching a David Lynch marathon. Which movie should I start with?
I have never watched any David Lynch kino yet...
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He's reddit and you'll be reddit if you start down this path.
>Blue Velvet
>Twin Peaks S01-02
>Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me
>Wild at Heart
>Lost Highway
>Inland Empire
>Twin Peaks S03
Thank me later
Start with the first one and go through his opus chronologically. That includes Twin Peaks.
>no The Elephant Man
>no The Straight Story
>No Mulholland Drive
Don't listen to this guy.
Oh yeah, true, you should watch Mulholland Drive after Lost Highway.
Don't bother with Straight Story or Elephant Man before the list tho.
Agreed. Elephant Man is great, but should be watched later and seperately from the rest.
I would do Blue Velvet first. It’s not that hard to understand, but you’ll be able to make a decision if you like this kind of weird and want to keep going after it
Reminder that Lynchfags get the rope. All of them.
Your friends hate you because you are an insufferable faggot. So I'd start with Inland Empire.
t. Lynched
Mulholland Drive will Lynch you without The Return first. The Return requires all Twin Peaks including Missing Pieces first. Lost Highway will Lynch you without Mulholland Drive first.
Most accessible is probably The Elephant Man. But I'd recommend you start with Blue Velvet or Eraserhead. Or just Twin Peaks
This one
Eraserhead is one of the dumbest movies I’ve ever seen. I remember getting my roommates to watch it back in college and being embarrassed I was the one who brought it to the group.
>watched with friends
It's not a flick, retard.
this is the one
Inland Empire
that should be the last one, blue velvet should be the first
Watch twin peaks. Season 1 is great.
Season 2 got some moments but the majority of the episodes are garbage. Gets good at the end of season. You can skip all scenes with James the biker.
Honest question, what's so good about twin peaks? The actor are often acting like amateurs or like it's a tommy wiseau movie (horne brothers ejaculating over a sandwich), and the plot is filled to the brim with soap opera plots, where half of the town is cheating on each other.
It's a piece of shit garbage like anything Lynch has ever done. Retards like it for some reason
have lunch lol
Twin Peaks is half great paranormal detective stuff and half boring dated soap-opera parody. It's not bad by any stretch but I don't know why it's considered the greatest show ever.
I saw this scene on Primestar satellite TV in 1994 or something and never saw kino equal it. Look at how this little elf is transfixed by that fucking table. Such kino.
Your superficial critic of the show gives me the impression that you don't know much about television and film and thus can't fully appreciate the greatness of Twin Peaks. Or TL;DR; you got pic related
It's meant to be dreamy and hyper-emotional. It's like the third point of a triangle already consisting of camp and melodrama.
Yeah, it has a lot of soap opera elements, but then it also has a psychological dimension through Laura's character and I'm not even sure what the fuck the mysterious aspect of the show means because I still haven't figure it all out.
always watch inland empire first